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best places to find a chemistry station?


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I'm not having any luck finding a working chem station with this build. Perhaps the best way would be to just forget about it and it will volunteer from someplace unexpected.


Are other places more likely to have a chemistry station?

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Find broken chem stations and loot them. A high percentage of them have the recipe inside.


Generally chem stations are in quite a few houses, often in the cellar or garage. Many of them you wouldn't expect to have one from looking at them, just normal residential buildings. So just loot random houses and specifically search the cellars. Additionally the hospital, the shamways factory and the drug store have one, probably the shotgun messiah factory as well.


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There is one in the Higashi tower. 😛 But seriously: traders are my best bet every playtrough early on, i once even moved my base from one trader to another one who had a working one. Also there is a gas station that has one and one of the victorian quest houses has one as well iirc.

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14 hours ago, meganoth said:

Well, there's an objective for you right there, find more traders. Probably you should wait until you have built a minibike to do that somewhat efficiently though


Yeah, and if you happen to build your world from Compopack and spend an entire game day bicycling around the desert towns desperately trying to find a trader DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE FAKE TRADER JOEL'S. This will be you:




I told my co-op partner that if I ever find the guy who designed that POI I'm going to salute him with my right hand and flip him off with my left.

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