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17 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

I'm glad you're liking several!


Long story short for sound mod: Yes... but...The sound mod is a bit more work than my other XML mods as sounds have changed and I wanted to redo some of them.


The sounds are a bit tricky (just takes time for me to make the sounds themselves). I have a mini-project I'm hoping to finish up (sooonish) to try to document "how to add sounds to the game" and hopefully make it a bit more accessible to others (I'll probably post it as a tutorial on the modding forum) to make their own mini sound mods with a tiny bit or standardization so maybe they will all mostly play well together (load without errors).  Should this "take off" it might be interesting to see if we get a bunch of new sound mods from people, especially ones for zombie sounds as I've struggled to create any of those (that sound good) and I feel people want more of those so maybe someone will be able to.


But anyway: I'm playing a bit of a20 to get a feel for it and have noticed several sounds (doors mostly) that have changed so I'm thinking of *maybe* re-doing my sound mod into multiple sound mods (wood doors, metal doors, zeds, the new "mining sounds", etc) so it might be a bit easier for people to mix and match what sounds they want ( like if another modder makes door sounds you can pick and choose easily which ones you like, assuming if both were added it might be weird if a door opens with a "creak", and then opens with a "quack"). Since the doors changed, I'll have to re-do most of them probably, hopefully I can keep a few of 'the best" sounds I had before or mix them in with the new door sounds (add little squeaks and such).


I have been trying to "automate" some of the sound processing so I can generate a few "unique-ish" sounds quickly from existing sounds, but it may not bear much fruit. 


Also: I'm happy someone is using the UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients mod.  I wasn't sure if anyone was and I was *really* lucky it just works in a20.  It was my first mod (a17) and it was not easy to make (for me).  I can't seem to smooth the rough edges out on it!


SousChefOfTheApocalypse seems to be a favorite of people so I was thinking of making more like this (adds extra "independent" perk trees, lots of unique stuff to do, nothing overpowered just fun, etc).  Any specific reasons you like it (a food mod, more crafting, the balance/challenge, server side mod etc)?  I'm not sure if its people just like cooking (like some people like building) or if there's something specific.  I personally just wanted more food (the "egg souffle" was a joke and inspiration... "hey, before we die, want me to whip up us up a nice egg souffle?")  but also wanted it to be a bit difficult to make the good stuff vs finding/buying everything.


Hi Dough

Take as long as it takes for the Soundscommon mod, there's no rush.
What I like about mods is the balance and challenge, I like to build and mine, that they don't give you everything on a silver platter, apart from adding more things to the game, for me it's great, that's why I have the mod fiveIngredients, gives a different touch in recipes.
Happy New Year

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6 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

Update/Edit: Confirmed. I've been staring at the XML and I can't figure out what is causing this,  yet. I hope to be able to fix it as it does look like a bug.


It looks like the faster the infection is, the less the % cure effect is when you take it. like, the cure effect % changes to be less effective the faster your infection is.  Based on your numbers, to "cure' your infection mentioned above, you would have had to drink about 2 honey at the same time to get to about 5% as it seems (and I validated it acts like this) like its being cut in 1/2.

Note; the %infected and % being cured stats show up on your character screen, so at least you can see how ineffective the cure % really is at the moment and how much you will need to actually cure yourself.

Thank for looking into this. Take your time as well, please. I was kind of thinking that that is what was happening. I have no idea the length of time that the honey's curing effect usually lasts in vanilla so I couldn't be sure, but I was wondering if it essentially isn't coded to cure a fixed number but rather for a fixed time. Vanilla infection rates would then lead to the honey's curing effect removing 5% of the infection. Speed infection up by double and honey is suddenly half as effective since it lasts the same amount of time it always had. I don't know if that is how its working, I don't really have any coding knowledge, but it seems reasonable. Good luck hunting the answer down and let me know if I can be of any help. Thanks again!

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@ate0ate: I found the issue, fixed it (hopefully) and uploaded the new version to github.  I'm betting this bug was there in a19 as well...


Your idea felt right (I thought I had gotten something cut in half) until I found what it was. The bug was weird but it took a bit for me to find as I'm not too familiar with how buffs work. I had a variable in the wrong place and it was always using my maximum infection counter time which is 3 hours for one calculation, and the RNG roll for infection you get for everything else.  The "cure" rates weren't being cut in half, it just appeared that way due to a few ways math and RNG hit more often.  Once I tested more I was seeing some cure rates were being cut into fourths and other odd small numbers....


Having looked at that... I also just noticed this in case anyone runs into this:  If you take a "cure" (like honey) and the infection % and cure % look identical in the UI: the cure might not completely cure the infection.  Its a close race but it looks like it can happen ( probably a tiny bit less rare with my mod loaded). It has to do how the game does infection and is not a bug. The "infection" and "cure" math doesn't work on "percent" with 1 decimal place like it shows in game, it has more decimal places in reality.  This means that you may see "you have 5.0% percent infection" but in reality it might be 5.09% so when you take the honey cure (5%, well it has all zeros: 5.000%) you can "see" it giving 5%, but when you hit 0.0% in the game UI it might actually be 0.09% (or something like that) so the honey won't cure it completely and it can climb back up.  Just pointing this out as its a likely rare edge case and the game normally works like this BUT since my mod adds to the "infection speed" a lot so its possible you might run into this edge case more often than in vanilla Even this description is a bit off on whats actually happening but its close enough.


Also: I might be wrong about this, just what I think can happen given the digits shown in the UI are cut off from the behind the scenes math which has more digits.  Maybe the game compensates for this with rounding or something and I'm not seeing it.

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Well, that sure is convoluted! Sounds more akin to voodoo than mathematics to me lol. But seriously, what you say makes sense. I can understand that the math on display is simplified compared to behind the scenes and I can only imagine what TFP math looks like, especially after all those alphas. I would hope that TFP does have some rounding at play in there somewhere to prevent that edge case from playing out. It seems particularly likely to happen with honey as it is quite easy to get to 5% while hunting for it now, even with vanilla infection speeds. Well, I thank you for the fix and I'll give it a shot as soon as possible! 

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Update: Quick and dirty conversion of some a19 mods to a20 b238 (stable). They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20

I wasn't going to update these, but after testing I figured I guess still like the effect these 2 can add

Modlet: Buff-Ambiance-DarkerInside - Makes it darker indoors

Modlet: Doughs-Buff-Ambiance-DarkerNights - Makes it darker outside at night


Update: Tweaked PunishingWeather-Core to not be so dark all the time ("foggy" spectrum makes everything *very* dim vs "looks like a fog"),  Changed "foggy" to "desert" spectrum in forest, desert, and snow biomes so it will be a little more muted in general.  letting weather effects make up for everything else.  Note: Particle effects don't seem to work in a20 b238? not sure but I expected what it looked like in a19 (a constant dirty windy look) and its not so just bear with me as I'll be checking this as the game gets updates, maybe something isn't working as it should (or was fixed!).  I want to balance it so there's "a bit of nice day/night here and there' vs 'its always gloomy 24x7 even in full sun.  If anyone finds any good settings for this mod ( or biomes in general) that keeps it mostly hard to see far and harsh *visually*, but allows for "rare clear and ability to se far at far at some times" I'd love to add it to this mod.

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On 12/30/2021 at 9:52 PM, doughphunghus said:

@ate0ate: I found the issue, fixed it (hopefully) and uploaded the new version to github.  I'm betting this bug was there in a19 as well...


Your idea felt right (I thought I had gotten something cut in half) until I found what it was. The bug was weird but it took a bit for me to find as I'm not too familiar with how buffs work. I had a variable in the wrong place and it was always using my maximum infection counter time which is 3 hours for one calculation, and the RNG roll for infection you get for everything else.  The "cure" rates weren't being cut in half, it just appeared that way due to a few ways math and RNG hit more often.  Once I tested more I was seeing some cure rates were being cut into fourths and other odd small numbers....


Having looked at that... I also just noticed this in case anyone runs into this:  If you take a "cure" (like honey) and the infection % and cure % look identical in the UI: the cure might not completely cure the infection.  Its a close race but it looks like it can happen ( probably a tiny bit less rare with my mod loaded). It has to do how the game does infection and is not a bug. The "infection" and "cure" math doesn't work on "percent" with 1 decimal place like it shows in game, it has more decimal places in reality.  This means that you may see "you have 5.0% percent infection" but in reality it might be 5.09% so when you take the honey cure (5%, well it has all zeros: 5.000%) you can "see" it giving 5%, but when you hit 0.0% in the game UI it might actually be 0.09% (or something like that) so the honey won't cure it completely and it can climb back up.  Just pointing this out as its a likely rare edge case and the game normally works like this BUT since my mod adds to the "infection speed" a lot so its possible you might run into this edge case more often than in vanilla Even this description is a bit off on whats actually happening but its close enough.


Also: I might be wrong about this, just what I think can happen given the digits shown in the UI are cut off from the behind the scenes math which has more digits.  Maybe the game compensates for this with rounding or something and I'm not seeing it.

Yeah i used it in a19 and always just assumed it was on purpose to represent how aggressive the infection is now, so you need to take more cure% than what is listed as your infection% and keep an eye on it.

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Hi @doughphunghus I had installed your YouveGotMail mod and i enjoying it so far, it gives variety and a touch of fun to loot.


I looted a tic-tac-toe game and when i tried to place it in a wall the console pop-up with a red line that said something about lootcontainer doesn't found or similar. Is because i'm playing alone or is a known bug?


And there is one thing that i can't figure it out, the cardboard box...i can't find the recipies, are there only lootables?


Anyway fun mod. I lol a lot of times in only a day playing with it.

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3 hours ago, magejosh said:

Yeah i used it in a19 and always just assumed it was on purpose to represent how aggressive the infection is now, so you need to take more cure% than what is listed as your infection% and keep an eye on it.

I kinda did the same thing too, I never really noticed the rates weren't matching properly, just that "well, sometimes its really bad!".  I just started using double (or more depending on how infected I was) of medicine to make sure it "worked".

1 hour ago, RBN said:

Hi @doughphunghus I had installed your YouveGotMail mod and i enjoying it so far, it gives variety and a touch of fun to loot.


I looted a tic-tac-toe game and when i tried to place it in a wall the console pop-up with a red line that said something about lootcontainer doesn't found or similar. Is because i'm playing alone or is a known bug?


And there is one thing that i can't figure it out, the cardboard box...i can't find the recipies, are there only lootables?


Anyway fun mod. I lol a lot of times in only a day playing with it.

@RBN: Thanks for the info!  I have fixed this and uploaded a new version on github.  I guess the way loot containers worked and how they link to the blocks has changed in a20. Its the only mod I made with loot containers and I completely missed it during "testing".


Possible issue: Because I had to fix the game board blocks, I'm not sure if the one you already have is going to work once you load the new mod version (it may not update this property in blocks that already "exist" in game, *I'm not sure*). If it doesn't fix your existing game board, you're going to have to throw it away/destroy it and give yourself another one using the creative menu (or loot another).


game boards are pretty simple in real life... I should probably make some "fun" and semi tedious recipes to make them....hmmmm

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22 minutes ago, RBN said:

Fixed. No need to take another from creative.


And about the cardboard boxes, cotton balls, etc...are they only loot items or can be crafted?

Most things are only lootable right now but I am wanting to add more to the mod to make it as "useful" as possible even though most things are "useless" and just fun and to dilute the loot tables a bit.  I'll put this in as an "issue" on my github repo to remind me to look at it a bit deeper (i mean, you should be able to craft cotton balls from cotton plants, for example etc.). The current version is just an a19 -> a20 conversion and them I'm going to go through the a19 "issues list" and update all my mods to clear out the known "issues".

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Just a quick question, when I went to download the "add 5 recipe slots" it told me the zipfile was named "Doughs-UI-Remove-PlayerItemsFromCompass.zip."  Is that just a misnamed .zip or has the wrong file been uploaded to that mod's page?

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2 hours ago, RBN said:

It could be cool too if the items like action figures,etc  could be placed like decorations.


Also i found another console error at opening a working stiiff, now you're stiff box or something like that



I’ll try to fix it soon (maybe in a few hours). It might be similar to the other problem but the boxes have a defined list of items… so that’s weird.

1 hour ago, Carnaxus said:

Just a quick question, when I went to download the "add 5 recipe slots" it told me the zipfile was named "Doughs-UI-Remove-PlayerItemsFromCompass.zip."  Is that just a misnamed .zip or has the wrong file been uploaded to that mod's page?

Where are you downloading from? GitHub (like directly) or from another site like 7daystodiemods.com?

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@RBN: I lied, I was able to get to it sooner.  I scoured the mod a bit closer this time and found 2 items that were renamed in a20.  Hopefully I got them all :)  The updated version has been uploaded to github just now.


"action figures,etc  could be placed like decorations": Welll.. currently they are just the images of the the large (human sized) "mannequin blocks" so if they were placed they would be huge (and they're action figures).  To make them placeable I'd have to add 3D models and that would "break" the mod for servers, which I'm trying to not do.  Maybe I can come up with something, but no promises on this one :)

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Happy (and prosperous) New Year, Dough: Quick question if I may.   I've had the Pun. Weather. mods on each iteration of 7Days, (thank you - one of the best mods made) and have just dropped the Core into this one - A20. I'm at level 43-Day 36, and it's 20:00hrs in the evening following the Day 35 horde, and was out getting a feel for how the Core actually is, you know - Pine  compared to Burnt, etc., and whether I want to lighten it up a bit with one of the modifier mods, and was stuck by the power and ferocity of the wind: It looked and felt absolutely awesome, night closing in, storming, thunder, trees, bushes and grass whipping around, etc., but I was kinda 'nonplussed' by the lack of wind noise..  I looked in the sounds xml for a reference to it - but there isn't one, and no references anywhere (that I can find) to wind noise. Anything over 30 mph will produce good noise in the trees in the r/w, but it's missing here!!   Any ideas? Suggestions?


PS - on  doing some more Googling - it might be that I have the "Ambient sounds" too low...  I've changed it and will pop back here if I am satisfied: I don't want you wasting your time!

PS. Well - there is wind noise, but even at 100% it's not where I would call "Gale Force" - 60 mph. . . nor has the noise - the roar - that (I reckon) should be heard.



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On 1/3/2022 at 11:40 AM, paulj_3 said:

Any ideas? Suggestions?

Happy new year to you as well! :)


All of my mods that I’ve converted for a20 is a “first pass”, meaning “I hope they work as advertised”. I’m playing them in a game now and I usually treat based on ho things feel. For the weather mods, it looks like TFP has made changes to the weather and how it looks/behaves.  I did my best to convert but I’ve noticed some things don’t work like I thought they would. One of those things is the “dirt in the air” effect, which used to be very obvious (like a constant effect all the time) but now it’s almost as if it’s not working at all :(. I’m hoping a patch or two from the devs will put it back.


for all the other effects, believe it or not I didn’t make them, that’s what the “in game” weather now looks like. And yeah, it’s really nice (especially the lighting).My mods basically just “make the bad weather happen more often” and “make the extremes more extreme”.

for the wind, that’s interesting as the weather (in the old a19 mod) had multiple tunings and I generally made it always “at least a little windy” and almost never 0 wind” and It did feel like it worked/sounded correct. For a20, the reworked weather changes actually have “default”, “rain”, “fog”, and “storm” predefined, with some other settings.  What you probably saw was “storm”… but I did turn the wind and other things up a lot.  I’m wondering if the wind has some limit and visually it looks correct (grass and things moving with wind was an a20 update too) but the built in “storm” sound levels are not matching up. I’m not sure there’s much I can obviously do, as I didn’t set it above the internally documented limits…..

anyway: I’ll put it down as something to test for and see if I can reproduce.  If I can I might file a big report with TFP, if it’s obvious that it’s not something in the mod  I messed up as in theory it would happen without the mod… but maybe there is some “limit” that you shouldn’t go past that’s still in the acceptable range of values. Hard to tell. It’s a hard mod to test but there are some debug commands I can check to force weather changes so maybe I can find it quickly. 


EDIT: Verified in test game the wind "effect" and the sounds that go with it are way off when super windy. made issue on my a19 github to track for a20 "fixes" as that's where I'm working from at the moment.


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Ok.. Thanks for looking at it Dough: I did push the ambient sounds up to max, but the storm had abated as I got back in. The rest of the storm, though, is quite impressive, though I also noticed the "dirt in the air" wasn't as it was in 19.  I figured on playing with some of the numbers and moving some stuff in and out, but I'm just going on hunches. My biomes aren't 'normal' biomes, either: I've been doing the 'dot' blending technique since KingGen was released, and it makes for a terrific landscape that is quite unpredictable. One can create a map with lots of 'Pinery', but that gives too 'nice' an environment - not really 'apocalypse', and making the two hostile areas mix, with occasional patches of sand, or pine forest - some large, some small, makes for a very 'real' feeling of immersion.    There's nothing like trying to get home (on Bdub's dirt bike) at one in the morning, in the dark, and through a very varying mix of biome, with rain, thunder, wind and noise, with everything around moving. It's the first time I've experienced that in 7Days, so I reckon the Pimps have been successful in creating a hostile night environment. I like it, and actually - your mods - whichever alpha used, but especially this mod, in this release - have moved the immersion level up more than a few notches. 


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I’ve been wondering how those “blended” maps look, I haven’t tried them yet, sounds like they work really well!


I’m hoping to get the “dirt” back as I really miss it, and on my system it “hides” the fact my graphics setting are so low that things don’t render in the distance, so I will be trying to fix it :)


FYI: I usually update this forum with “status” when I make several or major mod changes, so if I can get it fixed it will be posted here.  Currently I’m trying to balance the loot in my “you’ve got mail” mod as it’s really messed up in a20. Everything is supposed to be “rare” and every container I open has like 6 items in it… totally not how it’s supposed to be :)

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Hahaha!  Yeah - the loot is crazy-good! But that'll get fixed.   Valmar's Perk-Survival Books everywhere!   ( 👍 ). 

For me - because the blending emphasis is on the two hostile environments and being the larger percentage of the map area - while the Pine Forest is fragmented - the PF is the best of only a few choices, and that creates a sense of urgency in finding that "preferred" safe haven in the PF.  It becomes apparent that it's now only a "probable" safe place. . .  Modifying the weather with your mod by making the PF more inclement adds a whole other level to the drama.  What was a cake-walk game is now changed. However - that might not be everyone's cup of tea!

Blended and Stormy. Three shots of Day 2 in my "normal" residence. . . . with a single blended shot from an A19 map, with water and biomes modded to get open spaces and wide shorelines.

The A19 shot was inspired by conversations with Tallman Brad and his video on making the water map in A19, where it was discovered that one's own newly-created water map prevented trees growing above it!


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@paulj_3: if you like “more harrowing ambiance” I have a few more mods that add to it.  I’m on my phone so I’ll just type a close enough name:


- darker inside: this mod makes it pitch black when you’re considered “indoors”. Transitioning in/out looks a little

weird, and standing “outside” looking in its actually not dark inside. So it’s got some quirks.  Anyway, when inside, and no light, you have to have a light source. The vanilla game has a “dim light” all the time, and this basically removes it.  It also seems to dim light sources a bit, but if you play in a dark room it’s much more useable.  Also: in early game you’ll find all you have is a torch, that you have to place on a wall to fight zeds when indoors.  Run away or lose the torch and you’re dead. It changes things up a bit :). I find just entering anything but a small POI is kinda impossible for awhile early game.


- darker nights: the a20 night is pretty dark. This drops the moonlight and other things to make it “as dark as it can be” maybe a skosh above max just so some moonlight works.  In a18? A14? it was nice and dark and a19 it was bright all night long so I made this to compensate. It’s kinda not needed but if you have this loaded and are outside, shadows are pitch black. It’s a little odd but zeds can completely be in the darkness and you might not be able to see them.  Really painful in the burnt forest/wasteland as it’s already really dark there. I almost didn’t release it for a20 as a20 does a good job by default. 

- one hour of daylight. There are about 2 other mods I know of that do this, but basically it allows you to go to 0 hours of daylight (despite the name) in the game start settings. Personally, the lowest I ever played was 2-4 hours of daylight, as it’s nice to see the daytime and it gives you some “running away time” if you get trapped.

Note that horde nights are longer the less daylight you set, and you also start the game at night if you go low enough!


I have not tested but I believe all these mods above can be added/removed mod game. They don’t add any items or anything, just setting world globals and UI time pickers.


“Craft flashlights” mod: becAuse finding a flashlight and putting it in your helmet or gun kinda destroys the darkness (as well as making lanterns) I made a mod that makes it much harder to get to flashlights or lanterns. You basically have to get all the parts, then craft them. The parts are hard to find (if it still works properly with the existing loot tables). 

hopefully eventually I’ll be able to make the flashlight batteries “die” over time, so finding/crafting them might be made a little easier, and xyth mentioned a way to do it with car batteries… I might attempt this once I see how the other “degrade item” mods work once they get converted to a20.  I also wanted to figure out a way to make them “have varying degrees of brightness” so your first crafted ones might be very dim based on parts quality or something. 

anyway: glad you like the weather/darkness “challenge”! I like it too as it kinda keeps you amped up a bit as you can’t hear/see we’ll, so zeds can kinda get the jump on you at weird times.

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Nice to know that you're still keeping them all up to date Dough: You've had a some of them around for a few years - I still have your "Daylight Hours" and Core mods in my A17 archive, and probably in A16 too...  I think Eihwaz had a "True Darkness" mod at that time too. There's a lot to play with.
A working Darker Inside will be great - but especially if it could be modified to recognise "underground" or "bunker"  When one is forty feet down,  it's quite bizarre to "see" dawn coming at 3:45. 
Darker nights: It'll give us "wanna-be" modders a new tool to play with!   I'm ok with this darkness - just messing around with your A19 version really!
And batteries that need charging. Needed too. I think Subquake may have something like it: it's been a while.
Anyway - enough of "long-winded" me. I'm sure there are thousands looking forward to seeing what's ahead from you for A20.
Thanks again Dough!



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On 1/1/2022 at 4:10 PM, doughphunghus said:

@RBN: I lied, I was able to get to it sooner.  I scoured the mod a bit closer this time and found 2 items that were renamed in a20.  Hopefully I got them all :)  The updated version has been uploaded to github just now.


"action figures,etc  could be placed like decorations": Welll.. currently they are just the images of the the large (human sized) "mannequin blocks" so if they were placed they would be huge (and they're action figures).  To make them placeable I'd have to add 3D models and that would "break" the mod for servers, which I'm trying to not do.  Maybe I can come up with something, but no promises on this one :)

Possibly make them into entities that dont move or interact at all, then you can use the size scale property on their entityclasses entry. Then just make a spawner block and make that found item that, so you place it and it gives the preview of the spawner block which you can use the mannequin block to create i think so you can see facing and then place the block and the tiny version will spawn into that space.

edit- maybe even use the umazombie template for this so you can use the player archetypes and make action figures out of each of those.


Also, while i know this isn't your problem to deal with I'm at the point where i have to admit i may not have enough understanding to fix this particular issue. I've got the UI add 5 recipe slots mod installed and a larger backpack mod. I setup the inspect panel to match the width of the new backpack size, but i keep struggling to fix the layout of the ingredients list to match the new size of 807 for the backpack window. 251570_20220105065427_1.thumb.png.810f6a3879979dabfc58295ddda30414.png


Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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20 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

I’ve been wondering how those “blended” maps look, I haven’t tried them yet, sounds like they work really well!


I’m hoping to get the “dirt” back as I really miss it, and on my system it “hides” the fact my graphics setting are so low that things don’t render in the distance, so I will be trying to fix it :)


FYI: I usually update this forum with “status” when I make several or major mod changes, so if I can get it fixed it will be posted here.  Currently I’m trying to balance the loot in my “you’ve got mail” mod as it’s really messed up in a20. Everything is supposed to be “rare” and every container I open has like 6 items in it… totally not how it’s supposed to be :)

You've got mail is awesome. I love that every other container is full of mostly junk items that will fill your inventory. However i have noticed that a20 shifted to putting items mostly in lootgroups only and lootgroups in lootcontainers. It might be that you just need to make lootgroups for the items and add those lootgroups to the lootcontainers. You can create more modular control over random counts and probabilies that way as well. And if after listing prob=".05" or whatever it is if you add in force_prob="true" that will help make it actually use your listed probability.  And if instead of using a prob number you used something like 


then the items will show up low prob first few levels and grow until level 60 or so where it will drop off until level 65 where you will not find them anymore.

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