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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I'd love to see the fall damage reworked in the new update.


It's silly that you can fall like 60 blocks and take no damage.


30 blocks should be an instant death, regardless of armour.


10 Blocks = 50% woundet

20 Blocks = 75% woundet additional 25% Death

30+ Blocks = 95% wounded additional 90% Death

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I'm all for underground threats. Definitely would like to see air pollution been an issue and something that needs to be managed (ventilation to the surface). The vent system could generate heat and attract screamers so would need to be positioned strategically or defended with turrets so zombies don't destroy it.


I'm not for zombies spawning underground.


With the breadcrumb system I imagine lots of zombies building up at the entrance of our base, maybe some of them will start to hit the entrance over time and start trying to get closer and closer to the player. Not quite as aggressive on blood moon nights.


On bloodmoon nights we need a digger though, hopefully the terrain behind the digger repairs. On top of a digger the zombies should be more focused and attack player entrances or if the entrances are blocked off, any player made blocks nearby.

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When I build an underground storeroom I build the walls of all but the first out of reinforced concrete. Your suggestion would be to have my reinforced concrete wall blocks instantaneously vaporised and replaced by yet more teleporting zombies?


Teleporting zombies of any type should be scrapped from game design - not actively sought.


You missed the key point, kinyajuu said that if this were to be implemented they would only spawn behind the first layer of dirt behind your excavation and ONLY while you are actively digging would the % chance of a spawn happen in the block adjacent to the one you are currently digging they wouldn't just appear out of nowhere for no reason while you are just sat there admiring all your hard work and stocking your underground store.

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More specialized loot sounds good

Loot only from Hordenight (Basebuilding special parts)

Loot only from City POi´s (Medicin + Warweapon Ammo)

Items only from Traders (Energy Production)

Items only from Quests (Vehicle except the Bike)

Trader Treasures and Mining only (special Ressources like Gold)


This way it is easy to steer the Players needs and actions a bit more


Why do i need loot if the horde cant reach me underground anyway?...besides for pvp which sucks for this type of game, id rather play BF1 for pvp.

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Given the time and effort required I think the best idea for digging Z's was posted a few days ago although I forget who came up with it.


Giving the Z's a special behavior that allows them to slowly dig through a ground block without destroying it would be relatively simple to implement while still preventing the swiss-cheese terrain. Seeing a Z slowly crawling out of the tunnel wall, with suitably scary scratching-sounds as a prior warning, would be damn near terrifying in the dark.

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Why do i need loot if the horde cant reach me underground anyway?

Because even hardcore Bedrock Dweller do more than Standing 24/7 in a room


But sure you are right

If you make a huge underground garden and close the entry at surface decent you can survive for many many years in your Vault. And i ask you now only one thing.

Why not ?


I can skip every single 7th day horde and lost not the smallest amount of fun.

So if you want me to play a surface style i think we should start to diskuss the remove of the 7th day hordes.

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How about they learn to generate a road system first? :D


Because even hardcore Bedrock Dweller do more than Standing 24/7 in a room


But sure you are right

If you make a huge underground garden and close the entry at surface decent you can survive for many many years in your Vault. And i ask you now only one thing.

Why not ?


I can skip every single 7th day horde and lost not the smallest amount of fun.

So if you want me to play a surface style i think we should start to diskuss the remove of the 7th day hordes.


I agree hordes should be able to be turned off for people who dont like them...though i still never understand why. However the controlling factor of said hordes should NOT be weather u choose to build above ground or not. It should be a menu option.. Hordes on = threats everywhere , Hordes off = boring everywhere including below ground and above. Base location should not drive this option.

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i dont want it boring everywhere, i simply dont like to fight a endless GPS horde.


my taste would be 1 Horde per month and with some special loot that you can get only from this horde. Like "Lock sets" you would need to produce Safes, or a kind of mechanical parts you need for Traps, or other things you as player want but you dont need.


As soon as i have reinforced concrete there is no challenge to defend a 7th day horde.

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That is the true beauty of this game... everyone can play God and make it in their own image if they choose. Or find and follow the god of their choosing.


Yes, modders, you are now gods competing for worshipers.


TFP are the meta-gods in this scenario, I guess.

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How about they learn to generate a road system first? :D


i dont want it boring everywhere, i simply dont like to fight a endless GPS horde.


my taste would be 1 Horde per month and with some special loot that you can get only from this horde. Like "Lock sets" you would need to produce Safes, or a kind of mechanical parts you need for Traps, or other things you as player want but you dont need.


As soon as i have reinforced concrete there is no challenge to defend a 7th day horde.


Im not against once a month horde as an option either. What im against is base location being able to nullify the threat. The amount of threat from hordes and other zombies should be driven by a menu option not by weather u choose to build below ground or not.

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Why would you want to remove the bloodmoon makes no sense you all bought the game knowing it's a zombie game.


Because we are not all the same and people find different things fun. It's that simple.


Personally, I like a more constant challenge most of the time but I will occasionally start a game with zombies turned off to simulate "last man on Earth" and then later turn on the zombies once I've got things where I want them. Variety is always a good thing in my opinion. :p

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Why would you want to remove the bloodmoon makes no sense you all bought the game knowing it's a zombie game.


Believe it or not, there are Zombies everywhere, not only the few from the Bloodmoon horde.

I like to fight Zombies.

I dislike senseless tower defense without challenge.


I play mostly Death is Death with 25% loot abundance on insane. And i behave as if it would be real. (Except my big buildings)

100 % fun for me, and the chance to die is much higher if you loot a container in a dark Basement as if you stand on a Steelfortress and fight Zombies that never can reach you.

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Yea i dont know how people can put countless hours into the game and cheese the horde by hiding or standing up on a platform of 1/4 blocks shooting down.


Im on ground level fighting melee and ranged through poles etc. If they get in im done. Thats a adrenaline rush for me

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