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Murder Hornets come to America

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Hmm...real life pandemic and giant hornets attacking. If the devs removed the hornets from 7D2D because they were too immersion-breaking.....then......what does that say about real-life!?? 😧😲




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5 hours ago, Morloc said:

Hmm...real life pandemic and giant hornets attacking. If the devs removed the hornets from 7D2D because they were too immersion-breaking.....then......what does that say about real-life!??

I've already got one layer of iron spikes surrounding my house. Not gonna catch ME unprepared for what's coming I don't care what the "building permits office" or "zoning commission" say.



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Fun fact, in the USA flame throwers are legal to own (Except in CA) and operate due to A.  their rarity, and B.  (From what I read somewhere a long time ago) being the only effective weapon against killer bees.


On the off chance the hornets (or bees) come back to the game at some point, can we also have flame throwers?  lol.

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17 hours ago, Guppycur said:


I ASSume I would need to regenerate my world (or hand edit it) to get the custom POI in there, so I downloaded the Other Creatures mod instead. But it seems - and I am often a dumbass so forgive me if this is dumbassery - that the mod does not include any changes to entitygroups.xml and so I won't actually see any of them in game unless I make some changes there.


Spawning.xml sez that for the pine forest 1 entity from group "EnemyAnimalsForest" will spawn every 14 game days. That group looks like this:


<entitygroup name="EnemyAnimalsForest">
   <entity name="invisibleAnimalEnemy" prob="6"/>
   <entity name="animalWolf" prob="0.4"/>
   <entity name="animalBear" prob="0.05"/>
   <entity name="animalDireWolf" prob="0.05"/>

Should I add some of your other creatures in that group (and the others) to start seeing them in the world? Or am I being a dumbass? In my defense I searched for "creature" in your main mod thread and read every post, and I searched GitLib for any docs. I may also be a blind dumbass, though. 🙂


Edit: ahh...it seems that maybe your "other creatures" mod may be part of your contributions to the Creatures project. So maybe nevermind my dumbassery. I'll go read this thread now.



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