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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Yes I hope so too. Maybe make the high power/high caliber weapons rare drops at military bases or what not, but make the zeds wandering the base covered in kevlar and hard to kill. Maybe the military zeds are always feral? (Possible plot point that the military is responsible for the virus.) I would love to have an m16 late game during a horde.😁


All the m16 are dirty and with no cleaning kits left the only autos that still work is the old reliable AK47.

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Well, the World Health Organization already considers gaming to be an addiction like alcoholism or drug addiction. They classify those conditions as diseases, so... I mean...


Say there, this is great! Put in for disability, get my "treatments" at various Game-Cons throughout the world... yes... Yes! I'm sick and need help, lot and lots of financial help!


* Now what doctor do I know with "saucy" ethical standards?

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Funny thing about an M-16/M4... It uses 5.56 mm rounds, which are smaller than the 7.62 coming out of the AK or sniper rifle, but they're going much faster. Because of this it tends to be better for armor penetration. Likes to tumble through the body, rather than dealing crush damage and creating a big temporary wound cavity. (Bullet goes in, dumps it's kinetic energy like setting off a firecracker under water, but the projectile usually has enough energy to come out the other side of a human target. Human shields aren't great.)


The smaller, faster projectile (5.56 or 556) will punch through undead fleshy targets as it's really meant to tumble and rip and tear blood vessels and perforate organs, rather than impart a great deal of kinetic energy. (So the 556 ALSO has greater over penetration.) They don't really bleed though, so while the bullets will zip through, it won't really do a lot.


However... A headshot is still a headshot. Hitting bone with that much kinetic energy can do 'wonderful' things and might make delicious scrambled brains.


So I might want a 5.56 platform against bandits and players, not so much against zeds. AK is better against zeds, bu tis also very effective against NPC's/Bandits/Players.


Pros for the M-16/M4/AR:

  • Lighter. Ammo weighs less (bigger stacks)
  • Higher accuracy (Due to a number of factors)
  • Over penetration (can go through more than one target, or punch through armor better?)
  • Spawling (bleed chance or higher bleed chance?)
  • Very common design, MANY attachments and parts


Cons for the M-16/M4:

  • Tighter tolerances, requiring more frequent maintenance (faster degradation)
  • Less kinetic energy delivery (less effective against zombies)


Having trouble coming up with too many cons. At the end of the day, an M-16/M4 or similar wouldn't be bad to have. I could see it being added to alter the gameplay dynamic a bit. Though right now the SMG has the highest DPS of any weapon, IIRC. Least last I checked the wiki.


It's only a 9mm round, but with good, accurate shooting it's pretty nasty. (Of course that goes for any decent firearm)


Anyway, that's a small bit of analysis on the subject.

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All the m16 are dirty and with no cleaning kits left the only autos that still work is the old reliable AK47.


You could probably pull an AK47 out of the rain drenched mud and it would still fire without exploding in your hand.

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Actually, no. There have been plenty of weekends that there have been multiple updates.


That's right! Some of these guys even work on weekends to get things done; that's what I call dedication!

And Joel (Madmole) takes time to make a quick video on some weekends, when he should probably just enjoy the couple of days off.

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I think adding weapons like m16 is not for alpha. Alpha is mainly for features. There is one automatic weapon which is AK-47 but when adding new weapon i am for something mechanical new - spear, slingshot, boomerang, throwing tomahawk which you have take back from zombie, flamethrower, granate launcher.

Content can modders added later.

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That's right! Some of these guys even work on weekends to get things done; that's what I call dedication!

And Joel (Madmole) takes time to make a quick video on some weekends, when he should probably just enjoy the couple of days off.


for a dev or artist of any type, there is no such thing as a day off. even out of the office, you are still working on it in your head.

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It can be easily added with some mod - actually it is possible it is already in some mode - there are so many of them. I have played in 4 or 5 and they have many new weapons, and bullets. You should try them out.


It would be great to see a list of mods (like on Steam) that we could use with the game rather than having to hunt down every mod and try them out. Hoping that they don't break the game.


- - - Updated - - -


Yes I hope so too. Maybe make the high power/high caliber weapons rare drops at military bases or what not, but make the zeds wandering the base covered in kevlar and hard to kill. Maybe the military zeds are always feral? (Possible plot point that the military is responsible for the virus.) I would love to have an m16 late game during a horde.😁


But don't we already have both those in the game?



We have the sniper rifle


We have army covered with body armor.

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As far as i know, there will be no Gyro on A17, so better not wait for it;)


Yes, I know but it will be there for Modder to include if they want, and in Video it was quite flyable. So I know someone will activate it someday, sooner than official release if not included in A17. So we can expect it one or other way.

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It would be great to see a list of mods (like on Steam) that we could use with the game rather than having to hunt down every mod and try them out. Hoping that they don't break the game.


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But don't we already have both those in the game?



We have the sniper rifle


We have army covered with body armor.


Steam Workshop is definitely planned for the future. So you will get your wish.

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- - - Updated - - -

For me I just love those new Gyro or 4x4 to be added, improve AI of zed is good too, not excited for bug fix or good looking light, I just need those couple of things in A16 and I am happy :).


I've never heard of someone not wanting bugfixes, this is the first so congrats on that m8.

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Funny thing about an M-16/M4... It uses 5.56 mm rounds, which are smaller than the 7.62 coming out of the AK or sniper rifle, but they're going much faster. Because of this it tends to be better for armor penetration. Likes to tumble through the body, rather than dealing crush damage and creating a big temporary wound cavity. (Bullet goes in, dumps it's kinetic energy like setting off a firecracker under water, but the projectile usually has enough energy to come out the other side of a human target. Human shields aren't great.)


The smaller, faster projectile (5.56 or 556) will punch through undead fleshy targets as it's really meant to tumble and rip and tear blood vessels and perforate organs, rather than impart a great deal of kinetic energy. (So the 556 ALSO has greater over penetration.) They don't really bleed though, so while the bullets will zip through, it won't really do a lot.


However... A headshot is still a headshot. Hitting bone with that much kinetic energy can do 'wonderful' things and might make delicious scrambled brains.


So I might want a 5.56 platform against bandits and players, not so much against zeds. AK is better against zeds, bu tis also very effective against NPC's/Bandits/Players.


Pros for the M-16/M4/AR:

  • Lighter. Ammo weighs less (bigger stacks)
  • Higher accuracy (Due to a number of factors)
  • Over penetration (can go through more than one target, or punch through armor better?)
  • Spawling (bleed chance or higher bleed chance?)
  • Very common design, MANY attachments and parts


Cons for the M-16/M4:

  • Tighter tolerances, requiring more frequent maintenance (faster degradation)
  • Less kinetic energy delivery (less effective against zombies)


Having trouble coming up with too many cons. At the end of the day, an M-16/M4 or similar wouldn't be bad to have. I could see it being added to alter the gameplay dynamic a bit. Though right now the SMG has the highest DPS of any weapon, IIRC. Least last I checked the wiki.


It's only a 9mm round, but with good, accurate shooting it's pretty nasty. (Of course that goes for any decent firearm)


Anyway, that's a small bit of analysis on the subject.


The 5.56 mm doesn't have great killing power. There are better calibers for that like 7.62 which the SCAR and Heckler & Koch G3 use (although latter being more common in European countries). Would be interesting to see instead of a plain old M4/M16 but I wouldn't mind. I am quite happy with the AK47 though (which uses 7.62 ammo funnily enough)


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stick around... it gets crazier sometimes and you aint seen nothin' yet :)


I usually lurk the forums, you aren't wrong lol.

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The 5.56 mm doesn't have great killing power. There are better calibers for that like 7.62 which the SCAR and Heckler & Koch G3 use (although latter being more common in European countries).


Correct. Which is what my post basically stated to begin with.

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Madmole isn't going to sign off on A17 unless and until he can play through several in-game days without encountering a showstopper.

Sorry if this has been asked and answered but new to the forum(not the game) and that's a lot to read back thru.


Are play throughs like that being attempted yet or is it still a few stages before that?


The last server I played on died out in March and haven't played since.

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I'ld just be happy with raiders/npcs with different weapons who you can either attack or they attack you randomly.


If talking blocks/buildings/new items though then new things i think would suit this world would be ..........


1) Science lab with zombies in cages where the scientists were looking for a cure.


2) Scientist zombies [chance for beakers, paper, goggles etc as loot]


3) Buildings with self defence systems in place. <SNIP> .



Some really good ideas there.

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It would be great to see a list of mods (like on Steam) that we could use with the game rather than having to hunt down every mod and try them out. Hoping that they don't break the game.


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But don't we already have both those in the game?



We have the sniper rifle


We have army covered with body armor.


Yes, but I was thinking something big and ridiculous. It doesn't have to be a m16, but something thats clearly overkill, but rare. The rocket launcher is fun but I was thinking something more of a really big gun. Maybe a minigun or something that needs a tripod. This will just be a mod down the road im sure. It just seems to me that end game is lacking in heavy artillery. Remote detonated explosives would be awesome too.

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