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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Laz Man;642128]YESSSS!!!!!! *Bows down to the king* Side note, I loaded up the good ole prison last night and started updating it all the new blocks since its last update. Getting it ready for A16. I really want to move onto my next project and hopefully A16 will reignite some motivation. :)[/QUOTE] Ah, can't wait to see what your next project is! Can you send me a copy of the updated prison when it's done? There were some rotation issues when I converted your A13 version and I'm curious if the A15 would do the same. It's the only one I've been able to find rotation problems on so it's an interesting test. [QUOTE=Guppycur;642129]Wait ... How's that work...[/QUOTE] Eh?
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;642140]Hes wondering how you created a distant POI mesh for the prison :p[/QUOTE] Oh, I see... bbb prefab load !twd1 bbb prefab simplify bbb prefab combine bbb prefab export It may be even easier in herrpohl mod when it's out for A16 but this'll be the bbb way
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;642150]Oh, I see... bbb prefab load !twd1 bbb prefab simplify bbb prefab combine bbb prefab export It may be even easier in herrpohl mod when it's out for A16 but this'll be the bbb way[/QUOTE] Cant wait to try this out when a16 drops. Side note hal, have you noticed if huge prefabs still have issues with their corners being cut off when loaded into the world? It is the reason i split the prison into 2 separate prefabs.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;642192]Cant wait to try this out when a16 drops. Side note hal, have you noticed if huge prefabs still have issues with their corners being cut off when loaded into the world? It is the reason i split the prison into 2 separate prefabs.[/QUOTE] No I haven't but I've tried to stay away from vanilla as much as possible to save the experience for when the bugs have been sorted.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;642150]Oh, I see... bbb prefab load !twd1 bbb prefab simplify bbb prefab combine bbb prefab export It may be even easier in herrpohl mod when it's out for A16 but this'll be the bbb way[/QUOTE] Because I'm dumb, what do these commands do?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;641846]If that's code from the game I'd trust it more than my stuff ^^ It does look a bit odd though cause I could have sworn you can have terrain values > 0 as long as they're not 127 but maybe it's a situation of you can, but you shouldn't. The Pimps will know better than I though.[/QUOTE] I don't see any reasons to not include both checks. It's never a bad idea to pass such decisions on to the users.^^ [QUOTE=HAL9000;642150]Oh, I see... bbb prefab load !twd1 bbb prefab simplify bbb prefab combine bbb prefab export It may be even easier in herrpohl mod when it's out for A16 but this'll be the bbb way[/QUOTE] Looks easy enough to me.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;642219]Guppyville is likely larger than the prison, and the trick is to fly around activating all of the chunks and import before they close.[/QUOTE] I think Laz means in vanilla (i.e. rwgmixer) spawning. But yeah I think it's the same problem. If the prefab overlaps the visible chunk area you'll get a cut off. [QUOTE=Guppycur;642221]Because I'm dumb, what do these commands do?[/QUOTE] I'll do a video and explanation after A16 drops. It's not really fair to talk about A16 stuff without a Pimpish nod. [QUOTE=Pille;642262]I don't see any reasons to not include both checks. It's never a bad idea to pass such decisions on to the users.^^ Looks easy enough to me.[/QUOTE] Sounds like a plan Pille
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I'm going to use Hal'sEditor together with A15 for primary job of create prefabs - and then convert to A16... What do You think - this is the option ? (of course, with a subsequent corrective...)
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[QUOTE=n2n1;644456]I'm going to use Hal'sEditor together with A15 for primary job of create prefabs - and then convert to A16... What do You think - this is the option ? (of course, with a subsequent corrective...)[/QUOTE] Hi n2n1, Probably it's ok. I've only tried about 6 prefabs but each one I brought through from A15 looked pretty good in A16. There's a few blocks wrong in the shape property but nothing major that stuck out. That said there's hundreds of blocks in the XML and around 500 that didn't have a direct map to A16 so there'll be lots of block types I didn't load into the game. I think the big test will be Mag running the pack through it. That should tell us where we stand. [QUOTE=skippy0330;644477]I'm looking forward to using your a16 editor and tools a lot come this alpha. My fans are pumped as well :)[/QUOTE] Hi Skippy, There won't be a release of the editor for A16. I'll still put the DLL out with the bbb tools once it drops but this may migrate over to SDX so you can run the bbb commands as just another mod in the list.
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[QUOTE=Gesichtstreter;645808]can you please make it as a Mod? or Need delete orginal .dll?[/QUOTE] Hello Gesichtstreter, Either way the DLL gets changed. Either I release a DLL to copy over the original or SDX builds the DLL and replaces it. The benefit of using SDX would be that you could run other SDX mods along side it at the same time.
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[QUOTE=SnowDog1942;646175]Soooo...whats the current prognosis of Magolis pack making into A16?[/QUOTE] That's up to Mag. The converters looking ok though. If I get chance this evening I may run a few of the pack through it
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I'd say the prognosis is [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCY8vnXDfkc&feature=youtu.be"]lookin pretty good[/URL]. That's a quick test of a few of the bigger prefabs in the pack. Just run through the converter, no editor, tweaking or painting. Just bbb'd into the world. See if you can spot any errors but I couldn't
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;646617]I'd say the prognosis is [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCY8vnXDfkc&feature=youtu.be"]lookin pretty good[/URL]. That's a quick test of a few of the bigger prefabs in the pack. Just run through the converter, no editor, tweaking or painting. Just bbb'd into the world. See if you can spot any errors but I couldn't[/QUOTE] Looks like a 1to1 copy to me - also didnt catch any wrong block or rotation. Great job Hal When A16 drops I immediatly begin to test if the converter converts 1:1 - even the strange blocks Iam gonna tell u the results then Hal @SnowDog1942: Yes - I try to let the CP life on
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