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KingGen - A Random World Generator for 7 Days to Die


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9 minutes ago, Gouki said:

Hi KingSlayerGM

In the next update you will add the option (unique) to generate large POIs only one per map, I ask because I am playing a new map and they were generated as 3 large Stallions Hotels and other pois and it affects the performance too much.

Thank you for letting me know, i will try to figure out something.

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7 hours ago, KingSlayerGM said:


Windows 7 is not compatible with python 3.9. I will downgrade to python 3.8 and build KingGen v0.4.0 there. Then you can try it and let me know if it works, (it might also happen that we fixed one issue, but something else comes up).

I will let you know when v0.4.0 is out. I hope around tomorrow night.

Don't do anything that will screw anything up for others that it does work for. Although it would be great for it to work I rather not be one of the reasons it added bugs.

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Thank you, the maps looks very good. However, I have noticed a couple of issues.


1. Traders placement seems to be off. Some place into next door POIs. Some place above or below ground level. Entrances are not aligned to the nearest street.

2. Some (>10%) POIs entrance alignment are reversed - away from streets. They also seem to place near center of the street.


I am using latest 7dtd update/patch and Compopack 47. Otherwise only a few QoL mods, nothing that messes with blocks or voxels. 


Also, I recommend not downgrading. Users can upgrade Win 7 without issues - it only requires them to do it correctly by following the guide posted by MS. They really do not need to rebuild and reinstall the PC. Being helpful is a rare human trait, but downgrading everyone else for the sake of one user that refuse to upgrade, may cause more problems for everyone else.

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15 minutes ago, Dajoor said:

Also, I recommend not downgrading. Users can upgrade Win 7 without issues - it only requires them to do it correctly by following the guide posted by MS. They really do not need to rebuild and reinstall the PC. Being helpful is a rare human trait, but downgrading everyone else for the sake of one user that refuse to upgrade, may cause more problems for everyone else.

Very good advice. I say basically the very same thing in the post above yours.

I feel you didn't try to be, but it did come off as a tiny bit condescending. Two things to note.

1. There are two users that refused to upgrade, not one. We also specified why.

2. If I read correctly neither of us asked that he downgrade. He offered and I politely mentioned, at least for me, that he shouldn't do that for the reason you said.


I have said this in other posts that my online attitude radar is horrible. I usually read things the incorrect way and get meanings totally wrong so I apologies in advance for possibly doing the same for yours.

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36 minutes ago, Dajoor said:

Thank you, the maps looks very good. However, I have noticed a couple of issues.

Thank you for the long feedback.


36 minutes ago, Dajoor said:

1. Traders placement seems to be off. Some place into next door POIs. Some place above or below ground level. Entrances are not aligned to the nearest street.

2. Some (>10%) POIs entrance alignment are reversed - away from streets. They also seem to place near center of the street.

I am using latest 7dtd update/patch and Compopack 47. Otherwise only a few QoL mods, nothing that messes with blocks or voxels. 

Are you using the option "vanilla+compo" or are you using "custom list" and then the list provided by Compo Pack? I recommend the latter, at least until KingGen is updated. If this doesn't solve your problems, I think there might be an issue with some CP pois.

39 minutes ago, Dajoor said:

Also, I recommend not downgrading. Users can upgrade Win 7 without issues - it only requires them to do it correctly by following the guide posted by MS. They really do not need to rebuild and reinstall the PC. Being helpful is a rare human trait, but downgrading everyone else for the sake of one user that refuse to upgrade, may cause more problems for everyone else.

Here is the thing: I have 3 machines where I test KingGen. One with Python 3.9, one with 3.8 and one with 3.7. KingGen works on all of them. Coincidentally, the one with Python 3.9 is the one I use to build KingGen for Windows. Moreover, I already use the machine with Python 3.8 to build KingGen for Linux.

Python 3.8 is a perfectly fine and, more importantly, still maintained version of Python and my code does not use any Python-3.9-only features. I have downgrated my machine already to 3.8. No biggie. Let's have a go. It might still not work for Win7 (the real fix would be for me to have a Win7 machine to build from, but I don't like that option).

If it doesn't work, I might just update everything to the very new Python 3.10, with its awesome new pattern matching feature! :)

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7 hours ago, KingSlayerGM said:

Are you using the option "vanilla+compo" or are you using "custom list" and then the list provided by Compo Pack? I recommend the latter, at least until KingGen is updated. If this doesn't solve your problems, I think there might be an issue with some CP pois.


IIRC I used the compopack list. However the vanilla traders are defined in the compopack list anyway. From looking at the generated POI list it seems the y offset has been calculated incorrectly. I simply fixed it in the gen list and adjusted the x and z offsets as well. They all seem to load up OK with that. I did not check what the orientation issue with the POIs were, because I forgot to write down which ones it was.


BTW, Py39 will not run on Win 7, Py38 will run only Win 7 64 and up. Instructions to run Py38 on Win 7 64 is on the Python website. You will need to do a x86 build with Py38 to get an exe for the Win 7 32 users, which means you will have to install both x86 and x64 versions and their libs and dependencies. You can't build a Py38 32bit compatible exe from the x64 version. You may have some issues getting the 32 bit to generate large maps.

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21 hours ago, KingSlayerGM said:

Thank you for the long feedback.


Are you using the option "vanilla+compo" or are you using "custom list" and then the list provided by Compo Pack? I recommend the latter, at least until KingGen is updated. If this doesn't solve your problems, I think there might be an issue with some CP pois.

Here is the thing: I have 3 machines where I test KingGen. One with Python 3.9, one with 3.8 and one with 3.7. KingGen works on all of them. Coincidentally, the one with Python 3.9 is the one I use to build KingGen for Windows. Moreover, I already use the machine with Python 3.8 to build KingGen for Linux.

Python 3.8 is a perfectly fine and, more importantly, still maintained version of Python and my code does not use any Python-3.9-only features. I have downgrated my machine already to 3.8. No biggie. Let's have a go. It might still not work for Win7 (the real fix would be for me to have a Win7 machine to build from, but I don't like that option).

If it doesn't work, I might just update everything to the very new Python 3.10, with its awesome new pattern matching feature! :)

Win7 virtual machine is an option to build with.

Also for the folks who apparently don't want to upgrade...

Sorry. Get over it. Win 7 is end of life and not getting more updates. Your system is now a security risk. You really need to go to Win10 or Linux.

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2 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Also for the folks who apparently don't want to upgrade...

Sorry. Get over it. Win 7 is end of life and not getting more updates. Your system is now a security risk. You really need to go to Win10 or Linux.

The future without the updates on Win7 is full of doom and gloom now.
Could you tell me which Windows with updates was known as secure in the past and present?
How is that thing on windows 10 to uploading my private data to their server and sharing with third parties?
Witch Linux disto you recommend to run my whole Steam library?

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1 minute ago, Rukminesh said:

The future without the updates on Win7 is full of doom and gloom now.
Could you tell me which Windows with updates was known as secure in the past and present?
How is that thing on windows 10 to uploading my private data to their server and sharing with third parties?
Witch Linux disto you recommend to run my whole Steam library?

By definition, unsupported software does not recieve security updates, while supported software does. Support for windows 7 ended a while back.

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Version 0.4.0 released!

Here is what's new:

  • Improved village generation. Now villages spawn on mountains and are connected one another by roads.
  • Added option to generate multiple worlds at once.
  • Added terrain roughness option.
  • Added single-city option.
  • Added no-preview option to make generation faster.
  • Added check when creating cities. The game now tells you which pois are missing from the custom list.
  • Added check to skip commented/empy/wrongly-formatted lines in custom list.
  • Added button to open worlds folder.
  • Expanded tips at the top.
  • Added link to KingGen page.
  • Added settings files.
  • Seed is now optional
  • Player spawns are now closer to traders.
  • Added "reset to default settings" button.

@Gamida @Rukminesh,

v0.4.0 was built with Python 3.8. Please let me know if it works on Win7.

Edited by KingSlayerGM (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, Rukminesh said:

The future without the updates on Win7 is full of doom and gloom now.
Could you tell me which Windows with updates was known as secure in the past and present?
How is that thing on windows 10 to uploading my private data to their server and sharing with third parties?
Witch Linux disto you recommend to run my whole Steam library?

Go get a Win 10 ISO with the telemetry removed. There's quite a few safe ones out there for the overly paranoid.

In fact, here's a ton of releases by trusted users at notebook forums: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-10-ltsc-pro-debloated-with-several-enhancements.835513/

Any Ubuntu distro will run most windows games through proton. Only ones with an anti-cheat solution and no native linux version will be a problem.

And for the record, i'm pretty sure WIndows 7 is behind on the Spectre and Meltdown patches, just as an example.

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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6 minutes ago, Data said:

i use 10k maps for my dedicated, i suppose i could try your 16k's, the more the options the better though, when you fix the roads/poi placings etc, ill try yours other than nitrogens

12k option is also already in KingGen.


Pois and roads are mostly fine. It's only on mountains that terracing happens and cities never spawn on mountains.

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Sadly when I hit the button to generate a world it crashes. As others with Win 7 seem to get it working I concede that it is something on my end.

For now I will keep using Nitrogen until a game update makes it no longer workable. That said I truly commend you for going above and beyond in tracking down the problem for the other Win7 users who could not get it to work seeing as we seem to be a dying breed of users. :D

I will eventually upgrade to Win10 but not right now :). I will though be keeping an eye on your program and watching to see how it develops.

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@Gamida doesn't it give you an error message?



57 minutes ago, Dajoor said:

 Where would these be?

They are called "KingGenConfig.txt" and they are saved twice. Once inside the generated world and once right next to KingGen.


Every time you generate a world, the configuration is dumped inside the world, so that if you need to, you can always know how that particular world was generated. A copy of the config is also saved next to KingGen executable file so that next time you open KingGen, it will remember the last configuration.

Edited by KingSlayerGM (see edit history)
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