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Can the Fun Pimps confirm if zombie digging will remain in it's present state?


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Although it is just a sample size of 1, I dug down 30 blocks (to bottom) and then over about 15 blocks. A Wandering horde sensed me (4 of the group) and came down after me. I came up not knowing they were there to find these four in a hole about 7 blocks deep. It took me about a half day to mine the resources for flagstone block and dirt block to fill this hole back in.


I did not enjoy playing this day of the game. There was no fun, just grind.

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Im sad about this posts. There are so many real issues with a17 that needs fixing or balancing. But then I come across topics asking for zombies not beeing able to dig (wtf, that was a fix not a change). This posts take away credibility from the real problems.


Asking for zombies not beeing able to dig is like zombies not beeing able to do anything if you are on a high block, they fixing it, and players demanding that zombies cant do anythigna again if you jump on a roof. Ridiculos.

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Im sad about this posts. There are so many real issues with a17 that needs fixing or balancing. But then I come across topics asking for zombies not beeing able to dig (wtf, that was a fix not a change). These posts take away credibility from the real problems.


Asking for zombies not beeing able to dig is like zombies not beeing able to do anything if you are on a high block, they fixing it, and players demanding that zombies cant do anythigna again if you jump on a roof. Ridiculos.



Thank you. Digging zombies + underground bases can work. And if they work this will benefit everyone, this game included. Some issues have to be fixed though atm. Don't reject the whole concept because of these issues.

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aww c'mon the digging is hilarious. especially when they dig a cat walk out and then, keep jumping over the hole and totally forget they were chasing you because.. "oh look.. i made this hole and now i can jump over it.. "


Well, issues. Everything can be improved to perfection. Even though my maggot block infestation suggestion is clearly superior to digging zombies, I support them over the alternative of having nothing.

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Well, issues. Everything can be improved to perfection. Even though my maggot block infestation suggestion is clearly superior to digging zombies, I support them over the alternative of having nothing.


I'm one of the hated "mole base" builders and specialize in pit bases connected by tunnels to food towers with drive-able tunnels spanning many kms apart. and dont find the digging to be as much of a worry as others do. my issue is that their block damage is OP. three hits and they are through wood blocks. 10 hits and they are through concrete. and spikes seem little more than a annoyance, its like swabbing the floor with glue.


I have to hit dirt with a shovel 10 times to dig a single block, while zombies hit it 1-3x and they are down fast. its a bit unbalanced.


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I've found several random large craters in roads because zombies just started digging in a group for no reason.


or cars.. I've experienced zombies targeting cars and exploding them, but taking no damage. even when i'm not in range of them, they will randomly target cars and make them explode, or trees. one the days of leaving excess loot in cars along the road to pick up later.


zombies will randomly just dig in hordes, topple trees, and demolish cars.. i guess out of boredom? idk

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I kinda do feel bad for those that build underground but for me it wasn't about how others play it was about how I play and knowing I need to watch my back while I go mining is a great feeling. For me mining got boring because of no threat but now I hear the littlest thing and like oh crap what was that. So it brings a good feeling for me personally. But as I said I can understand where some are coming from and never cared what they did or how they play because it didn't ever effect me. I'm just glad I have a threat now no matter where I am or what I'm doing. But I do feel the zombie damage could use some tweaking. Also hope that this is something that can be edited out easily so everyone can enjoy what they enjoy.

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The arrogance is very real and off putting.

"Don't run it on a potato" is the equivalent of "don't you guys have phones?"

Like everyone got a few mil from a game that takes ages to make.

How many times must we upgrade to play a FIVE year old game?

The arrogance, it is the most annoying thing right now.

I told my neighbour, an avid gamer with all the consoles and all the games and a HUGE group of friends he plays games with about 7dtd. He bought it with a friend immediately on PS4. Guess what he's avoiding like the plague now?

Keep doing you, it's working...



1 Potato not running this game.....well i have a pc that costed me 100.00 us and it runs this game well so how old is the pc that people who cant play using. To upgrade a pc is actually something you really need to do every so often anyways as things get outdated. I have not upgraded once other then switching from a laptop to a desktop. I was able to play on the laptop only switched because i needed a better system set up not because the game would not play. My desktop is exact specs as my laptop was in which we purchased in 2012.


As for the console that is nothing to do with the fun pimps the company that has the game for consoles went out of business thus the rights are tied up there. I am sure when they can get them back then that will change for console players. Things take time im sure it will all work out.


This game may be taking a while to get full release but TFP are doing it right.........There are other games we have purchased in the zombie survivel that are no more. So to complain that its taken that long is obsolete. Its still here its still playable.

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It seems like most people either like it or they want it off altogether.

My biggest issue with the digging (block breaking in general) is the speed that zombies rip through everything.

I've always enjoyed fighting the horde, pre-A17 it was nice loot, A17 it's nice XP. I still liked having my crafting and storage base underground (and not deep, tunneling to bedrock a chore) which seems like a non option now unless you can build it underneath a fall trap.

Generally I am happy to see a wandering horde during the day since it means XP and I will generally drop what I am doing for XP, but sometimes you need to finish crafting or whatever and the constant interuption gets annoying.

I've been playing MP now (I used to only play 7DTD SP) and I have to admit it has been a lot of fun but SP just sucks balls right now.

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This is the sort of stance Blizzard at their recent Con. "Don't you have phones?"


Are you so blind to the possibility that a large chunk of gamers like the concept of making a safe haven, emerging from it, to challenge the zombies on the surface, then returning to their enclave to rest where it's safe? Is that really so hard to understand instead of making a very arrogant and dismissive remark such as "disable zombies".


This issue isn't a wrong or right. But, it is what it is, if the devs themselves come out right and say it in such a manner.


It's kinda ironic you folks using the "Don't you have a phone" meme as a defense. Because it goes to show that it's not just Blizzard fans that have a high sense of "This is not what I want, gimme what I want" entitlement.


Seriously, in the time it took me to read this whole thread, I thought up at least 4 different ways to defend an underground base to make it safe from tunnelers. It's the people that are stuck in one certain way that need to adapt to a new system.


This is not your game to dictate a direction. If you want to "play a certain way" find a game that lets you. If you want to play this game adapt to the changes, or as was mentioned earlier learn to mod. Or disable zombies.

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It's kinda ironic you folks using the "Don't you have a phone" meme as a defense. Because it goes to show that it's not just Blizzard fans that have a high sense of "This is not what I want, gimme what I want" entitlement.


Seriously, in the time it took me to read this whole thread, I thought up at least 4 different ways to defend an underground base to make it safe from tunnelers. It's the people that are stuck in one certain way that need to adapt to a new system.


This is not your game to dictate a direction. If you want to "play a certain way" find a game that lets you. If you want to play this game adapt to the changes, or as was mentioned earlier learn to mod. Or disable zombies.


exactly, because zombies could always dig, now they can dig down.. had to learn to defend bases from digging dogs and bears back in 15, or was it 14.. because they could, with effort, dig right down to your base. which is why i always found pit bases to be effective, because, given the chance, they will run into that hole to get to you and fall into a pit of spikes, while you are safe in buildings built ino the walls.

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...Seriously, in the time it took me to read this whole thread, I thought up at least 4 different ways to defend an underground base to make it safe from tunnelers...


I couldn't help but notice that you failed to actually mention any of your genius ideas. I guess we mortals can not comprehend.


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...which seems like a non option now unless you can build it underneath a fall trap....


I have seen videos that indicate that A17 Zs no longer take fall damage. If so Fall traps are much less effective since they will get tot he bottom and only be that much closer to your stuff.

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The AI definitely needs tweaking so that digging is less of a priority. As it is I've seen plenty of zombies choose to dig through stairs to get at me instead of just path finding down them.


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I have seen videos that indicate that A17 Zs no longer take fall damage. If so Fall traps are much less effective since they will get tot he bottom and only be that much closer to your stuff.


I don't know what Ldog is specifically thinking but in previous versions I've built pit traps that filled the drop with blade traps. A Meat Grinder for zombies if you will.

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The question is can you get deep enough before a wandering horde happens by and makes life....interesting. ;)


Yes, I can and already did. I have my mine shaft down to bedrock which is 57 blocks below ground level. Took 1 night to dig it on D10. I will say tho, it was terrifying while I was in the shaft digging down. I even did it right, two wide shaft with cobble blocks holding the ladder.


That doesn't answer the question tho. Is it true only horde zombies can detect a player deep?

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Sandbox (something between creative and survival) mode imo, which would be consequence-free with zombies and everything, no level gates, or digging zombies, would be probably a good solution to cater to those who liked A16.


The AI definitely needs tweaking so that digging is less of a priority. As it is I've seen plenty of zombies choose to dig through stairs to get at me instead of just path finding down them.


True, they seem to ignore open, clear paths to you and prefer to dig making their own path, which makes defending very problematic when underground.

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The AI definitely needs tweaking so that digging is less of a priority. As it is I've seen plenty of zombies choose to dig through stairs to get at me instead of just path finding down them.


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I don't know what Ldog is specifically thinking but in previous versions I've built pit traps that filled the drop with blade traps. A Meat Grinder for zombies if you will.


yup.. i'e wandered down catwalks on the sides of buildings and turned expecting a fight only to see the zombie still a the top busting away at the platform instead of walking down it. then, once the platform is destroyed, repeatedly jump over it and not figure out how to get down to me.


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Sandbox (something between creative and survival) mode imo, which would be consequence-free with zombies and everything, no level gates, or digging zombies, would be probably a good solution to cater to those who liked A16.




True, they seem to ignore open, clear paths to you and prefer to dig making their own path, which makes defending very problematic when underground.


or turn and destroy objects nearby rather than run straight for you on the open road

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I couldn't help but notice that you failed to actually mention any of your genius ideas. I guess we mortals can not comprehend.


*shrug* why do I have to do the work for you?


Fencing systems around the perimeter of your base. They won't mess with them if they don't register you, they'll ignore it.


Tunnel/concrete barrier between you and the surface. Once you hear them starting to tunnel you have a buffer


Set your base under water


There's three. Do you want more ideas, or can you take it from there?

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I really do hope TFP reconsider, perhaps as Roland said in the following post, some time in Gold. Of the five friends I have who play this game, three of them a real molerats, and while I haven't had a chance to speak to them about A17 yet, I'm rather suspecting they're in for a rude and likely unwelcome surprise.


I definitely don't think invulnerable underground bases should be a part of the default game - the implications for PVP alone are probably too costly for that - and even a menu option may be over doing it, but an easy XML-way of disabling digging zombies seems like a good "player choice" thing.


I really hope they stay away from doing things just because they don´t work in PvP. Make a seperate PvP Mode. Don´t mess with the SP/Coop due to problems that only affect PvP please.


Not saying i want invulnerable underground bases. We got so far without PvP influencing the SP/Coop too much, let´s keep it that way pls.

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I have seen videos that indicate that A17 Zs no longer take fall damage. If so Fall traps are much less effective since they will get tot he bottom and only be that much closer to your stuff.


So much for that idea...


The AI definitely needs tweaking so that digging is less of a priority. As it is I've seen plenty of zombies choose to dig through stairs to get at me instead of just path finding down them.


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I don't know what Ldog is specifically thinking but in previous versions I've built pit traps that filled the drop with blade traps. A Meat Grinder for zombies if you will.


I was thinking dig down to bedrock make your base, roof of base is bottom of pit. Personally I couldn't be arsed to dig that much even if I had an auger but it would seem to be a viable solution IF they still take fatal fall damage.


If the suggested solution in a "Zombie Crafting game" (to make the game enjoyable) is to Disable Zombies (When they are the long true way to get XP)... I think you should let other people come up with solutions because you are not very good at it.


That made my day. Good response to a lot of people here. This community seems almost as polarized as US politics these days...Nobody can have any middle ground.

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*shrug* why do I have to do the work for you?


Fencing systems around the perimeter of your base. They won't mess with them if they don't register you, they'll ignore it.


Tunnel/concrete barrier between you and the surface. Once you hear them starting to tunnel you have a buffer


Set your base under water


There's three. Do you want more ideas, or can you take it from there?


Fencing system - false, if a wandering horde runs into it they will destroy it, not go around it. Hell they even knock down trees rather than go around them.


Concrete between you and them - have you seen how fast they tear thru blocks?


Base under water - who wants to go thru the hassle of swimming down to the base all the time? Not to mention building underwater sucks big time, been there done that. Also, zombies walk thru water so they will destroy that base just as easily as any other.

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Fencing system - false, if a wandering horde runs into it they will destroy it, not go around it. Hell they even knock down trees rather than go around them.


Concrete between you and them - have you seen how fast they tear thru blocks?


Base under water - who wants to go thru the hassle of swimming down to the base all the time? Not to mention building underwater sucks big time, been there done that. Also, zombies walk thru water so they will destroy that base just as easily as any other.




and you dotn even have to be home for them to come tear down your base and fencings and spikes just because it was in their path

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Bedrock bases were always a kind of lame gameplay style, and yes, I'm totally judging you for doing it.


Most of the community has been clamoring for zombies that could dig again for a long time, and we're glad they're back. I did not sign up for a zombie game where I am 100% safe from zombies at all times

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