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Wilderness survival Mod


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" This mod technology kernel is customized based on foreign starvation (famine) MOD, technical copyright belongs to the MOD development group, thanks to its technical core to provide guarantee for the function realization of this MOD. "


Did you get permission from someone on the Starvation team to use its code as the base for this mod? If so who?

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@huannan5300 You did not ask and I did not give permission to use my user interface from Undead Legacy mod.


Remove Undead Legacy User Interface from your mod. I am thankful that you at least credited me, but as of now I have not given anyone permission to use my interface in other mods, it's the face of Undead Legacy mod and a big part of it, don't plagiarise it by including it in your "mod". I spent more than 2 years perfecting the UI and please respect that.


Terms of Use for Undead Legacy: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?52085-Undead-Legacy-More-loot-gear-recipes-custom-ui-rebalancing&p=512718&viewfull=1#post512718

Terms of Use for Starvation mod: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?49819-WIP-STARVATION-by-SDX-team&p=587981&viewfull=1#post587981

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This is the best looking and most interesting mod we have ever seen for 7dtd.



In regard to the drama:


At 1:20 and 1:45 you can see the UI. That one looks nothing like undead legacy. It's not only using different graphics, the design is entirely different. And while I'm not particularly familiar with starvation, I've only seen a bunch of let's plays, this mod looks nothing like starvation either. So we don't know what the modder might've taken.


Instead of being hostile, the modder should be welcomed and patiently walked through any inner rules that he might have broken.

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@Kubikus that was the HUD only, it's unclear regarding the rest of the UI and I think the video was edited very carefully not to reveal any parts of Undead Legacy UI components, that might be included, that are not the HUD.


Also don't anyone feel, that it's very shady, that you have to contact huannan5300 in order to get the files for the mod? Who knows what kind of files you might get for the mod (maybe even harmful for your computer), because talented programmers can't take a peek on it.


Also there is no mention how he got all the custom 3d model assets for the mod, because without crediting anyone my first and currently only assumption is that he stole the assets from other mods & possibly other games and added them to the mod without giving proper credit to the model authors and it's very unlikely that he modeled all the custom assets by himself since clearly I have seen some, that are very, very similar to some, that can be bought on asset stores.


If the UI parts not seen in the video would have custom textures and different layout, I won't mind this mod to exist (can't say the same about other bits of code he incorporated from other mods or the custom assets, that he has no disclaimer on the acquisition of them), but since the download link isn't publicly available, I am not wasting my time contacting the author, since the first time he tried to post a mod with my user interface included in it, he never replied to my private message.

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@Kubikus that was the HUD only, it's unclear regarding the rest of the UI and I think the video was edited very carefully not to reveal any parts of Undead Legacy UI components, that might be included, that are not the HUD.


Also don't anyone feel, that it's very shady, that you have to contact huannan5300 in order to get the files for the mod? Who knows what kind of files you might get for the mod (maybe even harmful for your computer), because talented programmers can't take a peek on it.


Also there is no mention how he got all the custom 3d model assets for the mod, because without crediting anyone my first and currently only assumption is that he stole the assets from other mods & possibly other games and added them to the mod without giving proper credit to the model authors and it's very unlikely that he modeled all the custom assets by himself since clearly I have seen some, that are very, very similar to some, that can be bought on asset stores.


If the UI parts not seen in the video would have custom textures and different layout, I won't mind this mod to exist (can't say the same about other bits of code he incorporated from other mods or the custom assets, that he has no disclaimer on the acquisition of them), but since the download link isn't publicly available, I am not wasting my time contacting the author, since the first time he tried to post a mod with my user interface included in it, he never replied to my private message.

I believe many if not most modders do it just for fun and just to create something cool. And I do indeed asume that some will not care that much about legal issues. That does still not mean they have bad intentions. This mod is clearly a great piece of work, clearly unique, clearly a lot of hours must've been spent to create it, so this clearly is not something that was just stolen. Also, the author does not beg for money in any shape or form, so before I have reason to think otherwise, I assume they made something cool and are cool enough to share it.


If there are bureaucratic issues, they might be based on a lack of knowledge on the Chinese's guy's side. Myself, I also was unfamiliar with that people would get upset over others using parts of their mods. The overall spirit of modding is that everything is free, everything is being shared, that it's about the result, about expanding the game's universe. Though, don't get me wrong, I do understand smaller minded people who watch over every line of code they've ever produced. After all, it really are their lines of code.


But, again, instead of freaking out, the issues should be resolved clamly and friendly, so we can all enjoy this wonderful mod. Wouldn't that be nice.

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I use the things I clearly indicate who the copyright is. Use his things to better reflect the entertainment of this mod. It is a hobby to do this mod. You feel that the infringement I can not post, do not share, 7DTD Isn't the forum sharing happiness? A sharp-edged person can't get good results. Part of the business purpose to share MOD, sharp-edged monkey actually said I have intentions. Monkey, you should see a doctor. I don't understand your rules, I just want to share different MOd,

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@Kubikus There are the reasons why legal is legal and why rule is rule. No matter how the work is cool or wonderful, it won't excuse any legal issues if exist.


I can understand your idea, modding should be free, though you shouldn't mix up ASSETS with mere methods of modding. Violating TOU and using assets will cause real lawsuit issue.


I recommend to see this or this.

Personally, I feel it as weird that most of assets are in common with existing 7dtd mods, even though there are many newer or free assets.

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@Kubikus There are the reasons why legal is legal and why rule is rule. No matter how the work is cool or wonderful, it won't excuse any legal issues if exist.


I can understand your idea, modding should be free, though you shouldn't mix up ASSETS with mere methods of modding. Violating TOU and using assets will cause real lawsuit issue.


I recommend to see this or this.

Personally, I feel it as weird that most of assets are in common with existing 7dtd mods, even though there are many newer or free assets.

I assume you think I think that there should be no rules. No, it's ok to have rules. And of course there are laws, that, for example, forbid using assets from the store.


That is why I am saying we should walk the guy through the process, calmly and friendly, instead of being hostile and aggressive. To begin with, explain that and why these assets cannot just be used without payment. I'd even donate some money so assets can be bought, cuz this mod looks bloody brilliant.


What I was mostly talking about, though, are things that come from within the local modding community. Why not let anybody, who makes a mod, use anything that is created here? A UI for example, what's the problem having another mod using it? Or lines of code. I personally don't see it. Maybe I'm undereducated, but it's not like the creator would be loosing money over sharing their work, are they.


- - - Updated - - -


I use the things I clearly indicate who the copyright is. Use his things to better reflect the entertainment of this mod. It is a hobby to do this mod. You feel that the infringement I can not post, do not share, 7DTD Isn't the forum sharing happiness? A sharp-edged person can't get good results. Part of the business purpose to share MOD, sharp-edged monkey actually said I have intentions. Monkey, you should see a doctor. I don't understand your rules, I just want to share different MOd,
Some people around here are very protective of the work they created. They don't like if you use things in your mod, particularly not without asking them first.


Besides that, some models have to be purchased from the unity asset store. Mods that use the animals, for example, cannot give you permission to use these models. They don't own them themselves.


Rules like that need to be followed, and some people get overly upset when rules are broken. Don't worry about them, though. Your mod looks great, if there should be things in it, that are not allowed, try to remove/replace them or ask permission or buy models. I am sure you would get a lot of help around here.


Stay calm.

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