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C'mon Man


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I have 1175 hours in this game. I've been playing it since the terrain looked like Minecraft. I've always loved it and at some point the wife got into it as well. Now we play it together. It's literally the only thing on the market that isn't some lame fps rehash or some Indie game that dudes in panda beanies pretend is the ultimate game. That has been the case for many years now. There's just nothing like it and I doubt there ever will be.


You have managed to sell millions of copies of an alpha based on a playable game with a great loop and brilliant future ideas. I'm one of the many who bought that game, knowing what it will eventually become. All the while, being able to enjoy it for what it is in the meantime. I've watched all the babies @%$# and moan about how it's taking too long, knowing that there were just a few of you working on it and that you were trying as hard as you could with your limited resources and still having streams to keep people up to date.


Now you've gotten to a point where you're able to hire a larger staff. That's great! It means we will see quicker updates and new features that may have been too much for a small team to take on. Wonderful! The problem I have with this new found boost of energy you're able to apply to our beloved game is you seem to be adding things that are more 'quality of life' than features that make the game more interesting. The new models and terrain updates are definitely needed, but when I see things like Item Markers floating above the plants in the world and Drones that are apparently self-aware and make silly little quips to you, I can't help but think of many games I've loved before that became popular only to start catering to the casual crowd and streamers. Losing many devoted fans in the process.


The game does not need to be easier. We already need to use mods for that. 7 Days became the most popular alpha on Steam because it had a certain atmosphere. It had a challenge to it, more so even in it's early days, but that's why it sold so well. It doesn't need silly one liners from a drone that, according to the 'lore' of the game we'd never be able to make in the first place. But somehow we can program it to follow us and say goofy @%$#. It doesn't need giant yellow markers floating above everything assuming we're just sitting at our computer drooling and need help to find something that's a foot away from where we're standing. It's nonsense, and it's killed the population of many o' good games in the past. Casuals are just that...casuals. There's plenty of games they can play if they don't have the time for a challenge.


To everyone thinking this is a small nitpick:

    That may be the case NOW, but if the game goes in this direction, it will kill everything the game was about to begin with. I can point you to many games I loved with forums who would say to anyone even suggesting it was the wrong direction to 'Stop complaining. If you don't like it, don't play it'. 

That's exactly what I did, but so did millions of other people.

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You've solved this with your own post... Mods. Let them make the game for these so called "casuals" and you can enjoy it with mods. Why is it that you think you should get the game you want, while these "casuals" have to mod their game to be easier? That's the power of games like this is the mods. You can literally tailor the game to exactly what you want. I just don't get the viewpoint that your opinion should be the base game, while the "casuals" as you call them are required to mod it to be easier or how they want. Imo it should always be the other way around. The more experienced gamers should, infact require mods to increase difficulty beyond the base game.

Imagine if a brand new player came to the game and were part of this "casual" crowd. They jump in all hyped up and end up in a death cycle due to it being too hard for them. Well, since they are new, they might not know about modding or anything like that. So they end up putting the game down. Now, take yourself. You know of modding. You think the game is too easy, so you're able to mod it to be harder to your hearts content. I see this only as a win win situation for all.

Look at minecraft. The base game is extremely simple and easy. The players who have progressed past that base game have installed mods to create an endless amount of difficulty and experiences. But if minecraft had all those difficulties and experiences as base, many people would be turned off. In the end, the more people that aren't turned off, the better for the game and the community, even if some of those people come onto forums to scream into the void.

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What is the point of the drone? If I felt I wanted some technology following me saying goofy crap I'd probably go back and play Fallout. The direction this game is going is starting to look very depressing. Rather then looking forward to playing a new version of this game, instead I'm spending a ton of time trying to find mods to get rid of stuff like that. I guess I just don't understand how people's minds work these days. Might as well get on with it and add zombies who run around with rocket launchers or maybe cyborg zombies that have jet packs and lasers guns.


The jumping zombies is  enough for me to hate this game and not play it but hearing about drones that follow you and say goofy stuff?


*Walks out making sure the door doesn't smack me where the good lord cracked me*

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2 hours ago, Telric said:

You've solved this with your own post... Mods. Let them make the game for these so called "casuals" and you can enjoy it with mods. Why is it that you think you should get the game you want, while these "casuals" have to mod their game to be easier? That's the power of games like this is the mods. You can literally tailor the game to exactly what you want. I just don't get the viewpoint that your opinion should be the base game, while the "casuals" as you call them are required to mod it to be easier or how they want. Imo it should always be the other way around. The more experienced gamers should, infact require mods to increase difficulty beyond the base game.

Imagine if a brand new player came to the game and were part of this "casual" crowd. They jump in all hyped up and end up in a death cycle due to it being too hard for them. Well, since they are new, they might not know about modding or anything like that. So they end up putting the game down. Now, take yourself. You know of modding. You think the game is too easy, so you're able to mod it to be harder to your hearts content. I see this only as a win win situation for all.

Look at minecraft. The base game is extremely simple and easy. The players who have progressed past that base game have installed mods to create an endless amount of difficulty and experiences. But if minecraft had all those difficulties and experiences as base, many people would be turned off. In the end, the more people that aren't turned off, the better for the game and the community, even if some of those people come onto forums to scream into the void.


I think options added to the game is better then making players have to search through tons of mods just to get rid of the new stuff they are adding. I left when they added zombies that jump. I understand maybe they think that digging a trench and letting the zombies fall into the trench might be the easiest way of protection. Well, it takes a lot of time to dig that trench and even if the zombies fall into the trench they tear apart everything below. My understanding is that rather then beef up zombies that adding other zombie like creatures is where it would balance that. Spider zombies come crawling into your base. Your base gets over thrown by zombies and as you climb to the top of your structure your suddenly attacked by flying beasts or you have to watch yourself so you don't get nailed by something that spits.


I'd think it would be SO much easier to just add a toggle to the game to decide how you want to play the game rather then how someone else wants you to play the game.


There are options to make zombies walk, jog and even run but not option to toggle if they jump or not. But also, who is going to sit down and spend time writing up a mod just to get rid of something like a pet drone?

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I get where you're coming from, I just think you're coming from it the wrong way about. All games throughout the course of history have been made by the devs, the devs way. If they determine they want something done a certain way, that's their choice to do so. This one happens to allow you to mod just about every aspect of the game to be how you want it. There is Romero mod which removes all of the non traditional zombies, as well as makes it so headshots kill in one bullet. Then there is the crazier mods like snufkins zombies which add much more, i guess you could say, cartoony style mechanics to zombies. (Including your rocket launcher reference...)

As for the drone, I know a lot of people are not excited about it. There will definitely be a mod to remove it. I do believe there was at one point a mod to remove jumping zombies, though i could be hallucinating. I know there's been people that dislike that feature. But at what point does it stop being someone elses job to make a mod that someone personally wants? As a modder myself, I'm wrapped up in all of what I personally want the game to do / be. I don't have time to go off and make someone elses dreams come true. There comes a certain point where one should pony up and learn to mod, even if its a small amount.

I'm fairly sure the mod for jumping zombies will require a DMT mod, which is advanced modding for sure. But removing an entity is extremely easy. Drones included. You could learn that in a weekend with zero modding experience.

On the options point... Again, i must ask... At what point do things stop being a toggle feature and become a modded feature? To please everyone, you'd need sliders and toggles for every setting in the game. Zombie walk, zombie run, how many crops of each type spawn, etc. At an eventual point it becomes more of a nuisance for everyone else as the menus are then cluttered with toggles THEY didn't ask for.

Do you get where I'm coming from?


Edit: I totally just realized the person replying to the thread was not the OP..... So this is directed to Virgil, not necessarily the OP.

Edited by Telric (see edit history)
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I understand where the OP is coming from especially given his play time.  Who wouldn't more features/challenges to a game that they have already beaten / mastered?


However, its important that the devs need to finish all of the promised features from their kickstarter before they look at doing more.


If they have time before gold to add more they will, otherwise future features could show up in a future DLC or one of their next games.









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1 hour ago, Virgil said:

What is the point of the drone? If I felt I wanted some technology following me saying goofy crap I'd probably go back and play Fallout. The direction this game is going is starting to look very depressing. Rather then looking forward to playing a new version of this game, instead I'm spending a ton of time trying to find mods to get rid of stuff like that. I guess I just don't understand how people's minds work these days. Might as well get on with it and add zombies who run around with rocket launchers or maybe cyborg zombies that have jet packs and lasers guns.

I got an easy solution for getting rid of the drone.  Don’t make it, buy it, or grab it from loot.



Problem solved. 😁

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2 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

I got an easy solution for getting rid of the drone.  Don’t make it, buy it, or grab it from loot.



Problem solved. 😁


Until a player who joins my server decides they want to build one. I've not even seen the drone or what it's even used for. I left the game when they added jumping zombies. It's not just about drones though. Its about all this "Cool" new additions being added to the game like zombies who can leap a couple blocks away.


No... You are wrong about the solution. Not sure if you are old enough to remember the movie Wargames.


"The only move is not to play"

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Lol. We get it, you don't like jumping zeds. No need to repeat it 10 times. 


The devs are obviously Fallout fans. They wanted a higher tier item for the Int tree. So they decided they wanted it to be a drone. Don't like it, don't use it. Don't like the game's direction, go play something else. Or, as stated above, mod it so it's what you want it to be. They can't please everyone. And you can feel that your opinion is the only way all you want, but obviously the devs don't work for you. 


If one little piece of the game, or two I guess since we can't forget about the jumping zeds, is enough to ruin it for you, maybe this isn't the game for you anymore. 

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I disagree... to a point.

It is rare for me to defend TFPs :D Ilike to give criticism much more to get this game to new heights (even though they disagree with me on everything until they don't anymore xD)

But I like that they actually make the game more... fun again.
They removed so many little things in the past to "clean up" for the casual audience. And it worked, to an extent.

I don't want to say "bring sharp rocks back!" . But they did remove a lot of character and little details, so now the game is as streamline as possible.
So now when they remove little trinkets like the drone (even though I dislike its current implementation, because of how useless it is), it gives a little character back.

The ONLY thing that worries me, is that they are talking about going gold.
When there is SO MUCH ENDGAME CONTENT that is missing.

They have been focusing on improving the game nad always said "oh we will put more endgame content in later, later later!" but never did... and now they are talking about gold when nothing has happened.

just saw the icons. I re-HE-HEEARLY hope that is easy to disble. Like an option in the menu.
And you need to reduce opacity by 90% or more!

Edited by Viktoriusiii (see edit history)
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14 hours ago, Virgil said:


Until a player who joins my server decides they want to build one.

Then simply mod it out on your server.  It is not hard to do, and if you don't want to learn how, others can assist you if you ask nicely.  I see it done all the time in the mods section of this forum.


And does it really bother you that someone else on your server might build a drone?  Does it really affect your experience that much that you feel the need to dictate that to other players on your server?

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Just a point I think people are missing. Those icons hovering over the small stones and wood... are ONLY there for the opening quest. They are meant to help the new guy who may not know those little bushes give wood and show that a small pebble is as much counted as a stone as the boulders are. They will not be there for the entire game. That would be idiotic. As for the drones jokes and conversation? Yea that's gonna get real annoying real fast. I like the drone itself tho.

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