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Medieval Times?


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Thanks homie; I'm using all vanilla blocks for this set at the moment, it seems to work well for the exterior, but I'll probably switch some of the interior blocks around once you've finalized your block set. You're adding too much cool ♥♥♥♥ and I don't want to miss out on any opportunities. :)

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Not all blocks I add are just decoration for interior. :)



I doubt I will ever truly finalize the blocks.xml but I will always do my best to ensure not to remove any block ID (which would break a game). I do try to avoid updating it all the time just for one block or something. When I do update I try to have a nice batch of blocks to make it worthwhile. Of course its totally up to you if you want to be limited to vanilla for now. Just letting you know that if you're waiting for a finalize blocks.xml you'll probably be waiting a while. :p

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I've placed no limit in regards to size. That being said there might be size limitations from Hals. You and Stompy would know more about that than me, though.


There's no real size limit since we can jigsaw prefabs together to get even bigger ones. That said around 128 x 128 is the max I go for a single prefab as much bigger than that and you start to have issues with chunks missing.


My castle uses 100x100 atm, but ill probably have a few more prefabs added to it soon to expand the overall hub as ive finished most of the main buildings now and just adding some details in the keep.


A practical limit for total hub size is around 700x700 since I'm using 1200 cell size and need to allow about 500 for wilderness spawns

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Medieval House (City Home 3)










First Floor



Second Floor



...still suffering from whatever happens when I import from Hal's, I don't know if the editor is saving it with weaker SI or if that's happening during the import. If it's saving it with weaker SI then I'm screwed. :)

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Would chunk issues still be an issue if the prefabs are placed manually in a set map rather than placed by the RWGmixer?


yeah probably. I haven't tested recently but the missing chunks I think did still happen with hals IP command.


anyway 128x128 is actually pretty big. an entire city block is only 117x117 :)




Right now I'm feeling a lack of inspiration for what to decorate my castle keeps bedrooms with. I think the outside is looking fairly good now tho. :)

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Yeah, my servers are likely to remain a13.8 for at least a few weeks after a14 drops. I've already compressed 13.8 for release in case TFP doesn't add it to the "stable" list for my users.


On the plus side, post a14, things should be much easier.


I miss this project. I was all ready to get started on stuff and then work happened and I've barely been able to touch it.

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So Hal swears his editor isn't doing anything to my prefabs during the import/save/export sequence, so I'm at a loss as to why an imported prefab is a lot less stable than the one built in-game right next to it. I'm even adding 2 layers of terrain filler to make sure I have a "foundation".


So I dunno, but I think prefabbing is gonna be on hold until A14 for me. Which sucks, because I really enjoy this project, but the timing (13.7 to 13.8 w/o warning, impending a14 drop, issues with prefabs) sucks. :)


Any grunt work you can think of you might need, Val? My work season starts sometime in april/may (storm season), so I've got extra time right now (minus a few weeks of conferences).

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Small update:


Common Cabinet Bottom

Merchant Cabinet

Shield Display

Shingled WhiteWood Corner

Wood Painted InnerCorner

Wood Painted Shingles

WallTorch - This will be a special torch that players have to keep fueled.

Loki Block

Loki Tube





Even if you cannot, currently, save prefabs doesn't mean you have to give up the fight. We can always extract the prefab later, provided you still have the save/region data.



As for grunt work, well, I'm not really sure. What about a small fishing village? :p

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So Hal swears his editor isn't doing anything to my prefabs during the import/save/export sequence, so I'm at a loss as to why an imported prefab is a lot less stable than the one built in-game right next to it. I'm even adding 2 layers of terrain filler to make sure I have a "foundation".


So I dunno, but I think prefabbing is gonna be on hold until A14 for me. Which sucks, because I really enjoy this project, but the timing (13.7 to 13.8 w/o warning, impending a14 drop, issues with prefabs) sucks. :)


Any grunt work you can think of you might need, Val? My work season starts sometime in april/may (storm season), so I've got extra time right now (minus a few weeks of conferences).


Double floor your prefabs.

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Ooh, fish village. I likey. K, on it.


@Stal: I have a terrain at -2, a floor at -1, then the walls. Even if I do terrain at -3, a floor at -2 and -1, that doesn't explain why the one I import is weaker than the one built in game. I'll keep at it though, in the hopefulness there will be some resolution at some point. :)


I'm more frustrated than anything, I had wanted to build a city-square.

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Fishing Town 1




Pic 1



Pic 2



- - - Updated - - -


Weird water issue, some of the blocks are fast running water in the lake, even though I ensured they were the same block type and meta value as the rest of the lake. Adds some variety to it though. <shrug>


The collapsed house is on purpose.


Not a huge fan of the brightness, I wish we could add smoke/particle effects to kill the mood some. I'll likely edit later to include Val's fish barrels and whatnot. It's a small lake, I think villages should be on shore lines, so I dunno if I even like this... I like it less and less each time I see it.

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Awesome work Guppy - and so quick! I takes me days just to make one building. I'm also eager to see what that log cabin looks like in A14 with the new texture. So much be nicer. Does the lake have any depth? I noticed it has a tree sticking out so it makes me wonder if its just one layer?



Also, does this mean you're open to more gruntwork? :)

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The lake is 5 layers, deepest near the middle, the tree isn't in my prefab, and since I managed to remember air blocks this time I've no clue why it's there, but I like it, and will find a way to keep it.


The new textures... yeh, the log cabin wood is too "new".


And of course, I'm free until Friday. :)


...I was thinking, how feasible would it be to just have "lakes" as a prefab... anyway, I'm definitely going to edit this, add some texture to the nearby ground, "dirty" it up somehow.

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Incase you were wondering you get a sneak peek of the "new" log cabin texture in Madmole's post:




IMO, its a lot better and I look forward to seeing what these prefabs look like after this paintjob.



Generally speaking, on the subject of a block looking too "new", someone once said something to me about this when I made the remark. I was complaining about new all the wood blocks tend to look when building these medieval prefabs and she pointed out to me "well, to them they are new - these are medieval to us but to them they're modern and freshly built - so maybe its okay if the wood doesn't look worn and old."


While I still feel like some of the blocks are too "squeaky clean" I keep remembering that comment and it helps me keep things in perspective. It helps me when I'm building something that may be a bit too "pretty" for my tastes given the setting.



Anyway. Lakes as a prefab should be possible, based off my limited understanding. If I remember Stompy correctly he said that prefabs can be "decoration" for biomes. In example I believe the rock formations you see scattered across the forest biomes are actually tiny prefabs set to spawn as decoration. So you could then, again from my understanding, make a lake prefab and have it be decoration.





New project(s):


Old ruin - possibly part of an old church with underground crypt of catacombs?


Mountain with a cave system for part of a small mining camp - perhaps theres a cave in there somewhere.




Shrine with a holy spring (shh, just go with it)


Small hunters camp


Something that involves huts in trees (I don't see these often and I think there is some potential for unique stuff there)


A small POI with a few abandoned wagons


A small village that is walled in.



Feel free to tackle anyone of those. Lol.

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Not a huge fan of the brightness, I wish we could add smoke/particle effects to kill the mood some. I'll likely edit later to include Val's fish barrels and whatnot. It's a small lake, I think villages should be on shore lines, so I dunno if I even like this... I like it less and less each time I see it.


Nice one :)


for a smoke effect you could try <block id="1372" name="smokestorm">


it looks like a tree stump and is the block that generates the smoke in the burnt forest.


The tree in your lake is probably due to <property name="AllowTopSoilDecorations" value="True" /> as trees count as decorations.

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