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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Granite between the dirt and rock? As a geologist, I say, GET OUT OF HERE YOU FILTHY HEATHEN :o:)


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Hehe, sweet of you to think of me <3


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There are no striations in granite.. :( Unless it's faulted..




Make The Forum Geologically Realistic Again


Haha see I knew you would find the 'fault' in my statement ;) pun intended and all :)

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Why would granite need to float? Who said it floats? Is there no way at all to counter that exploit? Seems like you could come up with something. I thought that SI was a check to find the max number of blocks that could be placed horizontally on a support column. If that column doesn't have an unbroken chain straight down to bedrock then the blocks fall. Gaps make it so what someone thinks is a support column is not really a support column. So just because we make the check extend to granite that wouldn't negate gravity below that point would it? I'm not advocating for "no gravity below granite" so I'm trying to figure out why the granite slab would just float if it isn't connected to anything.


Of course we have current floating base issues that haven't been solved yet so perhaps floating bases amounts to Pimp kryptonite and Gazz just knows they'll be powerless to stop it.... ;)


That reads like an SI game performance hit to me. If you mean that now SI has to determine what's closer or below the block. Granite or Bedrock.


Still. It wouldn't matter from a hanging base perspective. Even if you connected a block below granite or used blocks as hooks going through the granite to connect on top of the granite, the granite is still a supported block. So. Hanging bases under granite. And in reality, unless zombies are digging, just put a concrete platform above your hanging base with wedge and wedge tip ramping so even crawlers don't get stuck. You're right back to digging zombies who now can't dig through my granite ceiling.


And if I wanted to be crafty, go ahead and spawn zombies below. I'll knock out the top rung ladder and sit back on my platform above and let the zombies chill till day. Still not forcing blood moon on anyone. Not to mention the plethora of ways others have mentioned you can dodge blood moon. I.E. running, biking, swimming, etc.


For granite to act like bedrock but still be able to collapse, seems like it may be a funny coding exercise to me. Don't know how it's originally coded so not sure.

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come on every one would like to play with there buddy's and play against others... so 10 to 15 players should be the minimum. they know there would be servers with 40 people a lot of those btw... its not a single player game ( for me tho )


my opinion is still make the game work correct then put new stuff in that could break it all again


I don't want to PVP. It's always a troll fest.

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You know what, this long silence on 16.4 experimental fix, I am going to call it early.


I'm saying we gont get stable until A17.


And in this case, I would be ecstatic to be wrong. ETA 2 days on MMs new video?


We get new Bugreports every day, there are 16.4 bugs that are Gamebreaking and need decent work.

How do you come to the Conclusion that one week of no news are a statement that the fix will need month ?


Game Development needs time. Start to mod by yourself and you learn that a week is nothing.

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You know what, this long silence on 16.4 experimental fix, I am going to call it early.


I'm saying we gont get stable until A17.


And in this case, I would be ecstatic to be wrong. ETA 2 days on MMs new video?


16.3 is stable. There's a difference between stable and buggy. Right now I'm on a break but my server's at day 140+. No crashes. Fairish performance in most situations. Granted. It's not hosting 16+ players. But still.


Have lost a few mini bikes... Can't wait for new physics!

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seeing a lot of comment about my post.


i hope they will still look into some of the things maybe its easy maybe its not i don't know.

what i do know is that it will take time.

I know its alpha versions.. still the game is so far those little things that aren't 100% will be a major improvement. in my opinion atleast.


I do play on more servers and that means at least 100 people complaining, not all of them will be on the forum

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I do play on more servers and that means at least 100 people complaining, not all of them will be on the forum


Get where you are coming from, but using numbers can backfire....


4919 People play the game this moment.


Yes.. and at 5/2016 2.5 mil people had bought the pc game (Front page)

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I allways start on bedrock, and my SI is very relieable


Here my standart Layout in this case used at a Prefab





look at this, this is really reliable Si (Screen from the moment the very first blocks have fallen)



A bit more Steel (only the red blocks are steel) and the 4 Pillars in the center can hold the whole building.

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Making no place safe whatsoever will be the end of this game for me.


If being killed and having your base demolished in every single thinkable circumstance is where this game is headed, ill be out early.


Zombies digging to bedrock? Thats absurdity just a little too far. Or spawning there with literally no way in? Come on.


Punching (yes with hands of rotten flesh and bone) through steel reinforced set concrete is already ridiculous.


If digging digging zombies are a thing then I will say one thing, in order to at lesst save some of the community id seriously hope its an option that would be part if a hardcore no escape mode and able to be turned off.


You cant live underground without having to surface anyway, and you cant grow crops there, you need to leave to loot and those killing zombied need to surface to fight. Why cant those restrictions be enough.


Just like its been said by those of limited diplomatic ability, if you dont like underground bases then dont make them.


I have a sneaking suspicion that its these people that play multiplayer and get so annoyed that they cant find underground bases that they think noone should have safe refuge below ground.


Balance. Balance. Balance!


Anyone that thinks any of these proposed changes mean being killed and having your base demolished in every single thinkable circumstance is assuming TFP will be completely negligent in balancing new features. I don't know why anyone would make that assumption. I bet it sounded scary when it was revealed the Blood Moon horde would change to be infinite, spawning an endless number of zombies until morning. In practice, it turned out as a trickle of one or two nuisance zombies.


Did we just get lucky? No! The designers did their job, balancing game stages and more, so that while the new feature could have been set to make things horrible, it was set reasonably to make things better.


Regarding digger zombies and Swiss cheese, the same thing applies. If all zombies spat acid, they'd turn your walls into Swiss cheese. But that's not what usually happens, because the developers harnessed the acid-spitting feature in a more intelligent, limited way, reserving it for one type of zombie. Similarly, if all zombies could dig, we would (and did) get Swiss cheese. But if, say, only the miner zombie digs down, you'll only get a few holes to plug per horde night. Why is that so bad? It would be sufficient to change up underground gameplay, because all the other zombies can use the same hole.


Regarding radiation that rises underground on horde night, that seems like an improvement on Jackelmyer's original idea to raise the water level, since it can handle terrain of variable height. It's a pretty brute force method, though. I would prefer a method that directly involves zombies, the reason being that zombies are the main antagonists. Fighting zombies is the most developed part of the game, and it would take a lot of work to flesh out substitute gameplay that was as developed.


However, making radioactive... stuff a valuable resource you can collect would help in another area: the risk versus reward of killing tougher zombies. The valuable stuff we have now - brass, magnum parts, electronic components, rare ores - only makes sense in certain places, which means some enemies (bears, for one) don't offer anything to make killing them worthwhile. If irradiated zombies could be harvested for units of a valuable made up material, it would be a reason to go after them.


Why would granite need to float? Who said it floats? Is there no way at all to counter that exploit? Seems like you could come up with something. I thought that SI was a check to find the max number of blocks that could be placed horizontally on a support column. If that column doesn't have an unbroken chain straight down to bedrock then the blocks fall. Gaps make it so what someone thinks is a support column is not really a support column. So just because we make the check extend to granite that wouldn't negate gravity below that point would it? I'm not advocating for "no gravity below granite" so I'm trying to figure out why the granite slab would just float if it isn't connected to anything.


Of course we have current floating base issues that haven't been solved yet so perhaps floating bases amounts to Pimp kryptonite and Gazz just knows they'll be powerless to stop it.... ;)


I am totally playing devil's advocate here, but...


You defined it such that SI isn't calculated under the granite layer. That means whatever's under the granite layer doesn't affect its SI: since no calculation is performed, the granite's SI is defined to be 'okay' no matter what. Once you have that, you can pick a patch of granite, and dig out all the stone underneath it down to bedrock if you like. The granite will be unaffected. Then dig out a perimeter on all sides of the granite patch, and you have yourself a solid tower of dirt with a granite floor, which is unattached to anything on any side. Replace the dirt with whatever you want, and you have a floating castle. There may be counters to the exploit, but you'd have to define what the expected result is.

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Prime and I were thinking about having a special terrain block that would go active when a block beside it is destroyed. So when you're digging you might dig beside a zed spawn and wake it up, kinda like a sleeper.


I could get behind this idea if the odds of spawning a zed in this fashion were about the same as finding a gold ore block. Then it would be an actual surprise to come face to face with a zed holding only a pickaxe.


If it was common to find zeds in this fashion then they would just become as much a nause as the above ground sleepers are - just a contrived time sink.


The other idea we discussed was allowing them to spawn in terrain blocks closest to the player near the player height if lower than terrain height - 3, if the player is at terrain height - 2 or higher, spawn above ground. This would probably be best for blood moon hordes. This way if the player is underground they'll spawn underground nearby right at the edge where terrain meets air, inset by one block (basically destroy the two blocks they spawn in, then they can dig their way out). If above ground well, they'll just spawn normal. Then on horde nights, if you go underground, you'll just be having to fight zombies coming out of the ground from around you, losing the ability to attack from further away unless you have a huge underground area hollowed out.


When I build an underground storeroom I build the walls of all but the first out of reinforced concrete. Your suggestion would be to have my reinforced concrete wall blocks instantaneously vaporised and replaced by yet more teleporting zombies?


Teleporting zombies of any type should be scrapped from game design - not actively sought.


If a player wants to sacrifice a vast amount of time and resources digging out space underground to live then fair play to them. The time and resources put in and the looting that they are foregoing more than offset their reward for being underground.


Perhaps if you increased the hitpoints and dramatically lowered the stack sizes of soil you would make it harder to establish a foothold underground? Or simulated oxygen depletion by staying in an enclosed space?


Please absolutely anything except more teleporting and immersion shredding zeds.

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Why would granite need to float? Who said it floats? Is there no way at all to counter that exploit? Seems like you could come up with something.

I said that this was the first thing (that could go wrong) that came to mind.

It would certainly be possible for the "border" block to just stop vertical propagation of SI checks.


It's just a potential can of very wiggly worms that has to be considered carefully. ;)


For instance:

These blocks need to support and be supported vertically or you couldn't use them for something like a cave ceiling.


So what happens on an incline?

A regular stone/dirt block holds up a magic block. Everything on top of the magic block supports back to hold up the first stone block but the weight of that column is infinitely supported by the magic block.



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Actually I am against all kind of underground challenges because they don't make any sense or they are hard to code (as Royal Deluxe stated).^^


I have to correct myself (because I tend to forget NPCs). Groups of wild free-roaming geologists using special measuring probes in order to find player-made cavities could be a realistic option for underground threats. :laugh:

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People that believe zombies tearing through steel is ludicrous should look up "Limpet Teeth". It's the strongest biological material known (a snail makes it). Harder than iron; it can certainly do damage to steel over time. If I were writing the lore for this game I would make the "zombie virus" a parasitic bacterium that when infecting a host, causes these limpet teeth to cover their skin, etc. Every 7 days(incubation cycle) they release their spore into the air, making the sky and thus the moon turn red, while also strengthening/bersekering already infected hosts. I mean if you can dent steel with wood and scratch it with glass then limpet teeth should tear up the veneer.

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I have to correct myself (because I tend to forget NPCs). Groups of wild free-roaming geologists using special measuring probes in order to find player-made cavities could be a realistic option for underground threats. :laugh:


Next-gen new type of zombie.

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Groups of wild geologists using special measuring probes to investigate player cavities sounds scary indeed.


One man's scary is another man's profession! :)


.. Is this an appropriate time to tell that geologists usually lick rocks when investigating them?

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