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Animals !?!?


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I always thought animal spawns were a bit low, but this is ludicrous.


Since Alpha 19 went live, I have not made it to the first trader with out dieng to a wolf or dog. In two cases I had bears in front of the traders door. 


I at first assumed it was just bad luck, but after 9 attempts and having similar circumstances I have to wonder, do the devs want to stop people from trying not to die? Making it harder is one thing but having them attack you when all you have is a level one club and stone arrows. 


I guess I want to know is this common? Or is this just really bad luck?

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The animals repop fast and are more plentiful, especially so in the forest. Both my deaths were credited to wolf/dire wolf. Lets be honest though, the forest was mostly a get out of jail free card biome until now. Also to be fair, if ya play highly alert, ya can avoid all animals with maybe exception to the vulture that requires extra attention.


If a bear is in front of a trader door, simply get close to building, shoot and lure it to the side and get it stuck on the barbed wire, then go leisurely kill it from above.

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I would consider that lucky....


Animals give you bones and I can never have enough bones.  ever 😛


A stone spear, a few wood frames and a bit of awareness of your surroundings is all you need to kill any animal.

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19 minutes ago, FA_Q2 said:

I would consider that lucky....


Animals give you bones and I can never have enough bones.  ever 😛


A stone spear, a few wood frames and a bit of awareness of your surroundings is all you need to kill any animal.

Wolves, bear and pig will attack frames on the ground if you are above them..  That or the pig will jump 3m to gore you whilst you poke at it with the spear and attempt to regain stamina while halfway through killing it.


I did however kill a bear with a spear, well 3 spears, and about 10 wood frames to keep it from hopping up on the rock I was perched on.  And yes, I did run out of stamina several times.  Thankfully it was well, a rock so I had plenty of repair material for my stone spears.

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You are correct that predators will attack frames on the ground if you are above them. I always upgrade the frames at least twice before pulling predators though, so it works well for me. I often kill boars that way in the first 1-3 days, and they have never been able to jump high enough to attack me, standing on a stack of 2 upgraded frames.

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1 hour ago, Darthjake said:

Wolves, bear and pig will attack frames on the ground if you are above them..  That or the pig will jump 3m to gore you whilst you poke at it with the spear and attempt to regain stamina while halfway through killing it.


I did however kill a bear with a spear, well 3 spears, and about 10 wood frames to keep it from hopping up on the rock I was perched on.  And yes, I did run out of stamina several times.  Thankfully it was well, a rock so I had plenty of repair material for my stone spears.

lol.  Yes the rocks are not a bad place to perch but you gota be cautious because most of the rocks have a path animals can take.  I know they attack the frames you are on but that does not stop you from killing them while they waste time on frames.  The largest advantage is that you can make another tower when they break through the first stage of your upgraded block.  Dire wolves are a bit more difficult but easy if you build your platform at least 2 wide to start.  

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I will point out that:

1) the bears did not kill me.  I did kite them.

2) Most of the deaths were a result of me kiting bears. Red eyed wolves appeared in each case.

3) Having a convent rock doesn't always happen.

4) Dropping frames in the right place doesn't always happen while you are in fear of your life.


However, after 9, NINE, re-starts is this common? Was the question?


I have over 900 hours in this game, I am not going anywhere. If a new player started and had my experience would they stay? If the system is designed to have you fail what is the balance?




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The abundance of animals substitute the lack of food.


Here's a trick to kill dogs, regular wolves, black wolves and boars. The TP tower.


Put 3 frames on top of each other and only upgrade the one in the middle. 


Go on top of the tower. 


The animal will only attack the middle block. 


Once you're done, just remove the frame from the bottom to clean up the mess. 


I use it all the time at the beginning when finding animals and when going in a POI that have dogs. 


You can use a bow, or just melee them.



If the tower is only 2 blocks the animals can hit you.

I didn't tested with bears.

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9 hours ago, Quozian said:

I always thought animal spawns were a bit low, but this is ludicrous.


Since Alpha 19 went live, I have not made it to the first trader with out dieng to a wolf or dog. In two cases I had bears in front of the traders door. 


I at first assumed it was just bad luck, but after 9 attempts and having similar circumstances I have to wonder, do the devs want to stop people from trying not to die? Making it harder is one thing but having them attack you when all you have is a level one club and stone arrows. 


I guess I want to know is this common? Or is this just really bad luck?

Yes it's common. Yes it's broken. Yes they know it's broken. Yes they are fixing it.

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Yeah, fight the lack of food by more animals. I already started selling meat to the trader....The only thing you can cook with just mit meat is grilled and boiled meat. Both are not good either.

Trying to make the game easier for beginners, by spawning (dire)wolfs and bears every 100 meters. 😆 I also died several times by direwolfs.


Animals don't seem to spawn in cities, at least i haven't seen any animal there, except on the edges (mostly spawned outside then walked into). So now the cities are even saver then the forest. 😆


I don't know how other people play, but when it comes to food, i've been always short on eggs, never on meat for bacon & eggs in early game. And once i put up a farm i go for the stews, also being short on vegetables not meat again.


The lack is bird nests are not respawning and their contents depend on the loot respawn settings. They should be untied. Bird nests should respawn their loot every few days.

Also vegetables are hard to find, especially the seeds. My current game is on day 17 and i still don't have mushrooms...

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I adore the new heavy animals spawns honestly. Even the big packs of dogs make me happy (as long as I can jump on SOMETHING) because it's so much rotten meat for farm plots.


Honestly my husband and I got totally ripped up by a wolf pack that broke into a barn we were looting. We couldn't manage to keep them out, we almost died, and by the end of it I had a broken arm and leg and a laceration, my husband had abrasions, a broken arm and a concussion and both of us had infections. Frankly, it was more exciting than most hordes are these days! 

And we've never had a problem with a bear. POIs are everywhere. Get on a roof.

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Ive been seeing large packs of wolves even on day 1 within a couple of minutes of starting.  On my latest attempt, I had literally just finished crafting my stone axe and I stepped over a hill as I moved toward a tree to harvest when WHAM! wolf pack!  Seriously 5 minutes in and I was dead before I could do anything else.  I was FURIOUS>. Went to the trader on another play (I play permadeath style so tend to delete and restart a lot because of this) and couldnt access the Trader because there were so many wolves around the town.  I understand wanting to increase the animal numbers while decreasing food but come on!  Day 1 wolf packs are ridiculous.  Ive played about 30+ games of A19 and died from wolves probably 25 or more times.  Its a bit much during the first week.  Bears are MUCH more prevalent but thankfully seem to have a smaller sensing radius and don't hunt in packs so thats a good thing.  Seriously though I love this game and have been playing since Alpha 14 but the volume of wolves is out of hand in this Alpha and its legitimately ceasing to be fun anymore when I cant even make it to day 7 without dying to a random wolf pack.  

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