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What are your Favourite Alphas?


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With the new release we've got the best version of 7DTD yet.


Some of the Alphas along the way, however, have been really great!


My favourite to play were 14.3 and 16.4 .


They had their flaws but also their charms.

Really made me fall in love with this game.


What are your favourite Alphas and why?

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a16.4, had the best skill system vanilla has ever had, and allowed the player alot of freedom in what they could do as it was much more sandbox like compared to a17 and especially 1.0. 1.0 is extremly limiting and easly the worse state the game has been in compared to a16.4, I also don't think it will get any better as the game needs the biomes and entire item system redone to have proper progression as they cannot achieve it currently when 99% of items in the game can be made without leaving the forest. Only item you need to leave the forest for is Oil shale to make Gas with, well that and Oil but wrenching cars usually gets you more oil than you'll ever use. The rwg sucks in 1.0 as well, its fast, but its pretty much a static map as every map is essentally the same, they removed most of the random part of random world gen. Yes you can mod it, but thats not a excuse for TFP to gimp it this hard.


I don't think the game is ever going to get back the glory it had in a16.4, its been on a downward spiral for years. The graphics updates are nice, but that is not what the game needsm it needs more tiers of items, better progression etc. Most survival games have each biome have its own tier of gear and challenges to explore it. 7DTD however does not, you can make every item except 2 without leaving the forest, so there just is no reason to bother and with how bad loot is, going to the winter biome is just not worth it to fight far harder enemies for the same loot most of the time you'd get in the forest.

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1 hour ago, Scyris said:

the game needs the biomes and entire item system redone to have proper progression

I hear this a lot. As far as difficulty, biome progression was as natural as natural can be in A21. Want a bit more of a challenge? Visit another biome. The notion that biomes need a "progression" overhaul that will place arbitrary limits on players as to which or several biomes they choose to play/stay in, i.e. 1.0, makes absolutely no sense to me. Why would you want to limit player freedom and agency and linearize the biomes that way? There should be no "need" to leave one biome for another, especially in succession, for good and all. I think they had that exactly right from a player agency standpoint in A21 and think it was misguided at best to place such linearity and restrictions on RWG maps in 1.0, of the mind that kind of linearity would better be reserved for the Navezgane map and forthcoming story mode while RWG is kept as freeplay as possible.

As far as any "downward spiral" it's on, that would only be the tug of war between the minority of players determined to "exploit" any system TFP might choose to implement and TFP saying, "Erm, no. You're not going to do that." Obviously, that's resulted in system change after system change in an interminable loop that likely will never end unless TFP shakes the "forest for the trees syndrome" that seems to have developed over the game's decade of development and starts thinking about how players other than min-maxers and determined exploit hunters are playing.


Edited by InfiniteWarrior (see edit history)
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I really loved 16.4. I sometimes spent up to 200 days in a game and built a lot. I still enjoyed the game in later alphas, but usually started a new game after day 70. Building isn't as much fun anymore, even though there are more shapes, and mining isn't the same either. In 16.4 I spent hours mining and didn't get interrupted by a screamer every five minutes. It was much more fun.

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I started playing in Alpha 21, so I cannot judge previous alphas, but so far I like this 1.0 (or alpha 22).

I have seen some videos of old alphas, and one thing I like in those old versions is more variety of zombies, it seems that quite a few were removed. Luckily we have awesome modders that have added more zombie varieties into the game, and I hope TFP will also eventually add more zombie variants too. 

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I think I came in on 19 can't remember, it's been less sand box since.  Still haven't played a22.


However, I have to say that every"sandbox" since SWG first appeared on the scene, has always evolved into less of a sandbox.  That is just my experience.

Edited by Rotor (see edit history)
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Probably there would also be some of the iconic early ones, but i won't say because i haven't researched them thoroughly.

Each of these games had an interesting gameplay, and some potent elements, like the RWG.
After A12, there was a curtsey towards simplification on the console.

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My favorite playing experience was 16.4, because we had a good group of 6ish people playing regularly.  Now that i am playing solo, V1 is my favorite.  I love the new armor, the crafting and looting feel good.  Although wasteland looting might be a little too OP, but the risk is well worth the reward.

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Overall I think I liked 20.3 the most, but 16.4 was as a close second because of intuitive and logical learn-by-doing (action skills).  The game has been dumbed down for consoles so badly that its honestly dull now.  Want recipes?  Prepare to spend the entire game raiding every mailbox, filing cabinet and bookstore in the game, and good luck getting anything except cooking books once you get it maxed.  Static defenses are joke now..they die in seconds against the weakest zombies.

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I'll say 14.7 will always be a soft spot for me. That's where it was when it released on console (PS4) & I've been hooked ever since. 


18.4 (I think) is where I came in on PC. 

I have to agree with many others as I liked the progression system better back then. Learn by doing just makes more sense. 


But I do love the current version too. I respect where the Pimps are taking the game. Don't like this current trader specific biome thing that will tie in with the story but maybe I'll change my tune when it's fully realized. 

Can't wait to see what's on the horizon!

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The Alpha I currently play has always been my favorite Alpha because they always got better. They very frequently got rid of things I did like but they always had new things that I liked too. So that makes all the alphas my favorite Alpha

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