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A19/A18 CreaturePacks - A community entity project


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Pushed the A19 Humans and Zombie packs for testing.  There are not many in the packs, as the other contributors are waiting for an updated controller, the very same controller you all will be testing and finding bugs.  Aslo included and needing testing is the Character Effectspack modlet.  That adds an infection process that lets zombies infect Humans and then the humans turn into zombies.  It also adds several new walktypes to both Humans and zombies.


Big changes, characters stumble, swim, and turn heads.  Ranged characters are deadly accurate now, editable in xml.  No more vomit weapons.


Do not load these into an existing save game, and do not test on a gamesave you care about.  Expect bugs and you wont be disappointed.


Known Issues:   


1.  Still no footstep sounds on characters, as it requires scripts we cant load, but fixed in the NPC pack

2.  If you use the effects pack, the process is sped up for testing, so they will turn zombie while you watch.  XML explains how to reset that to a full week.  Unfortunately once the fully turn, they wont attack they player as factions still dont work in vanilla, and targeting is still class based.  Looks cool though, and works much better in the NPC modlet.  Also, these are freshly turned zombies, so still hold onto weapons and can use them, even ranged ones.  Watch out.


Find more please, and have fun.




Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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i was spawning zombies from f6 menu testing things and got it.i restarted the game the buzzing and flies went away but the symbol is still saying isinfected on player status. also been playing around for about an hour or so still havent seen any different zombies bandits seem to be working fine tho as sleepers an in open world love your work thanks for all you do tip my hat to you brother

Edited by corona9800 (see edit history)
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I got that buff too. It was in the character effects pack because after removing the effects pack only and not the creaturepackhuman I was completely debuffed (no flies, lol) and was not displaying the "isinfected" symbol. If it weren't for the flies, I would happily watch my character turn :) I had the marvelous priviledge of watching a farmer turn, the experience was seamless and believable (very well done indeed).

I also noticed that with the effects pack activated, vanilla zombies make no guttural sounds when they spot you.


Contrary to what you say about turned zombies not attacking the player, the farmer once turned, did attack.

Edited by Finch55
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I only swapped 3 sounds for testing as i was focused on making sure turned characters stopped making human sounds.  I can add the alert sound in a future release.  If you have the latest version you should not get the buff.  I did notice players are getting a few unneeded buffs and the humans are not self healing so those changes ARE pushed.


One other Known Issue I forgot to mention, the TFP fire buff might either look strange or throw warnings when applied to Humans and NPCs.  Thats an issue with their buff not the characters, as far as I can tell.  

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Yes, just change her template from bandit to survivor.  Bandits are badguys, survivors are good guys.  Otherwise they are identical.


So you need to only change 2 lines in entityclasses.xml:


        <entity_class name="humanHarleyBanditClub" extends="humanMeleeFemaleBanditTemplate">  changes to         <entity_class name="humanHarleyBanditClub" extends="humanMeleeFemaleSurvivorTemplate"> 


and          <entity_class name="humanHarleyBanditSMG" extends="humanRangedFemaleBanditTemplate">  changes to         <entity_class name="humanHarleyBanditSMG" extends="humanRangedFemaleSurvivorTemplate"> 



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Pushed a fix for the occasional particle rendering on zero mesh warning when fire particles are applied to a mesh.   The fix is in the 2-Character effects modlet for testing.  The particle I made as a replacement isnt perfect but good enough for now in case TFP makes theirs more compatible.  


A new Tag named "cp" for characterpack is used to switch between the 2 particles depending on the target.  It was added to all CP characters.

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Every character has a two archers, bow and xbow.  There just isn't that old archer gal I made for A16.  She was due for retirement.


The vault folks are by DarkStardragon, and hes busy so those will be delayed.  The other contributors all have the a19 project so new characters will trickle in as we get cloder to Stable.  


What is include are my test characters.  They work much better than the A18 versions, but need testing and likely xml optimization.

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Alright but unfortunate. Maybe you could re-release he old archer gal as a survivor, a character allied to the player. i liked that model

btw is the Archer the same from darkness falls mod? because they look alike.

 And i changed the harley template and spawned 2 smg harleys and 2 pistol harleys and they attacked each other after a short while. Why?

Edited by kanealpha (see edit history)
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Hello. I dl'ed the packs, and can't spawn any of the new humans or zombies without locking up the game and showing a "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error message in the console.  I can hear the creature but cannot see him or move my character.  Any help?


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I would need to see your logs.  Sounds like the meshes are not loading.  


I just pushed a new version of all the packs with a hack to force preloading, so no more lag on the first spawn of each model.  One exception, the Hornet, which will lag hard on first spawn, but i will work on him later.

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From Steam or Launcher 

From  .exe  
%AppData%\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log

From dedicated through startdedicated.bat 

From Executable
<homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log

From start scripts or Steam

From server with management scripts


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...running into a real space issue on the laptop, which is delaying my zombie conversion... I think I have that sorted (or maybe I just deleted some unity projects I will need later, but that's a tomorrow problem), so *may* have my conversions done tonight.  If not, tomorrow is a travel day, so I dunno when afterwards.


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Please be aware if you load a Drone modlet by Gyancher2 on Nexus, it will break the creaturepacks badly, as he just copy/pasted my xml and copied several of my unity3d resource files and duplicate loads those.  He made no attempt at compatibility in any file, so I suggest you avoid that modlet.


Updated terms of use in hopes folks will use these pack assets more responsibly.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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I want to first say that I am enjoying the Mod, day one I am walking to the trader and was murdered by a bandit. After that I decided to give myself a full set of armor and a few weapons to fight back. I ended up deleting that save and starting a new one since I added another Mod for my backpack, second time playing this has gone so much better and I am loving the challenge.


One question is, Can you recruit the survivors to go with you as I would like a partner during these battles since I am playing SP?

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