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Thoughts on 1.0

Adam the Waster

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15 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Woodle was having issues during his streams with ladders as well. The first time was when he was jumping to one 2 blocks off the ground as well, but he placed a block down to climb on and then jump and he still had issues. But it was totally fine later. So definitely something odd with them. He seemed to think maybe they were trying to nerf the 2 block trick. Lol.

Ladder attach code was not changed. There was a bug fix with jumping vs falling causing differing amounts of damage, so maybe that effected it. I use jump ladders all the time, so I certainly don't want them nerfed and if they were, it would not be to work half the time.

Edited by faatal (see edit history)
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I really like it so far.  Not much i dont like. It looks wonderful. I love the challenge system. Doesnt seem much harder than before (i do have 200% loot though)

I noticed theres a bug with one of the challenges. I am using a stone axe to harvest polymers. They are not being recorded when you get one.

Also when you run out of stam on the bike it gives you that scraping sound like its trying to spin its wheels going up hill and will continue for a bit,

So i know they are tying to get you to move different locations. But i am 32/60 on my quest thing and reket isnt sending me on the opening trade routes to the 3rd person. and i am still only maxing out at tier 2 quests from him

Edited by OmegaFerret (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, Riamus said:

The shared quests only increasing tier points for the quest owner is a pain.  I understand the reasoning that you want to slow down groups from completing tiers, but it makes sharing quests kind of pointless.  The quest rewards are minimal now, so doing only your own quests to speed up your own progression just makes sense now, which I don't think is a good option.

Agreed. I think a good compromise would be to earn half a point on someone else’s quest. The three of us in my group don’t want to quest alone but we also don’t want to do 30 quests per tier. 

Our temporary solution was to change the number required from 10 to 5 and we all agree not to abuse it by spamming quests alone. So now we do 15 quests per tier together. 

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17 hours ago, Riamus said:

I've seen a few new POI and those are nice, though in one of the new (or updated) tier 1 POI that has a wooden beam across the top of the garage to walk across to get a crate, the beam breaks immediately when you step on it, making you need to either jump up and down to break the crate open or else build something to stand on to reach it.  I think the stability of that beam is bad.  I think the POI was Black Bus Mechanical.

You can put up the garage door and jump to that. :)

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I haven't played a lot, but I like a lot of the changes I've seen.


Performance is a bit better, but it seems to be mostly GPU performance, with the most improvement being around skyscrapers and the like. It's still a lot better than before, but now I find myself bottlenecked by my CPU more often than before. So I still get fps drops in these areas, granted not as dramatic. I also had to tweak my settings a lot to figure out what is CPU intensive, as the game doesn't specify how certain settings are intensive.


I agree brightness is a bit much and makes the lighting and shading look wrong, so I lowered my brightness so it's more reasonable.


IDK how I feel about traders yet. They 100 % needed nerfing, and I'm good with the rewards being different, but so far I only have a "buried treasure" quest. I hate buried treasure quests. I'll have to play some more to sort out how I feel about it though, I just hope I won't have to do too much with buried treasure.


The new armor system is great IMO. The armors look great, and I like the idea of perks / stat boosts that go with them. I will miss clothing and some of the customization options that came with it though, but it's better than the clown suits the old armor system had.


Similarly the new character customizations look fantastic (no more Elder Scrolls tier character design), but I do wish we had a few more options here, particularly with faces.


The new (?) radial menus are a nice touch as well. I don't remember if they were in A 21, but I know the toolbar one is new.


Not a 1.0 feature, but magazines can be slightly annoying. Something needs to be tweaked, it's kind of an odd progression mechanic and feels too rng, though perks do balance it out a bit. At that point you could just make things require rarer / higher level loot to craft instead.


All that being said, I didn't play A 21 much and haven't played the game extensively in years (since like A 18 or 19, iirc). Though I think I might actually get further into the game this time.

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31 minutes ago, rateds2k said:

You can put up the garage door and jump to that. :)

Yeah, I realized that the next time I went there.  So it is probably intended to break.  Seems an odd choice since POI aren't generally designed in a puzzle fashion, even a simple one like that, making this seem like a mistake rather than intended until you see the door. 


There was only one other POI I can think of that was kind of a puzzle format.  The skyscraper laying on its side.  But I haven't seen that probably since A20.  I wonder if it is still in the game.  I liked that one.

1 hour ago, OmegaFerret said:

I really like it so far.  Not much i dont like. It looks wonderful. I love the challenge system. Doesnt seem much harder than before (i do have 200% loot though)

I noticed theres a bug with one of the challenges. I am using a stone axe to harvest polymers. They are not being recorded when you get one.

Also when you run out of stam on the bike it gives you that scraping sound like its trying to spin its wheels going up hill and will continue for a bit,

So i know they are tying to get you to move different locations. But i am 32/60 on my quest thing and reket isnt sending me on the opening trade routes to the 3rd person. and i am still only maxing out at tier 2 quests from him

Someone posted that you need to do the blue plastic barrels for that.  I haven't tried myself yet.  Supposedly tracking the challenge will show what you can scrap for the reward but I also haven't tried that. 


I agree that the sound when out of stamina on the bike also isn't good.  But the thrumming sound when pedaling is much worse to me. 


You should have gotten the open trade routes the same time you got your bike reward.  If not, try reloading the game since that tends to reset quests.

4 minutes ago, Gipothegip said:

IDK how I feel about traders yet. They 100 % needed nerfing, and I'm good with the rewards being different, but so far I only have a "buried treasure" quest. I hate buried treasure quests. I'll have to play some more to sort out how I feel about it though, I just hope I won't have to do too much with buried treasure.

Only the first special quest is buried only.  After that, it works like the past, where you get a random set of quests.

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5 hours ago, Roland said:

Agreed. I think a good compromise would be to earn half a point on someone else’s quest. The three of us in my group don’t want to quest alone but we also don’t want to do 30 quests per tier. 

Our temporary solution was to change the number required from 10 to 5 and we all agree not to abuse it by spamming quests alone. So now we do 15 quests per tier together. 


Is that a setting or a XML edit?

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i made A WEATHER MOD (now the game looks more cooler) > DL link in MODS (fotot downside...looks more deeply)


and when u change the BRIGHTNESS from 50 to 30% its cool (perhaps its my monitor, CHG90 samsung OLED)

today i played, looks nice now, i have installed a lot of mods


i like the new sound when u put something in boxes and back...


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One thing I noticed is that there seem to be less roaming zombies in the area I started in. Could just be anecdotel, but it made exploring at night still feel risky as ferals are very dangerous early on, but not quite as annoying with zombies constantly surrounding me in a sort of circle like before. Anyone else feel like less zombies spawn in this manner? I actually like this quite a bit, makes it feel more abandoned, and if you do see something, it feels more meaningful. I also find the brightness a lot better. I see people saying it's too bright at night, but I honestly I kind of like it (that's only what I think though, could be a wrong opinion) 😅


I got some points invested into agility as I wanted to try a bow build, ended up getting a no encumberance at night book, the book that makes trash not make noise, and night vision goggles. Been having a lot of fun in the earlier pois at night with this setup. Not completely safe either, as while it seems zombies lose me more easily now after being seen, they're tankier, so when I get spotted, it's a bigger threat.

Does seem that random zombies from the street will see me somehow and not lose me despite being sneaking inside of a poi. Not 100% on why.


(Man I hope key racks eventually just unlock doors and don't force them to stay locked in an open state)

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19 minutes ago, User said:

One thing I noticed is that there seem to be less roaming zombies in the area I started in. Could just be anecdotel, but it made exploring at night still feel risky as ferals are very dangerous early on, but not quite as annoying with zombies constantly surrounding me in a sort of circle like before. Anyone else feel like less zombies spawn in this manner? I actually like this quite a bit. I also find the brightness a lot better. I see people saying it's too bright at night, but I honestly I kind of like it (that's only what I think though, could be a wrong opinion) 😅


I got some points invested into agility as I wanted to try a bow build, ended up getting a no encumberance at night book, the book that makes trash not make noise, and night vision goggles. Been having a lot of fun in the earlier pois at night with this setup. Not completely safe either, as while it seems zombies lose me more easily now after being seen, they're tankier, so when I get spotted, it's a bigger threat.

Does seem that random zombies from the street will see me somehow and not lose me despite being sneaking inside of a poi. Not 100% on why.

I've thought the less zombies point for several versions now.

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Not a bug, but not happy with removing cities(not towns) from pine forest. Never cared much for temperature controls in game so stay mainly in Pine forest is last 4 or so alphas.

So starting game led to many bugs/issues. I tried starting random world gen, but all 6 or so times it did not allow me to start a new game after generating world and viewing preview.

Most attempts in new game and using advanced generation also did not allow me to start a new game.

The one time I was allowed to start a new game, from the new game option with advanced generation, I was not able to actually interact with like anything in the game. I could left click to destroy and collect plants and such items and I could hit "E" to collect small stones, however I could not hit "E" to loot any other items(cars, purses, trash-only items I tried).

it kept popping up the "cheat menu" or what ~ opens, repeatedly when hitting buttons like tab. It kept telling me to hit W to perform tasks, but W is for forward walking. I hit tab and it would open ~ log. I could not open inventory.

I did have a21 modded so maybe that is my issue with some items but world gen is weird. Like 1500 hours in this game and this is the biggest mess since when I started around 2015.



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On 6/24/2024 at 7:07 PM, Adam the Waster said:


New armor is great and you can see gloves... finally 


New zombie models look good and they look dead now


The wasteland looks like the wasteland again and we got the burnt forest again 


Stronger zombies makes them scary again. 


Slower progression is really nice and very much needed. 




It's too bright... even during the night. Like why. 


Some armors are a bit op and should be slightly nerfed while others need to be buffed (I'll make a list later) 




I think for the brightness it's for the streamers and the youtubers.  There was a dark time when i had to go to an office to work, so the most i could do was watch other people play the game on youtube. 


My complaint, is that they removed the color options from character creation. No longer can i roleplay the rouge soldier with a fire engine red Mohawk. another one is that the paved roads magically turn into dirt roads if there is a buried supplies quest, but i suspect i am the only one who will complain about that. 


Otherwise it's shockingly good. my only issue is EAC detecting my mod storage folder. 

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33 minutes ago, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:


I think for the brightness it's for the streamers and the youtubers.  There was a dark time when i had to go to an office to work, so the most i could do was watch other people play the game on youtube. 


My complaint, is that they removed the color options from character creation. No longer can i roleplay the rouge soldier with a fire engine red Mohawk. another one is that the paved roads magically turn into dirt roads if there is a buried supplies quest, but i suspect i am the only one who will complain about that. 


Otherwise it's shockingly good. my only issue is EAC detecting my mod storage folder. 

Yeah I hope they add more colors. Jawoodle misses his purple hair. 


There would at least be one crazy dude with purple hair. . Probably high af but still

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On 6/24/2024 at 7:07 PM, Adam the Waster said:


New armor is great and you can see gloves... finally 


New zombie models look good and they look dead now


The wasteland looks like the wasteland again and we got the burnt forest again 


Stronger zombies makes them scary again. 


Slower progression is really nice and very much needed. 




It's too bright... even during the night. Like why. 


Some armors are a bit op and should be slightly nerfed while others need to be buffed (I'll make a list later) 



Except the starter armor, we gave up clothes to look like Mokujin from tekken. 

2 hours ago, User said:

One thing I noticed is that there seem to be less roaming zombies in the area I started in. Could just be anecdotel, but it made exploring at night still feel risky as ferals are very dangerous early on, but not quite as annoying with zombies constantly surrounding me in a sort of circle like before. Anyone else feel like less zombies spawn in this manner? I actually like this quite a bit, makes it feel more abandoned, and if you do see something, it feels more meaningful. I also find the brightness a lot better. I see people saying it's too bright at night, but I honestly I kind of like it (that's only what I think though, could be a wrong opinion) 😅


I got some points invested into agility as I wanted to try a bow build, ended up getting a no encumberance at night book, the book that makes trash not make noise, and night vision goggles. Been having a lot of fun in the earlier pois at night with this setup. Not completely safe either, as while it seems zombies lose me more easily now after being seen, they're tankier, so when I get spotted, it's a bigger threat.

Does seem that random zombies from the street will see me somehow and not lose me despite being sneaking inside of a poi. Not 100% on why.


(Man I hope key racks eventually just unlock doors and don't force them to stay locked in an open state)

I used to find nightvision or the head mounted flashlight almost mandatory, it was hard to see and the wolves in the starter area were no joke. 


I've noticed less zombies in general but more dangerous ones. I encountered a couple bikers and a feral at level 2. 

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14 hours ago, Fisher said:

I guess vegetable stew will have to be my new primary food source.  Meat stew is out of the question since I haven't seen a single animal in the forest biome in the first 7 hours of playing.


I think the spawn rates of animals need to be tweaked a bit.


I've seen a few, thats weird, stealth killed a deer. I saw the ever present jumping chicken. . .

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2 hours ago, User said:

(Man I hope key racks eventually just unlock doors and don't force them to stay locked in an open state)

I've seen this work in some places but doesn't seem to everywhere.

10 minutes ago, ira12 said:

What is 1.0 ?? Can somebody explain me .

New version.  It's basically Alpha 22 but renamed.  It is currently in experimental.

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2 hours ago, hoffmanm106 said:

Not a bug, but not happy with removing cities(not towns) from pine forest. Never cared much for temperature controls in game so stay mainly in Pine forest is last 4 or so alphas.

So starting game led to many bugs/issues. I tried starting random world gen, but all 6 or so times it did not allow me to start a new game after generating world and viewing preview.

Most attempts in new game and using advanced generation also did not allow me to start a new game.

The one time I was allowed to start a new game, from the new game option with advanced generation, I was not able to actually interact with like anything in the game. I could left click to destroy and collect plants and such items and I could hit "E" to collect small stones, however I could not hit "E" to loot any other items(cars, purses, trash-only items I tried).

it kept popping up the "cheat menu" or what ~ opens, repeatedly when hitting buttons like tab. It kept telling me to hit W to perform tasks, but W is for forward walking. I hit tab and it would open ~ log. I could not open inventory.

I did have a21 modded so maybe that is my issue with some items but world gen is weird. Like 1500 hours in this game and this is the biggest mess since when I started around 2015.



After you create the world, go into new game and select the world name you created.  Don't do advanced generation again.


Check your keybindings in options.  But it also sounds like a network problem.  Was this single player or multiplayer?


As far as mods, you need to remove all mods (and custom POI) from your Mods folder before starting a new game in 1.0.  They most likely do not work in 1.0 and will cause you all kinds of problems.  You can add them back once they are updated for 1.0.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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After 8hrs on my playthrough here are (apparently a lot of) mine:

  • The new character models are nice but too limited.
  • Armor progression so far feels pretty meh. I used to craft a fair amount of armor but right now I pretty much forget it's even a part of the game it's dropped so infrequently and takes so long to unlock the next tier.
  • The new forced RWG of no real cities in the forest straight sucks. I don't enjoy being forcing to the other biomes and it makes me not want to start building a base. I'm not going to move two crates worth of stuff to a new city with a bike. So for me it's basically just forced a nomad playstyle.
  • Animals are too sparse and canned food/good food is entirely too prevalent. I haven't crafted a single food item except for the challenge whereas I used to prioritize getting to bacon and eggs at least.
  • Anyone know how to rip out all of Rekt's character line audio files without causing the game to crash?
  • The loot that's dropped doesn't make the most sense. Why am I getting legendary crafting materials from clothes on the ground and the not the safe or police car I just spent far too many lockpicks on? Or why am I getting t1 stone axes still when I have t2 claw hammers unlocked, seems like the spread of what is available in the loot pool is wide.
  • I don't know how early is too early, but why is Rekt selling a 15k crucible on day 8? I barely bought anything from him and felt like I was doing well with 6k+ before I saw that.
  • The occlusion seems set too aggressive, turning quickly with ~500 dpi causes gaps while the game catches back up, I just turned it off and the issue stopped.
  • Good news! Arrow hit registers seem more consistent now.
  • The crafting challenge to craft pipe bombs should get changed less than 20, I don't think I've thrown 20 pipe bombs in all my hours playing.
  • I don't like how particular the harvesting challenges are, no matter what I'm scrapping/using to harvest/the item I'm harvesting in particular, if it gives the items the challenges asks for, the challenge should register it.
  • Really liking the remnant buildings and new POIs. Got sent to the T2 crypt today and IMO it might be one of the best looking/laid out I've seen.
  • Zombies seem to stagger forward more every update - hate that.
  • The animations overall feel nice but also overly exaggerated and I hope a slider can get added to decrease the effects on the screen or an option can get added to turn the screen movement effects off entirely. In particular the sneak animation rocking the screen back and forth is incredibly annoying after going more than 100m.
  • The shaders on the zombies in some lights are not fun to try to make out from the other textures as they just blend in a lot and they're too grey against the grey. The mechanic is the worst for that, the others not as much.
  • Good changes to the dew collector, I crafted my first one ever yesterday. Not because I needed water at all but because the challenge.
  • New mods for helmets are a little silly. There's no real point in using any of the +1 skill point mods if you get a water filter mod shortly after which is what happened for me.


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51 minutes ago, Belgarion32 said:

After 8hrs on my playthrough here are (apparently a lot of) mine:

  • The new character models are nice but too limited.

Agreed.  Some more options for changing faces would be nice.

  • Armor progression so far feels pretty meh. I used to craft a fair amount of armor but right now I pretty much forget it's even a part of the game it's dropped so infrequently and takes so long to unlock the next tier.

I've actually gotten to tier 3 armor on day 3, which is extremely fast.  And I'm not even trying to find magazines quickly.  But I do feel like armor could use some tweaks.

  • The new forced RWG of no real cities in the forest straight sucks. I don't enjoy being forcing to the other biomes and it makes me not want to start building a base. I'm not going to move two crates worth of stuff to a new city with a bike. So for me it's basically just forced a nomad playstyle.

Agreed 100%.  Going to see if there's any issues with a custom map without trader restrictions.  If not, I'll definitely NOT be restricting traders by biome and I already will not be restricting city sizes by biome.

  • Animals are too sparse and canned food/good food is entirely too prevalent. I haven't crafted a single food item except for the challenge whereas I used to prioritize getting to bacon and eggs at least.

I haven't really found that much canned food.  But the animals definitely feel to rare.  Supposedly if you go to the burnt forest, they are everywhere.  But you should see them more often in the forest as well.  They were definitely too prevalent before, but now they are too rare.

  • Anyone know how to rip out all of Rekt's character line audio files without causing the game to crash?

I am not a fan of the language in his VO and would like an option to disable that and only use lines without the language.  I can live with it but I don't like it.  There are some good lines in there that don't use the language.

  • The loot that's dropped doesn't make the most sense. Why am I getting legendary crafting materials from clothes on the ground and the not the safe or police car I just spent far too many lockpicks on? Or why am I getting t1 stone axes still when I have t2 claw hammers unlocked, seems like the spread of what is available in the loot pool is wide.

It makes sense to get legendary parts from any clothing-related "containers" like a pile of clothes on the floor since they can be used for crafting armor.  And anywhere with weapons also makes sense for the same reason.  As far as safes or police cars, they may be in those as well but they are intended to be rare or at least uncommon drops.  You probably loot more clothes piles than safes or police cars, so it's going to be more likely to find them there if the odds are the same in both locations.  They definitely did make magazines level up more quickly than drops from what I've seen so far.  I don't really care that much since I mostly ignore crafting but I think drops are a bit too slow now.

  • I don't know how early is too early, but why is Rekt selling a 15k crucible on day 8? I barely bought anything from him and felt like I was doing well with 6k+ before I saw that.

Day 8?  He's selling it on day 3 for me, which probably means it was there on day 1 though I didn't look at that time.  The traders seem to sell stuff that is too high level.  SMGs on day 2?  Come on!

  • The crafting challenge to craft pipe bombs should get changed less than 20, I don't think I've thrown 20 pipe bombs in all my hours playing.

Personally, I'm fine with challenges that you normally wouldn't complete without making an effort to do so.  I don't think all challenges should just complete on their own without trying, just by playing the game.  Most of them do and that's fine, but some should require putting in some effort even if it's as simple as just crafting something you normally don't craft.

  • I don't like how particular the harvesting challenges are, no matter what I'm scrapping/using to harvest/the item I'm harvesting in particular, if it gives the items the challenges asks for, the challenge should register it.

This definitely needs to change.  It's so specific that people think it's bugged because it doesn't appear to work.  If it wants you to scrap stuff for polymers, it shouldn't matter what you scrap or what tool you use as long as you get polymers.

  • New mods for helmets are a little silly. There's no real point in using any of the +1 skill point mods if you get a water filter mod shortly after which is what happened for me.

Depends if you want to use that mod.  I never use it.  Also, higher level armor has more mod slots, so you can use those extra mods.  But I do feel the mod options are too limited with only 4 armor pieces that you can add mods to.



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So, after playing some hours, my - few and first - impressions so far:


+ Character Creation: Looks much better than before but still place for more variablity

+ New animal animations look fine

+ Independent from necessary adjustments for the future, I like the direction that the game feels more like a survival game. Harder horde night, lesser animals, etc. 

+ The new lines for the trader I like as well as the opening at 4 a.m.

+ I really like the challenge system, especially the XP reward!

+ The new armour system ist good and I like the idea of different buffs but I miss the normal clothing. 


- the already mentioned missing option for shared quests progression. 

- The night looks are too bright at night. On the opposite I appreciate that it isn`t completely dark anymore inside buildings during  bad weather. 

- The missing cities in the forest biome. It doesn´t bother me because I never used to build in the forest biome but I see here enough people with another opinion to put it on the negative side. 



And there are some points I´m still unsure how to evaluate:


o the connection of traders with certain biomes. I always liked to detect on random maps which trader is in the biomes I want to establish my base. So the randomization aspect is less strong which has perhaps impact on the replayability for me. On the opposite I got the impression that the developers has a plan for the future development. 

o the strict order of visiting the traders. 




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ok..now iv played 20hours and i must say its good (i have mods on server, weather, car alarms, lootbags more)

its a good version...

the alien zombies and the green zombies are soooo hart..but its nice (i play on 2/5)

3 hours ago, ScipioAsmodean said:

- The night looks are too bright at night. On the opposite I appreciate that it isn`t completely dark anymore inside buildings during  bad weather. 





make brightness to 30% in menu...>not 50%... then its very cool (and instally my weather mod in MODS) after this u are happy

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I run a multiplayer server that hosts about 20 players. I've got about 15000 hours in the game, half of which probably spent modding to improve game play. 

Only three out of the twenty want to host 1.0. They're really down about the lack of customization, how the role-based armor classes pretty much changes gameplay, etc etc. They were actually super disappointed in the poor customization options of the character heads. Some found the lack of diversity and use of the same face model for 3 different ethnic styles insulting. To be fair, we have always relied on the modder community to make 7 great at this point and 1.0 is a def pass for them. 

Sure, when everyone on a crew is online, one person might be the biker, the other preacher, etc. But folks like to solo play on multiplayer in between team play. So they have to what? Carry 8 different outfits in their backpack to get max buffs? Yeah, that doesn't fly with them at all. They find it extremely frustrating the inability to create a super sexy chick to run around the map or tanky whatever. Essentially, my server peeps feel too much was taken away and minimal added. They don't know why this would be considered going into beta at all. 

The different clothing on the zombies? Not that great at max res and really not impactful. Vehicle reskins? Modders still have better options. I feel like this game will still depend on the modder community to make it worth long play. I think we'll wait a year till we update to 1.0 and see if it's substantially worthwhile afterward or not. This update feels more inclined toward role-based RPG which is a weird fit for the game considering how multiplayer gameplay actually works.

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8 hours ago, Belgarion32 said:

After 8hrs on my playthrough here are (apparently a lot of) mine:

  • The new forced RWG of no real cities in the forest straight sucks. I don't enjoy being forcing to the other biomes and it makes me not want to start building a base. I'm not going to move two crates worth of stuff to a new city with a bike. So for me it's basically just forced a nomad playstyle.



Nobody's forcing you to stay in the forest biome long-term. :) The intended progression is to eek out a humble existence until the end of the first or second horde, by which point you should have unlocked the Opening Trade Routes to Trader Jen. If you feel the compulsion to settle in the primitive biome, make camp relatively close to one, preferably two other harder biomes. Early game, make sub-outposts in larger towns, loot there for a few days, and shuttle the most important items back - once you have a 4x4 or a gyrocopter in your hands, this becomes less of an issue, and you can easily make the trip out there to loot a few places and carry everything back at once before supper.


From a variety perspective, I get where you're coming from, but balance trumps pretty scenery, sorry. TFP do not want you spending the majority of your time in the forest biome, or likely any biome, for that matter. This is just the beginning of the more linear progression (across every playthrough) TFP are going to be introducing, so the sooner you accept this, the quicker you might be at peace of mind. :)

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So, will the other new animal models be added for stable? I think some still are using the old models.


Also, all of the new dismemberment stuff is cool and all, but crippling an enemy's limbs is still extremely rare outside of instakilling them. Even if you stab their leg 10 times, they probably won't lose it. I think dismemberment needs to be less luck based, and more focus based, because as it stands as far as I can tell, its just a % chance that gets greater the more you invest into an attribute, which sucks early-midgame when you just can't target limbs 90% of the time.


I've also noticed lots of zombies stuck in blocks/floors, and that a lot of windows and holes in walls (despite being 2 blocks large) can't be passed through without crouching, and I don't recall this happening in a21. It's been getting to be a pretty frequent occurence, at least for me. Not sure if its a bug or some issue with the character system, I don't know.

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