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Late game clearing tier 5


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Is it just me, or is clearing late game tier 5 quests nearly impossible? I've been up and down a tier 5 building for hours, and I can't find the last remaining zombie.   I've tried about 4 or 5 of these late game quests.   I guess the only way to accomplish them is to completely demo the entire building?

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I don't like and rarely do t5 quests.


However, some of the streamers i watch do. Kage 848 rarely misses a zombie. His tactic is to follow the intended path aka the lights. By doing this, it seems like you are intended to come across all the zombies.


He occasionally has to hunt one down, but not very often. 


You could give that a try.

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I have done a lot of tier 5 clearing quests already and most of the times when there is a zombie missing it is a vulture somewhere outside the building. They get stuck quite easily in some constructions.


Sometimes it takes a while to clear everything but not a single time couldn't I complete a tier 5 quest so far.

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Just in case this is helpful @ungkoryou can use the console cmd " le " to list entitys. Output shows their locations as well.


Can't recall if it's a default, available to all cmd, or if you'll need to enable debug mode (" dm ") first.


& worst case **Disclaimer, I've never tried this, it might bug your quest!** there's a 'kill all' cmd available via console (see " help ").

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If there is one left, it's usually a bugged birdie, or a hidden sleeper that never activated.


Following the light path is the way to go.


Shotgun Messiah is an easy T5 one, I do that one a lot. (moar guns)

Shamway is annoying to me.

Hospital, meh.

Dishong: Huge, and a few nervewracking parts way up top getting from A-B. (the walkways, one oops and... )

Construction Tower is also nervewracking.  Jumps and Ladders.   Me and ladders do not get along. (I fall off. a lot)



you can also just pop into god mode to hunt the last zombie down. I've done that to  find the satchel a few times.

(and buried quests when it's in the wall of a building, instead of actually buried underground)



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The hospital can be cleared within 5 or 6 minutes by consuming the mega crushes from soda fountains located near the starting point. I guess it boils down to how well someone knows the POI and how many optional areas are included. In general it is a good idea to follow the intended path when it comes to clearing quests.

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Thanks, I'll try the le command. 


"His tactic is to follow the intended path aka the lights."


I'm not sure if I follow.  Maybe I never noticed before, but what are the lights/light paths?    I do try to follow the intended path in buildings by only going through open paths and not breaking through walls or locked doors.  



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2 hours ago, ungkor said:

I'm not sure if I follow.  Maybe I never noticed before, but what are the lights/light paths?    I do try to follow the intended path in buildings by only going through open paths and not breaking through walls or locked doors. 

If you do not destroy anything AND not build anything (frames to get over a hole on the floor or to get up to something) it usually is the "offizial path".

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