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Best way to level up!!!


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Hey guys it is Deplect here and I'm new to the Forums but I'm am here to help any and everybody out! With this guide it with show you guys the easiest and fastest ways to level up and get Skill Points. Here are the multiple methods!


Method #1:

Build a platform 1 to 2 blocks high with any material so zombies can not get you. Then obtain any type of melee weapon and proceed to hit the zombies in the head and kill them. Easy way to level up your weapons and get kills!


Method #2:

Once you have built your base that you want to live in I suggest you put a iron fence around the perimeter of the base. On the outside of the fence have 2 rows of spikes. Once you have done this you can turn on multiple forges and let the zombies come to the base. Get on the roof or a tower with either a sniper rifle or ak-47 and kill the zombies. This gets you levels super fast.


Method #3:

On The Horde nights make a iron fence box around you then surround that with however many rows of spikes you'd like. Shoot and kill all of the zombies and you will level up your guns and level yourself up insanely fast!



I hope any of these 3 methods could be any type of help to you! If you have any questions about this or any other helpful tips you need to know just ask me!

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The sniper/AK47 thing is so damn expensive, specialy at the beginning of the game. And exept horde night you dont have that many zombies at your base unless you get the heat up and start spawning screamers.


I find that mining with iron pickaxe gets you levels so fast its not funny. Much faster then combat and exploring.

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#1: They will climb up those blocks and hit you most of the time. It's do-able early on, but the blocks won't last terribly long and Z's can climb walls. Later in game it's a wasted effort.


#2: By this stage you can just grab a steel pickaxe and dig dig dig.


#3. Again with the spikes? Just make a good pillbox bunker and line the roof with campfires. Digging resources will be faster, and less life threatening though.


Just foods for thought. :strawberry:

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using what the what what?


Defense platform: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?83218-Best-Horde-Night-Defense


As for the Auger, depending on when you get the parts/recipe to assemble it, makes mining a breeze by comparison to using a pickaxe, albeit higher maintenance. Cutting thru stone like butter will quickly earn you points in the Mining Tools skill, in turn raising your player level faster (off the top of my head, please forgive any inaccuracies).

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What's the hurry?


+1 as well. i am on console but i would assume leveling is similar. Just playing and scavenging last night i gained at least 4 levels in one in game day. Im on day 7 though so that might make a difference since im on such a lower level ha

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Defense platform: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?83218-Best-Horde-Night-Defense


As for the Auger, depending on when you get the parts/recipe to assemble it, makes mining a breeze by comparison to using a pickaxe, albeit higher maintenance. Cutting thru stone like butter will quickly earn you points in the Mining Tools skill, in turn raising your player level faster (off the top of my head, please forgive any inaccuracies).


auger in desert, steel pickaxe for stone otherwise imo. auger on stone is a waste i feel

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