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Yeah ive got a few issues on my server now. ( I don't know if its xml's or something else though ) Prolly gonna do a full reinstall and see if that fixes the issues. ( null reference errors, no mouse pointer )


I copied over a backup i had, works as normal, Spider may have to add in the pimps changes, if there are any

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I found a Compund Bow in the Items XML, but cant seem to find it in anyother XML, like recipes, loot, or quests. What is the plan for this bow?


<item id="1531" name="CompoundBow">
	<property name="Extends" value="woodenBow" />
	<property name="Material" value="metal" />
	<property name="Weight" value="20" />
	<property name="RepairTools" value="BowString" />
	<property name="DescriptionKey" value="CompoundBowDesc" />
       <property name="EconomicValue" value="5000" />
       <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1" />
	<property class="Action0">
		<property name="Delay" value="0.5" />
		<property name="Range" value="400" />
		<property name="Magazine_items" value="CarbonArrow,SedativeShot,InfectedShot,StimulantShot,PainKillerShot" />
		<property name="Max_strain_time" value="1.2" />
		<property name="ActionExp" value="5" />
		<property name="ActionExpBonusMultiplier" value="4" />
	<property class="Attributes">
		<property name="DegradationRate" value="3,1" />
		<property name="DegradationMax" value="100,1000" />
	<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Archery" />
	<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Steel Working" />


But i did find the carbon arrows in Loot ingame, and wondered why....

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That should be in the Indian Chest, Gun Store and Gun Crates.


Is the compound bow called something different in Loot.xml? Cause i cant seem to find it


<!-- Apache Artifact Chest -->

<lootcontainer id="56" count="0,2" size="4,4" sound_open="UseActions/open_apache_artifact_chest" sound_close="UseActions/close_apache_artifact_chest" open_time="10">

<item name="PainKillerShot" count="1,4" prob="0.3" />

<item name="StimulantShot" count="1,4" prob="0.3" />

<item name="InfectedShot" count="1,4" prob="0.3" />

<item name="SedativeShot" count="1,4" prob="0.3" />

<item name="steelArrow" count="4,12" prob="0.5" />

<item name="ironArrow" count="4,12" prob="0.5" />

<item name="explodingCrossbowBolt" count="1,4" prob="0.5" />

<item name="steelCrossbowBolt" count="4,12" prob="0.5" />

<item name="ironCrossbowBolt" count="4,12" prob="0.6" />

<item group="crossbow+ammo" count="1" prob="0.3" />

<item name="tazasStoneaxe" count="1" prob="0.6" />



This chest?

Edited by wolverine576 (see edit history)
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Here if you want to fix it your self

add this in loot.xml before the loot container id# are listed

       <lootgroup name="CompoundBow+ammo" count="all">
	<item name="CompoundBow" count="1" quality="300,600" />
	<item name="CarbonArrow" count="20" />

And add this to loot container id 50,56 and 102

<item group="CompoundBow+ammo" count="1" prob="0.3" />

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Here if you want to fix it your self

add this in loot.xml before the loot container id# are listed

       <lootgroup name="CompoundBow+ammo" count="all">
	<item name="CompoundBow" count="1" quality="300,600" />
	<item name="CarbonArrow" count="20" />

And add this to loot container id 50,56 and 102

<item group="CompoundBow+ammo" count="1" prob="0.3" />


Thank you sir! I wanted to do it how you had it planned :pirate:


First crate i loted had one in it lol

Edited by wolverine576
lolz (see edit history)
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Hi Spider was playing last night when suddenly I could not swap out engine or gun parts. Loaded the game today and got several error messages. Screen says loading but nothing happens. Is this because 15.2 came out. Do I need to reload your mod or can I go back to 15.1 and keep playing my saved game?

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Yes if your game updated to 15.2 just go back to 15.1. If you did not load up your old save game then it should still be ok to start back up. I would need more info to try and figure out what happen with the parts. Did you get an error? Are you on a server or SP? How long had the game been running? What gun wouldn't come apart?





Well as you can see I didn't get the test server up this week :( . Work was busier than normal earlier this week and by Friday I was about to set up the server then someone turned me on to some more cool crap to add in. So I spent 2 days adding more stuff and literally the moment before I went to set up the server 15.2 dropped and messed everything up. I got it running on 15.1 again but spent most the day trying to figure out how to load a SDX mod on a server(which apparently no one seems to know how to do). And that's where I'm stuck at the moment. I'm continuing to flush out the mod in SP but could use some help on the steps to set a SDX server up if anyone has any knowledge on the subject I would be great full for the help. On a positive note there's so much sh*& stuffed in this mod you should never get bored again. All workbenches have their own unique mesh. My own version of raising chickens for eggs,meat and feathers. Morts Fishing. Soooooooo many new traps. Morts Power System for workstations, traps and lights. New animals. New Biomes. Like 20 different guns and there's just a ton more of them available if we want to add them later. Spears, Bats, Saws, Axes, Swords, Knifes, Crossbows. HardStone. Zombies that run in the Shadows. Crops use water to grow and can be trampled. Just so much stuff its going to take me hours to write the new mod description.

Edited by Spider (see edit history)
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Limb loss


Hi there!)


I have some ideas about such gameplay system for players, as loosing limbs. I thought about my own mod of this kind, but now I see your mod, that is something similar (adding more realism/hardcore and so on). So I'd like to cooperate with your team to integrate this system into your mod. What can dev's of this mod answer about it?:)


The ways how player can loose limb may differ from infection (gangrene, Z-virus, chilblain etc) to traumatic (multiple leg breaking, explosion damage, heavy damage from zombies in short time etc). It may save to player like skills - throuh deaths - or stay for only one life (last variant is more likely as I think for now). I think this will be decided later))

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@ Spider

I see you are creator of this mod. Are you developing it alone, or you have a team working on the mod?


I have an another hardcore idea for 7Days gameplay. I thought about creating my own mod, but now when I saw your mod -- I think, my gameplay system will be more than suitable here:)

I am talking about limb loosing for players. Just like zombies are already XD But more complex...

Amputation necessity conditions may be reached by many ways, like corresponding illnesses (chilblain/hard wound -> gangrene; Z-Virus [hi, Hershel:)] etc) or traumatic (explosion damage; huge damage taken in short period of time; multiple reinjuring broken leg and so on)...

Thus, limb amputation must do massive influence on gameplay. Limiting movement and/or available actions... There must be some helper items(devices), available for craft and so on.

The amount of work is something huge, I know:)


Anyway, details later)

As I wrote, I feel myself able to create such gameplay system on my own. But for now i am interested in working in team, to do things faster and better)) I am more or less experienced in 3D full cycle workflow (modelling, skinning/riging, animating, UV unwrapping/texturing etc) and have also some experience in scripting/programming.

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I'm excited to try it!


As for the server load, I ran the Starvation SDX mod for a while on my server. Looking at the file folder difference between that install and the non-sdx server installs there is minimal difference (3 specific files needed to copy in) . I assumed you loaded the SteamCMD dedicated server then added your mod folder, sdx folder and config folder? I don't think there's more to it than that as far as I can discern. Nothing seems to be loaded outside of the game folder you setup off the SteamCMD server root. If you want to send me the game files I will try to install it on my box for you.


Read here for some hints: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?40848-HowTo-Install-SDX6-on-a-dedicated-Linux-server


If your running a windows server this applies with minimal changes.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Yes if your game updated to 15.2 just go back to 15.1. If you did not load up your old save game then it should still be ok to start back up. I would need more info to try and figure out what happen with the parts. Did you get an error? Are you on a server or SP? How long had the game been running? What gun wouldn't come apart?





Well as you can see I didn't get the test server up this week :( . Work was busier than normal earlier this week and by Friday I was about to set up the server then someone turned me on to some more cool crap to add in. So I spent 2 days adding more stuff and literally the moment before I went to set up the server 15.2 dropped and messed everything up. I got it running on 15.1 again but spent most the day trying to figure out how to load a SDX mod on a server(which apparently no one seems to know how to do). And that's where I'm stuck at the moment. I'm continuing to flush out the mod in SP but could use some help on the steps to set a SDX server up if anyone has any knowledge on the subject I would be great full for the help. On a positive note there's so much sh*& stuffed in this mod you should never get bored again. All workbenches have their own unique mesh. My own version of raising chickens for eggs,meat and feathers. Morts Fishing. Soooooooo many new traps. Morts Power System for workstations, traps and lights. New animals. New Biomes. Like 20 different guns and there's just a ton more of them available if we want to add them later. Spears, Bats, Saws, Axes, Swords, Knifes, Crossbows. HardStone. Zombies that run in the Shadows. Crops use water to grow and can be trampled. Just so much stuff its going to take me hours to write the new mod description.


Did you wipe your server?

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I got an error just launching the client. Didn't even get to the menu. They were errors in the XML files that were pointing to engine parts and a couple of other items that were not referenced in the XML.


My server is still running 15.1, but my client is staying on 15.2 and just playing SP vanilla until there is a fix for this mod.

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Yes if your game updated to 15.2 just go back to 15.1. If you did not load up your old save game then it should still be ok to start back up. I would need more info to try and figure out what happen with the parts. Did you get an error? Are you on a server or SP? How long had the game been running? What gun wouldn't come apart?





Well as you can see I didn't get the test server up this week :( . Work was busier than normal earlier this week and by Friday I was about to set up the server then someone turned me on to some more cool crap to add in. So I spent 2 days adding more stuff and literally the moment before I went to set up the server 15.2 dropped and messed everything up. I got it running on 15.1 again but spent most the day trying to figure out how to load a SDX mod on a server(which apparently no one seems to know how to do). And that's where I'm stuck at the moment. I'm continuing to flush out the mod in SP but could use some help on the steps to set a SDX server up if anyone has any knowledge on the subject I would be great full for the help. On a positive note there's so much sh*& stuffed in this mod you should never get bored again. All workbenches have their own unique mesh. My own version of raising chickens for eggs,meat and feathers. Morts Fishing. Soooooooo many new traps. Morts Power System for workstations, traps and lights. New animals. New Biomes. Like 20 different guns and there's just a ton more of them available if we want to add them later. Spears, Bats, Saws, Axes, Swords, Knifes, Crossbows. HardStone. Zombies that run in the Shadows. Crops use water to grow and can be trampled. Just so much stuff its going to take me hours to write the new mod description.


Omg so excited to try!! Is this coming in the next few weeks? Sounds like your close.


Having a hard time getting enough scrap iron to get the anvil I guess just take down large boulders to get iron ore pieces? Any advice? Getting iron with stone tools still a bit tough, though I understand that's by design.

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