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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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Are you the sole recipient of help desk emails?




True story.


I guy asked to be on the Stream Team and he had zero followers on twitch and maybe 1 follower on Youtube. I politely told him he didn't qualify but if he could get up to 5000 followers by time A18 was ready to come out he could be part of that event. He was really mad and made some outrageous statements and I was absolutely POSITIVE it was either you or Toss having a go at me.


I was so convinced that it couldn't possibly be a real guy that when I checked his channel again and saw that he now had 2 followers I jokingly congratulated him on doubling his numbers so quickly.


We lost a customer....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmm, it looks like the trolls are out in force tonight.


Lol so people whom dont share your views or opinions are trolls. Or people who see things that are wrong are trolls....... please learn the term troll properly before trying to be a big boy please. Maybe then you will use the term correctly

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Lol so people whom dont share your views or opinions are trolls. Or people who see things that are wrong are trolls....... please learn the term troll properly before trying to be a big boy please. Maybe then you will use the term correctly


He knew the concept well enough to trigger you, stall...;)


Btw, WHY is it 200 slots or uninstall? Isn’t even 50 good enough? How do you even process 200 items all in your inventory?

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The fact they didn't mention you yet you assumed they were talking about you says it all dude.


Not to mention literally everything you said was embarrassingly wrong so....


Here Eighny_Lupin has volunteered to demonstrate a proper troll:


Step 1: Debase the person with a slander of some type (be creative!).

Step 2: Add a broad generalization that deliberately takes what your target said, out of context.

Step 3: Success!


Once again, thank you Eighmy_Lupin for taking the time and effort to demonstrate something that is normally distasteful to you.

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He knew the concept well enough to trigger you, stall...;)


Btw, WHY is it 200 slots or uninstall? Isn’t even 50 good enough? How do you even process 200 items all in your inventory?


Lol if I am a troll then so be it haha. Ty for the compliment......



And cause I hate having to go back to base to drop stuff off every 5 seconds. And I love to loot just dont like multiple trips back to base when I am 5 meters from my door.


Also tfp killed my mega city mod. No way am I going down without a fight for my backpack mod lol.. but seriously I will cease to play if I cant mod my 200 slot backpack that bit is true l. As stupid and backwards and as lazy as removing loot is, I can live with it I guess. But not my 200 slot backpack

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The fact they didn't mention you yet you assumed they were talking about you says it all dude.


Not to mention literally everything you said was embarrassingly wrong so....


Fact 1. I did not even mention he was talking to me.


Fact 3. I have not seen any trolls on here for a few pages.


Fact 4. You assumed my gender ..... ok ok I am a dude lol just thought I throw in how stupid this world is coming to now a days lol.


Fact 5. You didnt even notice I skipped fact 2

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Fact 1. I did not even mention he was talking to me.


Fact 3. I have not seen any trolls on here for a few pages.


Fact 4. You assumed my gender ..... ok ok I am a dude lol just thought I throw in how stupid this world is coming to now a days lol.


Fact 5. You didnt even notice I skipped fact 2


And the proper rebuttal to a troll

Step 1: Just the facts. Keep thing on subject.

Step 2: Add a little humor, this is actually important as most trolling is caused by people who are currently unhappy about something.



And that is it for today, tomorrow we will go over Spider Zombie Meme's and how they relate to global economic stability.

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He knew the concept well enough to trigger you, stall...;)


Btw, WHY is it 200 slots or uninstall? Isn’t even 50 good enough? How do you even process 200 items all in your inventory?


Instead of icons, can we just have a Comic Sans tiny text list of everything in our inventory? I think we can have a 200 item inventory that way.

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Instead of icons, can we just have a Comic Sans tiny text list of everything in our inventory? I think we can have a 200 item inventory that way.

Replace the tiny text with variations of kiwi fruits/smilies and im sold!

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Lol so people whom dont share your views or opinions are trolls. Or people who see things that are wrong are trolls....... please learn the term troll properly before trying to be a big boy please. Maybe then you will use the term correctly


Curios, how do you know he was talking about you? Somewhere inside you had to have known that you were throwing rage fuel, no? Clearly, you were also ready to give a quick response.

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Lol so people whom dont share your views or opinions are trolls. Or people who see things that are wrong are trolls....... please learn the term troll properly before trying to be a big boy please. Maybe then you will use the term correctly


I find it interesting you assumed I was referring to you when I neither quoted anyone nor mentioned any names. Since I haven't made any statements concerning the topics you are mentioning, you have no freaking clue what my opinions are on a given subject or whether I agree or disagree with any of those given topics.


And you weren't giving constructive criticism, you were exaggerating statements and generally throwing a hissy fit like a child. Since it appears that you are doing so just to get a rise out people, yes, you are being a troll. Also your past posts show a proclivity toward trolling.


And why the hell would I want to be a "big boy"? I don't have an extraneous appendage hanging between my legs, nor do I want any. I highly doubt my husband would be appreciative of it.

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Lol if I am a troll then so be it haha. Ty for the compliment......



And cause I hate having to go back to base to drop stuff off every 5 seconds. And I love to loot just dont like multiple trips back to base when I am 5 meters from my door.


Also tfp killed my mega city mod. No way am I going down without a fight for my backpack mod lol.. but seriously I will cease to play if I cant mod my 200 slot backpack that bit is true l. As stupid and backwards and as lazy as removing loot cause tfp are to lazy to actually fix the issues they just remove it. I can live with I guess. But not my 200 slot backpack


From what I have gathered you be able to mod the backpack and you won’t have to hack the dll to do it anymore.

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I think at this point, I would rather have a nice convo with you than feed the troll. How do you like to play? SP, MP? Dead is dead? Coop, PVP, Both? All of the above? :) Nice to meet you by the way!


We play MP co-op mostly. Mostly just my husband and I, but occasionally his nephew and a couple of our friends will join us. We are doing the same thing in Conan Exiles right now until A17 gets released then I get to go back to beating up zombies instead of cannibals. I don't do dead is dead; the dogs sneak up on my too much for that. My husband gets a kick out of the zeds/dogs sneaking up on me (I tend to get into the zone when I am building) and scaring the crap out of me.

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We play MP co-op mostly. Mostly just my husband and I, but occasionally his nephew and a couple of our friends will join us. We are doing the same thing in Conan Exiles right now until A17 gets released then I get to go back to beating up zombies instead of cannibals. I don't do dead is dead; the dogs sneak up on my too much for that. My husband gets a kick out of the zeds/dogs sneaking up on me (I tend to get into the zone when I am building) and scaring the crap out of me.


Oh that's AWESOME.Thanks for sharing! That's really cool of you. What sort of bases do you like to build? And...what sort of things would you like to see to make base building even MORE awesome?! :)

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The no loot on zombies is stupid. Well done on ruining the zombie lore.


Already stated if I cant mod in a 200 slot backpack I will cease playing. Some stuff on the vid was cool for me it looks like the game going backwards. Graphics looked crap.


Who are you and what have you done with the REAL stallionsden?



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Curios, how do you know he was talking about you? Somewhere inside you had to have known that you were throwing rage fuel, no? Clearly, you were also ready to give a quick response.


Where did I reply saying it was about me. I can stand up for others if I like ... and I always have a response lol

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Hey funpimps


A note of encouragement from a single player with 572 hours played (my skyrim is 236hrs... exactly double skyrim! but then again, i've spent a lot of hours modding skyrim, getting the female textures just right, pretty, but not too unrealistic. i digress)


I check the forums EVERY Day, checking the trackers for madmole, faatal and roland. I dont like all these personal attacks made by these angry users who cannot swallow the bitter taste of disappointment, offloading their frustration at the very persons who are the author of the game that they want and miss in the first place.


the hatred in the forums in the last few months have been so vile. disgusting. people whinged with the hp bar (ok, cute in a stupid way). people whinged about the delay (silly). people whinged about funpimp's business decisiosn (what the? this is getting ridiculous). people whinged about the videos (r u serious? u complain when theres no vid. u complain when there's a vid). escalating from trivial matters to personal attacks. shame on you.



i love your game. there isn't a game like it out there

- the fear factor,

-the building design factor (problem solving aspect, nice~),

-the 'survival' factor, the rpg progression (yay for no more spamming,

-no more Always Be Crafting in A16!),

-the destroyable world (thank minecraft!),

-the open world sand box (thank the elderscrolls!),

-no microtransactions (nothing personal. i actually thank the whales out there for letting me play freemium games for free, cos im not into impulse buying to shorten the wait time by 2 hours. i woudlnt mind if funpimps introduced horse armour dlc for $2, as long as it is not pay2win)

- free updates!


Ive only stopped playing in June this year, partly because i've gotten too good at it (dead is dead, difficulty one above the middle one, no loot respawn, 7 days between airdrops (i only enabled airdrops after you guys lowered loot drop in Zs in A16), and partly cos you said A17 in July/August. :p


e. (what is this crap? am i on MS dos? i just want a bullet point list)


I don't think 7D2D is a failed kickstarter or failed alpha release because i bought it as it is, off steam, not on kickstarter. cos it's good as it is. ie, it can only get better. people got their moneys worth, and fun pimps didnt just go belly up after wasting all kickstarter money as some do. yes, you've taken out some things fromt he kickstarter promises, but added others in. be reasonable people. you communicate with players. you listen to feedback. (reminder, listening doesnt mean obeying every demand made by every person. you cant please everyone all the time). you've sold millions and made millions - a successful studio. a huge achievement! Im happy for you guys. like the guy who made stardew valley (123hours). go the indies! go the entrepreneurs!


Saying maybe july/august, and being delayed, is ok. im used to blizzard's 'ready when ready'. but of cos its not nice. and some people on the forums cant handle it.


you said no more alphas - wow. what a big step for you guys. im proud of you. but i hope that decision wasnt made in anger, in response to all the unreasonable cry-babies. remember, if Ford asked people what they wanted, they wouldve said faster horses, not cars. if steve jobs asked people what they wanted, they would've said a smaller phone, not a smart phone. sometimes the market isnt the best to know whatss the best





Lol your just a noob at this game lol. Over 4k here in hrs on this game skyrim is bout the same with all the modding I have done....


Been here since a5. Seen great ideas come from tfp but a17 sorry to say I prolly try it and shelf it. But i have been wrong before.


Certain things tfp stated they will never do but then cave cause a minority what the game their way. Not to say some people's ideas aren't great. Good things for the game removed and replaced by lesser quality ideas etc. Certain things being put in the game is killing the zombie lore for me (jax not my back pack either lol ). Smart zombies for one. They are dead the only thing keeping them moving is their brain stem.


Digging zombies. Their flesh is rotted any attempt to dig dirt or blocks would see their body parts disintegrate or fall off or tear away etc. Jumping zombies their body wouldn't survive being able to do this either. Climbing possibly pending what they are climbing.


1000% they wouldn't be able to destroy concrete. A mass amount of zs would maybe push a wall or fence over but not with the minute amount of zs this game allows.....


Now I dont care the length of time it was taking each build at all.


I haven't played since a17.4 came out and not alot is drawing me back in atm.


The enjoyment of the game is being sucked out of what it could have been at this point.

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Lol your just a noob at this game lol.

It does seem like you are seeing his number of hours as something to mock. I just...I don't understand why there is a need for that. I don't want to understand either really, I can't really see that any good comes of it. I can only ask that you not mock people and make the environment in here hostile. Please.

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It does seem like you are seeing his number of hours as something to mock. I just...I don't understand why there is a need for that. I don't want to understand either really, I can't really see that any good comes of it. I can only ask that you not mock people and make the environment in here hostile. Please.


I was merely saying he/she is young to the game. When he/she has alot more hrs and sees the game go from something brilliant and awesome and unique to a lesser quality he/she would understand.


I was not mocking anyone never have. So I would kindly like you to not assume. It would also make this forum a much nicer place and less hostile.... please

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I was merely saying he/she is young to the game. When he/she has alot more hrs and sees the game go from something brilliant and awesome and unique to a lesser quality he/she would understand.


I was not mocking anyone never have. So I would kindly like you to not assume. It would also make this forum a much nicer place and less hostile.... please


Oh yeah? Never have? Well, you do make me laugh. So I guess there is THAT upside. Have a great night/day.

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