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This is what they should be doing, I had full purple bandit armor on for this test.




I'll get a vid later of what they are doing on guppy's server to see if they are the same for others on MP.


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This. I'm blueprinting a mod to include your zombies and bandits, and some of Valmars stuff.


Basically, 3-5x zombies...walking 24/7 . Massively increase horde amounts as well as blood moon night spawns. Headshots only for fatalities.


Bandits will have increased headshot chance and will have feral senses (ala IRL). Bandit hordes with raiding (low block damage except for rarer siege spawns). Wandering bandits with strongholds like yours.


My biomes are 3x spawning, and I increased the extra small spawn that towns seem to use to double the town spawns, so essentially what you are going for there :)


The bandit thugs have 270 degree vision, so they have a small blind spot right behind them, the leaders are 360 view so you cant sneak up on them :)


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I got rid of leveled loot alltogether. It's just gamey nonsense. I set up a quality table with a low chance for 1-100 and 500-600 and then a "normal distribution" with a propensity towards the lower qualities. Plays just nicely, even at higher levels looting is somewhat interesting, and with the combination feature of the workbench there is no problem with, for example, rare weapon parts.


Yeah, in my view the scavenging skill should be about better resource gathering than quality of item found. You are better at spotting hidden things so find more, but the quality based on level just feels like a system purely for the sake of game mechanics rather than anything based on logic.


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Maybe game settings affect it? The servers difficulty is 3.


That shouldn't affect the accuracy of the bandits. All my testing is with default settings as well (which is 3 difficulty I think)


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I might have to fire up my dedi and test it to see what happens.

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Another vid of the shotgun and hunting rifle guys. The rifle guy missed a lot when I was dodging around, but standing still and he hit me more often than missed. He also killed, or dismembered a few zombies which they seemed to be struggling with on the server.



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This. I'm blueprinting a mod to include your zombies and bandits, and some of Valmars stuff.


Basically, 3-5x zombies...walking 24/7 . Massively increase horde amounts as well as blood moon night spawns. Headshots only for fatalities.


Bandits will have increased headshot chance and will have feral senses (ala IRL). Bandit hordes with raiding (low block damage except for rarer siege spawns). Wandering bandits with strongholds like yours.


I'm going to revamp bullets entirely to make them more difficult to craft while amping up bows and crossbows to make them infinitely useful. Full gun drops will be quite frequent...but at day 20 you're much more likely to have 30 bullets rather than 3500. I'd prefer to see people selecting between 30 different guns they have, while only having 30 bullets to spend through them.


Very high level tiered bullets will come into play so that high end loot is applicable.


Wood structures Will have integrity decreased largely...while higher tiered structures will be MUCH stronger but MUCH more difficult to build.


Construction zombies with tiered building material loot and deconstructing bandit strongholds will be the PRIMARY focus on higher end building to "survive".


Zombies will also have a large chance of causing fractures...which will limit the player speed to 1/2 or 1/3 until mended. If this is possible during the current state of modding the game.


Zombie animals will move at full speed and be quite vicious.


I'm aiming for extreme fear and survival for players to really feel as though they are accomplishing things throughout the game.


No more full tiered bases before your Day 14 horde and lack of needing to loot/explore to further yourself. Risk vs reward and much harder survival are the key.


So your doing exactly what stompy has done already lol. why

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I was watching my day 1 video (way too large to youtube), and I died a few times walking a good distance from bandits... It may just be certain bandits, not the pack as a whole.


I wonder if its ping related. In my testing all the different weapons had pretty much the same result after I increased the accuracy. You are 20ish ping? and I was mostly around 180 on your server.


Keep an eye on it next time you see a bandit (pistol guy would be best) and let him get a few shots off while not moving. He should hit you with most shots in that situation.

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You know those bandit arm bands that look like they're made of rebar? Maybe have those guys have bear claw attacks? Also, check the mp5 guys, I know I've died from them.


...and yeh, I only just found that place myself; but then again, you're the explorer, I'm a home body. :)

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For those that dont read Guppys server thread, here's my city run vid, which shows that the rocket guy works at least.


If all else fails I'll change all the guns from projectiles to launchers and see if that works better. I might try that anyway as it could make for some interesting visuals, especially if I can find something small and bright that could make it look like tracer bullets.



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The bandits on my server have been heavily modified as i noticed some were one shotting. In order to make it a bit more fair, or at least give people a fighting chance, i had to go through and adjust the accuracy on all the bandit gun parts. It SHOULDNT be a ping issue. I noticed most of my players had a very hard time when bandits were first spawned in. Some adjustments to accuracy fixed that.

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That's the weird thing; when I first spawned in, I got killed, like a lot from bandits. Now, except for hammer dude and rocket dude, they're all just missing. Well, I did die once today because a pistol person decided to actually hit me, and I wasn't even considering that a possibility...

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The bandits on my server have been heavily modified as i noticed some were one shotting. In order to make it a bit more fair, or at least give people a fighting chance, i had to go through and adjust the accuracy on all the bandit gun parts. It SHOULDNT be a ping issue. I noticed most of my players had a very hard time when bandits were first spawned in. Some adjustments to accuracy fixed that.


Hmm, if you are using gun parts it sounds like you are using stalls bandit code. All my guns are single items. If you are using my ons could you let me know what settings you ended up going with?


I'll do some testing today on what guppys code on the server is like in SP, and make some changes as required to get them working better.

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Hmm, if you are using gun parts it sounds like you are using stalls bandit code. All my guns are single items. If you are using my ons could you let me know what settings you ended up going with?


I'll do some testing today on what guppys code on the server is like in SP, and make some changes as required to get them working better.


it would be an honor to help you as much as i can with this beast mod. Ill hop on later tonight and get you the info you are looking for.

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Oh please, we end up having bandit rabbits next.. hehe


StompyNZ - Dont make it to hard with the bandits will you. I am a old gamer and not as sharp as you youngsters. :)


Heh, I know what you mean, I'm 40 now and don't have anywhere near the reflexes I used to have.


I've been thinking about making a couple of branches for the mod soon which will allow for an easier mode, and a hardcore mode.


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That's the weird thing; when I first spawned in, I got killed, like a lot from bandits. Now, except for hammer dude and rocket dude, they're all just missing. Well, I did die once today because a pistol person decided to actually hit me, and I wasn't even considering that a possibility...


I just tried the confiugs you sent me on a rwg SP game, and 4 pistol bandits took out 10 zombies with ease, they were also hitting me constantly from 20-30 blocks away.


If those are definately the configs on the server I'm a bit stumped why there is such a difference on the server vs SP.


I'll hop on the VNC in a min and see if I can spot anything.

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What exactly does the accuracy entail? If it's like percentages, shouldn't they all be like .9, and not .01?


0 means 100% accurate.

1 means wildly bad :p


I think I tested in the past and 1 could be a 90 degree shot from where you are aiming, but looking at the settings on some of the guns I think they may have adjusted that somewhat. A way to test is to have a nice clean wall, and use guns with different values to see how far off the impacts are hitting. Blunderbus and shotgun also have a raycast spread, and you can see the effects using the same setup.



I had a look at the code on the server and couldn't spot anything obvious. I might try setting the pistol to 0 and see if that actually allows them to hit me next time nobody is on.

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I did some testing and converted the weapons to launchers rather than ranged, and for the most part the work pretty well. Would be interested to see how they work on the server. I dont think I can make teh shotgun work as a multi projectile tho, so it might end up being a single slug for the bandits.


One benefit of them being launchers is that i can use different meshes for them. I quite like the idea of incendairy rounds that have a light attached to the projectile.


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