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Subquake's Undead Legacy


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Hey there! I only just recently found out about this mod, but I love it so much that I wanted to host it on a dedicated server for my friends to play. How do I go about uploading it on a server? I know it has to have to have ftp. i'm using easygamehosting.com

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Hey there! I only just recently found out about this mod, but I love it so much that I wanted to host it on a dedicated server for my friends to play. How do I go about uploading it on a server? I know it has to have to have ftp. i'm using easygamehosting.com
Download the desired versions .zip file manually here:http://ul.subquake.com/wiki/Download and then simply copy over to the game servers folder these files over FTP:




If you have more questions, do join my Undead Legacy discord channel: https://discord.gg/CZY8W2t

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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Hi Sub, Is there any plans to add a compo mod version of your mod on the launcher , Just curious as I love the Mod & still play it but find the unedited original prefabs boring as Fook.... Thanks Oh forgot to mention, Forges being able to smelt more than 2 items at a time..

Edited by Tallon (see edit history)
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Hi Sub, Is there any plans to add a compo mod version of your mod on the launcher , Just curious as I love the Mod & still play it but find the unedited original prefabs boring as Fook.... Thanks Oh forgot to mention, Forges being able to smelt more than 2 items at a time..

More prefabs are planned after release of Undead Legacy 2.0 during A17, but not from the Compo Pack, because some of the POIs in that pack are OP with loot containers, some are out of place, some don't look that great and not quite match my vision of where I want to go further with Undead Legacy.


TFP mentioned that the POI builder tools will be available in A17 and I plan to use them to tweak existing POIs and make my own later with all the planned custom furniture and blocks, that will be added with UL in the future.


No plans to update the mod before A17 release, all the work currently is being done for A17.


This is how more or less Forges will look in Undead Legacy 2.0:



From the experience of having 3 forge smelting slots in current Undead Legacy release, 2 feel more stable and less laggy/buggy.

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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OMG that looks Freakin Sweet, Shame about the prefabs mind you but then once Alpha 17 is out & I have a good look at where your going with the prefabs ill probably make my own for your mod so it keeps with whats there... I think out of all of the mods I will always play WOTW, Undead & Valmod overhaul without fail... Would play RH but dont like the direction its took in the last few updates....

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OMG that looks Freakin Sweet, Shame about the prefabs mind you but then once Alpha 17 is out & I have a good look at where your going with the prefabs ill probably make my own for your mod so it keeps with whats there... I think out of all of the mods I will always play WOTW, Undead & Valmod overhaul without fail... Would play RH but dont like the direction its took in the last few updates....

I would love to get any kind of support I can with Undead Legacy, though I would warn you that I am a very picky and OCD man in terms of what I want to add in UL in order to maintain the overall quality of the mod to the best of my capabilities. I even criticize my own older code and icons I have made for UL and redo, redo and redo them until I feel better about myself with the achieved quality of detail, realism, gameplay and balance.


I understand that it's just a mod, that I do in my free time and it's not my main job, but for the sake of improving the quality and immersion of the game, I don't care and want to keep improve on my work. Undead Legacy 2.0 will have some radical changes planned, that should all together with each other improve the overall experience of the game to the better, making harvesting blocks, crafting & looting even better than it is now. The hardest part will be to balance it to a point that doesn't feel too grindy and where it is grindy, the rewards would be worth the effort put into the grind.


My goal / mission, that I have in my head with UL is to make the mod give the feeling of "Oh, I want to play more", "What do I want to discover now", "What should I focus on next", so that it's not like a dry grind till endgame and then just focusing on tower defense mechanic of the game and just hoarding resources.


Among all the other changes planned, I want to improve player choices for decoration blocks to give more options to roleplay inside your game with your creations, bases, buildings, camps etc as well as give the sense of discovery, adventure and tension as well as reward vs risk encounters by having the ability to raid some of the rarer encounters of enemy bosses, that would be very difficult solo without being prepared to the teeth, that would give some new cool toys to play around with you if you manage to slay them. I am also looking forward on improving and adding tons of new quests, especially trader related ones coming with A17.


Have you considered adding 2 more toolbelt slots? theres always been plenty of space for it...
Yep, the problem is, there is an issue of assigning buttons to access them. In theory 4 more toolbelt slots could be added even (1234567890-=), but I haven't since I have no clue (yet) how to add additional hotkeys to access the additional slots. I think I recall that the scroll wheel on the mouse sort of worked to access them, but I would love to have hotkeys work as well, maybe even make them changeable on the controls UI, who knows, maybe it will be easier to do in A17, we shall see :) Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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Yep, the problem is, there is an issue of assigning buttons to access them. In theory 4 more toolbelt slots could be added even (1234567890-=), but I haven't since I have no clue (yet) how to add additional hotkeys to access the additional slots. I think I recall that the scroll wheel on the mouse sort of worked to access them, but I would love to have hotkeys work as well, maybe even make them changeable on the controls UI, who knows, maybe it will be easier to do in A17, we shall see :)


I see, thank's anyway. Hopefully TFP adds them themselves one day, 'til then GL on figuring it out and thank you for such a cool mod.

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I get what you mean by the whole OCD thing, Also when you say Over powered, The reason behind my prefabs being some what OP is a simple one of experience, Ive run a server for quite some time now with an all manner of settings & tweaks & the one thing I found to be absolute was the following... 3 Types of main player on my server over the past year or so...


Player 1) Only wants to kill zombies & mess about for fun

Player 2) Adores the game so kills zombies & makes a decent base

Player 3) Loves to show off so only ever builds & racks up less than 10 kills before showing off said Base & leaving (lol)


I set up my WOTW server & when I had the other Undead Legacy server for people in the mid category, There was plenty to loot & plenty to kill, If you have a server for 10 to 20 people of which its say 80% full no matter how you set it up you will always get the issue of, Erm played for 2 hours & everything has been looted ? Couple that with all the different settings people use for respawn times & you can get bored very quickly, You have NO bike, Your low level & theres nothing to loot except the most basic of prefabs that people leave well alone..


So Im gonna say Gd Luck with the balancing :) & just keep in mind that from what ive experienced personally you can never have to much loot so maybe a bit in between is maybe not such a bad thing...


When I said about making prefabs, I wasnt assuming youd add them, I meant personally on my own server, I always Run the 2 servers, UL & WOTW, Valmod I play online if I can find a decent server but thats become hard in these past months cos everyone wants Alpha 17...


I always Mod in & out certain things to do with play style, Like my WOTW server has something added, Like a decent Mixer file config, No offense to Magoli but I feel the default one was a bit of a mess when spawning a new world so thats been tweaked, My own prefabs added in certain areas & so on, Augers, chainsaws of all types, NO up after shot cos the whole jerk thing is stupid & shouldnt even be in there as ive used them in real life & if they did in fact do that they would be usless...so thats removed, A full set of ammo boxes has been added with all new icons replacing ammo & there box art, Insperation taken from UL of course :) Extra things like starter items & general tweaks & what you have is a server thats better suited to my own game style which is I love the game, so build huge bases & small ones, underground & above while always finding new ways to slay the zombies every 7 days :)


Everyone is different I suppose but then its my own server so my rules lmao... :p


Edit, & when you say its just a MOD, Dude, Total respect to everyone who has done mods for this game, The only reason this game is still alive today is due to modders like yourself so take that Bow & shush lol... Lap the respect up as its deserved, I have the utmost respect for those who have made them.... same with everyone else I imagine :) Keep it up & never stop cos im really looking forward to UL 2.0, more so than Alpha 17 & I say that with honesty cos what they change, upgrade & add I know modders will improve on based on their ideas which I know will be freakin awesome, Really looking forward to WOTW, UL, Valmod & RH to be out on Alpha 17 & hope they are all as playable as they are now....

Edited by Tallon (see edit history)
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Hey all, I've started on this mod for the first time and I'm loving it. I'm on about day 16, finally found a decent spot for my long term build and I'm having trouble trying to move my forge and tables from my initial POI emergency base. I've done this many times in vanilla, but have been unable to find answers on how to do it in Undead Legacy. Is this not a thing in Undead? If not, I've screwed myself pretty hard with all the tables I built already lol. I've tried searching for answers on the forum specific to this mod and have been unsuccessful, possibly due to my own incompetence. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Good Day Subquake ..

Hope you are doing well

And WE are still waiting on Alpha 17 I see. It might be awhile still coming **Joel Huenink** did little video on it the other day and still looks a bit BUGGIE by what I could tell. So let's not hold our breath to long for this update .. I think it will be a bit longer than we hoped.

Anyway have a great week and Enjoy .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:

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Hey all, I've started on this mod for the first time and I'm loving it. I'm on about day 16, finally found a decent spot for my long term build and I'm having trouble trying to move my forge and tables from my initial POI emergency base. I've done this many times in vanilla, but have been unable to find answers on how to do it in Undead Legacy. Is this not a thing in Undead? If not, I've screwed myself pretty hard with all the tables I built already lol. I've tried searching for answers on the forum specific to this mod and have been unsuccessful, possibly due to my own incompetence. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Place your LCB down like any ofther mod.... Then pick up the items :) Destroying the LCB afterwards will put it back into your inventory

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I get these in the output log when running the game. it still works but it is showing the following

SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/Stormy/ambient


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/Rainy/ambient


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/Foggy/ambient


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/BloodMoon/ambient


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/BloodMoon/sun


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: Directory X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\/Mods/SDX/Resources\Mods does not exist


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: Trying ModManager directory: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\/Mods/SDX/Resources. Found: 0


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ERROR: SDX Setup error: Directory 'X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\SDX\Resources' not found.


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


and it goes on and on.

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I get these in the output log when running the game. it still works but it is showing the following

SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/Stormy/ambient


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/Rainy/ambient


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/Foggy/ambient


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/BloodMoon/ambient


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset: Textures/Environment/Spectrums/BloodMoon/sun


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: Directory X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\/Mods/SDX/Resources\Mods does not exist


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: Trying ModManager directory: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\/Mods/SDX/Resources. Found: 0


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


SDX: ERROR: SDX Setup error: Directory 'X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\SDX\Resources' not found.


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


and it goes on and on.


Some of it is because of obsolete stuff in SDX code and some because current version doesn't have any use of Mods\SDX\Resources folder, they are harmless and shouldn't impact the mods performance in any way :)

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A friend of mine is playing this mod, so I thought I'd join him. Installed the game, downloaded the mod launcher, then installed the mod. I give in the server credentials and press start. The game then loads up to the point where it says: Game Loading, and then the box is still there, but blank. It stays that way indefinitely.


I also tried starting a single player game, that works without issues.


One of the mods on the server was trying to help me fix the issue. He says when I try to log in, I am actually on the server, but on my end, I can never get into the game and stay on the loading screen with the empty box.


I have no clue what causes this, my computer should be perfectly able to handle the game

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  • 4 weeks later...
Do you have a rough estimate on when your mod would be or if it will be compatible with A17 experimental? Thank you btw for your amazing product, it’s what this game always should have been anyway and you’ve made a huge improvement to gameplay with your mod.

It's hard to tell. A17E isn't still out for the masses. Once more information will be available, I will definitely post here.

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