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Remember the Vespids?


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In old alphas, instead of vultures, we had hornets.

They were stupid and unrealistic.

I mean, come on, are we seriously supposed to believe that during a massive viral outbreak, a plague of giant murderous hornets just also happens to appear?

As I said, it's stupid.

Never gonna happen.

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Is it that much of a stretch when you have buzzards that are green and puke acid?


I like the hornets. I wish they would bring them back. I especially runnung over crawler zombies in my mini bike. I would also like to skewer them on the horns of my motorcycle.


Oh well. At least I can get on the roof of my base and count headshots. I never get tired of that.

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I added the CreaturePack mod to my co-op game. The hornets are there (GuppyCur's invention) and they are kind of a PITA. Tough @%$*#!s to bring down; significantly tougher than vultures. And we have beagles, eagles, and bats, oh my! Also lots of spiders which will sound awwwfully familiar to voxel gamers...

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I feel like this is too meta for me to understand... like wtf are you all talking about?  Or is the joke that this is a game about radioactive zombies who shoot acid, and we can build giant concrete structures by hand?  

Anyways, I miss the old giant mutant bees and their beehive houses. 

I think it'd help if the vultures felt like they were flying realistically.  Bees can fly crazy, so it didn't matter much when they hovered around you. 

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1 hour ago, Dabeeto said:

1. I feel like this is too meta for me to understand... like wtf are you all talking about?  Or is the joke that this is a game about radioactive zombies who shoot acid, and we can build giant concrete structures by hand?  


2. I think it'd help if the vultures felt like they were flying realistically.  Bees can fly crazy, so it didn't matter much when they hovered around you.

1. Media in the US has been raising a bit of a stink about Giant Hornets (a.k.a. "Murder Hornets") showing up in WA state and southern BC. Interestingly there has been some people (bee keepers iirc) saying that the hornets have been on this side of the Pacific for a few years already.


2. Feels like they changed the sprite and skin but kept the "bees" animations with the way the vultures fly and how they react to being aimed at. Full stop into a full reverse without turning around or sometimes an instant 180. Or the up, sideways and backwards ignoring their momentum without turning at all till after the maneuver starts? I've seen wasps, hornets, flies, bees and hummingbirds do that, but nothing larger than a hummingbird ever and even then they have to slow down...

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