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A17 rocks!


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First off; I know I used to be an ass sometimes (well.. most times) regarding TFP and the game. But I feel I have to apologize for that, since A17e has blown me away!


There are many, many things I really like about the update, the looks, the POI's, the skill tree, the slower progression. A16.4 was pretty much a snore-fest in my opinion, having a forge up and running within a single game day did not contribute to the longevity of the game.


Keep it up!

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Yea and it's really fun to walk 90% of the time too!! i love walking slow in games. really slows down the gameplay since us dutchies are slow and can't play games at normal speed. Please do more things to slow down the game. it makes it more exciting


You forgot the /s I think.

And you can always go back to A16.4 if you want.

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First off; I know I used to be an ass sometimes (well.. most times) regarding TFP and the game. But I feel I have to apologize for that, since A17e has blown me away!


There are many, many things I really like about the update, the looks, the POI's, the skill tree, the slower progression. A16.4 was pretty much a snore-fest in my opinion, having a forge up and running within a single game day did not contribute to the longevity of the game.


Keep it up!


Totally agree.


The features I deemed minor in my head like a redone perk tree and mods are much better than I expected. Love the increased difficulty.

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I like it too. Had a lot of fun for the most part and with all the negative feedback that flooded in I'll try to be as positive about it as possible.

My only fear is that an aspect that made this game great before a17 is sacrificed for the sake of catering to only a fraction of the playerbase: Freedom of choice.

I for one always liked all aspects of the game, from early struggle to being established enough to shape the world around me when others would go and restart their game. Now the struggle part is greatly enhanced, some new stuff to do is added as well (quests), the creative building part (as end game after survival, not creative mode) nerfed and "grime-fied" (new paints) and no other end goals in sight still.

Time will tell, until then I'll enjoy what's enjoyable for sure :]

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Yea and it's really fun to walk 90% of the time too!! i love walking slow in games. really slows down the gameplay since us dutchies are slow and can't play games at normal speed. Please do more things to slow down the game. it makes it more exciting


No one is forcing you to play A17.


- - - Updated - - -


I completely skipped A16, so I haven't played in over a year, but the game looks flat out gorgeous now. It's such a huge difference.

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