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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Pille;664838]Ok. :( Do you (theoretically) know how generate a proper distant view? So what does the game do to create it?[/QUOTE] Just getting the distant trees would do I think. You'd need something like a static batch of billboards to just draw a crap ton of them every frame. I am thinking of looking at having a look into dynamic meshes so if you collapse or build out a structure it's reflected in its mesh [QUOTE=Slaan;664904]That editor mode is quite powerful when coupled with pilles editor, I can modify things in one or the other and save/reload on demand. The ability to ingame edit and instantly save, switch to your editor do something save, re-load ingame blah blah.. without having to shut the client down or even leave the empty world. "prefab load" while in dm brings up another option panel, allows you to add a bedrock base to build on and I've a funny feeling some of the controls from Herphols editor might be in there as i had the random blue select block showing at one point. bbb claim brings up an error, my games have a region folde but no files so im guessing thats not an option, which is a shame as extracting is gonna be a pain, tho a custom made prefab base from the editor could be loaded up and worked on I reckon.[/QUOTE] Can you use prefab save to make a new file? [QUOTE=Pille;665117]Right, I shouldn't post this off-topic stuff in Hal's thread. Sorry Hal. :panda:[/QUOTE] No worries, carry on. It's a conversation I'm interested in.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;665189]Just getting the distant trees would do I think. You'd need something like a static batch of billboards to just draw a crap ton of them every frame. [/QUOTE] Sounds quite difficult.^^ I've hoped that I could insert real world landscapes into the game. I guess it's possible to automatically analyse map data (e.g. vegetation maps and height maps: [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/12/ea/e9/12eae99cb2c761f392a1f0f5a2b592a7.jpg[/url]) but it's a bit pointless without an easy way to generate the distant view.^^ [QUOTE=HAL9000;665189]I am thinking of looking at having a look into dynamic meshes so if you collapse or build out a structure it's reflected in its mesh.[/QUOTE] Nice. Not sure if my computer would be able to handle that. :)
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[QUOTE=Pille;665210]Sounds quite difficult.^^ I've hoped that I could insert real world landscapes into the game. I guess it's possible to automatically analyse map data (e.g. vegetation maps and height maps: [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/12/ea/e9/12eae99cb2c761f392a1f0f5a2b592a7.jpg[/url]) but it's a bit pointless without an easy way to generate the distant view.^^ [/QUOTE] Yeah I think Nav is built from a height-map. Guppy? Why do I remember this having something to do with you? [QUOTE] Nice. Not sure if my computer would be able to handle that. :)[/QUOTE] It only takes a couple of seconds to generate the mesh, the trick is doing it off the main thread so there isn't an FPS hit. That'll be the tricky part but should be doable and I'm hoping the RWGPrefabDecorator stuff is already keeping track of which prefab is where.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;665270] It only takes a couple of seconds to generate the mesh, the trick is doing it off the main thread so there isn't an FPS hit. That'll be the tricky part but should be doable and I'm hoping the RWGPrefabDecorator stuff is already keeping track of which prefab is where.[/QUOTE] Then ... good luck with that. Would be extremely cool to have such quasi real-time meshes.
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Hey Hal, I was hoping you may be able to give a bit more of a break down on the sleeper spawning, I'm not familiar with all the lingo. What do you mean when you say flags? Is there a physical object I need to place or do I just use the command and add the appropriate information to the prefab xml. Also just to clarify do these sleeper spawns work as static spawners? Thanks TreeHugger
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Hello treehugger, I'm probably not the best guy to ask as I haven't used the system in any prefabs but from looking round the code it looks like there's actual blocks you need to put in the prefabs as placeholders for where you want the zombies to spawn and that chooses their stance, rotation etc. Then when you've defined the spawn area inside the XML the game uses that to decide where to spawn enemies. I don't think it's a 1:1 spawning as the prefabs I've loaded with them in can have 5+ zombie blocks in a room but when going in during an actual game only 1 or 2 spawn. Whether it's a random chance or tied to game stage I'm not sure.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;665270]Yeah I think Nav is built from a height-map. Guppy? Why do I remember this having something to do with you? [/QUOTE] I was in the conversation, but I think it was herph that made the connection. Yeh, nav has a height map.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;665957]Hello treehugger, I'm probably not the best guy to ask as I haven't used the system in any prefabs but from looking round the code it looks like there's actual blocks you need to put in the prefabs as placeholders for where you want the zombies to spawn and that chooses their stance, rotation etc. Then when you've defined the spawn area inside the XML the game uses that to decide where to spawn enemies. I don't think it's a 1:1 spawning as the prefabs I've loaded with them in can have 5+ zombie blocks in a room but when going in during an actual game only 1 or 2 spawn. Whether it's a random chance or tied to game stage I'm not sure.[/QUOTE] The prefab xml defines which sleeper group to use, and the gamestages.xml say how many and which zombies. For instance, diner_01 prefab says it uses SleeperVolumeGroup "S_Default_S". That is defined in gamestages.xml, where you see the number of POSSIBLE zombies is going to be between 2 and 4, and also specifies that it uses a spawner list called SleeperGSList. The POSSIBLE zombies in this particular instance gives you a 20% chance to spawn nothing and a 20% chance to spawn a "decoy". So, in theory, you can roll a 4 to get 4 zombies spawned, but each of them may in turn be between 1 and 20 to spawn nothing, hence... empty prefabs. IF a "real" zombie is spawned, then SleeperGSList grabs your gamestage and assigns the appropriate spawn group from entitygroups.xml; if your GS is 1, then that would mean your spawn group is sleeperHordeStageGS1, which when you look at entitygroups lists WHICH zombies are in that group (all easy ones). What I don't know is if prefabs typically have more than one sleeper block (because I haven't yet installed Pille's editor). I imagine the smaller houses only have one on each floor and larger buildings have several on each floor.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;665970]The prefab xml defines which sleeper group to use, and the gamestages.xml say how many and which zombies. For instance, diner_01 prefab says it uses SleeperVolumeGroup "S_Default_S". That is defined in gamestages.xml, where you see the number of POSSIBLE zombies is going to be between 2 and 4, and also specifies that it uses a spawner list called SleeperGSList. The POSSIBLE zombies in this particular instance gives you a 20% chance to spawn nothing and a 20% chance to spawn a "decoy". So, in theory, you can roll a 4 to get 4 zombies spawned, but each of them may in turn be between 1 and 20 to spawn nothing, hence... empty prefabs. IF a "real" zombie is spawned, then SleeperGSList grabs your gamestage and assigns the appropriate spawn group from entitygroups.xml; if your GS is 1, then that would mean your spawn group is sleeperHordeStageGS1, which when you look at entitygroups lists WHICH zombies are in that group (all easy ones). What I don't know is if prefabs typically have more than one sleeper block (because I haven't yet installed Pille's editor). I imagine the smaller houses only have one on each floor and larger buildings have several on each floor.[/QUOTE] run bc-prefabs in console (on guppy server) to see all the blocks ;) most of them have quite a few sleeper blocks in them [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] skyscraper_01 for example: sleeperSit(1978):144 sleeperBack(1979):64 sleeperSideLeft(1980):68 sleeperSideRight(1981):59 sleeperStomach(1982):67 sleeperIdle(1986):227
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Wow pretty cool. Sounds like you can really customize the sleeper experience. I can see it already.....whats behind that door....whack....whack.....whack.....OMG 10 sleepers!!!!!......pants soiled..... Or.....walks into room......floor collapses....playet looks around them...OMG 20 sleepers!!!!.....pants exploded.... Or even better both.....after you oprn the door and see the 10 sleepers, u back pedal into the falling floor with the 20. Muahabaha Edit 2: just had a great easy idea for a prefab mod.....hehe
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;666216] Edit 2: just had a great easy idea for a prefab mod.....hehe[/QUOTE] I'm thinking reading the prefab blocks, and if the have a "canspawnon" randomly inserting a sleeper block at that blocks location +1 y offset. :) If there are two air blocks above it. Better random placement in smaller prefabs.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;665970]The prefab xml defines which sleeper group to use, and the gamestages.xml say how many and which zombies. For instance, diner_01 prefab says it uses SleeperVolumeGroup "S_Default_S". That is defined in gamestages.xml, where you see the number of POSSIBLE zombies is going to be between 2 and 4, and also specifies that it uses a spawner list called SleeperGSList. The POSSIBLE zombies in this particular instance gives you a 20% chance to spawn nothing and a 20% chance to spawn a "decoy". So, in theory, you can roll a 4 to get 4 zombies spawned, but each of them may in turn be between 1 and 20 to spawn nothing, hence... empty prefabs. IF a "real" zombie is spawned, then SleeperGSList grabs your gamestage and assigns the appropriate spawn group from entitygroups.xml; if your GS is 1, then that would mean your spawn group is sleeperHordeStageGS1, which when you look at entitygroups lists WHICH zombies are in that group (all easy ones). What I don't know is if prefabs typically have more than one sleeper block (because I haven't yet installed Pille's editor). I imagine the smaller houses only have one on each floor and larger buildings have several on each floor.[/QUOTE] Now that was an extremely enlightening read, I knew about needing the sleeper blocks but the potato explanation filled in the rest of the gaps to the point I can mess around... awesome.
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testing.... failed. it's hard to really grasp whats going on with the rest of the sleeper lines other than the group, copy pasting from the skyscraper for the size/start/gs adjust/volume does not seem to yield results (was expecting at least one of the 50 odd spawners to make a body). With the amount of spawners in the skyscrapers Im thinking I can be a lot more liberal in a city section without it being too chaotic yet still being a factor later into the game. Any educated guesses on the other more obscure properties?
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which bit isnt making sense slaan? its basically an array of settings each # separates a value, and there must be the same number of values under each one, Size, Start, Group, Adjust, and IsLoot all have to have the same number of items in the list. Start is the vector inside the prefab for where to make the trigger box, and size of course makes the volumn. A sleeper block must be within each volume for it to spawn anything.
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Hey Guys So I have had a bit of luck. I was able to use Pille's Editor to get the starting volumes for my zombie spawns. Now when I fly over the prefab I get a message in the console saying "Triggered empty sleeper volume." If any one has any suggestions on where I can find the appropriate sleeper volumes or how to fix the issue it would be appreciated. Thanks TreeHugger
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