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Alpha17: I Don't want to kill a hundred zombies anymore


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i am disappointed that i can not loot with my quiet, i can not craft without checking every time around of me for zombies because A17 update wants for us to kill zombies and not to play a survival game,and the worst is that if you don't kill zombies you can not level up in short time..IF i want to play a shooting zombie game i have Killing Floor 2..Please make the game more survival and not a FPS game!!!!!!!!

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Haven't played in while so I jumped in to test the A17 waters. I didn't last long because I discovered every single building has 2-5 zombies sleeping in it that always aggro. It got old really fast having to constantly kill them or lose them by running around outside.


If only 1/5th of the buildings had zombies it might be tolerable. The game looks a heck of a lot better than last time I played, but I just lose interest immediately.

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Turn off zombies, put yourself at max level and you have survival crafting or just play the game in god mode. What exactly do you want? You do know what playing a survival game is right? You are trying to survive against the elements, enemies and other nonsense..if you don't like combat do like I said turn off zombies and put yourself at max level so you just have to worry about getting food and water.

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Turn off zombies, put yourself at max level and you have survival crafting or just play the game in god mode. What exactly do you want? You do know what playing a survival game is right? You are trying to survive against the elements, enemies and other nonsense..if you don't like combat do like I said turn off zombies and put yourself at max level so you just have to worry about getting food and water.


I'm taking a liberty, but I get the impression he likes killing zombies. Just not this many for the level of reward a simple prefab has in it. Your suggestion is probably a logical extreme.

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To be honest, I kind of understand and agree with OP (more survival/building less Fallout). Not every house has to be a dungeon, not every house has to trigger 5 zombies that fall from the ceiling. Jump scares in succession have diminishing returns. A little quiet houses in between can set the mood and make you lower your guard.


At the same time, remember this is Experimental, theyre still testing and seeing what works and what doesnt. With a some numbers tweaking, the game should feel a loooooot better.

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You could just lower the difficulty if the zombies are too much for you or, like was suggested, turn them off completely. I personally think the game could really use a lot more zombies because there are too few for my liking. I would love to see roaming hordes very frequently and with at least 10 times the numbers available now. If it wasn't for the zombies then the game would be very boring. I want to have to fight for my life when I leave the safety of my base and not just go from house to house looting the random pieces of junk I happen to find.

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Why do so many people tell others to turn off zombies when they complain about them? The guy likes zombies but he's burnt out on how many he has to kill constantly. He doesn't want the zombies gone, he just doesn't want every single building to be full of them. Walking zombies aren't even that threatening unless you have no awareness. They're just in the way. This post and many others like it have nothing to do with the game's difficulty, they're about tedium.

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You could just lower the difficulty if the zombies are too much for you or, like was suggested, turn them off completely. I personally think the game could really use a lot more zombies because there are too few for my liking. I would love to see roaming hordes very frequently and with at least 10 times the numbers available now. If it wasn't for the zombies then the game would be very boring. I want to have to fight for my life when I leave the safety of my base and not just go from house to house looting the random pieces of junk I happen to find.


No, this is not possible, the developers have the easiest difficulty settings way too hard for most people to enjoy. There is no way to make the game any easier without either turning the zombies off completely, or cheating. They only listen to the people who say the game is too easy, they never listen to us people who suffer even on the easiest difficulties and curse the devs for making it too damn hard to be enjoyable.

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I'm taking a liberty, but I get the impression he likes killing zombies. Just not this many for the level of reward a simple prefab has in it. Your suggestion is probably a logical extreme.

IF i want to play a shooting zombie game i have Killing Floor 2..Please make the game more survival and not a FPS game!!!!!!!!


I don't think he does. Perhaps POI zombie spawn numbers are a little overtuned in smaller POIs. As zombie rewards, I'd prefer if other actions gave you more exp and zombie kills less exp, so that they are more in line and the player doesn't feel that he has to kill 9999 zombies to level up.

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i am disappointed that i can not loot with my quiet, i can not craft without checking every time around of me for zombies because A17 update wants for us to kill zombies and not to play a survival game,and the worst is that if you don't kill zombies you can not level up in short time..IF i want to play a shooting zombie game i have Killing Floor 2..Please make the game more survival and not a FPS game!!!!!!!!


I think the xp balance is skewed right now and A17 is funneling players to kill zombies unnecessarily. I like that A17 has provided a reason to kill zombies as I largely ignored them in A16 but I think it's gone a little too far.

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I think the xp balance is skewed right now and A17 is funneling players to kill zombies unnecessarily. I like that A17 has provided a reason to kill zombies as I largely ignored them in A16 but I think it's gone a little too far.


The XP drop from zombies in A16 was very low - considering the missing AI for zombies in A16 thats also understandable. Now, you incentivate players to go hunt for zombies in my opinion rather than focussing on surviving. With current AI and A16 XP - I bet you wouldn't have ignored them or been able to ignore them.


So the topic is pretty much touched from several angles and through those has an (imbalanced) impact on the incentivation of player behavior.

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plain and simple 3 solutions either deal with the zombies, turn them off or dont play


You do realise that comments like that aren't exactly constructive? This is a experimental beta, a playtest version. The point is to give feedback. If players are unhappy with some features or the balance of some features it is constructive to point this out. Telling people who do point things out to not play or turn off features completely is just a douchebag comment.

Sorry, but TFP is trying to make a game and keep a business. As such they would want their game to appeal to their playerbase. If parts of their playerbase is unhappy that should be a concern to them even if it isn't to you.

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Playing with two friends on a private dedicated server things seem to go by rather quickly... though I will say, level 40 with 365 kills seems a little crazy by the end of day 9.


I have done nothing but Trader Missions and Clear POI to gather parts the rest of the team needs.





Both of my other teammates are levels 25 & 30 with half as many kills. I myself enjoy the sneak skill kills going into the "dungeon" houses and the open area kills from the wandering hordes and screamers. My friends are frustrated in that they are not as sneaky as I am in the houses; they want to level as quickly at the base while crafting and I do think there should be more balance for crafting vs hunting and killing.

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Personally I like the amount of zombies. Makes for some really scary moments when a bunch of runners charge around the corner or fall through the floor. Currently i've lived through all of these encounters with smart movement and well placed bullets, gives a real Left 4 Deadish feel to have a ton of zombies running after you with you having to gun them down.

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My only dislike is the number hits it takes to kill one zombie. Their heads look like pincushions before they finally die.

I would like a 1 head shot kill option (Or even better a 60-90 % chance of each hit killing weighted by the power of the weapon used.


This would allow me to turn up the number of zombies and set them to run. Then things would be fun.

Leave it as an option on game start.

Right now having 8 zombies coming at you in a small room when it takes about 8 arrows to kill just one is a bit lame.

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My only dislike is the number hits it takes to kill one zombie. Their heads look like pincushions before they finally die.

I would like a 1 head shot kill option (Or even better a 50-75% chance of each hit killing weighted by the power of the weapon used.


This would allow me to turn up the number of zombies and set them to run. Then things would be fun.

Leave it as an option on game start.

Right now having 8 zombies coming at you in a small room when it takes about 8 arrows to kill just one is a bit lame.


I took mainly chose to max Archery and Stealth perks followed by Lucky Looter. You'll get to the point where every Stealth shot is a one hit kill.

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My only dislike is the number hits it takes to kill one zombie. Their heads look like pincushions before they finally die.

I would like a 1 head shot kill option (Or even better a 60-90 % chance of each hit killing weighted by the power of the weapon used.


This would allow me to turn up the number of zombies and set them to run. Then things would be fun.

Leave it as an option on game start.

Right now having 8 zombies coming at you in a small room when it takes about 8 arrows to kill just one is a bit lame.


I tried the game on Scavenger as a test and it was pretty much what you just described as how you would like it to be. I’m actually starting to believe that Scavenger and Adventurer levels of difficulty are good levels for normal single player gameplay and Nomad is better for team play.


Try a world on Scavenger and see how you like it.


TFP is looking at the balance of sleepers per POI and also the balance of XP earned by killing zombies vs doing other activities and plan to make some changes.

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No, this is not possible, the developers have the easiest difficulty settings way too hard for most people to enjoy. There is no way to make the game any easier without either turning the zombies off completely, or cheating. They only listen to the people who say the game is too easy, they never listen to us people who suffer even on the easiest difficulties and curse the devs for making it too damn hard to be enjoyable.


That's something to consider for sure. If the game difficulty is continuously increasing to challenge people who have hundreds or thousands of hours new or less experienced players will suffer.

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I tried the game on Scavenger as a test and it was pretty much what you just described as how you would like it to be. I’m actually starting to believe that Scavenger and Adventurer levels of difficulty are good levels for normal single player gameplay and Nomad is better for team play.


Try a world on Scavenger and see how you like it.


TFP is looking at the balance of sleepers per POI and also the balance of XP earned by killing zombies vs doing other activities and plan to make some changes.


Ok Thanks - will give it a try.

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