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Are hostile boars now a feature?


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Got wrecked on day 1 by two boars that were hostile to me.  Cutting through a wooded area and came across Farm 07 POI, I know I didn’t accidentally hit them(was just using my bone knife to attack and kite some zombies after me).  Obviously wasn’t being stealthy and I believed I crossed into the POI at one point, next thing I know, I got two boars attacking me.  Didn’t stand a chance.  Figure they were possible sleepers that woke up and started attacking me as soon as I failed my check.


Trying to remember if any farming simulator out there had this feature😉

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yes it is something you will see more often.

usually it is around farm pois (that is a usually and not a 100% always)...


if an animal (aggressive or can attack if attacked) is put into a sleeper volume and set to attack or awake it will become hostile as the trigger just told it to go bite the intruder.


the bacon is tired of all the puns and now they are getting their retribution. :)


be thankful the chickens and wabbits and deer do not attack....... hmmmmm 🙄

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In the back of my mind I seem to remember someone mentioned during one of the developer streams that boars didn’t need to be hit to chase you…they auto chase you as soon as they see you. I carry a few cobble blocks on my belt just for a chance encounter.

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4 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

if an animal (aggressive or can attack if attacked) is put into a sleeper volume and set to attack or awake it will become hostile as the trigger just told it to go bite the intruder.


So the bites the boars take out of us...would those be bacon bits?

Edited by Gamida (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, ElCabong said:

They're not all hostile. There was one wondering just outside my base and I walked right up to it. Didn't attack me.

i stated "if an animal (aggressive or can attack if attacked)" which means those that are roaming freely,, will not attack.... UNTIL you attack it. :) turn about is fair play in the apocalypse.


go pet a bear and leave the piggys alone for a change.

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In Alpha 19 there were the free roaming hogs that were non-agro unless attacked but also the ones at the corn/pig farm poi that were immediately agro.  Maybe someone was building a new poi and copied the wrong version of the hogs when they were setting up the outdoor pigs.

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Those boars are MEAN, silent heat-seeking missiles of death. Nothing worse than suddenly having bloodspatters all over the screen, turning around and getting a face full of tusks. At least wolves and dogs howl, vultures scream, and cougars yowl, those boars hardly make a sound until AFTER they tear you a new one.

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10 hours ago, Silverjohn said:

In Alpha 19 there were the free roaming hogs that were non-agro unless attacked but also the ones at the corn/pig farm poi that were immediately agro.  Maybe someone was building a new poi and copied the wrong version of the hogs when they were setting up the outdoor pigs.

Nope, it was intentional. They're only in certain POI's and not always. The ones wandering around are still tame til you touch them.

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