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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Keep it coming with ways to break it :p


-An enclosed 3 meter wide perch 5 meters above bedrock and against the invincible traders zone? No natural blocks within 5 meters. All blocks made by the player.


-The super deluxe version is completely surrounding the trader area with a pit to bedrock and your perch area hugging the trader zone.


Each side of the traders zone has 3 perch areas separated by a gap so a player can flee to the next one using frames. Just in case something unforeseen happened.


On the surface is a 5 wide lip of player blocks that can go all to way down to the perch area so a digger will need to chew through around 60 meters of up to steel reinforced blocks.



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What about a granite layer that is two blocks thick between dirt and stone and SI is only calculated to Granite instead of all the way to bedrock? Then you could have as many caves and caverns below granite and it wouldn't mess with any surface structures? You could also use it as a gate for deep mining if granite could only be destroyed with a steel pickaxe? Then the only SI issues would be any tunnels dug above granite and those spots where a player punched through it to go deeper.

Hanging bases. Now I think you just gave me a better immune base than we had before.

That was the first thing I thought of. =)


Cut out a slab of granite, clear 5 or 6 blocks below it, add a moat maybe 6 wide, live on your floating rock.

Zombies? What zombies?

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For A17 and beyond, can we please get serial numbers on our guns, and weapon attachments? That would increase our ability to detect duping substantially. Right now there is a quality level that consists of 3-4 parts which makes it easier to spot a duplicate weapon. But once parts are gone if there is only a quality level between 1-600 that doesn't help that much. I know TFP are not all about the duping thing, but this somewhat simple addition would help third party tools at least.

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Why the focus on adding more zombies underground and not finding ways of getting the play to want to be above ground because he is losing out on something if he should miss horde night? Thanks for getting me all negative about 7D2D future again.


Yup, they did take away most reasons to kill zombies unless you're a bit homicidal. 80% if the time I just avoid them.


So, make the horde night the only time the player can find magical stuff (we're still on the "its all magic", right?)

or a small chance to find legendary items

or when there's a plot, then clues to the New World Order (or the Vampire lair)

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More specialized loot sounds good

Loot only from Hordenight (Basebuilding special parts)

Loot only from City POi´s (Medicin + Warweapon Ammo)

Items only from Traders (Energy Production)

Items only from Quests (Vehicle except the Bike)

Trader Treasures and Mining only (special Ressources like Gold)


This way it is easy to steer the Players needs and actions a bit more

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Well i started to read up again after a while.. i thought they were working on finishing all the stuff again ?? I play on more servers and there are rules like :

- don't drop stuff on the ground

- harvesting area can't be bigger then this much blocks.

- minibike getting out

- some electrical stuff taken out. ( pressure plates and timer-relay )

This all because it is causing major lag in a server with like 15 people... (some times 20 )


If they want to put more stuff in do something like :

.more crops like strawberry coconuts

.make a player have a vitamin lvl you need to eat healthy as well so you don't get sick.

.there you would be needing more sickness stuff

.extra blocks with a radius in a block of 2x2 and stuff ( for the builders )


one of my biggest problems when playing is that zombies still walking away from me they don't see me ( middle of the day ).

the zeds are still not 100% correct.


when everything is working how stuff needs to work it much easier to put new stuff in. (i know this for a fact )

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More specialized loot sounds good

Loot only from Hordenight (Basebuilding special parts)

Loot only from City POi´s (Medicin + Warweapon Ammo)

Items only from Traders (Energie Production)

Items only from Quests (Vehicle except the Bike)


This way it is easy to steer the Players needs and actions a bit more


VERY good idea. Being able to passively influence a player to more adventures is really a great idea!

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That was the first thing I thought of. =)


Cut out a slab of granite, clear 5 or 6 blocks below it, add a moat maybe 6 wide, live on your floating rock.

Zombies? What zombies?


Why would granite need to float? Who said it floats? Is there no way at all to counter that exploit? Seems like you could come up with something. I thought that SI was a check to find the max number of blocks that could be placed horizontally on a support column. If that column doesn't have an unbroken chain straight down to bedrock then the blocks fall. Gaps make it so what someone thinks is a support column is not really a support column. So just because we make the check extend to granite that wouldn't negate gravity below that point would it? I'm not advocating for "no gravity below granite" so I'm trying to figure out why the granite slab would just float if it isn't connected to anything.


Of course we have current floating base issues that haven't been solved yet so perhaps floating bases amounts to Pimp kryptonite and Gazz just knows they'll be powerless to stop it.... ;)

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For A17 and beyond, can we please get serial numbers on our guns, and weapon attachments? That would increase our ability to detect duping substantially. Right now there is a quality level that consists of 3-4 parts which makes it easier to spot a duplicate weapon. But once parts are gone if there is only a quality level between 1-600 that doesn't help that much. I know TFP are not all about the duping thing, but this somewhat simple addition would help third party tools at least.


Guns will become extremely unique because of the modifications that will be added to them...much more unique than they currently are with the four gun parts. If someone has three guns with duplicate mods and quality then ban 'em

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WOW this is great, the forum is awesome again!

This is how it use to be IDEAS flaying back and forth!!


I think underground zeds is a good idea to get those who hide away from the BloodMoon!

I sometimes hid but only when i come onto a server like a day before the BloodMoon and have no choice!!

But that zed spawning next to and air block sounds cool cause you don't know where they will break in at.

A digging zed also sounds cool but couldn't t hat be easy to prevent it, just make concert blocks farther down to block them?

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More specialized loot sounds good

Loot only from Hordenight (Basebuilding special parts)

Loot only from City POi´s (Medicin + Warweapon Ammo)

Items only from Traders (Energy Production)

Items only from Quests (Vehicle except the Bike)

Trader Treasures and Mining only (special Ressources like Gold)


This way it is easy to steer the Players needs and actions a bit more


Now this is what i would call improving the game in a positive way and not just forcing the player. +1

I tend to be underground for a horde night or two to get the courage to face them or to a level i feel i can challenge them. This will have me take chances more and on my terms not because somebody feels you should die 3 times before you even into your map.

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More specialized loot sounds good

Loot only from Hordenight (Basebuilding special parts)

Loot only from City POi´s (Medicin + Warweapon Ammo)

Items only from Traders (Energy Production)

Items only from Quests (Vehicle except the Bike)

Trader Treasures and Mining only (special Ressources like Gold)


This way it is easy to steer the Players needs and actions a bit more


What a great idea

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Game officially supports 8 players, dealing with issues that effect larger servers is likely low on the priorities list (if they are even on the list that is).


come on every one would like to play with there buddy's and play against others... so 10 to 15 players should be the minimum. they know there would be servers with 40 people a lot of those btw... its not a single player game ( for me tho )


my opinion is still make the game work correct then put new stuff in that could break it all again

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come on every one would like to play with there buddy's and play against others... so 10 to 15 players should be the minimum. they know there would be servers with 40 people a lot of those btw... its not a single player game ( for me tho )


my opinion is still make the game work correct then put new stuff in that could break it all again


And your opinion is welcome, but still, this will not happen. You are not the first ask for this two points.

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its still game breaking for a lot of people


the more people complaining the more likely to get is sorted

Not in this case


1: Alpha is adding Content. Beta is Bugfixing. Very Basic, no way to edit that. (Specially at the last 20% percent of content)

2: Game is optimized for Singleplayer and supports up to 8 player Coop. There is not even Support for more player issues.

Much more probably, if enough people demand support for more player so that it start to be a anoyance would be that they Hardwire the 8 Player Slots.


(Like they added weaponssway as someone startet to scream for remove the movement sway that was and ist nearly invisible )

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come on every one would like to play with there buddy's and play against others... so 10 to 15 players should be the minimum. they know there would be servers with 40 people a lot of those btw... its not a single player game ( for me tho )


my opinion is still make the game work correct then put new stuff in that could break it all again


If i remember correctly, but i can be wrong this IS a single player game with support for multi player.

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What about a granite layer that is two blocks thick between dirt and stone and SI is only calculated to Granite instead of all the way to bedrock? Then you could have as many caves and caverns below granite and it wouldn't mess with any surface structures? You could also use it as a gate for deep mining if granite could only be destroyed with a steel pickaxe? Then the only SI issues would be any tunnels dug above granite and those spots where a player punched through it to go deeper.


Granite between the dirt and rock? As a geologist, I say, GET OUT OF HERE YOU FILTHY HEATHEN :o:)


- - - Updated - - -


This works, plus our resident geologist gets his granite ;)


Hehe, sweet of you to think of me <3


- - - Updated - - -


At least he could look at it and go 'nope that does not look at all like granite... the striations are all wrong...' or similar ;)


There are no striations in granite.. :( Unless it's faulted..




Make The Forum Geologically Realistic Again

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