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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Steam workshop for POI building in world generatorrrrrrrrrr !!! :strawberry:


yes yes ! totally agree with you it wille bring so much diversity in the random generator.

There wouln't be two similar building in the same town.


That would be great !

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Hello here what i think:


The problem is zombies, like turning around on themselves. Or just for exemple: if you are standing on iron bars on the edge of your base they won't touch your base at all. Sometimes they don't even hit block just running on the spot. To survive any horde you just need to take a prefab go to the seconde floor and wait. Or just need to dig a gap of one block and that's it you won.

We can not say that 's a hard game. They are not efficient enough.


I think you should in my point of view:


-Increase AI like be able to jump over gaps, more intelligent.

-Increase the price of rocket because 20 gp just too easy, like 200 gun powder.

-Not be able to repair for a while when zombies hitting the block.

-Make a like bombe zombie or something like that to destroy bases.

-More special zombies, with their own abilities.

-And the most important make the BEHEMOTH because i am convinced that it could really increase zombies power, and make the game more challenging.


Don't take my comment as a lesson or something, i m just giving my opinion on the game i love, and give you ideas that i think make the game better.


By the way i love your game, congratulation for all you have done just go on.

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turn zombies for a while


Hey everyone,


This is my first post on this forum.


Maybe it's already said on this forum, but i was thinking about a 'potion' that you can give (by shooting an arrow with compound bow) to a zombie so it will 'turn good' on you for a certain time. So during that time, it can help you to fight against the other zombies. You can go many ways about this idea: you can allow only a few types of zombies who can turn or you can make a new one for this. You can make a light version of the potion and a strong one so it will last longer.

That way you can make a small zombie army for a short period to fight with you against a horde.

It's fun i think, especially when you play the single game mode.


The potion can be made of rare items, like special herbs you can find only in certain places.

It's possible to make different mixtures of this rare herbs. You can make a new lab (like the chemistry station) where you can make these potions.


I would be nice to create a new way of playing the game. Finding the specific herbs, building and work with the new lab (with the right expensive skills of course) and try to create your own zombie team. You can give skills to players who are getting more experienced in 'turning' zombies, so they can make even more strong potions as the game evolves.


Like i've said, it can open a new way of playing this game.


I hope you can work with this idea, it would be fun.


Thanks a lot.

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Please post next update related to Zombie AI, really excited to learn about it...


It`s good to know about pimp`s AI plan, but I think its worth to wait a bit since they do so much new stuff such as pois. They have to implement the AI when they got the content ready, will be much easier to create and test.


Welcome in the jungle @renegade2103,

there are tons uf things that can be done. Having chemistry station could bring us stuff like this for sure, adding some more properties to the arrows would be fun, just as fire arrows.

I dont know tho, what kind of soup made from mushrooms, hops and goldenflower would make a zed rethink its life and be a friend with strange looking guys with guns, shooting his lookalikes.

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I dont know tho, what kind of soup made from mushrooms, hops and goldenflower would make a zed rethink its life and be a friend with strange looking guys with guns, shooting his lookalikes.


You need snowberries, grain alcohol, and nitrate powder to make the concoction that makes a zombie rethink their life. Or an AK-47...

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I prefer them in real life. But this breed of shark in particular:


As many as I can have.


- - - Updated - - -




So this is why we have churches ingame. :))


Yes. but only if we have the unholy rabbit that stared in the Monty python holy grail ;)


Churches? No, more like a church. I only found one in Navezgane.

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Welcome in the jungle @renegade2103,

there are tons uf things that can be done. Having chemistry station could bring us stuff like this for sure, adding some more properties to the arrows would be fun, just as fire arrows.

I dont know tho, what kind of soup made from mushrooms, hops and goldenflower would make a zed rethink its life and be a friend with strange looking guys with guns, shooting his lookalikes.


I would make it harder to find the ingredients and the manufacturing of the potion.

Not in a chem station and not with the current stuff.

That way players have to put much time and effort to turn zombies.

You can make a few potions with natural ingredients you find in nature, so i would introduce a few new plants and herbs into the game. Found in caves, in different bios, in certain sliced zombies, ... .

The potion doesn't give the zombies a choice to turn over and fight their own kind, but it takes over their 'free will', like becoming a zombie in the first place.


Players can make their own storyline if they have enough options with these new stuff.

With different potions and building up skills, players can make bigger and stronger zombie friends. But always for a certain time, so if you don't feed the zombies with new potion in time, they will turn against you like before.

For instance, you can train them as long as they are 'owned' by you, but when they turn again, you created an even harder zombie to fight against. That way you create a new way of thinking: turn zombies and train them to be stronger in different ways, later you can stop giving them potion, so they turn against humans and you have created a stronger enemy to fight with. That way you can make it harder for yourself in single player mode or harder for everyone in multi player mode.


The time you own a zombie, you can add some specific clothing for instance, so everyone can recognize them as modified zombies, ... or not.

Another option for instance: you can add a certain ingredient so the turned zombie will follow you everywhere, except underground, buildings and water. Without the ingredient turned zombies will go their random way and are less usefull.


I think you have unlimited options where players can find and create their own storyline that not only effect their game, but everyone else's too. So in time you don't know what to expect when you encounter a zombie.

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I have been playing since A5, and while I know they want to take it from Alpha to Beta with this release, and these things take time to do, and they would like us to be patient, it's causing many to lose interest in the game. I know my entire group that I have played this game with since A5 (around 20 of us at the start), none of us play it anymore. A16 is beyond old and boring even on the hardest settings and playing different modded versions.


Putting up an xp bar and health bar that barely ever moves, is just dragging it out and is more of a turn off than getting excited for a game that has been my favorite game for years now, that I pretty well avoid anymore for lack of new content and the fact that they have been working on it since July 2017.


And everyone can jump on my "Opinion" and what I've seen over the years all they want, but there are plenty out there who feel the same as me. They would have been better off to make two major updates than take the better half of a year to make one new game. I almost never never check for updates anymore and like many have dedicate my time to other games.

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I have been playing since A5, and while I know they want to take it from Alpha to Beta with this release, and these things take time to do, and they would like us to be patient, it's causing many to lose interest in the game. I know my entire group that I have played this game with since A5 (around 20 of us at the start), none of us play it anymore. A16 is beyond old and boring even on the hardest settings and playing different modded versions.


Putting up an xp bar and health bar that barely ever moves, is just dragging it out and is more of a turn off than getting excited for a game that has been my favorite game for years now, that I pretty well avoid anymore for lack of new content and the fact that they have been working on it since July 2017.


And everyone can jump on my "Opinion" and what I've seen over the years all they want, but there are plenty out there who feel the same as me. They would have been better off to make two major updates than take the better half of a year to make one new game. I almost never never check for updates anymore and like many have dedicate my time to other games.


I do agree with a lot of what you say I would prefer having many smaller updates rather than one huge update, with smaller updates coming regularely at least you feel like the game is getting somewhere and thus is less likely to get boring soon

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I have been playing since A5, and while I know they want to take it from Alpha to Beta with this release, and these things take time to do, and they would like us to be patient, it's causing many to lose interest in the game. I know my entire group that I have played this game with since A5 (around 20 of us at the start), none of us play it anymore. A16 is beyond old and boring even on the hardest settings and playing different modded versions.


Putting up an xp bar and health bar that barely ever moves, is just dragging it out and is more of a turn off than getting excited for a game that has been my favorite game for years now, that I pretty well avoid anymore for lack of new content and the fact that they have been working on it since July 2017.


And everyone can jump on my "Opinion" and what I've seen over the years all they want, but there are plenty out there who feel the same as me. They would have been better off to make two major updates than take the better half of a year to make one new game. I almost never never check for updates anymore and like many have dedicate my time to other games.


Thanks for letting us know.



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No, but really, there is shark texture in game files.



Unless you're playing with the new game files, this has been in since they pushed the last update many months ago. My understanding is they intend to do an overhaul of the water system because it's pretty awful right now.


- - - Updated - - -


Well ofc, along with the Holy grenades. ;)


I recently added the Rabbit of Caerbannog to my server. No holy hand grenades, however ...

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I have been playing since A5, and while I know they want to take it from Alpha to Beta with this release, and these things take time to do, and they would like us to be patient, it's causing many to lose interest in the game. I know my entire group that I have played this game with since A5 (around 20 of us at the start), none of us play it anymore. A16 is beyond old and boring even on the hardest settings and playing different modded versions.


Putting up an xp bar and health bar that barely ever moves, is just dragging it out and is more of a turn off than getting excited for a game that has been my favorite game for years now, that I pretty well avoid anymore for lack of new content and the fact that they have been working on it since July 2017.


And everyone can jump on my "Opinion" and what I've seen over the years all they want, but there are plenty out there who feel the same as me. They would have been better off to make two major updates than take the better half of a year to make one new game. I almost never never check for updates anymore and like many have dedicate my time to other games.


So...you're a normal person who gets burnt out after playing the same game for a long time and your friends are people who are very much like yourself?


Take a break man. You aren't being disloyal by playing something else for a few months and then coming back to this one. The developers completely understand that no matter how good their game is it isn't going to be completely immune to burnout. They also aren't taking their sweet time. They are getting it done and the result will be amazing and if you and your friends return to play it again whenever A17 drops you will find that it sucks you right back in.


But let's be realistic here. If you've played since A5 (me too!) then you are going to find that you'll get burned out again after awhile with A17. Yes there will be changes and enhancements and new content but fundamentally it will be the same game you've been playing for the last four years. So, thanks for your opinion and just know that what you are experiencing is perfectly normal and TFP isn't going to change how they do releases because people are getting burnt out after years of playing the game. They do fewer large releases instead of more frequent small releases. Its how they roll and they understand all the pros and cons of that decision.

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Unless you're playing with the new game files, this has been in since they pushed the last update many months ago. My understanding is they intend to do an overhaul of the water system because it's pretty awful right now.


- - - Updated - - -




I recently added the Rabbit of Caerbannog to my server. No holy hand grenades, however ...


WHAT!!! Wait. You just can't add the Rabbit of Caerbannog without the Holy hand grenades. You just can't.

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