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More things I don't like about the game. (Explanation)

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I have a moment where I create a world, go all the way to trader. I do a couple of the same quests again...


And I'm like, "hell no i will do the same @%$# over again. Its insane! With a lack of diversity and a single scenario that makes me virtually sick. There's no desire to play, but they've made everything so it's a very strong lever to progression. After all almost 90% of quest rewards give out logs that directly affect your progress.


The funny thing is that even if you loot at home, you probably don't have enough space in your inventory, and even with a truck + drones you can't loot more than 4 POI's if you play in "vacuum cleaner" mode. Because of which there is a banal answer that.


The point of clearing POI's without a quest if the quest will give me more rewards, as I will not be able to pick up more items anyway. And then I have a second question - why can't we take all the quests at once. What the hell is the point of a player doing one quest to go to a merchant to pick up another. You can still take quests from other merchants, and in the same Navezgrad you can have up to 5 active quests from different locations. Seems efficient? But the thing is that you have to literally drive around the map to take a quest from each merchant.


And it's honestly very annoying. When you could pump the merchant relationship up to V. You have to literally drive for 3-5 hours without fail through different POIs back and forth instead of doing everything efficiently. And the slot system limits trivial scavenging, and I'm sure the developers just didn't update the inventory system to save so many items.


There's a lot of junk that has a single use. For example, the aloe cream, you can craft with it.

The moment with the level 6 item made me fall over at all. Now nothing depends on your current level.

You just have to have luck and all the best items will drop at the end of the game. What the hell is the point of progression then?!?




Seriously, you start thinking about the mechanics of the game and you get hysterical at how bad it is. And instead of people talking about possible solutions they just told to stop play the game or to cram everything in with mods. For the sake of not logical to discuss how it can be changed for the better, as I prefer my feedback as a disgruntled player who wants to make the game better.


I will say that of all the games I've played. Only 7DTD made my ass burn.


  • I've played Minecraft for countless hours, I was happy with everything there BEFORE 1.16.5


  • I played Raft when it was in alpha. And I played the full release. The game has really been finalized and it has enough content. The game from 2016 to release in 2022 was able to overhaul the visuals, gameplay. And on release had a story. This is the best example to show how the developers made a WORKABLE survival game that hasn't required development since 2013.


  • I played The Forest when it was also in development. And it too made it to release and works adequately. With the full spectrum of visual achievement.


  • Don't Strave is a great example as well It has a unique setting and style that makes it feel fresh to this day. And it has everything from survival, it didn't need to add RPG component to destroy the core gameplay


  • The Long Dark is a great representation of the winter apocalypse. And it was in active development too, but had more goals and mechanics, and better than the current 7DTD


  • Unturned has a wonderful foundation that has been polished over the years and now has an active following from players because it can be run on a toaster, and there are an infinite number of curated maps. And open modding. With the Steam Workshop that was there in the first place


  • Project Zomboid is a zombie survivalist APOGUE with a unique setting and total immersion in ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. What's more, it has Steam Workshop. Which is naturally not in 7DTD for 10 years.


  • Palworld also has a lot of similarity with the survival genre. And it works almost perfectly. Although the game is also created from a random indie studio. And has an elaborate RPG element that is technically stretched too. But it doesn't evoke the same kind of revulsion as 7 days to Die. The game didn't need to go into early access to gather feedback from players. They knew what they were doing in the first place. And nurtured the idea to the very end, and even if it has a few flaws. It's three heads higher than a lot of AAA projects in terms of thoughtfulness. I really enjoyed playing it all the way through to the end, and I want more.


If I compare all these games to it. 7DTD can't beat any of these games in terms of gameplay. Because it's stuck in 2013 when it's still looking for a direction to go. And the developers wrote on the roadmap that plans can change. So they still haven't figured out what to improve or add. Because of that a lot of things are made on a quarter, or half working.


Of all the games I've listed, NONE of them have caused me such a wildly negative reaction as 7 days to die. But because of the concept is successful it draws me in, but apart from the concept there is nothing @%$#ing in the game. That's why I'm writing that it @%$#es me off, but I love this game.


Seriously I have no idea how TFP's work, do they even have an original intent? Did they even get together with all the developers in one group to discuss what their game was about? Because as a player I don't understand why it has so much, but the quality of the implementation of it all is at alpha testing level. I could give the example of Yandere Simulator which might fit the example of 7DTD, but let's be honest that there is one weaboo from 4chan and he is far from the best character to develop games through if; else. What we have here is a TEAM that consists of several YandereDevs who have no idea what they are doing.


I have explained it logically and I may be far wrong, but I as a player see the situation from this point of view. Maybe the developers have a plan, but it's so vague that I don't see it at all.


Apparently the game is forcibly forcing me to call out friends who turn me down (yes I have called them out). To make me play co-op, because the game is 100% not designed for Solo which is a big miscalculation. I played the game on vanilla settings. Now of course I know how everything works there and I can safely customize everything for myself, but I when I go into the game I want to play the game. I do not even know its basics, the point of me to change the settings if I do not reach the end with the settings that the developers have made standard. My first experience in Project Zomboid was with the difficulty mode "builder" as I immediately understood what the game is about after a few videos. And I was able to immediately understand the style of my game with only one difficulty setting. First - in 7DTD this difficulty does not write anything. Moreover, you can't save the settings there, that's the second thing.


Let's assume the situation that I bought the game. Recently. I logged into it. I create a world. What do I know about the game?

  • I watched one youtuber's video, looks like fun. It's kind of cool to go with friends. I don't have any friends, I'm going solo. What do I see when I create the world?
  • PREGEN maps are maps that you should include when you already know the basics of the game. This one doesn't work for me. The new random world doesn't work for me either. Navezgane, a map that was created by the developers. Which is designed for newbies, right? I have to start here.
  • The difficulty level doesn't tell me anything, no information is written there. I'll leave it as it is.
  • Cofficient experience, high. I'm playing solo, the game is meant for co-op. I'll work for four people.
  • Blood moon frequency, sounds scary. I won't turn it on just yet. I want to learn the basics of the game right?
  • Zombie speed, I'll leave it as is. I haven't seen zombie behavior yet.
  • Cargo dump, is there an airdrop? Hopefully there will be guns in there - (Experience with Unturned)
  • Player block damage, hopefully this doesn't affect anything. I'll leave it as it is.
  • AI block damage, I'll leave it that way.
  • Abundant prey, I'll leave it at that
  • Death losses, I'm apparently going to be dying a lot. I won't lose any loot.
  • Wait, where do you customize the number of zombies? I don't see that setting.
  • Where I can save my preset. Nowhere?
  • (Experience from Project Zomboid). Doesn't the sandbox game have advanced settings?
  • Since when are there three zombies in the world? Is it definitely a zombie game? (Based on Left 4 Dead/Project Zomboid/Unturned).
  • Since when does upgrading one block cost 10 cobblestones? (Based on Minecraft/Palworld).
  • In order to customize the configuration I need to download XML files from Nexus? Are you kidding me? (Lack of Steam Workshop)
  • I set experience gain to 300%, why haven't I unlocked two skill branches yet!? (Progress middle, almost end-game).
  • These magazines are driving me crazy (Poor Learning by Reading balance)


I could go on and on writing further about how my experience with this particular game turned out. It shouldn't have so many confusions every other step of the way.


Or nonsense on the part of the roadmap, which I also don’t understand


Let's say we already have update 1.0 ready. Release date so that developers have an audience on consoles. This is commendable, but the game is still at the alpha stage. And you can feel it.


Q4 2024: Probably the first priority will be the essentials, right?

  • Weather System & Biome Progression Overhaul. Wouldn't it be more logical to do this only with the final major updates? Does this really have first priority??
  • Wardrobe system could also be done with patches then focusing on the main problems of the game.
  • Crossplay/Random Gen for consoles. Shouldn't this come with an update on consoles? Okay, let’s say we don’t have a community on consoles. Let there be all the best for buyers.
  • Additional zombie stages, this could also be left in the background. Although there is still nothing to do in this game, it’s better than nothing.
  • Spawn near friend, spawn near the player of an invited friend or NPC? This was explained incorrectly. If it's about an invited friend, then it should come with the patch. And not as a new feature.
  • Twitch Drops, I have no idea why the hell this is the first priority. After all, before this there were a lot of mods where players created mods of a similar nature. But now in 7DTD this will be a full-fledged function for no one knows. Because the game is already more than 10 years old, no one will seriously hype a game in which the developers have long been rushing about what it will be like in the end. Even if we assume that it will be a good function and it will work. They will forget about it in a week. Is it worth the resources?
  • Outfit DLC if the developers' minds are clouded by money. I'm giving up the game. After all, this is the worst thing that can happen - paid dlc's. Even if it's cosmetic. This is a straight path to the garbage. A 10-year journey that led straight to the trash heap.


Q2 2025: Let's say it will be something worthwhile, right?

  • Bandits. Finally, at least some variety in the mercenary errand simulator? I hope it won't just be bandits? After all, if they want to implement new opponents. It would be logical to add allies, improve the AI so that it can have even more characters. Because right now the world is literally dead. And if there are only Bandits there, then what is the point of adding them? We kind of have... Zombies, animals, aaaand, zombies. We don’t consider traders as NPCs because they’re just a bunch of scripts that stand still.
  • UI/Main Menu Overhaul. I will pray to everyone and everything that this update does not become what happened to modern FPS. Where there are 20 tabs, 50 buttons and 350 sliders on the entire screen. To fit everything into one mess so that the player gets lost and has no room to breathe. Now I’m happy with the UI, in general there are no problems in it, but I’m sure that TFP will somehow miraculously ruin it, judging by the reviews of other players.
  • Event System, shouldn't that have been the first priority? Make, for example, a living world.... To make it feel more alive... MORE THAN 3 ZOMBIES ON THE LAND. Do players have to wait until the entire quarter of 2025 to get a worthwhile login update? I think this could be done together with Twitch Drops. After all, there is virtually nothing to do in the game other than being a mercenary.
  • New Quest Type, this is also one of the necessities that should be developed after the release of 1.0. I have no idea why these things come before Twitch Drops. Your game does not have gameplay, you are going to add it later after the Twitch Drops update. What's the point of old players coming in other than to look at the new armor? This is ridiculous.


Q4 2025: These are the things that should go at the end after adding the main content, right?

  • Trader Overhaul, why is this in last place and not in Q2 2025? Traders there are overpowered, and they were given space for development right at the end of next year? Well, okay, let’s say this really doesn’t affect the gameplay that much... After what the developers added to A21 and the total need to get magazines, and the lack of basic things like teleporting a trader to a trader, taking several quests from one trader. A banal rewrite of looting. Where everything won’t be shoved into slots because you always don’t have enough of them. The fact is that the trader from the variety has 3 quests in the entire game. They focused so much on the trader that they paid attention to him last. What are these priorities??
  • Story Mode, Sandbox, RPG, Survival, World generation. And do you want to add Story Mode? Let's first finish the necessary things so that they work as intended and then we will add another element that will be created in the background only after everything has been fixed? I don’t think that 7 days to die really needs a story mode, considering what the game is currently lacking. If this is a story with 10 quests, then I will flush this game in the toilet. Because it should not appear in the roadmap as a separate element. In the end, the game may have an indirect connection with radio, newspapers, traders, etc. Story Mode will be a waste of resources and time.




  • Steam Workshop... I'm honestly shocked that they only added support for it at the end of the roadmap. To modify the game you already have a mods folder. What is stopping you from creating a Steam Workshop after the release of 1.0. Why is this the last priority. This is just surreal, the most necessary thing to keep your game alive at the very last point is just disrespect for the community. For me this is a personal insult.





  • New quest type, wouldn't it be more logical to push this into one section, didn't you have another feature or is this just the final final option? To be honest, I felt kind of sad after analyzing the roadmap. Of course I see it negatively. But for the most part, these are things that the game at least needs, and if the implementation is not bad, then the game has a chance to be really good. But it won’t be very soon, and it’s not a fact that TFP will close by then, because their path is some kind of crazy roller coaster.
Edited by Unamelable (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Unamelable said:

Steam Workshop... I'm honestly shocked that they only added support for it at the end of the roadmap. To modify the game you already have a mods folder. What is stopping you from creating a Steam Workshop after the release of 1.0. Why is this the last priority. This is just surreal, the most necessary thing to keep your game alive at the very last point is just disrespect for the community. For me this is a personal insult.


Steam workshop is not required to mod the game, we have a vigorous modding community already.  Not only are players creating mods for themselves and others, they are helping them to install them properly and track down issues they may see.  Again, all of this without Steam Workshop.


TFP incorporated modding for the game at the beginning.  That was one of their must-haves for 7 Days to Die.  Steam Workshop is just one of many tools to incorporate modding into one's game, and is not a requirement.  I checked my game library today and a lot of games I have modded in the past do not have Steam Workshop support at all - those games are final games out of development.


I think you need to dial down the drama there a bit - personal insult?  Come'on.  Are you serious?  Do you believe that the developers are sitting around in meetings while developing this game, and saying - Hey let's leave Steam Workshop support until the very end so we can @%$# off players like Unamelabel and disrespect our community.  Or maybe they look at all the work ahead of them and whose assigned to what - and make choices like - lets get these development goals done first and then tackle the nice to haves later?


A game that the developers made easy to mod while still under development is the exact opposite of disrespecting their community.



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Posted (edited)

Unfortunately for you, your priorities are different than the dev’s priorities—clearly. 

It’s too bad you feel the need to mix in so many insults and unnecessary jabs with your suggestions and criticism. You say you want the people to whom this all is directed to listen to you but then do everything in your power to turn their attitude against you. So much effort immediately nullified by so much rudeness. I guess you aren’t really serious about actually wanting any of the changes you say you want based on the strategy you’ve chosen for delivery….

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

I played Raft...




5 hours ago, Unamelable said:





5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

Project Zomboid...




5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

The Long Dark...




5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

Don't Strave...




5 hours ago, Unamelable said:





5 hours ago, Unamelable said:
  • I played The Forest...





What is clear is that 7 Days to Die holds its own in comparison to these other games in terms of ongoing popularity and number of people playing them. Sorry, I couldn't get the original The Forest. All that would come up is its sequel. Your entire premise is that compared to these other games 7 Days to Die has a mix of features and lack of polish that makes it unplayable compared to these other works.  And yet.....there are more people playing 7 Days to Die than all of these other games. It can't be quite so unplayable as you make it out to be. Note that I am not arguing that 7 Days to Die is objectively better than these other games because of these comparison charts. I am simply saying that these comparison charts show that for tens of thousands of people 7 Days to Die is every bit as playable and fun as these other examples.


The best news is that it isn't a zero-sum scenario. Gamers can play all of these games if they choose. If you don't care for 7 Days to Die then pick one you enjoy and play it. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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I don't why this guy plays this game. He clearly hates it.


And you know what? That's fine! Not every game is for every player. Can improvements be made? Of course. Every game or software in general can always be improved. What's clear is TFP are doing something right, despite its shortcomings.

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5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

Or nonsense on the part of the roadmap, which I also don’t understand


Let's say we already have update 1.0 ready. Release date so that developers have an audience on consoles. This is commendable, but the game is still at the alpha stage. And you can feel it.


Feel what? A21? You are correct that it is still alpha stage. But the roadmap is dealing with updates that will be post 1.0 and forgive me but you have not "felt" 1.0 as of yet. I look forward to reading 1000 bullet points about how you feel about 1.0 but that won't be for a few weeks yet.


5 hours ago, Unamelable said:

Q4 2024: Probably the first priority will be the essentials, right?

  • Weather System & Biome Progression Overhaul. Wouldn't it be more logical to do this only with the final major updates? Does this really have first priority??
  • Wardrobe system could also be done with patches then focusing on the main problems of the game.
  • Crossplay/Random Gen for consoles. Shouldn't this come with an update on consoles? Okay, let’s say we don’t have a community on consoles. Let there be all the best for buyers.
  • Additional zombie stages, this could also be left in the background. Although there is still nothing to do in this game, it’s better than nothing.
  • Spawn near friend, spawn near the player of an invited friend or NPC? This was explained incorrectly. If it's about an invited friend, then it should come with the patch. And not as a new feature.
  • Twitch Drops, I have no idea why the hell this is the first priority. After all, before this there were a lot of mods where players created mods of a similar nature. But now in 7DTD this will be a full-fledged function for no one knows. Because the game is already more than 10 years old, no one will seriously hype a game in which the developers have long been rushing about what it will be like in the end. Even if we assume that it will be a good function and it will work. They will forget about it in a week. Is it worth the resources?
  • Outfit DLC if the developers' minds are clouded by money. I'm giving up the game. After all, this is the worst thing that can happen - paid dlc's. Even if it's cosmetic. This is a straight path to the garbage. A 10-year journey that led straight to the trash heap.

 Weather System and Biome Progression: Significant work has already been done and the only reason it won't be in next month's update is because it wasn't quite finished. Hence it will be in the next update. Logic dictates that when a feature is done and ready to be implemented it shall be implemented. The weather and biome progression is closely related to the outfit system which we are getting first in 1.0. The outfits will help us to survive in different biomes and weather conditions which will be coming soon after.


Wardrobe System: Creating a system that allows players to quickly and conveniently switch outfits is more than a simple patch. It will involve a major UI menu of its own. You'd have to be more specific about what major problem of the game should be address before this feature. In all likelihood, however, it is likely to be a different team of programmers who are doing the wardrobe system than the team working on whatever major problem you are thinking of.


Crossplay/Random Gen for Consoles: Why does it matter if this update comes to consoles at the same time the other updates come to both PC and consoles? These features will arrive when they are finished and working well without causing game crashes and corrupted saves. As with all features listed for Q4, siginificant progress has been made and they just need a bit more time to get them done-- hence their inclusion in the first major update.


Additional Zombie Stages: I don't understand your response to this. Why should this not be done in this first update? What do you imagine it even means? I'm not exactly sure myself but what do you know?


Spawn near friend: This probably means that we will be able to set allies and team mates before we spawn into the world so that when we do spawn in we will be able to spawn in together in close proximity. There has been a lot of community feedback asking for this and it sounds like TFP wants to fulfill that community request as soon as they can-- in the first major update.


Twitch Drops: Despite ten years old, the game is still very popular on Twitch and the twitch integration has become a major feature of the game. The twitch event management system is going to become the basis for the events management system in a later update. It makes sense that they finalize the twitch integration feature before they then use it to run the event manager for the game.


Outfit DLC: They are happening. If that is the deal breaker then you might as well leave now. 


6 hours ago, Unamelable said:

Q2 2025: Let's say it will be something worthwhile, right?

Bandits. Finally, at least some variety in the mercenary errand simulator? I hope it won't just be bandits? After all, if they want to implement new opponents. It would be logical to add allies, improve the AI so that it can have even more characters. Because right now the world is literally dead. And if there are only Bandits there, then what is the point of adding them? We kind of have... Zombies, animals, aaaand, zombies. We don’t consider traders as NPCs because they’re just a bunch of scripts that stand still.

UI/Main Menu Overhaul. I will pray to everyone and everything that this update does not become what happened to modern FPS. Where there are 20 tabs, 50 buttons and 350 sliders on the entire screen. To fit everything into one mess so that the player gets lost and has no room to breathe. Now I’m happy with the UI, in general there are no problems in it, but I’m sure that TFP will somehow miraculously ruin it, judging by the reviews of other players.

Event System, shouldn't that have been the first priority? Make, for example, a living world.... To make it feel more alive... MORE THAN 3 ZOMBIES ON THE LAND. Do players have to wait until the entire quarter of 2025 to get a worthwhile login update? I think this could be done together with Twitch Drops. After all, there is virtually nothing to do in the game other than being a mercenary.

New Quest Type, this is also one of the necessities that should be developed after the release of 1.0. I have no idea why these things come before Twitch Drops. Your game does not have gameplay, you are going to add it later after the Twitch Drops update. What's the point of old players coming in other than to look at the new armor? This is ridiculous.


Bandits: We don't have much information other than that TFP removed the bandits they originally implemented because they didn't want bandits to simply be zombies with guns which is what they were at the time. We will see what they bring to the game. I doubt they will ever be allies in the sense that they would team up with us and live in our base. But there is a reputation system coming so their attitude towards us will probably range from friendly to hostile. More than that we just have to wait. Not you though since you'll be out after the Q4 Outfit DLCs....


UI/ Main Menu: You are happy with the current feature. That 100% puts you on the opposite side of everybody else on every issue...


Event System: We don't have it now simply because it isn't finished. It will be a system based upon the twitch integration programming so it makes sense that they will finish their development of twitch integration first and then do the modding necessary to create the event system.


New Quest Types: Additional quest types are exactly the type of expansionary content that comes after 1.0. 1.0 comes with a basic number of quest types. Later updates will expand that number. Sounds pretty much like any game with basic features that are then expanded by....wait for it....expansions.


6 hours ago, Unamelable said:

Q4 2025: These are the things that should go at the end after adding the main content, right?

Trader Overhaul, why is this in last place and not in Q2 2025? Traders there are overpowered, and they were given space for development right at the end of next year? Well, okay, let’s say this really doesn’t affect the gameplay that much... After what the developers added to A21 and the total need to get magazines, and the lack of basic things like teleporting a trader to a trader, taking several quests from one trader. A banal rewrite of looting. Where everything won’t be shoved into slots because you always don’t have enough of them. The fact is that the trader from the variety has 3 quests in the entire game. They focused so much on the trader that they paid attention to him last. What are these priorities??

Story Mode, Sandbox, RPG, Survival, World generation. And do you want to add Story Mode? Let's first finish the necessary things so that they work as intended and then we will add another element that will be created in the background only after everything has been fixed? I don’t think that 7 days to die really needs a story mode, considering what the game is currently lacking. If this is a story with 10 quests, then I will flush this game in the toilet. Because it should not appear in the roadmap as a separate element. In the end, the game may have an indirect connection with radio, newspapers, traders, etc. Story Mode will be a waste of resources and time.




Steam Workshop... I'm honestly shocked that they only added support for it at the end of the roadmap. To modify the game you already have a mods folder. What is stopping you from creating a Steam Workshop after the release of 1.0. Why is this the last priority. This is just surreal, the most necessary thing to keep your game alive at the very last point is just disrespect for the community. For me this is a personal insult.




New quest type, wouldn't it be more logical to push this into one section, didn't you have another feature or is this just the final final option? To be honest, I felt kind of sad after analyzing the roadmap. Of course I see it negatively. But for the most part, these are things that the game at least needs, and if the implementation is not bad, then the game has a chance to be really good. But it won’t be very soon, and it’s not a fact that TFP will close by then, because their path is some kind of crazy roller coaster.


Trader Overhaul: This is not the same thing as balancing traders. Traders have already been rebalanced for 1.0 to fix the issues of never needing to craft items that are given in quest rewards and quest loot. The trader overhaul has to do with reputation and their role in the story and possibly fast travel functionality although recently it sounds like they might be abandoning fast travel. As for your other complaints about inventory space and whatnot...that has nothing to do with traders.


Story Mode: You hate RPG elements and story modes. Got it. You ARE going to have to flush this game down the toilet in Q4 2025 because of story mode after getting it out of the dumpster you threw it into in Q4 2024 thanks to the Outfit DLC...lol. Just face the fact that this game isn't your cup of tea.


Steam Workshop: It's their call. The game has a robust modding community regardless of the lack of Steam Workshop support. Even in 2013 when they first kickstarted the game they put Steam Workshop support as the last thing they planned to implement. They've been advertising "Steam Workshop will be done last" for almost 11 years now and you're just now shocked?  The owners are modders themselves. They probably never viewed Steam Workshop as a necessity for modding or playing mods.


New Quest Type: They want to trickle out the new quests one at a time. They probably realize that min/max locusts like yourself consume all new content in about four hours and then go right back to demanding moar. So they a spreading some of it out. There are other improvements and changes and new content that they plan to add and spread out across all the posted dates which is in the "and so much more" catchall.


But, man, don't worry about anything after Q4 2024 when those outfits go on sale as DLCs listed on Steam right under the game. That's when you're throwing the game away. riiiiiiiiiight?



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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Roland said:

What is clear is that 7 Days to Die holds its own in comparison to these other games in terms of ongoing popularity and number of people playing them. Sorry, I couldn't get the original The Forest. All that would come up is its sequel. Your entire premise is that compared to these other games 7 Days to Die has a mix of features and lack of polish that makes it unplayable compared to these other works.  And yet.....there are more people playing 7 Days to Die than all of these other games. It can't be quite so unplayable as you make it out to be. Note that I am not arguing that 7 Days to Die is objectively better than these other games because of these comparison charts. I am simply saying that these comparison charts show that for tens of thousands of people 7 Days to Die is every bit as playable and fun as these other examples.


The best news is that it isn't a zero-sum scenario. Gamers can play all of these games if they choose. If you don't care for 7 Days to Die then pick one you enjoy and play it. 


I don't know why online is given as an example, I didn't say anything about it at all. Because of the specifics of the game and its vanilla stretched progression. Of course there will be a lot of players, because for 1 save you need to spend more than 100 hours. I compared the quality of implementation between them, and so far 7 days to die remains in last place among them all. I'm not on tweets, but to give separate attention to the system for one streaming service is strange. Especially when players who are not interested in Twitch (like me) will not see them anyway except for digging into debug mode messing with buttons.







20 minutes ago, Kosmic Kerman said:



I don't know why this is, since I've previously described what doesn't work or is missing in the game. If I was a troll people would ignore me and not try to discuss what I write. I may sound toxic, but it's justified by my negative experience that I didn't expect to have.


Again, I wrote that's all I wanted to write on the subject and I won't fan the flames any further as I'm sure a lot of people are fed up with my feedback. That's the most basic thing I wanted to criticize

Edited by Unamelable (see edit history)
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50 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

And I thought I complained a lot..

This is probably the only time I've ever written so much on one game.


And I have one example where I played Back 4 Blood which I bought at full price. And I enjoyed it because it was a fun game that was ruined by false advertising. It has a lot of problems too. But I played the beta before that and I was happy with it. Left 4 Dead with progression, deck system and weapon modifications? Oh, for God's sake, give me two!


With 7 days to die I have the exact opposite situation where a lot of players are playing, and I am one of them who has a ruined experience with the game because there are a lot of things I am not satisfied with. It's like a 1 in 1000 chance where a game I'm interested in disappoints me so much.

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7 hours ago, Roland said:

Additional quest types are exactly the type of expansionary content that comes after 1.0. 1.0 comes with a basic number of quest types. Later updates will expand that number. Sounds pretty much like any game with basic features that are then expanded by....wait for it....expansions.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Roland said:

But, man, don't worry about anything after Q4 2024 when those outfits go on sale as DLCs listed on Steam right under the game. That's when you're throwing the game away. riiiiiiiiiight?



I'll give PAYDAY 2 as an example. Before that, the game also had a couple of additions that players paid neutral attention to. After 2016, it was just a huge convection, after that freaking safe boxes. Therefore, any paid updates and add-ons should be accepted with great caution. As it can completely ruin the game as the game literally becomes P2W. Although knowing the north of Garry's mod DarkRP, other PVP games with dedicated server it seems to be the normality. But if in the vanilla version of all this is not provided - it is decided only by the creator of the server. The addition of such chips in the vanilla game runs a roller on the entire player base. 


Now many vast studios without any pity and conscience, shove microtransactions into the already paid game. They sew a donation store from mobile games into single player projects. And for an astronomical cost do not show all the content (this is me about the latest Star Wars game). And like I have enough of these examples to look askew at a game with its "harmless" outfit DLC. Of course I'll look at it as the beginning of the apocalypse.


And after all, we started with horse armor with oblivion for $2.50....

I personally feel really bad for the concept of PAYDAY 2. Which is also complete garbage when parsed. And there are no other adequate analogs. And I myself as a player who loved PAYDAY: The Heist with all my heart hate what they did to PAYDAY 2. And PAYDAY 3 will probably be the last game of OVERKILL studio.

Edited by Unamelable (see edit history)
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I'm gonna be honest, though. If the developers didn't have mod support from the beginning. Even without SWorkshop. The game would have died a long time ago, now that I went through a VERY PAINFUL VANILA I can at least customize the game "for myself" because the game gives me the opportunity to do it without decompiling the game. And blaming the developers for all the balance problems after that is pretty stupid, I agree.

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16 hours ago, DaVegaNL said:

Dude, stop it. Get some help.

This is your 7th post whining and whining.

Go outside. Touch some grass. Or even better; a rock.


Better not suggest the second to last part. He might just install the Steam game called "Touch Some Grass". (Look it up in your spare time, it's humorous on the surface. :P)

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5 minutes ago, Rotor said:

I really cant take anything serious with a not a single mention of the one broken system.




Jaaaaabbing zombies in the face with bullets?

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51 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


Better not suggest the second to last part. He might just install the Steam game called "Touch Some Grass". (Look it up in your spare time, it's humorous on the surface. :P)


Guy, you have 4k messages on this forum. And you roast me like that?

42 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


Jaaaaabbing zombies in the face with bullets?


Jaaaaabbing Trader need money?

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On 5/16/2024 at 6:17 AM, Unamelable said:

I have a moment where I create a world, go all the way to trader. I do a couple of the same quests again...


And I'm like, "hell no i will do the same @%$# over again. Its insane! With a lack of diversity and a single scenario that makes me virtually sick. There's no desire to play, but they've made everything so it's a very strong lever to progression. After all almost 90% of quest rewards give out logs that directly affect your progress.


The funny thing is that even if you loot at home, you probably don't have enough space in your inventory, and even with a truck + drones you can't loot more than 4 POI's if you play in "vacuum cleaner" mode. Because of which there is a banal answer that.


The point of clearing POI's without a quest if the quest will give me more rewards, as I will not be able to pick up more items anyway. And then I have a second question - why can't we take all the quests at once. What the hell is the point of a player doing one quest to go to a merchant to pick up another. You can still take quests from other merchants, and in the same Navezgrad you can have up to 5 active quests from different locations. Seems efficient? But the thing is that you have to literally drive around the map to take a quest from each merchant.


And it's honestly very annoying. When you could pump the merchant relationship up to V. You have to literally drive for 3-5 hours without fail through different POIs back and forth instead of doing everything efficiently. And the slot system limits trivial scavenging, and I'm sure the developers just didn't update the inventory system to save so many items.


There's a lot of junk that has a single use. For example, the aloe cream, you can craft with it.

The moment with the level 6 item made me fall over at all. Now nothing depends on your current level.

You just have to have luck and all the best items will drop at the end of the game. What the hell is the point of progression then?!?




Seriously, you start thinking about the mechanics of the game and you get hysterical at how bad it is. And instead of people talking about possible solutions they just told to stop play the game or to cram everything in with mods. For the sake of not logical to discuss how it can be changed for the better, as I prefer my feedback as a disgruntled player who wants to make the game better.


I will say that of all the games I've played. Only 7DTD made my ass burn.


  • I've played Minecraft for countless hours, I was happy with everything there BEFORE 1.16.5


  • I played Raft when it was in alpha. And I played the full release. The game has really been finalized and it has enough content. The game from 2016 to release in 2022 was able to overhaul the visuals, gameplay. And on release had a story. This is the best example to show how the developers made a WORKABLE survival game that hasn't required development since 2013.


  • I played The Forest when it was also in development. And it too made it to release and works adequately. With the full spectrum of visual achievement.


  • Don't Strave is a great example as well It has a unique setting and style that makes it feel fresh to this day. And it has everything from survival, it didn't need to add RPG component to destroy the core gameplay


  • The Long Dark is a great representation of the winter apocalypse. And it was in active development too, but had more goals and mechanics, and better than the current 7DTD


  • Unturned has a wonderful foundation that has been polished over the years and now has an active following from players because it can be run on a toaster, and there are an infinite number of curated maps. And open modding. With the Steam Workshop that was there in the first place


  • Project Zomboid is a zombie survivalist APOGUE with a unique setting and total immersion in ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. What's more, it has Steam Workshop. Which is naturally not in 7DTD for 10 years.


  • Palworld also has a lot of similarity with the survival genre. And it works almost perfectly. Although the game is also created from a random indie studio. And has an elaborate RPG element that is technically stretched too. But it doesn't evoke the same kind of revulsion as 7 days to Die. The game didn't need to go into early access to gather feedback from players. They knew what they were doing in the first place. And nurtured the idea to the very end, and even if it has a few flaws. It's three heads higher than a lot of AAA projects in terms of thoughtfulness. I really enjoyed playing it all the way through to the end, and I want more.


If I compare all these games to it. 7DTD can't beat any of these games in terms of gameplay. Because it's stuck in 2013 when it's still looking for a direction to go. And the developers wrote on the roadmap that plans can change. So they still haven't figured out what to improve or add. Because of that a lot of things are made on a quarter, or half working.


Of all the games I've listed, NONE of them have caused me such a wildly negative reaction as 7 days to die. But because of the concept is successful it draws me in, but apart from the concept there is nothing @%$#ing in the game. That's why I'm writing that it @%$#es me off, but I love this game.


Seriously I have no idea how TFP's work, do they even have an original intent? Did they even get together with all the developers in one group to discuss what their game was about? Because as a player I don't understand why it has so much, but the quality of the implementation of it all is at alpha testing level. I could give the example of Yandere Simulator which might fit the example of 7DTD, but let's be honest that there is one weaboo from 4chan and he is far from the best character to develop games through if; else. What we have here is a TEAM that consists of several YandereDevs who have no idea what they are doing.


I have explained it logically and I may be far wrong, but I as a player see the situation from this point of view. Maybe the developers have a plan, but it's so vague that I don't see it at all.


Apparently the game is forcibly forcing me to call out friends who turn me down (yes I have called them out). To make me play co-op, because the game is 100% not designed for Solo which is a big miscalculation. I played the game on vanilla settings. Now of course I know how everything works there and I can safely customize everything for myself, but I when I go into the game I want to play the game. I do not even know its basics, the point of me to change the settings if I do not reach the end with the settings that the developers have made standard. My first experience in Project Zomboid was with the difficulty mode "builder" as I immediately understood what the game is about after a few videos. And I was able to immediately understand the style of my game with only one difficulty setting. First - in 7DTD this difficulty does not write anything. Moreover, you can't save the settings there, that's the second thing.


Let's assume the situation that I bought the game. Recently. I logged into it. I create a world. What do I know about the game?

  • I watched one youtuber's video, looks like fun. It's kind of cool to go with friends. I don't have any friends, I'm going solo. What do I see when I create the world?
  • PREGEN maps are maps that you should include when you already know the basics of the game. This one doesn't work for me. The new random world doesn't work for me either. Navezgane, a map that was created by the developers. Which is designed for newbies, right? I have to start here.
  • The difficulty level doesn't tell me anything, no information is written there. I'll leave it as it is.
  • Cofficient experience, high. I'm playing solo, the game is meant for co-op. I'll work for four people.
  • Blood moon frequency, sounds scary. I won't turn it on just yet. I want to learn the basics of the game right?
  • Zombie speed, I'll leave it as is. I haven't seen zombie behavior yet.
  • Cargo dump, is there an airdrop? Hopefully there will be guns in there - (Experience with Unturned)
  • Player block damage, hopefully this doesn't affect anything. I'll leave it as it is.
  • AI block damage, I'll leave it that way.
  • Abundant prey, I'll leave it at that
  • Death losses, I'm apparently going to be dying a lot. I won't lose any loot.
  • Wait, where do you customize the number of zombies? I don't see that setting.
  • Where I can save my preset. Nowhere?
  • (Experience from Project Zomboid). Doesn't the sandbox game have advanced settings?
  • Since when are there three zombies in the world? Is it definitely a zombie game? (Based on Left 4 Dead/Project Zomboid/Unturned).
  • Since when does upgrading one block cost 10 cobblestones? (Based on Minecraft/Palworld).
  • In order to customize the configuration I need to download XML files from Nexus? Are you kidding me? (Lack of Steam Workshop)
  • I set experience gain to 300%, why haven't I unlocked two skill branches yet!? (Progress middle, almost end-game).
  • These magazines are driving me crazy (Poor Learning by Reading balance)


I could go on and on writing further about how my experience with this particular game turned out. It shouldn't have so many confusions every other step of the way.


Or nonsense on the part of the roadmap, which I also don’t understand


Let's say we already have update 1.0 ready. Release date so that developers have an audience on consoles. This is commendable, but the game is still at the alpha stage. And you can feel it.


Q4 2024: Probably the first priority will be the essentials, right?

  • Weather System & Biome Progression Overhaul. Wouldn't it be more logical to do this only with the final major updates? Does this really have first priority??
  • Wardrobe system could also be done with patches then focusing on the main problems of the game.
  • Crossplay/Random Gen for consoles. Shouldn't this come with an update on consoles? Okay, let’s say we don’t have a community on consoles. Let there be all the best for buyers.
  • Additional zombie stages, this could also be left in the background. Although there is still nothing to do in this game, it’s better than nothing.
  • Spawn near friend, spawn near the player of an invited friend or NPC? This was explained incorrectly. If it's about an invited friend, then it should come with the patch. And not as a new feature.
  • Twitch Drops, I have no idea why the hell this is the first priority. After all, before this there were a lot of mods where players created mods of a similar nature. But now in 7DTD this will be a full-fledged function for no one knows. Because the game is already more than 10 years old, no one will seriously hype a game in which the developers have long been rushing about what it will be like in the end. Even if we assume that it will be a good function and it will work. They will forget about it in a week. Is it worth the resources?
  • Outfit DLC if the developers' minds are clouded by money. I'm giving up the game. After all, this is the worst thing that can happen - paid dlc's. Even if it's cosmetic. This is a straight path to the garbage. A 10-year journey that led straight to the trash heap.


Q2 2025: Let's say it will be something worthwhile, right?

  • Bandits. Finally, at least some variety in the mercenary errand simulator? I hope it won't just be bandits? After all, if they want to implement new opponents. It would be logical to add allies, improve the AI so that it can have even more characters. Because right now the world is literally dead. And if there are only Bandits there, then what is the point of adding them? We kind of have... Zombies, animals, aaaand, zombies. We don’t consider traders as NPCs because they’re just a bunch of scripts that stand still.
  • UI/Main Menu Overhaul. I will pray to everyone and everything that this update does not become what happened to modern FPS. Where there are 20 tabs, 50 buttons and 350 sliders on the entire screen. To fit everything into one mess so that the player gets lost and has no room to breathe. Now I’m happy with the UI, in general there are no problems in it, but I’m sure that TFP will somehow miraculously ruin it, judging by the reviews of other players.
  • Event System, shouldn't that have been the first priority? Make, for example, a living world.... To make it feel more alive... MORE THAN 3 ZOMBIES ON THE LAND. Do players have to wait until the entire quarter of 2025 to get a worthwhile login update? I think this could be done together with Twitch Drops. After all, there is virtually nothing to do in the game other than being a mercenary.
  • New Quest Type, this is also one of the necessities that should be developed after the release of 1.0. I have no idea why these things come before Twitch Drops. Your game does not have gameplay, you are going to add it later after the Twitch Drops update. What's the point of old players coming in other than to look at the new armor? This is ridiculous.


Q4 2025: These are the things that should go at the end after adding the main content, right?

  • Trader Overhaul, why is this in last place and not in Q2 2025? Traders there are overpowered, and they were given space for development right at the end of next year? Well, okay, let’s say this really doesn’t affect the gameplay that much... After what the developers added to A21 and the total need to get magazines, and the lack of basic things like teleporting a trader to a trader, taking several quests from one trader. A banal rewrite of looting. Where everything won’t be shoved into slots because you always don’t have enough of them. The fact is that the trader from the variety has 3 quests in the entire game. They focused so much on the trader that they paid attention to him last. What are these priorities??
  • Story Mode, Sandbox, RPG, Survival, World generation. And do you want to add Story Mode? Let's first finish the necessary things so that they work as intended and then we will add another element that will be created in the background only after everything has been fixed? I don’t think that 7 days to die really needs a story mode, considering what the game is currently lacking. If this is a story with 10 quests, then I will flush this game in the toilet. Because it should not appear in the roadmap as a separate element. In the end, the game may have an indirect connection with radio, newspapers, traders, etc. Story Mode will be a waste of resources and time.




  • Steam Workshop... I'm honestly shocked that they only added support for it at the end of the roadmap. To modify the game you already have a mods folder. What is stopping you from creating a Steam Workshop after the release of 1.0. Why is this the last priority. This is just surreal, the most necessary thing to keep your game alive at the very last point is just disrespect for the community. For me this is a personal insult.





  • New quest type, wouldn't it be more logical to push this into one section, didn't you have another feature or is this just the final final option? To be honest, I felt kind of sad after analyzing the roadmap. Of course I see it negatively. But for the most part, these are things that the game at least needs, and if the implementation is not bad, then the game has a chance to be really good. But it won’t be very soon, and it’s not a fact that TFP will close by then, because their path is some kind of crazy roller coaster.

Honestly it sounds like u may need to admit you dont like the game and just play other games.  Its okay, not everyone likes every game.  Why expend energy complaining and playing a game u clearly dont like?  Move on bro, life goes on.

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Just now, SnowDog1942 said:

Honestly it sounds like u may need to admit you dont like the game and just play other games.  Its okay, not everyone likes every game.  Why expend energy complaining and playing a game u clearly dont like?  Move on bro, life goes on.


This is a compilation of what @%$#ed me off, now I'm customizing the game for myself because I don't want to play in vanilla which I despise

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