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Pups and Ladders

Old Crow

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I know it seems absurd, but snakes and dogs do climb ladders. YouTube has numerous videos of dogs climbing ladders and videos of snakes climbing walls. If there's a complaint, it should be how fast they climb. But then search for "dog wall jump" and see them basically running up walls. Very impressive.

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27 minutes ago, zztong said:

I know it seems absurd, but snakes and dogs do climb ladders. YouTube has numerous videos of dogs climbing ladders and videos of snakes climbing walls. If there's a complaint, it should be how fast they climb. But then search for "dog wall jump" and see them basically running up walls. Very impressive.



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I wonder what the parameters are that will cause dogs to not climb a ladder, then. Since A20, I've never once observed them climbing even when a ladder is right there available to them. I know zombie can't climb them if they are out of reach (bottom 2 blocks missing). Since dogs are shorter, do the ladders have to extend to the ground?

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    <property name="CanClimbLadders" value="false"/>


It looks like the animals have this property in their data, but not working as intended (or maybe the base code was removed so this doesn't do anything right now).


I checked zombie dogs and snakes, and they extended from entities that should have this code in them (dogs extended from wolves who extend from the default hostile animals while snakes directly extend from hostile animals).


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