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that burning shaft mod turns out to be way more useful than I thought


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I looted a burning shaft mod on day one but didn't use it. While it will set the zombies on fire and that is a lot of fun but didn't seem to do much damage. I would like to be able to set them on fire, back off, and watch them burn to death. Perhaps cook some charred meat over the flames. I put it in a secure chest thinking I might use it later.


so I'm working on my base and it gets cold and I had a BDU top but just the fiber pants. The message said something about equipping a torch. I put the burning shaft mod in my stone axe and sure enough it worked. I was also able to complete the roof of my base and get most of it framed in because I could see. That was a little weird because I was working with wood using a tool that was on fire. Later on  mined some iron, could see just fine.

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It also casts a fair amount of light that doesn't cause your 'visibility distance' to increase.  So crouch with something else in your hands, then equip your tool/weapon that has the burning shaft mod installed and your detection doesn't increase.  Probably a bug, probably reported, I'm not sure.

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Zombie bears, or regular bears, rather then wasting arrows on them poke them with a spear with the burning shaft mod, wait for them to go out and then do it again.


Just make sure you are in a tough area and have blocks and repair materials on hand....

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9 hours ago, FileMachete said:

Disclaimer: I would never, not -ever- even consider such a thing in real life.




After all the times I've failed getting a rabbit, setting one on fire and tracking his flaming butt through the grass until that final squeal... worth every penney! :flame::laugh:


4 hours ago, canadianbluebeer said:

Flaming Chickens are nice too. heh-heh-heh.




You guys. That's almost as sick as when I finish off the females Zs by shooting them in the rear.

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14 hours ago, ElCabong said:

...I would like to be able to set them on fire, back off, and watch them burn to death. ...

I notice if they catch fire from the mod, and the fire ends them before you can get the final swing in, you don't get the XP for the kill.  I love the mod, but that is a bit of a shame.

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You can also put them in the Robo Sledges, and set things on fire from placed-turret mode.  They rarely ever proc that way, but every once in a while it lights one up.  The base dmg increase from having another mod in them is probably the biggest benefit.  There aren't many that go in the robo-sledge.

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