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Breaking and Entering, is it worth it?


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For one, it allows you to use only 1 item instead of 3(melee weapon, pickaxe, axe) at the cost of resources when scavenging.

But I find it pretty pointless, since you need to have a pickaxe anyway with you to harvest all the brass you can get.

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No, it's likely to get those radiated feral cops coming for you!


But ... no, never used it, especially as it's pretty much only a sledgehammer perk and that one doesn't get too much use I suspect. I stopped using it in favor of machete which is great for skinning zombies for those bones --> glue --> duct tape --> mechanical parts :)


/V -

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Yes I actually was thinking about creating a similar Thread, but now as I come online I just have to add here, that I would have already written in my opening post, that Breaking and Entering is the most senseless skill ever.


So people may debate: yes IF you have your club and IF you need to save time and IF ...


To be honest I really cannot imagine any guy ever thinking it's worth to put like 32 Skill points or whatever into this, when they can use that giant amount to get something different higher, and I mean ANYTHING is better to spend skill points on than this.


But I guess the Fun Pimps wanted to add also some *special* skills, which are not just based on other games (like less need to drink / eat etc.). So this is indeed a kind of special skill, so well it is useless, but at least the game feels like there are some creative skills around.

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Thanks for your input everyone


Its about as useless as the fast eddie perk


Actually fast eddie is more useless

Glad I am not the only one who thinks this lol, I have a friend who swears up and down that its good. Only see it good for those few containers that take awhile to loot (munitions, safes). Once you get your scavenger up it already reduces your looting timer so.

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It's always been a niche perk for those who like sledgehammers and put a very low priority on harvesting.


If all you do is raiding POI... there you go.


It was never intended to be a perk everyone wants. What's the point of having multiple perks if everyone wants the same ones? =)

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Problem is, there's no challenge to entering a POI, all the enemies are sleeping. How about having a 90% chance of a zombie in a POI is a feral and they all wake up at the slightest sound. Improve the POI pathing and have them all come for you with overwhelming force, such that you need to prepare SWAT style to claim the POI. Also, disable zombie spawns in secured POIs.

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Used to be one of my favorite perks before resource harvesting with sledgehammer got removed.




It was originally for one of the two main playstyles regarding weapons/harvest tools.


You could use the sledge and pretty much nothing else and it worked awesome....or...


..you could use tools specifically designed for fighting/ming/etc and they were more efficient but took up more inv/belt space.


The sledge style was really great in PvP where you need guns and other goodies all the time.


Guess it's not what it used to be and probably could be removed.

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It was originally for one of the two main playstyles regarding weapons/harvest tools.


You could use the sledge and pretty much nothing else and it worked awesome....or...


..you could use tools specifically designed for fighting/ming/etc and they were more efficient but took up more inv/belt space.


The sledge style was really great in PvP where you need guns and other goodies all the time.


Guess it's not what it used to be and probably could be removed.



It can be modded back into a harvesting tool.


Just remove the harvest count to zero line for blunt weapons from the progression file. Then add appropriate harvest tool properties to the various blunt weapons in the items xml file (0 for all blunt weapons except for sledgehammer. Use something like 0.7 for sledgehammer to make it decent for harvesting but not nearly as efficient as a pick.)

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What?! Fast eddie is the first quality of life skill i always take when playing this game. ½ the interaction time with objects is god like improvement in game. Its not much about the speed, but quality of life in the game goes of the roof. Side effect is looting goes to ERERERER spam.

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What?! Fast eddie is the first quality of life skill i always take when playing this game. ½ the interaction time with objects is god like improvement in game. Its not much about the speed, but quality of life in the game goes of the roof. Side effect is looting goes to ERERERER spam.


The only reason i would take fast eddie is do no dogs sneak up on me while looging cars, but that happend only once sofar so i dont take it :D

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