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PLEASE let us draw on the map.


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Keeping track of which buildings you've looted becomes extremely difficult in large cities, and putting a custom waypoint on every single building clutters your waypoint list and your compass, and is a pain. Just let us put little markers (or draw freehand) on the map that don't show up as waypoints.

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Kickz fan? :)


Not expecting The Pimps to create a Paint for us, but what Atomic there suggests might work, say, a tabbed list of map markers, with "All" as the first and only default, and a big '+' next to it to add and rename our own marking sets and a visibility toggle for the whole tab. (off the top of my head. I'd have: Looted POIs, Ore locations (for biome rarites), Traders, Working Stations)


EDIT: Then again, I'd rather have an ingame Notepad, for playthrough-specific notes. Like "You can craft a Reflex Sight, maybe make a couple"

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It would be cool, but probably difficult to implement and could get messy. Erasing things you've drawn could be hard.

I think better icons, more icons to choose from, and a way to toggle it's visibility in the compass would be enough.


Simple painting and erasing could be done by a programing student in 1-2 nights.

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Simple painting and erasing could be done by a programing student in 1-2 nights.


Sure if it was just one big canvas. I’m assuming what you draw would have to be individual sets of objects, possibly overlapping. If you want to erase some drawing associated with a marker you would need to have event listeners on the drawn objects as to select the marker before editing or deleting. Then because of overlap, if you want something that’s behind something else you need a layering functions to tell it to move to the back of the stack. Going the other way around, selecting a marker from a list needs to highlight or bring to front the associated drawing.


Not to mention... even though they aren’t working on console right now, the features they implement always consider controller use. Ever try to draw with a controller? It’s a skill not worth gaining experience in just to mark things on a map sufficiently.


Or... more icons, color selections, and a toggle for compass visibility.

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It would be cool, but probably difficult to implement and could get messy. Erasing things you've drawn could be hard.

I think better icons, more icons to choose from, and a way to toggle it's visibility in the compass would be enough.


I was hoping for same thing. Being able to turn on and off waypoints on compass would make life so much easier in game.

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When I want to keep track, I usually put a sign on the front of the building with the day to come back after the loot respawns. I normally play my SP maps on 10 day loot respawn, so if I loot a building on Day 4, I'll put a sign that says Day 14. If I don't plan on coming back (say it's a far away city or something), I'll take paint and a paintbrush and just put the archery target on each thing I've completed. That doesn't help when you're looking at the map and planning, but it's handy when you're going through a town.

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When I want to keep track, I usually put a sign on the front of the building with the day to come back after the loot respawns. I normally play my SP maps on 10 day loot respawn, so if I loot a building on Day 4, I'll put a sign that says Day 14. If I don't plan on coming back (say it's a far away city or something), I'll take paint and a paintbrush and just put the archery target on each thing I've completed. That doesn't help when you're looking at the map and planning, but it's handy when you're going through a town.

Mmmm... solo... Loot respawn... find the mistake...


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