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I have a question about making modlets.


So if I wanted to adjust say a stack size of honey:



<append xpath="/items/item[@name=foodHoney']">

<property name="Class" value="what goes here?" />

<property name="Stacknumber" value="100" />



Kinda thing?


Also... what about adding entire items/recipes/buffs etc?


I'd like to mod the @#$% out of A17 and would prefer to do it in modlet rather than have to re-edit XML's every time the game updates.


Any help you could offer would be appreciated, and of course, I would offer those modlets to you.

I've got some pretty cool crops/food items/recipes/tools/weapons... and many other things than you might find interesting.


haha lol I am new to xpath to lol. Have you got discord. WIll see Sir Guppy on adding you once you have discord. ALso at the top of the mods section is xpath explanation guide I am sure is useful

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I have a question about making modlets.


So if I wanted to adjust say a stack size of honey:



<append xpath="/items/item[@name=foodHoney']">

<property name="Class" value="what goes here?" />

<property name="Stacknumber" value="100" />



Kinda thing?


Also... what about adding entire items/recipes/buffs etc?


I'd like to mod the @#$% out of A17 and would prefer to do it in modlet rather than have to re-edit XML's every time the game updates.


Any help you could offer would be appreciated, and of course, I would offer those modlets to you.

I've got some pretty cool crops/food items/recipes/tools/weapons... and many other things than you might find interesting.


Should just be this for honey.


<set xpath="/items/item[@name='foodHoney']/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">newvaluehere</set>


Adding a new item would be like this.


	<append xpath="/items">
	<!-- Adding the lockpick item -->
	<item name="toolLockpick">	
	<property name="Tags" value="knife,melee,light,tool,lockpick"/>
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="Lockpick" />
	<property name="DisplayType" value="meleeRepairTool"/>
	<property name="HoldType" value="36"/>
	<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Melee/Knives/boneShivPrefab"/>
	<property name="Material" value="Mmetal"/>
	<property name="RepairTools" value="resourceScrapIron"/>
	<property name="EconomicValue" value="5"/>
	<property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/>
	<property name="SellableToTrader" value="false"/>
	<property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false"/>
	<property name="SoundJammed" value="ItemNeedsRepair"/>
	<property name="SoundDestroy" value="wooddestroy1"/>
	<property class="Action0">
		<property name="Class" value="Repair"/>
		<property name="Delay" value="1"/> 
		<property name="Repair_amount" value="100"/>
		<property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="0"/>
		<property name="Sound_start" value="repair_block"/>
		<property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="toolLockpick"/>
		<property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="false"/>
	<property class="Action1"> 
		<property name="Class" value="Repair"/>
		<property name="Delay" value="1"/> 
		<property name="Repair_amount" value="100"/>
		<property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="0"/>
		<property name="Sound_start" value="repair_block"/>
		<property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="toolLockpick"/>
		<property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="false"/>
	<effect_group name="Base Effects">
		<passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="2.4"/>
		<passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_set" value="3"/>
		<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="0"/> 
		<passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="26"/>
		<passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="base_set" value="75"/> 
		<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.3" tags="stone"/>
		<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.8" tags="earth"/>
		<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="metal"/>
		<passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="14" tags="primary"/>
		<passive_effect name="DegradationMax" operation="base_set" value="70,200" tier="1,6"/>
		<passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0,5" tier="1,6"/>
		<passive_effect name="ModPowerBonus" operation="perc_add" value=".15" tags="EntityDamage,BlockDamage"/>
		<passive_effect name="ModPowerBonus" operation="base_add" value="200" tags="EconomicValue"/>
	<property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps,Basics"/>
	<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Construction Tools"/>
	<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="craftSkillTools"/>
	<property name="RepairExpMultiplier" value="5.5"/>

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i really like the concept of the pallet modlet, since you would assume that some of those pallets would have something usable in them (other than breaking them down for raw resources like stone and iron), but i dont even know where to begin on balancing. As someone said above, like 4 pallets filled my inventory with end game items like mil armor and full vehicles.


I even tried to set all of the pallets to a count of 0,1 or 0,2 and although some were empty, most were still overpowered. Maybe i will try to put the lists aside and try to fill them with junk/trash mostly and a small chance of a single "nicer" item. maybe i can keep the lists you have and just add a few high probability junk items...since i "think" that the loot lists use weighted average for the probability (like if you have 4 items with 0.05 each...there is not an 80% chance of nothing...each basically changes to 25% since there are 4, it will keep rolling until it gives you the number of items you define)


More research is needed...or someone who know better how the loot stuff works now/before


yeh I agree with you however i have lowered the counts to 1 or 2 items however it seems to be doubling the amount each time. it happens with other things to. I wanted at first like one or 2 maybe 3 random items appear but seems more are appearing in them, I will tinker with it some more hopefully i have succes


here is a snipet of the pallet code -


<lootgroup name="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" count="2">

<item name="terrStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSidewalk" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrDirt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSand" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSandStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrGravel" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrAsphalt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrConcrete" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />



edit the count -


<lootgroup name="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" count="1">

<item name="terrStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSidewalk" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrDirt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSand" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSandStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrGravel" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrAsphalt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrConcrete" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />



change all those counts.


then go to loot.xml and go to the lootcontainers 108 onwards and add this after the container that group is calling - prob=".5"


so each container should look like this -


<lootcontainer id="108" count="1" size="11,17" sound_open="UseActions/open_fridge" sound_close="UseActions/close_fridge" loot_quality_template="treasureTemplate">

<item group="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" prob=".05" />



hopefully that will reduce the amount that spawns in the pallets.


I will update also after some testing

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haha lol I am new to xpath to lol. Have you got discord. WIll see Sir Guppy on adding you once you have discord. ALso at the top of the mods section is xpath explanation guide I am sure is useful




Once I've gotten a little sleep I'll have a look and see if I can't figure this all out.


Since making POI's in the editor atm is out of the question, may as well get modding A17.

Might even restart my server for people with anxiety.

[i know right? Let's play a survival game. No stress there.]

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Once I've gotten a little sleep I'll have a look and see if I can't figure this all out.


Since making POI's in the editor atm is out of the question, may as well get modding A17.

Might even restart my server for people with anxiety.

[i know right? Let's play a survival game. No stress there.]


I made a few new items, with recipes and added to loot, if you want to check them out here

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Once I've gotten a little sleep I'll have a look and see if I can't figure this all out.


Since making POI's in the editor atm is out of the question, may as well get modding A17.

Might even restart my server for people with anxiety.

[i know right? Let's play a survival game. No stress there.]


Ha xpath is a learning curve but it damn well is a great way to mod a game many benefits. Did ya get yaself a discord

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yeh I agree with you however i have lowered the counts to 1 or 2 items however it seems to be doubling the amount each time. it happens with other things to. I wanted at first like one or 2 maybe 3 random items appear but seems more are appearing in them, I will tinker with it some more hopefully i have succes


here is a snipet of the pallet code -


<lootgroup name="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" count="2">

<item name="terrStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSidewalk" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrDirt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSand" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSandStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrGravel" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrAsphalt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrConcrete" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />



edit the count -


<lootgroup name="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" count="1">

<item name="terrStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSidewalk" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrDirt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSand" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrSandStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrGravel" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrAsphalt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

<item name="terrConcrete" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />



change all those counts.


then go to loot.xml and go to the lootcontainers 108 onwards and add this after the container that group is calling - prob=".5"


so each container should look like this -


<lootcontainer id="108" count="1" size="11,17" sound_open="UseActions/open_fridge" sound_close="UseActions/close_fridge" loot_quality_template="treasureTemplate">

<item group="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" prob=".05" />



hopefully that will reduce the amount that spawns in the pallets.


I will update also after some testing


Tested your additional code. So far it seems to be working well. I have the loot container set to (0,2)

Added the prob="0.05". I'm not getting the rare items as easily. It seems with the prob="0.05". It reduces the loot rate by at least half.

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Tested your additional code. So far it seems to be working well. I have the loot container set to (0,2)

Added the prob="0.05". I'm not getting the rare items as easily. It seems with the prob="0.05". It reduces the loot rate by at least half.


where did you put the 0,2 may i ask lol


ANd that is good progress will fix that and re upload

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where did you put the 0,2 may i ask lol


ANd that is good progress will fix that and re upload


i am not sure where he put it, but i was playing with putting it on all the lootcontainers and am playing with the 0,1 or 0,2 to give 0 or 1 or 2 passes through the loot list and then going in to all the loot groups and changing the count at the top of each of them to either 1 or 1,2

	<lootcontainer id="200" count="0,1" size="8,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_fridge" sound_close="UseActions/close_fridge" loot_quality_template="treasureTemplate">
		<item group="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" />


I may also pad the lists with mostly junk (like zombies used to drop) by adding this to the top of each group

	<lootgroup name="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" count="1">
		<item group="junk" prob="1"/>
		<item name="terrStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSidewalk" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrDirt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSand" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSandStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrGravel" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrAsphalt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrConcrete" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />

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i am not sure where he put it, but i was playing with putting it on all the lootcontainers and am playing with the 0,1 or 0,2 to give 0 or 1 or 2 passes through the loot list and then going in to all the loot groups and changing the count at the top of each of them to either 1 or 1,2

	<lootcontainer id="200" count="0,1" size="8,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_fridge" sound_close="UseActions/close_fridge" loot_quality_template="treasureTemplate">
		<item group="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" />


I may also pad the lists with mostly junk (like zombies used to drop) by adding this to the top of each group

	<lootgroup name="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" count="1">
		<item group="junk" prob="1"/>
		<item name="terrStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSidewalk" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrDirt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSand" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSandStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrGravel" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrAsphalt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrConcrete" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />


oh haha i always thought the


	<lootcontainer id="200" [color="#FF0000"][size=4]count="0,1"[/size][/color] size="8,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_fridge" sound_close="UseActions/close_fridge" loot_quality_template="treasureTemplate">
		<item group="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" />


count="0,1" in the lootcontainers was like 1 or 2 of that item lol didnt think it was the way you said haha good to know ok thanks will change it now

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where did you put the 0,2 may i ask lol


ANd that is good progress will fix that and re upload


<lootgroup name="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" count="[color="#FF0000"]0,2[/color]">
		<item name="terrStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSidewalk" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrDirt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSand" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSandStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrGravel" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrAsphalt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrConcrete" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />


<lootcontainer id="200" count="1" size="8,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_fridge" sound_close="UseActions/close_fridge" loot_quality_template="treasureTemplate">
		<item group="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" prob="[color="#FF0000"]0.5[/color]"/>


This is what I changed.


My thought process on this code is as follows.


You have the lootcontainer contains the lootgroup. So I thought by setting the loot container to 0.05 like you did would reduce the overall chance to spawn.


By setting the lootgroup to (0,2) it gives a random spawn of 0 items, 1 item, and 2 items.


In my testing I looted the pallets and got 0 items, 1 items, and 2 items. They were also random and didn't get the gun spawn as much.


I think there is much tweaking and testing to be done. As I have a hunch the 'prob' variable is probably conflicting or overlapping by defining so many overlapping containers.

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<lootgroup name="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" count="[color="#FF0000"]0,2[/color]">
		<item name="terrStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSidewalk" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrDirt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSand" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrSandStone" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrGravel" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrAsphalt" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />
		<item name="terrConcrete" count="1,15" prob="0.05" />


<lootcontainer id="200" count="1" size="8,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_fridge" sound_close="UseActions/close_fridge" loot_quality_template="treasureTemplate">
		<item group="palletWhiteBagsBaseStash" prob="[color="#FF0000"]0.5[/color]"/>


This is what I changed.


My thought process on this code is as follows.


You have the lootcontainer contains the lootgroup. So I thought by setting the loot container to 0.05 like you did would reduce the overall chance to spawn.


By setting the lootgroup to (0,2) it gives a random spawn of 0 items, 1 item, and 2 items.


In my testing I looted the pallets and got 0 items, 1 items, and 2 items. They were also random and didn't get the gun spawn as much.


I think there is much tweaking and testing to be done. As I have a hunch the 'prob' variable is probably conflicting or overlapping by defining so many overlapping containers.


Be interesting to find out

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I have spent a couple of days balancing the pallet mod and I am happy at where I am at now.


Each of the covered pallets now is guaranteed to have some semi-junk packaging materials,

Bicycles can be found occasionally, but only parts of other vehicles, and no chasis of 4x4 or 'copter.

The possible loot for each is sorted into common, uncommon, rare and legendary

The Brick pallets only contain stone, bricks, flagstones, cobblestones, concrete, rconcrete and 2 glass type cubes

Sacks only contain powders; coal, cementmix, potasium, sand, clay etc

Boxes and tarps contain the widest varieties

Tarps can have many different 'furniture' items e.g. ovens, slide, barstool

Boxes can have more common goods and food items.

Both can draw from a massive pool of potential loot.

NO SCHEMATICS. But rare chance for actual mods.


End result is that overpowered items no longer drop, but each pallet is still visually rewarding to loot.


Gameplay wise, it makes sense too. Going to build a base? Need bricks? Where do you raid? A construction site of course!





<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletWhiteBagsBase']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="208" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletWhiteBagsTile']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="208" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletWhiteBagsTop']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="208" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletWhiteBagsPartial1']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="208" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletWhiteBagsPartial2']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="208" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletWhiteBagsLoose']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="208" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBrownBoxesBase']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="209" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBrownBoxesTile']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="209" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBrownBoxesTop']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="209" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBrownBoxesLoose']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="209" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBricksBase']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="210" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBricksTile']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="210" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBricksTop']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="210" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBricksPartial1']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="210" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBricksPartial2']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="210" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBricksLoose']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="210" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBlueTarpBase']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="211" />

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='palletBlueTarpTile']">
	<property name="Class" value="Loot" />
	<property name="LootList" value="211" />




loot next post


Please consider my changes.

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damn, loot.xml is 3x post length.

I'll attach the config.zip



Hi sandy beaches thank you for the interest. I quickly thru this together lol so yes was alot of bits thrown in.


Been busy and enjoying making modlets a17 is pretty cool for modders. I will def take a look when I am on the PC next for sure. Your input is appreciated and makes alot of sense :-)

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they are modlets have you made a mods folder in your game directory. you simply unzip and place folder into mods folder


yep as we are using gui modlet, my wife did find some working in one town (after I posted) but only in some buildings. Its very strange... I'm just going to put it down to a game bug. Hopefully it will fix itself on next save game wipe.


Great mod idea by the way!

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