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A16 - Medieval Mod (SDX)


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one thing i feel you need to change guppy is the aggressive villagers as i had to whack my entire village as they got pissed at me for no reason


Well, remember a few things: One, you just got out of jail, so they already don't like you.


But more importantly, two, you're breaking into their homes stealing their ♥♥♥♥. Peasants inside houses are the ONLY "hostiles" outside of bandits (they have knives) and guards at two prefabs (their base). Beyond that, they'll ignore you or run away.


And, out of the ones in the houses, only a percent of THOSE will fight you.

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@Linda: I have no clue what Bluefang allows, so couldn't help you I'm afraid. This mod changes a lot, and I'm not sure if bluefang allows those particular files to be changed.


Hopefully someone with bluefang experience will chime in.


I converted one of my servers last night and it seemed to be working. Bluefang allows FTP access. I put the files there myself. I don't think they would allow FTP access if they didn't want you to be able to install mods. But I could be wrong.

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and i have a doubt about the Yellowpurgecrystal, i crafted one and put it on my floor, what he do?


It's a purge crystal not a protection crystal. You place it where the active blight is spreading and it will clear the blight in a radius (yellow is smallest, 10 blocks I think)


It does also adds a 60 second protection from new blight, but its a waste to use it on an area with no blight


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I think the second NRE I had might be one you already know about and might've had to do with spawning peasants rather than the spider horde, this is the error it kept throwing:


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at Inventory.SetBareHandItem (.ItemValue _bareHandItemValue) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityAlive.ExecuteDismember (Boolean restoreState) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Yep thats fixed.... apparently the game doesn't like it when you remove handZombie02 because its hard coded that any walker that loses a leg ends up with that hand, regardless of what it says in xml about using HandItemCrawler


(try it with a burner, they will never set you on fire if they are missing a leg)


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someone said they needed threatening challenges, so I added :p


wandering horde are random, you gets what you gets ;)


Using the wandering horde system is a placeholder for my new spawn system that ill be using for book2

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well guessing blue fang did this right for my server .. BUT our issue is we cant find not ever one village and everything is brown with some grass .. oh ya and the town people omg they hate us all lol .. so my question is how many villages are in game? sent the like that stompy sent me askin if they (blue fang) did it right .. as admin went flying round couldnt find no villages anywhere so guessin something is wrong tk u for answering me as well stompy and gruppycur


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well guessing blue fang did this right for my server .. BUT our issue is we cant find not ever one village and everything is brown with some grass .. oh ya and the town people omg they hate us all lol .. so my question is how many villages are in game? sent the like that stompy sent me askin if they (blue fang) did it right .. as admin went flying round couldnt find no villages anywhere so guessin something is wrong tk u for answering me as well stompy and gruppycur

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One central town, period. Finding s God seed is up to the admin. I recommend using the seed previewer in single player to find one you like then setting the server to that.


Might help to read the mod description to get an idea of how the world works, I've added a few tips. =)

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I get a NRE when i was trying to find a dugeon door, And i cant complete the anvil quest, i did all the thing but its not complete, i restarted the game 2 time and the quest reset i did again and dont get it complete.

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Just wanted to give you guys a thumbs up on this project, my wife and I are enjoying the new visuals and changes. Quite a few WTF, RUN! moments too!


Did want to add on with a previous post about anvil stage of anything quest. We couldn't get it to update until we set one down then destroyed to get anvil back into inventory.... Closed game out completely including MOD launcher and then it updated quest on login.


Other issue is the map quests. BTW very cool deal there. Died on first one digging straight down 4 blocks and found out I couldn't fly... But issue is the quest not updating. Found a chest like a normal hunt but no update after opening and loot....


Keep up the awesome ♥♥♥♥ you guys do (I mean every modder out there) ... Have kept my wife and I entertained going on 2 years now, thanks.

Edited by Pazuzzu
Seed 3 on the ones we have done (see edit history)
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So... those quests and how they're /supposed/ to work...


You find the chest, but then fall to a pit below into a dungeon, possibly breaking your leg, and have to find your way out.


Did you have low health when you fell? I may have to add some hay to compensate. Hm, will look into quest completion, thanks!

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Anvil fixed for next update. Testing dungeonseeds now. Do you remember which dungeonseed it was? 1, 2, or 3?




Dugeonseed 3


And just to let you guys know, I HATE MAGIC WOLVES :(


One question, are you guys known about the zombie sound on dragons, The baby ones, i just saw a horde and it was making cop zombie sound

Edited by ExeBT (see edit history)
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