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7days crashing quite often. Please help.


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Well it worked perfectly for days and now its doing it again so I'm not sure what the hell is going on. same error in the event viewer. 

Fresh new install of windows, 7days, drivers, ect. Even tried reverting back to previous drivers all the way back to nov of last year when i never had any problems. 

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Knowing your running processes may be useful. Open up the command prompt and enter tasklist > processes.txt (that will put it in the current working directory shown). I'm not an engineer, but one of your stack traces was talking a lot about memory after a block_remove call, so I highly suspect it's a memory or some permission issue (could be a conflicting program).

Edited by Jugginator (see edit history)
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Like others have mentioned... test your ram using the free software called memtest86. It's a process of elimination and you need to eliminate more variables.


And for the record, most of us have no issues at all with the game aside from the game being a pig on resources. I can personally count the total number of crashes I've had since Alpha 1 on one hand, including running a dedicated server. The game is pretty stable if your hardware is able to handle it and you don't have software / driver issues.

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21 hours ago, tenchikun said:

Dev's need to fix the game, they seriously broke something.


You're having a hardware/driver/conflict issue, so, no.


Another player recently had the same event viewer messages as you and after a lot of troubleshooting discovered

the isssue was that a power cable to the motherboard was missing. There was another instance where turning off XMP

in the bios solved the problem. Another time, uninstalling Citrix was thefix.  You need to sytematically go through your

system to figure out the the problem.



Edited by Beelzybub (see edit history)
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Here is a thought.

maybe try not messing with windows so much on installs.

even on 10 year old hardware i can run 7 days to die just fine.


install windows. update. install games. and play.


it is possible you are causing your own issue with all the tweaking and turning off built in features of windows.

Another thing to check is your cooling. you may be overheating during game play. 7 days to die turns my computer into a space heater.


I suggest monitoring your temps during a horde or while in a city.

I actually open my side panel when i play 7 days to die lol.


My new system runs 7dtd at max settings pretty easy.



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1 hour ago, tenchikun said:


Nice, that's helpful.


As far as AV being a problem, excluding the game and save folders from scanning will eliminate that as a possible issue. It's the same process as we did

when you excluded the folder from Kaspersky. Sorry if you've already done that, just pointing it out.


I don't know if you're comfortable doing this but your bios should be updated. You are on version 1008 and the latest stable is 2006 from 4/8/2021.

Your ROG or Asus software should offer you the update, but if not the update is available here.


Another possiblility is that your nvme drive is overheating. It's rare, but it happens and is something you could check with hwmonitor while gameing.


I notice that in windows update MS is trying to push an nvidia driver. I would not install that, and just use nvidia's latest driver.


And disable wifi. You want to make sure that you're using your ethernet connection for gaming.


Edited by Beelzybub (see edit history)
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42 minutes ago, wicketness said:

Here is a thought.

maybe try not messing with windows so much on installs.

even on 10 year old hardware i can run 7 days to die just fine.


install windows. update. install games. and play.


it is possible you are causing your own issue with all the tweaking and turning off built in features of windows.

Another thing to check is your cooling. you may be overheating during game play. 7 days to die turns my computer into a space heater.


I suggest monitoring your temps during a horde or while in a city.

I actually open my side panel when i play 7 days to die lol.


My new system runs 7dtd at max settings pretty easy.



I'm not messing with much of anything. Not exactly sure what you're talking about there but as for cooling, i'm fine there. I don't go ever see my temps go above 70 degrees.


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31 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Your RAM is not configured properly. That alone is going to cripple your system's performance.


I'll look into more of the report once I've had breakfast and some coffee.

🤔 says getting breakfast and some coffee, but lives close by as I am cleaning up dishes from dinner......proof that ST lives in a different dimension

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34 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Your RAM is not configured properly. That alone is going to cripple your system's performance.


I'll look into more of the report once I've had breakfast and some coffee.

Looking forward to that. I'm curious what isn't configured properly

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26 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

🤔 says getting breakfast and some coffee, but lives close by as I am cleaning up dishes from dinner......proof that ST lives in a different dimension

I work nights, so I'm basically on Australia hours.


25 minutes ago, tenchikun said:

Looking forward to that. I'm curious what isn't configured properly

Your RAM timing should be 15-15-15-35 for your 2400MHz RAM. However because it was never actually set in BIOS, it's running on Motherboard manufacturer default "safe" timings. As a result, it is sitting at 2166MHz and pulling down the performance of your CPU. 

This misrepresentation is also known to cause issues that will appear very similar to RAM sticks going bad.


Also note that since you aren't using a 3rd party AV solution, Defender is enabled. You must exclude the client from that. It's almost worse than Norton for killing games. Almost.


Your system BIOS is obsolete. It's like it's the default version from the original board printing.  Get the latest here, or use Armoury Crate to update. You have version 1004, and should be on 2006. While you're at it, ensure that you have the latest drivers in Armoury Crate as well. The last Windows update replaced core chipset and LAN/Wifi drivers with extremely obsolete versions.


Your GPU driver is outdated as well. Get the latest version from here. Choose to go without GeForce Experience, and choose Custom Install so you can tick the box to perform a clean installation.


Other than that, I don't see anything that really stands out.  Your most crippling problems are the BIOS that expired two years ago, and the incorrect RAM configuration.

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The game is already excluded from windows defender and defender is off. I just checked it. I shouldn't need to flash my bios. You only ever do that if there is an update for unsupported hardware or known issues. Everything on the Mobo works fine, therefore I shouldn't need to update the bios. 

I did fix the timing issue on the ram. Good call on that, I hadn't noticed that. Thanks. Going to reinstall the chipset drivers and lan/wifi. Didn't realize windows overwrote them... again! 


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1 hour ago, tenchikun said:

Everything on the Mobo works fine, therefore I shouldn't need to update the bios. 

Just to note...  20 years ago, this was the case. In current times, not so much. Critical security and performance issues are put into BIOS patches, and they are updated now almost as commonly as regular drivers as a result. 

Here's a list of some of the changes that have occurred since the build you're using.

  • Improved system performance and stability
  • Improved DRAM compatibility
  • Update AMD AM4 AGESA
  • Support Smart Access Memory for Ryzen 3000 Series Processors
  • Fix the L3 cache performance in AIDA64
  • Fix USB connectivity issue

So basically by not updating, you are missing several versions of patches to code on the motherboard that affect performance, stability, and efficiency.


And it's not like it's even a risky measure anymore with being able to update it in Windows via software provided from the manufacturer, and even via using a built-in tool in the BIOS that will go as far as locating the latest build, downloading it, and installing it for you. Not to mention having the BIOS Flashback feature that will allow you to quite easily recover if anything does manage to go pear shaped.

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I have the same motherboard as you minus the wifi as I hate wifi. Anyway, yes, you definitely need to update your bios for many reasons including known USB connectivity issues, ram support issues, and a few others I forgot about. It'll help make your computer more stable overall. And like SylenThunder mentioned, stick with the stable versions, I never trust the BETA versions either. I agree that setting your ram to the proper frequency a good idea as Sylen explained, you can probably get away with leaving the timings alone as they'll auto adjust as necessary... they're not performance ram anyway, so it's not like the timings need fine tuning. As far as Windows Defender... it re-enables itself every single time you restart the computer whenever Windows doesn't detect another AV running in the background. I've done everything I could to force that garbage to permanently stop loading on my computers but no success so far. Though, I will say, I personally haven't had any issues with it and this game yet. As far as GPU drivers go, personally, as long as the drivers aren't over a year old, you're fine with the exception of latest gen GPUs which need the latest drivers as they roll out because they're usually a mess when they first release.

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