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Fishing would be a great addition to the game to balance the starvation, specially in early game. 

Please add Fishing on bodies of water . Fishing would not need AI entities for fishes. See: Subsistence game. Subsistence has (IMHO really boring) minigame of fly fishing and alternatively they have craftable and placeable fish traps. For both you need scavenge baits, which limits the amount food that can be gathered. And the payout is random over random time. So there is no need for AI entities for fishes. Like you would not really see the fish you are trying to catch IRL. It really balances the food resources, specially in th eearly game before unlocking farming.

The food consumption in this game is very high and the challenge starvation presents compared to challenge of the zombies is a bit proportional. I see no chance of surviving with 0 death for starvation until the level you unlock farming. 
There is something wrong with animal spawn I guess it might be random spawn. Player populated area animals are killed faster and spawn limit prevents new spawns until old ones are killed. As a result the few animals in game eventually cluster to areas without players hunting them where they have long lifespan thus preventing any new animal spawns. 
You could say it is by design as animals run away from human activity. But "teleport spawn" does not make it logical, "realistic" or good game mechanics. As animals teleport spawn too far.

Most game days I scavenge 5-10 km2 of desert biome and for over 100 game days have not seen a single animal. Usually animals are in game for couple first days. 
I think. Due to the pitiful entity limits in the AI engine you really should write a little cheat code spawn the few animals engine is capable of handling closer to players in active regions. And spawn the new replacement animal near where the old one was killed, And in addition despawn and relocate animals with too long lifespan. For example give animals 1h lifespan and spawn new animal to near the location where last animal was killed. 

Adding fishing could help solve this issue. 

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Madmole has said that starvation is not really a long term problem.  It's impact is mostly felt within the first couple of days on average.

As much as I'd like fishing to be added for immersion reasons, I have my doubts that the devs are going to give this a pass.

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22 hours ago, Mike06 said:

Most game days I scavenge 5-10 km2 of desert biome and for over 100 game days have not seen a single animal. Usually animals are in game for couple first days. 
I think. Due to the pitiful entity limits in the AI engine you really should write a little cheat code spawn the few animals engine is capable of handling closer to players in active regions.

The default respawn for friendly animals in all biomes is 21 days. It is easy to change in spawning.xml if you want. We reduced it in our game to 7 days. You can also increase the number of animals in each biome spawn area if you want. Same file. Here's the desert section; just change maxcount and respawndelay to your liking.

    <biome name="desert">
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="3" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="4" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="14" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsDesert" spawnDeadChance="0" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="21" time="Any" entitygroup="FriendlyAnimalsDesert" spawnDeadChance="0" />


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  • 2 weeks later...

Fishing would be a perfect addition to the game, not only for logical reasons such as getting more food/avoiding starvation, but also as a past-time and a fun, immersive activity.


Any RPG I've ever played that had fishing in, was always fun for me. WoW? Got all the fishing mounts and achievement. Skyrim? I got a mod for that, it was hella' fun.


I'm not in to fishing IRL by any means, but it's just so relaxing and satisfying, especially when there's a small chance to get junk/treasure too.

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On 5/19/2020 at 3:07 AM, Sydious said:

Doubtful to happen.  Water would have to be fixed first.  Only been waiting on that since.... what 2013

It will be fixed. As one of the last things. But it´s on the to do list. Why so late? Because the water physics has basically no impact on the gameplay.  It´s annyoing if you want to build a swimmingpool or a nice well. But that also is nothing importnant at this stage of development and TFP doesn´t like builders too much anyway.

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37 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

It will be fixed. As one of the last things. But it´s on the to do list. Why so late? Because the water physics has basically no impact on the gameplay.

But it could have a huge impact and in a good way.

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On 5/30/2020 at 4:06 AM, pApA^LeGBa said:

It will be fixed. As one of the last things. But it´s on the to do list. Why so late? Because the water physics has basically no impact on the gameplay.  It´s annyoing if you want to build a swimmingpool or a nice well. But that also is nothing importnant at this stage of development and TFP doesn´t like builders too much anyway.

Guilty - I've been waiting for the water physics to be fixed so I can finally fulfill my dream of a rooftop glass swimming pool and hot tub on my base. I have seen a slight change in how the glass blocks seem to be interacting with the water. In A17, If I didn't have two blocks thick (of glass), it would just leak through. Now, it seems to only leak through "temporarily", but if I put down frames and pick them up, the water stops leaking through (I think). I'm still using a glass plate on the outer wall along with whatever block I'm using for the pool and this keeps water from leaking through directly. Zombies hate hot water as it turns them into soup so it's a "game play" mechanic. Hear that TFP? My Glass bottom hot tub filled with hot water is a zombie defense mechanic. Fix it... You just need to phrase it properly to get them to fix it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/18/2020 at 7:48 PM, Boidster said:

The default respawn for friendly animals in all biomes is 21 days. It is easy to change in spawning.xml if you want. We reduced it in our game to 7 days. You can also increase the number of animals in each biome spawn area if you want. Same file. Here's the desert section; just change maxcount and respawndelay to your liking.

    <biome name="desert">
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="3" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="4" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="14" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsDesert" spawnDeadChance="0" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="21" time="Any" entitygroup="FriendlyAnimalsDesert" spawnDeadChance="0" />


I know, but not really on options unless you are an admin. Nor does it address the fact that there is some inconsistencies in spawn mechanics. I just pointed out my UX of the game.  

On 5/17/2020 at 9:41 PM, Ramethzer0 said:

Madmole has said that starvation is not really a long term problem.  It's impact is mostly felt within the first couple of days on average.

As much as I'd like fishing to be added for immersion reasons, I have my doubts that the devs are going to give this a pass.

No it is not. but as food plant seeds are level locked to like 8 skill points. And I think there is something wrong in spawn after first game days I very seldom see any animal after the first 5 gaem days.  Starvation in early game is a too hard compared the after mid game it becomes a non challenge. Other players also have said this same. 

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On 6/20/2020 at 5:27 AM, Mike06 said:


No it is not. but as food plant seeds are level locked to like 8 skill points. And I think there is something wrong in spawn after first game days I very seldom see any animal after the first 5 gaem days.  Starvation in early game is a too hard compared the after mid game it becomes a non challenge. Other players also have said this same. 

There are a bunch of ways to deal with that.  You might consider toying with the airdrop frequency.  But, even then without them (I dont) you can raid restaurants and fast food joints and be okay.   I've taken drugs just to eat bad food a couple of times.  You can eat fat from harvested animals as well.  I frequently run as many buried supply missions as the traders are willing to give me too.  That first week can be pretty hard to get through solo, much less a group.  My first day goal is to finish tutorial and buried supply missions and find a camp for the night somewhere.   By day 3, I'll have no water issues, be settled in a protected camp, and chances are I've hit up Bob's Boars.  If you get a mission in one, its a double bonus because of pre-clearing.   Bob's Boars is a literal gold mine of resources, including meat and fat, corn (and super corn), cement, and cobble.

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