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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Instead TFP gave us a place to talk and discuss things and they even listen from time to time.


It's always good to have the conversation going and if some members pick on one thing or another and want to expand then I think it's for the better in the end, like I was saying.


The aura of entitlement sickens me, truth be told.


No entilement from my part whatsoever, I'm not expecting everyone to read every single word I write. Just trying to push and attempt helping to make perhaps an even more solid game. I've been pushing a liiiitle too hard though haha.

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I think you may be confusing their frustration with immaturity.


The frustration comes from once having a dev that actively communicated with the community, sparking discussions and keeping things lively, to a dev team that does not. Sure, Faatal posted some cool Pics and answered some questions outside of a17, and you're still kicking around, but mm's little social experiment isn't working, at least from a forum community relations stand point, which is his prerogative, but you can't reasonably expect it to go over well here.


This is the forum community, and between #streamergate, Twitter announcements coming first and now the shut off of communication, the forum members, the guys who feel like they've been with the development from the start, are feeling left out.


Right, wrong, or inevitable, it's not immaturity.


EXACTLY...well put my friend!! This only started with A17.....BETA....or not...but maybe....we shall see....could be....I don't know.



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I recall reading somewhere that 7DTD will get a Steam Store, that is in-game tradable items that are unique/rare. Is that still in the roadmap and is that A17 or beyond?


I know my kids and I sold many items worth a lot in other games and it was pretty cool to run around wearing stuff that was unique. So Rare/Unique trading loot.

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Thank you for that. I was going to post something to the effect "just because you have a voice doesn't mean others must listen". Not very nice of me, but I just don't get some of the personalities here.


7DTD could have been made in a vacuum. Instead TFP gave us a place to talk and discuss things and they even listen from time to time. They're building a game that can be nearly infinitely modified. But some of us here are never satisfied. The aura of entitlement sickens me, truth be told.


I've long since got my money's worth from 7DTD. I play it more than probably all the games I've ever purchased combined (on Steam at least... my C64 days consumed more time than I care to admit). I've been involved, at many levels, with many betas of big game titles and none of them even made me feel at all like I was truly contributing. Here, at least, if you post something intelligent you get listened to and maybe even change happens because of it. I don't need the affirmation to feel I have something to contribute but it does feel good to know that this isn't just conversations between players going nowhere.


EDIT: corrected feeling to feel... oops.


And what of the people just now getting the the game, and just now joining the forum? What a waste.


Look, I don't know who these "people" are Aldranon was talking about, 'cause I'm reading through the past few pages and not seeing any kind of sense of entitlement, but instead people asking for clarification.


Here's my recollection of events, complete with the actual quotes and my interpretation of those quotes.


MM comes out with an update showing us new stuff.


Me: Clearly abandonware (sarcarsm in full effect)


MM: Alpha 17 is beta, and by all rights SHOULD have been a sequel there is so muc work being done (sarcastic in reply)


People: Alpha 17 is beta?


Me: No, he was joking


Roland: It is almost beta in the grand scheme of things. Alpha 17 is definitely near the end of the alpha phase. No joke. Most features listed in the kickstarter goals are in the game and the ones that are not could be added after final release. Are all of those features at a finished state? No. That is exactly what beta phase is for. (Roland being mathematical in stating that since the game is over 50% complete it's closer to beta than not).


Gazz: A17 means Alpha 17. Literally, explicitly, and inyofacely. Parts of it start smelling a bit beta-ish if you will... (Game is still an alpha)


See the confusion?

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See the confusion?


I think most everyone saw it at this point, it's a land of confusion hehe. All it takes is for MM to drop in and make a clear official statement at this point. And then... some people will still be confused and ask more questions while speculating... and that is why we rather have him post regularly haha.

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I think most everyone saw it at this point, it's a land of confusion hehe. All it takes is for MM to drop in and make a clear official statement at this point. And then... some people will still be confused and ask more questions while speculating... and that is why we rather have him post regularly haha.


And thats what normally happens... he says something, there's a week or two of #insanity, and he comes back to clarify the speculation. Which is exactly the argument for his return, and for things to go back to how they used to be. =)

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Gazz: ... (Game is still an alpha)


See the confusion?


Let me help you see things better. Hopefully that helps new people too.


As for people who act like they deserve something, my memory works well past two weeks. I remember when MM called some people in the forums that were flaming him "a bunch of jerks". That was about when showing people new stuff and talking ad hoc started to end.

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And thats what normally happens... he says something, there's a week or two of #insanity, and he comes back to clarify the speculation. Which is exactly the argument for his return, and for things to go back to how they used to be. =)


IMO I would be shocked if A17 is "Beta". there seems to be so many changes including underlying architecture. Who knows! Alpha or Beta - can't wait to craft empty cans and skin human players to make a skin suite (well maybe not that last one).

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As for people who act like they deserve something, my memory works well past two weeks. I remember when MM called some people in the forums that were flaming him "a bunch of jerks".


I don't think I was around to be called that then so I guess it doesn't apply to me, but to make things clear (or try to again) I wasn't trying to knock MM in any way.

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I don't think I was around to be called that then so I guess it doesn't apply to me, but to make things clear (or try to again) I wasn't trying to knock MM in any way.


I'm sure he wasn't referring to you as it was in a video he made awhile ago, when he used to make videos often. I remember it seemed to really bother him, that people he thought had his back, actually were stabbing him in the back on the TFP's own website.

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See the confusion?


Yes, but I don't see the need for the anger that people are expressing. I said he (MM) was joking, too. Many people here, clearly, cannot take a joke.


MadMole, Gazz, and Roland are three distinct people. TFP hasn't put out an "official" post about A17 like they have on release of previous alphas because, catch this, it hasn't been released yet. People, whomever they are, need to stop thinking EVERYTHING someone at TFP says should automatically be considered official. It's not. This is a forum full of discussions that the devs just happen to contribute to occasionally. People scrutinizing every single word that gets said or written are missing the point entirely.


TFP people aren't elected. We didn't hire them and they don't represent us. This place here isn't a democracy nor are we ruled by TFP in any sense of the word. I don't get why some people feel they have any right to make demands of TFP.

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Let me help you see things better. Hopefully that helps new people too.


As for people who act like they deserve something, my memory works well past two weeks. I remember when MM called some people in the forums that were flaming him "a bunch of jerks". That was about when showing people new stuff and talking ad hoc started to end.


I'm actually more confused by this. =)


What does something that happened "more than 2 weeks ago" with SOME people have to do with current people asking for clarification?


I'm honestly not trying to be argumentative, I'm trying to understand your perspective. You've been around the block the same amount of time I have, and arguably just as active, so it's odd to me we don't see the same thing here.

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Even IF something had been said officially... this is development.

Things change all the time.

Some features get delayed, some replaced by other systems or items, others dropped entirely.


If this was an off-the-shelf zombie shooter with static levels we could tell you with great certainty how exactly the released game would look.

But then I wouldn't be here because I have enough of those in my library already. LOL


And what IF A17 were a beta? Technically that would mean a content lock but TFP are more flexible than that so at best it would be an alpheta.

Then there is the issue that there is no specific time frame for how long an alpheta can last. It could be B17, B18, B19 and so on.

This is all fighting over one word that doesn't even mean anything special here! This is also why no one is seeing this as a problem that needs to be adressed...

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Yes, but I don't see the need for the anger that people are expressing. I said he (MM) was joking, too. Many people here, clearly, cannot take a joke.


MadMole, Gazz, and Roland are three distinct people. TFP hasn't put out an "official" post about A17 like they have on release of previous alphas because, catch this, it hasn't been released yet. People, whomever they are, need to stop thinking EVERYTHING someone at TFP says should automatically be considered official. It's not. This is a forum full of discussions that the devs just happen to contribute to occasionally. People scrutinizing every single word that gets said or written are missing the point entirely.


TFP people aren't elected. We didn't hire them and they don't represent us. This place here isn't a democracy nor are we ruled by TFP in any sense of the word. I don't get why some people feel they have any right to make demands of TFP.


Oh, are you referring to Jax's post? 'cause that would make sense, but he's already addressed that, so... ?

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Even IF something had been said officially... this is development.

Things change all the time.

Some features get delayed, some replaced by other systems or items, others dropped entirely.


If this was an off-the-shelf zombie shooter with static levels we could tell you with great certainty how exactly the released game would look.

But then I wouldn't be here because I have enough of those in my library already. LOL


And I think that is where the whole early access thing confuses people. Without it we'd all be buying 7DTD after release and either be happy with it or not with much ado about nothing. But for some reason buying the game early and getting to be involved in (or at least observing) the creative process leads some people to expecting they should somehow be in control of that process. /boggle

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So being a lefty myself I appreciate this. can we get left handed guns and minibikes with right side driving for the UK maps?


Minibike is already random to do circles counter-clock-wise almost as perfect as a zombie circle.


but on a more serious note :)


apparently people are not paying attention while in game... i recently found a clue that MM has met an unfortunate turn for the worst whilst eating beard...



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I'm actually more confused by this. =)


What does something that happened "more than 2 weeks ago" with SOME people have to do with current people asking for clarification?


I'm honestly not trying to be argumentative, I'm trying to understand your perspective. You've been around the block the same amount of time I have, and arguably just as active, so it's odd to me we don't see the same thing here.


So Roland said something: Roland is a (beloved?) Forum Moderator that is not in the loop with day to day development.


Gazz tried to clarify A17's status and at the end just flat out said it was still Alpha: Gazz is a TFP Dev and is informed about the current status of A17.



Hopefully this helps everyone.


Edit: As to seeing the same: I see what A17 is called is really, really pointless and I am getting annoyed with the trivial mindedness of some people.


They can call it alpha and call it gold the next update,

or call it beta and update it ten more times in beta.

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Oh, are you referring to Jax's post? 'cause that would make sense, but he's already addressed that, so... ?


I honestly can't keep up with everything everyone is saying. Yes, I was generalizing, and that can be a bad thing, but I sensed hostility over MM's "beta post" from several people. No, I'm not going back to name names. :p


Maybe MM and Gazz (and Roland to a much lesser extent) should start handing out grains of salt with their posts? :p

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There is an alternate dimension where that thing would come out out of your bottom...and be talking (screaming) as you flushed....




...so at best it would be an alpheta.


For some reason that combination of words made me think of Jethrena Bodine....and shudder....

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People will be snarky and entitled, it's the internet, what can you do?! Much of it has been ignored and it should be. Don't let them ruin the party for everybody.



What has to forum come to, why are we discussing this? This is stupid...


Spoiler alert: this won't be the last stupid conversation on this forum. ;)

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Even IF something had been said officially... this is development.

Things change all the time.

Some features get delayed, some replaced by other systems or items, others dropped entirely.


If this was an off-the-shelf zombie shooter with static levels we could tell you with great certainty how exactly the released game would look.

But then I wouldn't be here because I have enough of those in my library already. LOL


And what IF A17 were a beta? Technically that would mean a content lock but TFP are more flexible than that so at best it would be an alpheta.

Then there is the issue that there is no specific time frame for how long an alpheta can last. It could be B17, B18, B19 and so on.

This is all fighting over one word that doesn't even mean anything special here! This is also why no one is seeing this as a problem that needs to be adressed...


Yeh, that part I don't get either; but nevertheless, the confusion is there and the people are speaking their minds, which... is the entire point of a forum, Maharin. =)


(still not seeing the people who are expecting to be in control of the process...)

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