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Unofficial XML Fixes

Clockwork Orange

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There is a naming-convention-violation in blocks.xml.


The regular naming-convention is material-shape, for example woodRamp or steelPyramid.


Everything that is called "wood" is made of the same material, also using the same texture, and everything called "Ramp" is the same block shape.


The catwalks and all the associated blocks violate that, id 1271 - 1277 for wood and 1278 - 1285 for metal.


The biggest issue is the naming of the blockshape:


The wooden catwalk shape is


	<property name="Shape" value="New" />
<property name="Model" value="catwalk" />


The metal catwalk shape is


	<property name="Shape" value="New" />
<property name="Model" value="catwalk_metal" />


These are two different shapes, yet they have the same name "Catwalk". This counts for the other related blocks as well, one more example is the CatwalkRailing, this is the wooden block, called "woodCatwalkRailing":


<property name="Model" value="catwalk_rail" />


This is the metal block, called "metalCatwalkRailing":


<property name="Model" value="catwalk_rail_metal" />


Also, what's called "wood" and "metal" in the catwalks, is not the same "wood" and "metal" used in other blocks. The woodBlock, woodRamp etc. use the material "wood", the metalPipe, metalPipeCorner, etc. use the material "metal", both unlike the woodCatwalk and the metalCatwalk.


An appropriate naming would be something like this:


cwood - material for wooden catwalk blocks using the material "MwoodCatwalk"

CatwalkWood - shape name for wooden catwalk blocks


cmetal - material for metal catwalk blocks using the material "MmetalCatwalk"

CatwalkMetal - shape name for metal catwalk blocks






woodWeakRailing (->)










metalRailing (->)







The railing being made of a different material also is somewhat annoying, I assume it's to make the blocks weaker against cop-puke. I'd prefer if they were just penetrable for the puke.


In case you wonder why I care: I massproduce blocks with different shapes and materials, and these new blocks break out of the pattern, for no good reason but, I assume, oversight.

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Perfection is a neat goal but then people happen. =P


Not all blocks are created equal and they can have different purposes while still being "more wood than not-wood".


If you want to mass produce things, put your preferred search pattern in the localised name. =P

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Second buff overrides first buff on meatStew and vegetableStew:


<item id="740" name="meatStew">
<property class="Action1">
	<property name="Class" value="Eat" />
	<property name="Delay" value="1.0" />
	<property name="Use_time" value="..." />
	<property name="Gain_health" value="0" />
	<property name="Gain_food" value="20" />
	[color="#FF0000"]<property name="Buff" value="eatFood_26_Trigger" />[/color]
	<property name="Gain_water" value="0" />
	<property name="Gain_wellness" value="1.6" />
	<property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/player_drinking" />
	<!-- jar from cooking food <property name="Create_item" value="emptyJar" /> -->
	[color="#FF0000"]<property name="Buff" value="stewWarming" />[/color]
<property name="Smell" value="exLargeSmell" />
<property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking" />

<item id="758" name="vegetableStew">
<property class="Action1">
	<property name="Class" value="Eat" />
	<property name="Delay" value="1.0" />
	<property name="Use_time" value="..." />
	<property name="Gain_health" value="0" />
	<property name="Gain_food" value="7" />
	[color="#FF0000"]<property name="Buff" value="eatFood_4_Trigger" />[/color]
	<property name="Gain_water" value="0" />
	<property name="Gain_wellness" value="0.1" />
	<property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/player_drinking" />
	[color="#FF0000"]<property name="Buff" value="stewWarming" />[/color]
	<!-- jar from cooking food <property name="Create_item" value="emptyJar" /> -->
<property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking" />


should be


<item id="740" name="meatStew">
<property class="Action1">
	<property name="Class" value="Eat" />
	<property name="Delay" value="1.0" />
	<property name="Use_time" value="..." />
	<property name="Gain_health" value="0" />
	<property name="Gain_food" value="20" />
	<property name="Gain_water" value="0" />
	<property name="Gain_wellness" value="1.6" />
	<property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/player_drinking" />
	<!-- jar from cooking food <property name="Create_item" value="emptyJar" /> -->
	[color="#FF0000"]<property name="Buff" value="stewWarming,eatFood_26_Trigger" />[/color]
<property name="Smell" value="exLargeSmell" />
<property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking" />

<item id="758" name="vegetableStew">
<property class="Action1">
	<property name="Class" value="Eat" />
	<property name="Delay" value="1.0" />
	<property name="Use_time" value="..." />
	<property name="Gain_health" value="0" />
	<property name="Gain_food" value="7" />
	<property name="Gain_water" value="0" />
	<property name="Gain_wellness" value="0.1" />
	<property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/player_drinking" />
	[color="#FF0000"]<property name="Buff" value="stewWarming,eatFood_4_Trigger" />[/color]
	<!-- jar from cooking food <property name="Create_item" value="emptyJar" /> -->
<property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking" />




meatStew fixed in b94. vegetableStew still needs correction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

entitygroups.xml has ZombieUtilityWorkerGroup twice


<entitygroup name="ZombieUtilityWorkerGroup">

<entity name="ZombieUtilityWorker" />

<entity name="zombieBoe" prob="0.01" />

<entity name="zombieJoe" prob="0.01" />

<entity name="zombieSteve" prob="0.01" />

<entity name="zombieMoe" prob="0.01" />

<entity name="zombieYo" prob="0.01" />



<entitygroup name="ZombieUtilityWorkerGroup">

<entity name="ZombieUtilityWorker" />

<entity name="ZombieMiner" />


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  • 4 months later...

cant find Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config


ok so i absolutely new at all this. I am running War of the Walkers mod on a dedicated server and having issues with several missing items. I asked for assistance in WotW Mod and was told where to replace the files. after looking throught several related forums all seem to have same problem and fix solution with icons. my problem i cant find the common file and beyone, once i click get to steam\steamapps\ there is no common\7 days to die\data\confing. where there should be a common file there is only a sourcemod file and libraryfolders.vdf. Ive looked through out many files on my pc and cant find this file. please help so frustrated.

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ok so i absolutely new at all this. I am running War of the Walkers mod on a dedicated server and having issues with several missing items. I asked for assistance in WotW Mod and was told where to replace the files. after looking throught several related forums all seem to have same problem and fix solution with icons. my problem i cant find the common file and beyone, once i click get to steam\steamapps\ there is no common\7 days to die\data\confing. where there should be a common file there is only a sourcemod file and libraryfolders.vdf. Ive looked through out many files on my pc and cant find this file. please help so frustrated.


Go to your steam game library, Right click 7 days to die, Select the following: Properties> Local Files> Browse Local Files.


Doing that will bring you to your 7 days to die install folder which is where you need to put the Mods folder from WOTWM.

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Go to your steam game library, Right click 7 days to die, Select the following: Properties> Local Files> Browse Local Files.


Doing that will bring you to your 7 days to die install folder which is where you need to put the Mods folder from WOTWM.



ok so i found where my file was. forgot it was on SSD drive not standard C drive. Ive followed all the steps in each forum ive found and all same the same, but for some reason im still not seeing the icons in game. other players in my clan have done the same and are now displaying the items ingames. ive unistalled the game and completely removed all related files from my pc even through regedit. i reinstall updated and re downloading and extracted the mod and data files and still not seeing the icons in games. what am i missing?

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ok so i found where my file was. forgot it was on SSD drive not standard C drive. Ive followed all the steps in each forum ive found and all same the same, but for some reason im still not seeing the icons in game. other players in my clan have done the same and are now displaying the items ingames. ive unistalled the game and completely removed all related files from my pc even through regedit. i reinstall updated and re downloading and extracted the mod and data files and still not seeing the icons in games. what am i missing?


This isn't exactly the right spot to provide this support, You should post in the General Help section or even just in the general Mods section.


Verify your game files through steam, download the mod you wish to use, extract it to your desktop, Open that folder, Inside should be 2 folders (Data, Mods). Copy those 2 folders into your 7 days to die root folder (follow the steps posted in my last message). Overwrite the files it asks. Launch your game, it should work.


Once completed, your root folder for 7 days to die should look like this:



If this doesn't work, I strongly suggest starting a new help thread in one of the aforementioned locations so people can try to help you without derailing another topic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A 15 Discussion starts here!


Version 3.16


Update (4/9/17)




Added animal hide material to allow for scraping of animal hide clothing

<material id="animalHide">

<property name="damage_category" value="cloth" />

<property name="surface_category" value="cloth" />

<property name="forge_category" value="animalHide" />

<property name="Hardness" type="float" value="1" />

<property name="stepsound" value="wood" />

<property name="stability_glue" value="24" />

<property name="Mass" type="int" value="6" />

<property name="MaxDamage" value="20" />






Fixed upgrade rotation issue of cobblestone ramp frames

Added cobblestoneRamp recipe requires 10 cobblestones

Commented out cobblestoneFrameRamp


rScrapIronPlateMine: Fixed changed recipe ingredients from scrap iron to 1 rScrapIronPlate


Added recipe to allow for proper scraping of animal hide clothing


<recipe name="animalHide" count="1" scrapable="False" tooltip="ttScrapMetalBrass" >

<wildcard_forge_category />






Fixed Cop Zombie Vomit will now properly apply buffs See Full changelog for details!


unit_stone: Fixed <property name="CustomIcon" value="rockSmall" /> <--- From cobblestones



Changed material to allow for proper scrapping of animal hide clothing:

<property name="Material" value="animalHide" /> from organic

Added missing properties:

<property name="RepairAmount" value="80" />

<property name="Weight" value="5" />



Changed material to allow for proper scrapping to animal hide

Changed repair cost of animal hide



Changed material to allow for proper scrapping to animal hide

Changed repair cost of animal hide

All other animal hide clothing extends from the boots




paintedBrickBroke1: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickpaintedBlock" />


paintedBrickBroke2: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickpaintedBlock" />


paintedBrickBroke3: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickpaintedBlock" />


brickDecayedBroke1Block: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickDecayedBlock" />


brickDecayedBroke2Block: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickDecayedBlock" />


brickDecayedBroke3Block: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickDecayedBlock" />


tanBrickDecayedBroke1: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickDecayedTanBlock" />


tanBrickDecayedBroke2: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickDecayedTanBlock" />


tanBrickDecayedBroke3: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="brickDecayedTanBlock" />


concreteTrim2Broke1: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="concreteTrim2Block" />

Changed repair cost <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="concreteMix" value="10" /> </property>


concreteTrim2Broke2: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="concreteTrim2Block" />

Changed repair cost <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="concreteMix" value="10" /> </property>



concreteTrim2Broke3: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="concreteTrim2Block" />

Changed repair cost <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="concreteMix" value="10" /> </property>



concreteTrim2Broke4: <property class="UpgradeBlock"><property name="ToBlock" value="concreteTrim2Block" />

Changed repair cost <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="concreteMix" value="10" /> </property>




sniperRifleSchematic: Fixed added missing schematic to militaryWeaponParts loot group


toiletLoot: Changed loot container size to 2 x 2


Fixed added missing AK47 from military weapons loot group:

Added Loot Group:


<lootgroup name="AK47+ammo" count="all">

<item name="gunAK47"/>

<item name="762mmBullet" count="1,20"/>



Changed Loot Group:


<lootgroup name="militaryguns+ammo">

<item group="militaryWeaponParts" />

<item group="AK47+ammo" prob="0.03" />

<item group="mp5+ammo" prob="0.03" />

<item group="sniperRifle+ammo" prob="0.03" />

<item group="rocketLauncher+ammo" prob="0.01"/>


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Welcome back, and nicely done.


Some blocks has no EconomicValue and this make them too expensive or too cheap.


chair01, tv, woodHalf, metalReinforcedWoodDrawBridge, painting02, garageDoorMetal_v1


Thanks! And ok I have now fixed the missing economic values for these that you have listed as well as made it so that drawbridge and garage door can not be sold to traders.


If you think that should be allowed or not let me know.

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Update (04/09/17)


Version 3.17




Fixed missing economic values for:


chair01 - EconomicValue = 15


tv - EconomicValue = 100


woodHalf - EconomicValue = 10


metalReinforcedWoodDrawBridge - EconomicValue = 150 (not sellable to traders)


painting02 - EconomicValue = 25


painting01 - EconomicValue = 25


garageDoorMetal_v1 - EconomicValue = 150 (not sellable to traders)


keep in mind these are not actually calculated and balanced just something I thought would fit and be balanced

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Here are a couple of quick hitters for you...




Harvest events can not have ranged count.


<block id="267" name="animalGore">
   <drop event="Harvest" name="femur" count="[color="#FF0000"]1,2[/color]" prob="1" />

<block id="338" name="cntSuitcase">
   <drop event="Harvest" name="scrapPlastics" count="[color="#FF0000"]2,8[/color]" tool_category="Disassemble" />




Incorrect spelling. Should be "passengerstitle" - all lowercase


<window name="windowVehicleStats" width="228" height="280" panel="Right" controller="VehicleStats" >
<label depth="1" width="180" pos="30,-2" name="lblPassengers" font_size="22" text="{[color="#FF0000"]passengersTitle[/color]}: [DECEA3]{passengers|once}[-]" />

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Update (4/9/17)


Version 3.18




Fixed improper capitalization passengersTitle to passengerstitle




Fixed harvest events for:


animalGore: <drop event="Harvest" name="femur" count="1" prob="1" />


cntSuitcase: removed unnecessary harvest code <drop event="Harvest" name="" count="0" tool_category="Disassemble" /> and fixed harvest event <drop event="Harvest" name="scrapPlastics" count="4" prob="0.75" tool_category="Disassemble" />

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