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Everything posted by jacobjp213

  1. That’s not true, I have Windows 7 and have had no issue whatsoever with the mod launcher. Must be some other reason yours is not working
  2. That’s great to hear, thank you for responding. Keep up the good work
  3. Do you have a rough idea on timeframe for it to be playable? Like which would be a closer guess if you had to, 2 weeks or 2 months? I apologize for being impatient as I’m sure you’re working as hard as possible, it’s just I won’t play the game without your mod so I’m just curious. Thanks again for all your hard work
  4. Thank you very much, I appreciate your response. We’ll all be patiently waiting
  5. Do you have a rough estimate on when your mod would be or if it will be compatible with A17 experimental? Thank you btw for your amazing product, it’s what this game always should have been anyway and you’ve made a huge improvement to gameplay with your mod.
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