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No, haven't put Hals DLL on it. Not sure how that works. If I did would you be able to import/export from the server directly? I don't know. I never was able to get Hals program to work so this isn't really an area I know much about.

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Never tried it on a server but id would expect you could just swap the dll manual. Somehow you can set people as admins as well, I normally do it though the interface for hals but its probably just a file somewhere.


If you could get that on the server then we can use it to extract the prefabs to a folder on the server which would save me from having to import the region files.

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Download hal's editor. Make sure to update. Grab the "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll", copy over to:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die Dedicated Server\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed


Backup the existing "Assembly-CSharp.dll", rename this one to that, and voila.


I can trouble shoot any issues with this. Two things to remember is that the server CANNOT BE EAC ENABLED, and you must have the .net framework installed as well.


Once you have the editor running, you can run the "backup manager" form to give admin permissions. Also, then you can set up the world editor, which is really frikkin' cool.






Small abandoned dwarf mining citidel. Iron, Coal, and Lead. Complete with murder holes, and a bedrock lined "safe room". This is more of a proof of concept.













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Last one for the day. Abandoned towers, maybe put it in the woods somewhere? Could be defensible, but it'll take some work. A Hidden entrance will lead you to possible safety, where wood has long rotted, so all that remains is bone-white walls and two towers.













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Download hal's editor. Make sure to update. Grab the "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll", copy over to:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed


Backup the existing "Assembly-CSharp.dll", rename this one to that, and voila.


I can trouble shoot any issues with this. Two things to remember is that the server CANNOT BE EAC ENABLED, and you must have the .net framework installed as well.


You need to copy "Assembly-CSharp dedicated.dll" to "%DediLocation%\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed" The folder is called "7DaysToDieServer_Data" on dedicated rather than "7DaysToDie_Data" on SP. Once copied over rename the current "Assembly-CSharp.dll" file to "Assembly-CSharp.dll.bak" to keep a backup of the vanilla DLL and rename "Assembly-CSharp dedicated.dll" to "Assembly-CSharp.dll". Reboot the server and you should be good to go.


To make yourself admin you can also enter the game and type "bbb rp" if there's no other admins set it will make you an admin. Other admins will need to be added through the editor as Guppy described.


If you're having trouble (and want the DLL) send me the FTP details and I will sort it out.


Great thread btw, I've been enjoying reading this one. I may pop in to the server at some point and show you a prefab I was messing around with for this so you can all point and laugh at the poor code monkey who thinks he's arty ^^

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Didn't know about bbb rp, that's great because I always forget well, pretty much every time I start a new game. :) Luckily I can do it while still in game (which is kind of neat).


Doh, forgot to change the path to the dedi path (I forget a lot of stuff), and now you quoted me so I can't cleverly change my post. :)


If you're referring to the prefab you showed me on your thread, it was fine! You should give yourself a backdoor on all bbb enabled servers, that way you can really mess with folks. ;)


Val, I was thinking too, that we could simply make say, 25x25 1 block high prefabs of "forestGround", "plainsGround", etc, and use that to "stamp" a part of the ground flat for building. I'm sure you have a wonder tool for doing the same, but it'd be pretty easy to do and probably a lot quicker...

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Great stuff Guppy. I especially like the building in the trees. I worry a bit about the reinforced cobblestone (I adore the look, but I'm not sure it will exist in A14) but other than that great all around.


Having EAC off isn't a problem - infact I already have it off simply because I don't like EAC in general.


Here is a question then. If I replace the DLL file or whatever to get Hal's program on the server would everyone who joins need to also have that same file installed themselves or would that not matter?





Val, I was thinking too, that we could simply make say, 25x25 1 block high prefabs of "forestGround", "plainsGround", etc, and use that to "stamp" a part of the ground flat for building. I'm sure you have a wonder tool for doing the same, but it'd be pretty easy to do and probably a lot quicker...



I don't see why not. Though I may not be understanding the question. You and Stompy are the prefab masters here, not me. Lol.

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Wouldn't matter, the dll only allows for new commands (much like Alloc's fixes used to when he was swapping the dll). In order to use the world editor (the feature you're really looking for, btw), you'd need to set that up a bit differently, but if you replaced the dll, here's what would happen, once it's all set up correctly:


I build something in game. I export the area. Anyone with access to THOSE files, could then turn the exported area into prefabs.


I'm a little shady on how the FTP features work with the editor, but I assume it would allow me to do thaat myself.


Additionally, let's say I'm building Guppy Town. I'm on your server, and pulling from YOUR PREFAB folder, importing prefabs and placing them where I want.


Also, this is just a temporary situation until your "world" is done.


- - - Updated - - -


Yeh, I'm not too worried about the reinf cobble because I know by the time we're ready, there will be some sort of block that gives the same look, and it can be easily swapped out for that block in the editor.

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You know, thinking about it, I have found that you do need to have Hal's editor installed on the local machine, even if using it on a dedicated server if you're going to use it, because I think it points to your local install (and not the servers) when running, but really it wouldn't matter because anyone who's using the bbb features is guaranteed to have it installed already.


...but if you're just asking if "every day joe" needs the dll installed in order to play on your server? No. It's not like sdx-pdq-123.


I don't see why not. Though I may not be understanding the question. You and Stompy are the prefab masters here, not me. Lol.



Cool, then if you get the dll installed, I'll make some "flat" prefabs and you'll need to put them in your prefab folder. Then, once we're ready to build the world, it'll be a lot easier to flatten areas. Just go to a place, face NE, then type bbb ip flatForest and boom, insta 25x25 forest free of debris.

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Valmar: This is what I mean by a "flat forest" prefab. Basically it's a 25x25 prefab of just the forest ground, and I added 25 layers so that the "air" gets copied over as well. This video shows me typing in the coordinates, because that's necessary to make it 1 level lower than the ground (otherwise the prefab would start 1 block high).


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Its a lot smaller than I expected. Though it does seem to be what I pictured it to be. I'm trying to understand why you asked, though. If I add Hals to the server you're asking if I could add that prefab for you? In which case, sure, that wouldn't be a problem, provided I can add Hals tool without it requiring everyone to have the files.

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Yes, it's 25x25, although I could make one 100x100, etc. And yes, when you're ready to start building the world, this may help in that process.


I think we're all waiting to see the new NAV to see if it's a worthwhile plunder. Remove the prefabs and start from scratch on it, that's my vote. :)


...best part is, no rwg issues, because it uses an xml that has fixed locations. We could literally be assigned a region, work on it from our home, then upload it to you for the server for final approval. Or, using Hal's, build on site.


We can do the same with RWG as well, as long as Stompy gets a good handle on whatever bugs a14 will bring.

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Abandoned Shrine with Catacombs


Single level church in the middle of some woods, with a hidden passage leading to a lower level catacomb, which in turn has a broken wall leading to an even older catacomb.




Forest View




Exterior View




Church View




Hidden Passage entrance




Catacomb View




Catacomb to Older Catacomb view



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Problem with flagstone/cobblestone/all of them is that not much matches with it and when you use them exclusively it all blends together to make a blob. I'm hoping they do to stones what they did to logcabinwood from that picture you showed me. Something to give them more definition.

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Hal, btw, if you're still reading this topic do you know of why customicons wouldn't work (via use of the Mods folder) with your prefab program installed? I thought maybe it was because I did something stupid but now due to others mentioning it to me I'm wondering if maybe it was something to do with your program in general.

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I've been watching this thread for a while. I'm flopping between 'yeah, I could make an authentic thatch roofed hamlet' and 'I'm not techno enough to install, build and export correctly'. And then I'm worried about Messing up my local vanilla save games.


Has anyone built a hamlet yet? Just an ordinary run-o-the-mill hamlet? This thread needs way more screenies 😀

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You can always build something in your game and upload your region files to dropbox, or add me on steam and hit me up, I can walk you through steps, or also h0trod has a video tutorial.


Val has custom blocks on his server, which include a lot of new blocks, thatch being one of them.


I'm sure val will chime in. :)

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It is as Guppy says. You don't need to know any techy stuff, really. You could join the server and build to your hearts content. Or you could build in your singleplayer game and then, after its all finished, send the save file and we can handle the techy stuff.


Also no, best to my knowledge, we don't yet have an ordinary hamlet. We will definitely need a few of those. :)


If you wanna join the server and build stuff let me know and I'll send you the server information. We welcome any support you wish to lend.



If you want to build on your own save in singleplayer I guess you could say its a bit "techy" if you're wanting to use my modded blocks. But its really very easy to add the blocks, its literally just a copy/paste and drag-and-drop process. If you need help in any of that just ask and I can add you to steam and walk you through the process. It'd only take five minutes.

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Hal, btw, if you're still reading this topic do you know of why customicons wouldn't work (via use of the Mods folder) with your prefab program installed? I thought maybe it was because I did something stupid but now due to others mentioning it to me I'm wondering if maybe it was something to do with your program in general.


Yeah I think it's because I use an old beta version of SDX to prepare the DLL before modification and that version of SDX didn't have custom icon handling. I'll check with the SDX crew to see if that's true. If it is then once SDX is out properly it will sort itself out. If it's something I've missed in the code I'll check it out.

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So after being convinced that installing this mod was a piece of cake (and it was!) I spent a few hours tonight building my first hamlet. This is my practice run so, feel free to "tear it apart" (in the nicest possible way) and provide some constructive criticism. If you're not honest then I can't make it better. Tell me what works and what doesn't. If its rubbish and you don't tell me then the 2nd and 3rd one will also be rubbish.


Rich peasant hamlet (its quite large for a peasant I think)





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So after being convinced that installing this mod was a piece of cake (and it was!) I spent a few hours tonight building my first hamlet. This is my practice run so, feel free to "tear it apart" (in the nicest possible way) and provide some constructive criticism. If you're not honest then I can't make it better. Tell me what works and what doesn't. If its rubbish and you don't tell me then the 2nd and 3rd one will also be rubbish.


Rich peasant hamlet (its quite large for a peasant I think)






That looks pretty sick. Well done.

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