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Reduced achievement goals for: Dying, PvP kills, game stage, and staying alive

Enough is enough.

I've been playing mostly on ruthless pvp servers and lesser time in hardcore-modded single games.

I was proud to have not an achievement of 500 deaths which proved me as a serious and focused on survival gamer. Enough is enough, this game had tendencies to decline whole the time to please the loser audience. Casualing even achievements says the game gonna fall even deeper which is not acceptable by me. I dont feel comfortable knowing devs treat me (gaming audience which I'm part of) like a toddler. I'll better lurk for another survival fps game being harsh in vanilla stage. there are plenty of them on the market ;)


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Yes i noticed after this update a few achievements had completed and realized i only had one to complete the polar bare achievement which i looked up to find out how to complete and found it was fairly difficult to obtain by having to do a certain set of steps to achieve the goal and found all i  had to do was walk into the water in the snow biome and done

i was fairly puzzled until i remembered they had messed with the achievements.

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Imagine not playing the game anymore due to a steam achievment. Wow.


Seeing how much back and forth there is with the achievements, i think they will be recessed anyways once the game is finished.


That said, i don´t see why we would have PvP achievements in a game heavily focusing on PvE. I mean sure, 10 PvP kills maybe 25 are no biggie, but 250? A bummer for those who like to get 100% on achievements but don´t like PvP.

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I really didn't like the graphics change for the achievements - I thought they were fine before and ugly now but I'll live and things can change obv. *shrug* Kinda figure I had the "meet your maker" achievement coming - it was set pretty high, lol. Trippy that only .1% have players have "achieved that..." but it's the same w/ game stage 200 i.e. .1%. =\  I noted yesterday that my wife just *now* got the Napoleon which confused me but she thinks it's from  like a year ago -  accidentally killed me when I forget to change the settings. So, negligent homicide.  I thought it was funny but seems weird that it's now counted as a kill.


I'm not into PVP even though I like the *idea* of extra danger on a server i.e. mostly PVE w/ the occasional murder or vengeance but it seems hard to work into some survival games so I'm not sure those PVP achievements should be in there either. Maybe some folks don't *want* to roleplay killing 250 fellow survivors or even 1 for that matter. 

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Achievements are as much in development and subject to balancing as the game itself is.  I think they should reset the achievements with each major Alpha release and then again once the game releases. The game is significantly different after each major update so the achievements from the previous version shouldn't apply to the new version.

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

Achievements are as much in development and subject to balancing as the game itself is.  I think they should reset the achievements with each major Alpha release and then again once the game releases. The game is significantly different after each major update so the achievements from the previous version shouldn't apply to the new version.


This, plus it is only an issue because the game hasn't been released yet.  If you were coming into 7DTD after release and not before then you'd never even notice a "change".  Achievements will be reset once the game goes live, at the very least, but most likely they will reset several times in beta.


And finally for the OP: give your ego a rest.

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3 hours ago, Apocalipservice said:

I'm not into PVP even though I like the *idea* of extra danger on a server i.e. mostly PVE w/ the occasional murder or vengeance but it seems hard to work into some survival games so I'm not sure those PVP achievements should be in there either. Maybe some folks don't *want* to roleplay killing 250 fellow survivors or even 1 for that matter. 


If the achievement list was chosen based on 100% consensus over what is fun, there would be no achievements. I will never have a 100% achievement score for this (or any) game because I am unwilling to do what it takes to get to 100%. That's what makes them achievements-- pushing through the grind and playing modes you might not normally enjoy in order to get them. If they ever bring Horde Mode back, they may add a few achievements for that which would force people to play that mode if they want 100%. I think such achievements that force people to stretch beyond what they normally would and play game modes they normally would avoid is fair and actually a good use of achievements.  I'd like to see specific achievements that can only be attained by specializing in each of the five attribute areas spending points only within one attribute until it is maxed. Spend points outside that attribute before it is maxed and you have to start again on your next playthrough. That would force people to survive in five different playthroughs focusing in areas they might not normally play.

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Achievements are a bit of a mixed bag for me. Nowadays a lot of them are quite trivial:

- "I did the story", as in, you'll get them just for playing through.

- "I did 500 of X", just plain grinding for some number; you'll just either get them eventually, or end up suiciding in a fire for an "X deaths"


Nothing really wrong with those types, but they seem to be there mostly to keep people playing. Subsequently, I've stopped caring about these types.


I'd like to see more of either

- silly ("Don't feed the animals": "Got bit by a bear and a cougar within 5 seconds of each other and survived") or

- skill based (cleared Dishong in under 15/10/5 minutes solo)

achievements. Those feel a little more significant.


Then again, as a cynical sob nowadays, I might not be too keen on gathering those virtual badges either; they're still just virtual badges.. :)

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21 hours ago, Roland said:


If the achievement list was chosen based on 100% consensus over what is fun, there would be no achievements. I will never have a 100% achievement score for this (or any) game because I am unwilling to do what it takes to get to 100%. That's what makes them achievements-- pushing through the grind and playing modes you might not normally enjoy in order to get them. If they ever bring Horde Mode back, they may add a few achievements for that which would force people to play that mode if they want 100%. I think such achievements that force people to stretch beyond what they normally would and play game modes they normally would avoid is fair and actually a good use of achievements.  I'd like to see specific achievements that can only be attained by specializing in each of the five attribute areas spending points only within one attribute until it is maxed. Spend points outside that attribute before it is maxed and you have to start again on your next playthrough. That would force people to survive in five different playthroughs focusing in areas they might not normally play.

That's pretty much along the lines of what my wife and I have been thinking i.e. that there could be a tremendous amount of achievements but getting all of them would be rare. I know a few people who might be able to do that. As for specialized achievements, what about cranking out your 10,000th 9mm bullet,  completing a workshop (forge, workbench, chemistry station, mixer.), reaching game stage [whatever] without visiting a trader, nomads might want "never built a workstation" but it would be *cool if all the work stations in the world weren't broken* etc etc. So many potential achievements!                                                                                                  


The attribute dependent achievements would be pretty wild! ATM I'm kinda bummed a bunch points going to intelligence but having to max them out sounds daunting AF. 😃

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