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A16 Valmod Pack


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Damn man sorry to hear about that, to be honest with you I loved this game because I got all the options your mod gave me, it made it thrice as entertaining and gave the whole game a wider "purpose" as to what to keep doing after building your base etc...


Now with radiant treasure quests and whatnot this mod would be ideal but as everyone is telling you, mate take some time, clear your mind from the same routine of modding and hopefully come back renewed.

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Valmar said:
To those who were asking about the UI specifically I think you will be pleased with Red Eagle's UI. Mine was basically just a slightly altered version of his code. https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://www.mediafire.com/?fr6wij6slsz8b12



As for Valmod... Sigh. I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish this. I planned on it, really I did. I wanted to get it out for those who I know enjoy it. But all this editing has burned me out. I'm just so done with 7DTD right now. I've frankly only kept going on because there are so many who seem to get enjoyment form my mod so it was more for them rather than myself that I continued. A14 however has taken its toll on me and mentally I'm quite exhausted. Its not even that the task at hand is difficult to do, its just very, very time-consuming for me. Maybe Im just a slow worker. Either way, its taken its toll.


I will be taking a break for now to recharge and reflect. Perhaps I will find the motivation, time and energy to continue after a short hiatus. During this time I will determine whether or not I want to finish it or leave it.


For whatever it is worth this is the closest thing I have for a "beta" version. Keep in mind it isn't finished or intended to be used in any "real" game. Its just for those who, for whatever reason, wanted to sneak a peek at whats going on. Though I suspect most changes would go unnoticed by players since most of the work is really only obvious from a modder's perspective.



If I decide to call it quits in the very least it could serve as a useful resource as there is a lot of code present in the file that could be salvaged or re-purposed.




Sorry to hear about that man.. That sucks..

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To those who were asking about the UI specifically I think you will be pleased with Red Eagle's UI. Mine was basically just a slightly altered version of his code. https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://www.mediafire.com/?fr6wij6slsz8b12



As for Valmod... Sigh. I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish this. I planned on it, really I did. I wanted to get it out for those who I know enjoy it. But all this editing has burned me out. I'm just so done with 7DTD right now. I've frankly only kept going on because there are so many who seem to get enjoyment form my mod so it was more for them rather than myself that I continued. A14 however has taken its toll on me and mentally I'm quite exhausted. Its not even that the task at hand is difficult to do, its just very, very time-consuming for me. Maybe Im just a slow worker. Either way, its taken its toll.


I will be taking a break for now to recharge and reflect. Perhaps I will find the motivation, time and energy to continue after a short hiatus. During this time I will determine whether or not I want to finish it or leave it.


For whatever it is worth this is the closest thing I have for a "beta" version. Keep in mind it isn't finished or intended to be used in any "real" game. Its just for those who, for whatever reason, wanted to sneak a peek at whats going on. Though I suspect most changes would go unnoticed by players since most of the work is really only obvious from a modder's perspective.



If I decide to call it quits in the very least it could serve as a useful resource as there is a lot of code present in the file that could be salvaged or re-purposed.






Honestly; being a wiseacre is what keeps me from burning out here. People frustrate the ♥♥♥♥ out of me; incompetent, idiotic, and intractable ingrates. Quit trying to help EVERYONE (yes I used caps on purpose) becauseyou end up repeating the same thing everywhere.


Join forces with me and together we can rule part of the galaxy of .xml modding as Sith creative geniuses.




Vote h0tr0d / Valmar 2016 -- "Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty" - Thoreau

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Valmar, thanks for all the Valmod updates, and thanks for leaving the Beta. :) You do what you need to, we've all enjoyed your mod this far. If it's driving you that crazy, just leave it. It's not worth your stress/sanity. I will miss 7DtD with Valmod though. Thanks. :)

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but of course! as for the wheat...it will look SIMILAR but...perhaps it could be taller, have a more pronounced "wheat" flower on it. or just grow in distinctive locations, like, part of a prefab. though that might be somewhat difficult. and yeah, the hops is really just for flavor, the grain is what the yeast feeds on to produce alcohol. but it's cool if you just add wheat, or wheat seeds as a loot item for now.

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I appreciate the support guys. Though I should point out I never said I was leaving definitely. Just that I might be. It was a rough few days, lol.


I personally would love to try and complete a mod, but I wouldn't know where to begin or when to stop. I am a tinkerer not a developer. I take what already exists and make changes.


Actually that is largely what my mod is. Everything I do, other than the custom icons, is purely XML-driven which means everything is, in some way or another, just the vanilla code repurposed or reused. Its all one extravagant (the ego!) tinker project. No new models are added or anything like that. It's also surprisingly easy to get into. If you ever feel interested in modding 7DTD I'm sure there will be others here willing to help show you down the path, as it were.



but of course! as for the wheat...it will look SIMILAR but...perhaps it could be taller, have a more pronounced "wheat" flower on it. or just grow in distinctive locations, like, part of a prefab. though that might be somewhat difficult. and yeah, the hops is really just for flavor, the grain is what the yeast feeds on to produce alcohol. but it's cool if you just add wheat, or wheat seeds as a loot item for now.


As I touched on above my mod is driven only by xml. That is to say, its nothing but a few (well, more than a few) lines of code. I can only re-purpose or reuse models that are in the vanilla game, not add or make new ones. So I can't make a "real" wheat plant. But I figured the dried grass looked close enough so I went with it.



I hope sometime tomorrow I will have another beta build ready. Its pretty much done at this point, I think. In the very least its as ready as it can be without testing. With so many changes its hard for me to judge how stable it really is until it gets playtime feedback. The old mold in A13 was, imo, solid stable and had all the kinks I was aware of ironed out due to how long it had been supported. This is basically a complete rewrite so things are bound to have new problems that wont be obvious until playtime.

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Actually that is largely what my mod is. Everything I do, other than the custom icons, is purely XML-driven which means everything is, in some way or another, just the vanilla code repurposed or reused. Its all one extravagant (the ego!) tinker project. No new models are added or anything like that. It's also surprisingly easy to get into. If you ever feel interested in modding 7DTD I'm sure there will be others here willing to help show you down the path, as it were.


I actually posted a very simple mod yesterday that restores the various harvesting/combat skills that used to give harvest bonuses as you leveled the skill, wasn't that hard, but I have no clue if anyone has tried it out since there has been 0 replies on it.


Also, need to see the corner blocks for Cobble in a modpack, especially now that the drop rates on small engines have been toned way back which makes getting to concrete that much slower. It took me 9 in game days to get an engine, and now I'm so broke stone wise that I can't get enough concrete mix out to finish my outer walls, which leaves me using cobble instead, and the lack of the inner and outer corner blocks is annoying. Not sure why TFP would include them for Wood, Scrap, and Rebar, but not Cobble.

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Updated the beta.





Everything looks to be in order now. Far as I am aware I have everything added. Its the best I can hope to get it atm without any play testing. I will make it "official" after I have the Lite version finished. Other than that it looks promising. Anyone who wants to try it out are welcome to do so. Please share any feedback you may have if you encounter problems, mistakes or balance issues. I upped the starting ammo count for classes since ammo is locked behind perks now so I can't easily teach the class the recipe like I used to. My mod in general already increases the drop amount of ammo by x2 so hopefully it will still even itself out.

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Glad to see you aren't down for the count Valmar!


Since I've been playing around with the mod on my test server, in anticipation of using it on my live server, I'll be happy to act as a tester to help get the kinks worked out.


Some things I've noticed with the older, and now most recent, build:


- Combat Axe Scematic has no icon

- Multiple recipes showing for food items, possible bleed over from working oven mod

- No spacing in item names, and no descriptions showing on custom items.

- Localization file has some descriptions that have commas in them, which might cause issues since the file is comma delimited

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Glad to see you aren't down for the count Valmar!


Since I've been playing around with the mod on my test server, in anticipation of using it on my live server, I'll be happy to act as a tester to help get the kinks worked out.


Some things I've noticed with the older, and now most recent, build:


- Combat Axe Scematic has no icon

- Multiple recipes showing for food items, possible bleed over from working oven mod

- No spacing in item names, and no descriptions showing on custom items.

- Localization file has some descriptions that have commas in them, which might cause issues since the file is comma delimited


Yeah the Localization file has to be causing issues as many of the decorative/storage recipes within the Workbench are shown, but cannot be crafted or favorited, the options do not even appear. I double checked to make sure it wasn't my fault as I carefully added in the code for Valmod into the files without overwriting, but even upon overwriting many of the files, the results were the same.

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On a lark, I copied the Localization.txt file to my local directory, and it did make an impact in that all of the menus went haywire, so it could be that the game only reads the local copy, similar to how it looks locally for icons in the mods folder.


I also noticed that putting quotes around descriptions with commas appears to be how the Pimps handle those longer descriptions, so that is probably the solution for custom descriptions with commas.


Based on the menu weirdness, my guess is that the file needs to be copied locally on the client. However, in its current state it is definitely bugged.

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Since I've been playing around with the mod on my test server, in anticipation of using it on my live server, I'll be happy to act as a tester to help get the kinks worked out.


Some things I've noticed with the older, and now most recent, build:


- Combat Axe Scematic has no icon

- Multiple recipes showing for food items, possible bleed over from working oven mod

- No spacing in item names, and no descriptions showing on custom items.

- Localization file has some descriptions that have commas in them, which might cause issues since the file is comma delimited


I went ahead and placed the combat axe behind a perk. Wont need an icon now.


There were indeed multiple duplicate recipes in the oven. Hopefully I removed them all.


The localization file does not push from servers, could that relate to your problem?



Yeah the Localization file has to be causing issues as many of the decorative/storage recipes within the Workbench are shown, but cannot be crafted or favorited, the options do not even appear. I double checked to make sure it wasn't my fault as I carefully added in the code for Valmod into the files without overwriting, but even upon overwriting many of the files, the results were the same.


I'm not experiencing such a workbench issue.


On a lark, I copied the Localization.txt file to my local directory, and it did make an impact in that all of the menus went haywire, so it could be that the game only reads the local copy, similar to how it looks locally for icons in the mods folder.


I also noticed that putting quotes around descriptions with commas appears to be how the Pimps handle those longer descriptions, so that is probably the solution for custom descriptions with commas.


Based on the menu weirdness, my guess is that the file needs to be copied locally on the client. However, in its current state it is definitely bugged.


Good catch on the commas. I've went through the localization and hopefully resolved that oversight. Thank you for pointing out the quotation marks.



Next beta:


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Ok so I solved the recipe problem with the workbench, anything that requires one of the custom tools in the workbench will not be craftable, I removed the tool requirements and now they work.


That sounds intentional. I don't have a lite version of the mod yet but if you're not familiar my mod pack purposely locks down the recipe crafting system to make it harder. In A13 I tackled this with recipe books and three workbenches. One for wood, one for metal and one for masonry. In the A13 build to craft, say, stone-related blocks you must know how to craft the masonry workbench.


In A14 I've combined all these into the one workbench. To maintain the lockdown of the recipes I have introduced new tools that must be used in the workbench. So to make wood blocks where as in A13 it would require you use a workbench you now will need to use a hand saw. Instead of a masonry workbench you now use the chisel. Instead of the industrial workbench there is the welding torch. All these act like tools for the workbench in the same way that cooking pot, cooking grill and beaker are tools for the campfire. Certain recipes in the workbench require you have a specific tool to use them. This is by design.

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Valmar, thanks for this excellent mod!


I have a simple and quick question about something I saw in your files


<item id="2590" name="survivorNotes">

<property name="DescriptionKey" value="survivorNotesDesc"/>

<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Misc/paper" />

<property name="HoldType" value="21" />

<property name="Material" value="Survivor Notes" />

<property name="Weight" value="1" />

<property name="Stacknumber" value="5000" />

<property name="FuelValue" value="20" />

<property name="Group" value="Survival" />



<property name="DescriptionKey" value="survivorNotesDesc"/>


Are we able to create a description for our items?

Could you give me a clue about how to?


Thank you!

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Hi great mod, have a lot of fun with this.


Installed the last version and it seems that none of the workstations are working, including the study desk. Have a lot of survivor note's but cannot buy books.


no error message's in console.


Keep up the good work

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Yes, we can create descriptions and change the in-game name of items/blocks now. Its all handled by the localization file - which does not push from servers. If you have the installed locally however this shouldn't be a problem.





Do you happen to know which beta you're using? Whats the name of the zip?

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