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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I think you should work to be safe....and right now when you get to a certain point in base building, the game hits a wall.



Sorry, missed this. Absolutely agree and think most people do too.


I think if there's one thing the forums have taught us, is that 7D2D has a slew of potential game play styles. And from a general perspective, the more settings options we have to tweak how the game plays out, the better. Granted setting can become ridiculous and make maintenance and expansion difficult. So developing towards a baseline configuration would make sense.


There really is a ton you can do in 7D2D with the limits only being quality of coding and hardware requirements. Both of which have their hard limits. Outside of that, this game has a framework that can kinda do it all.


Which... Is insane. 😂

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The other idea we discussed was allowing them to spawn in terrain blocks closest to the player near the player height if lower than terrain height - 3, if the player is at terrain height - 2 or higher, spawn above ground. This would probably be best for blood moon hordes. This way if the player is underground they'll spawn underground nearby right at the edge where terrain meets air, inset by one block (basically destroy the two blocks they spawn in, then they can dig their way out). If above ground well, they'll just spawn normal. Then on horde nights, if you go underground, you'll just be having to fight zombies coming out of the ground from around you, losing the ability to attack from further away unless you have a huge underground area hollowed out.

I would build a vertical shaft and fill it with hatches (or terrain blocks near the surface). So there wouldn't be any air blocks near the player. ;)

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Well good to know, I would be sure to add hatches, doors, and the blocks at player position and player position plus up a block to the check. Once you're at the bottom they could see your pos, and that you're in X block, know that one is okay, then follow the same logic, making them simply spawn 2 blocks away from your shaft, then dig into it and break blocks to get to you.


Keep it coming with ways to break it :p



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Keep it coming with ways to break it :p


I am so happy to hear you say that. And to be clear, it's not because the zombies need to get you every time, but they need to be able to make real progress towards getting to you IMHO.


However, if a zombie just spawns surrounded by terrain an arbitrary distance underground, it does beg the question how it got there. You'd be sacrificing some suspension of disbelief for the sake of gameplay, which is a good reason, but still... a digging specialist that opens up one path from the surface for him and his buddies doesn't seem so bad.


Also, is "the terrain height" unambiguously definable? There may be potential to manipulate that calculation depending on the implementation.

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I tried to summon the developer who is over the terrain generation to come and answer whether it would be possible to do as you suggested. Guppy was remarking upon my apparent inability to call upon him.




Kinyajuu Kinyajuu Kinyajuu.


...take notes this time Roland. =)


(Hi Janna!)


(Summoning with so much power I can alter time...)

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If you have a digging zombie , it wouldn't take out the earth it digs through, maybe there could be a mechanics that these zombies only have a 2 block bubble ,when they move on the earth fills up behindvthe bubble again , leaving no unrealistic tunnels. I have no idea if something like this could be possible to implement.


Unrealistic tunnels... Well, the player doesn't have to haul all the earth away when s/he mines out a tunnel. Do you want the earth to fill in behind the player, too? Or do you only want the game to be more realistic when it makes things easier? :p

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I am all for letting the zombies spawn in the dirt a couple blocks in and dig out i don't really care for realism (ya know a tunnel from the surface to your pit that the zombie has 'dug out' so to speak) I'm happy for it to be closed and not wonder how it got there, just that it tried to eat me.


I would just like extra threats underground this game is all too easy right now as is.


In kinyajuu and prime i trust.


Make it hell!

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Making no place safe whatsoever will be the end of this game for me.


If being killed and having your base demolished in every single thinkable circumstance is where this game is headed, ill be out early.


Zombies digging to bedrock? Thats absurdity just a little too far. Or spawning there with literally no way in? Come on.


Punching (yes with hands of rotten flesh and bone) through steel reinforced set concrete is already ridiculous.


If digging digging zombies are a thing then I will say one thing, in order to at lesst save some of the community id seriously hope its an option that would be part if a hardcore no escape mode and able to be turned off.


You cant live underground without having to surface anyway, and you cant grow crops there, you need to leave to loot and those killing zombied need to surface to fight. Why cant those restrictions be enough.


Just like its been said by those of limited diplomatic ability, if you dont like underground bases then dont make them.


I have a sneaking suspicion that its these people that play multiplayer and get so annoyed that they cant find underground bases that they think noone should have safe refuge below ground.

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Making no place safe whatsoever will be the end of this game for me.


If being killed and having your base demolished in every single thinkable circumstance is where this game is headed, ill be out early.


Zombies digging to bedrock? Thats absurdity just a little too far. Or spawning there with literally no way in? Come on.


Punching (yes with hands of rotten flesh and bone) through steel reinforced set concrete is already ridiculous.


If digging digging zombies are a thing then I will say one thing, in order to at lesst save some of the community id seriously hope its an option that would be part if a hardcore no escape mode and able to be turned off.


You cant live underground without having to surface anyway, and you cant grow crops there, you need to leave to loot and those killing zombied need to surface to fight. Why cant those restrictions be enough.


Just like its been said by those of limited diplomatic ability, if you dont like underground bases then dont make them.


I have a sneaking suspicion that its these people that play multiplayer and get so annoyed that they cant find underground bases and because they dont like them then they think noone should have safe refuge below ground.


I beg you to re-read what kinyajuu said (A developer) no where did he say zeds would be digging to bedrock from the surface.


Also you are very quick to judge people and assume all manner of things on what evidence?

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I didnt say he said that, you are linking my quote to him, not me.


Also I corrected my post to reflect his post which was zombies spawning underground, including in tunnels built by the player.


New point --->If 'air pockets' are what I understand to be places without blocks (if not then correct me) then it stands to reason that the player could dig down diagonally, return closer to the surface, and descend again only to find a zonbie at the bottom of the tunnel.


Is that correct?


If not then I accept I have misunderstood something and you can enlighten me.


If it is then that is an absolutely bad idea, and is little more than a planned magic spawn which would turn a previous bug into a current feature.


Immersion breaking and just downright annoying. I dont mind being killed by zombies for a lack of skill, but to be done in in a one way tunnel of which only you are in, near the surface seeing nothing could get inside, only to be met with a magically spawned zombie when you go back down? No thanks.


Btw I literally just woke up and im using my mobile, expect some errors and corrections.


Edit: I dont see much difference between zombies digging down to you or spawning at or around your level and digging their way through to you.


The second choice is even worse than the ability to dig down since these just spawn in destroying enough blocks to start swinging giving you little time to do much. In fact if that happens theres literally nothing you could do until either it digs to you or you dig to it and kill it.


And thats what I mean by immersion breaking.


I dont mind a challenge but thats just taking the piss. And like I said I just hope if this concept ever does make it that it is an option able to be turned off by the player.


Just consider all your players and not just the majority, for id wager that if things were reversed there would be some features that would upset the majority.


Everyone has their own playstyle and its unfair to take that away from them.

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From what he said in his post i gathered this:


Only while actively digging will the blocks have a % chance to spawn a zed behind that block which makes your tunnel wall.


I for one am happy with it if it adds more threats underground, i build many bases above and below ground and have separate zombie fighting stages just a little bit away from each base. I've had to learn and adapt as this game is ever changing (until gold).


I relish the challenge.

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From what he said in his post i gathered this:


Only while actively digging will the blocks have a % chance to spawn a zed behind that block which makes your tunnel wall.


I for one am happy with it if it adds more threats underground, i build many bases above and below ground and have separate zombie fighting stages just a little bit away from each base. I've had to learn and adapt as this game is ever changing (until gold).


I relish the challenge.


Sure but then what happens if you are just finished digging and place a block?


The Z will spawn and then break your block then you kill it.


And for what purpose? That wont affect underground bases then, just be a lot of time spend on a stupid mechanic of which the only real purpose is to slow down your underground construction.


Is that really worth all that effort? Dig, dig, spawn, kill, fill, dig. Really?


It just seems like a massive amount of development time would be wasted to create a minor hindrance, if indeed what you said is the case.

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*Appears out of nowhere with a towel around his waist, holding a rubber duckie*


Oh crap, not again. One of these days you guys are gonna catch me on the toilet.



Prime and I were thinking about having a special terrain block that would go active when a block beside it is destroyed. So when you're digging you might dig beside a zed spawn and wake it up, kinda like a sleeper.


The other idea we discussed was allowing them to spawn in terrain blocks closest to the player near the player height if lower than terrain height - 3, if the player is at terrain height - 2 or higher, spawn above ground. This would probably be best for blood moon hordes. This way if the player is underground they'll spawn underground nearby right at the edge where terrain meets air, inset by one block (basically destroy the two blocks they spawn in, then they can dig their way out). If above ground well, they'll just spawn normal. Then on horde nights, if you go underground, you'll just be having to fight zombies coming out of the ground from around you, losing the ability to attack from further away unless you have a huge underground area hollowed out.


So if we were to do it, I think this would technically work, maybe even include the first idea above as the "biome spawn" just to add a bit of anxiety to digging around a lot.


Another approach you can take is a path finding spawn point from a player. Allow spawning in Air and on any Door/Hatch where the door/hatch/frame (wood or rebar) is immediately destroyed upon spawn. Initially a horizontal pathfinder to find something like a 30 block distance from the player, something akin to wandering horde spawn rules. Underground, that's likely out of sight of the player.


If at all possible, follow the block height of a players feet and seek out a position that is a Air, Door, or Frame type block. For giggles, destroy any block within a height of two (zombie height) and spawn in zombies one at a time ideally. So zombie #1 can spawn in, clear the two blocks by spawn, AI moves the zombie out of the spawn position, and then the rest of the zombies spawn in. Walla. Hatch/Doors/Terrain/etc problems resolved.


While pathfinding for horizontal spawn points, store a list of positions that have 4 blocks height containing the Air/Hatch/Door/Frame type blocks. If no horizontal path is found, the only thing left is a player has a vertical shaft. So go up for the 30 block distance.


Just another approach that leaves more player created blocks destroyed as opposed to world/terrain blocks. :)


mm... probably would be spawn on Air/Hatch/Door/Frame/Ladders. That ought to cover most if not all the junk people can put in the way.

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Sure but then what happens if you are just finished digging and place a block?


The Z will spawn and then break your block then you kill it.


And for what purpose? That wont affect underground bases then, just be a lot of time spend on a stupid mechanic of which the only real purpose is to slow down your underground construction.


Is that really worth all that effort? Dig, dig, spawn, kill, fill, dig. Really?


It just seems like a massive amount of development time to create a minor hindrance, if indeed what you said is the case.


IMO yes it is worth it as currently there is nothing slowing you down while constructing underground it's all too easy.


I read it as actively digging so once you have gone past those blocks connected to the one you're digging through the chance disappears so they'll only ever spawn in your immediate vicinity.


Do you know how long it would take to implement such a mechanic? You seem to know as you state 'a massive amount of development time'.... despite you previously saying you have no game dev knowledge?

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Tbh, zombies spawning underground in artificial air pockets or in the player's own sealed tunnels is too immersion breaking for me. I wouldn't like it one bit.


Instead you should increase the challenge when people are on the surface. Create more incentive for having a surface base.



Let zombies gather around your living area and just linger.

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Tbh, zombies spawning underground in artificial air pockets or in the player's own sealed tunnels is too immersion breaking for me. I wouldn't like it one bit.


Instead you should increase the challenge when people are on the surface. Create more incentive for having a surface base.



Let zombies gather around your living area and just linger.


Increased difficulty on the surface is why (i thought) people made underground bases?


But living on the surface is a piece of cake if you have a base and a fight pit about 30 metres away, nobody is forcing people to fight a horde in their mansion base just take it outside :)

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I changed the maple forest to more of a fall look.


Are we getting seasons? And can we have a toggle in RWG for less biome diversity? Makes no sense that you have desert, snow, desert all across a few hundred meters. Would love for it to just pick something and sticking with it, more immersive.


Also, the temperatures are switching too obviously on a sinus curve and too frequently.

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