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Not Enough Zombies


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I find the lack of zombies makes A18 kinda boring. 3 sleeper zombies in a tier 2 clear job? Please, don't make me laugh. I rarely see them in the world, either. They've dialed back the zombie threat so far that the game is kinda boring now.


Any way to mod the zombies back in?

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Playing with two friends last night, our base is the tall portion of the pop-n-pills. We each have a level we call home. 5th floor was covered completely with spikes. With all the forges, campfires and torches going, plus base re-design, we must have raised our heat to extreme levels. We ended up with about 12 screamers bashing on my door. Before long, 50ish zombies poured into my living room. We fired every bullet we had, but were over run. I respawned on a ledge outside our base, I could see dozens of zombies coming out of the trees, right for us. I lost my entire inventory and armor. Tonight's mission is to find a new place to call home for a while, I guess. It was day 33.

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Playing with two friends last night, our base is the tall portion of the pop-n-pills. We each have a level we call home. 5th floor was covered completely with spikes. With all the forges, campfires and torches going, plus base re-design, we must have raised our heat to extreme levels. We ended up with about 12 screamers bashing on my door. Before long, 50ish zombies poured into my living room. We fired every bullet we had, but were over run. I respawned on a ledge outside our base, I could see dozens of zombies coming out of the trees, right for us. I lost my entire inventory and armor. Tonight's mission is to find a new place to call home for a while, I guess. It was day 33.

Love it :) Sometimes ♥♥♥♥ happens, but this game seems to be governed by Murphy's law.

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Playing with two friends last night, our base is the tall portion of the pop-n-pills. We each have a level we call home. 5th floor was covered completely with spikes. With all the forges, campfires and torches going, plus base re-design, we must have raised our heat to extreme levels. We ended up with about 12 screamers bashing on my door. Before long, 50ish zombies poured into my living room. We fired every bullet we had, but were over run. I respawned on a ledge outside our base, I could see dozens of zombies coming out of the trees, right for us. I lost my entire inventory and armor. Tonight's mission is to find a new place to call home for a while, I guess. It was day 33.


Pretty sure the OP doesn't mean screamer hordes. As no matter if it's day 1 or day 33, you can light up about 30 campfires and farm them for xp.


I don't see many during the day, but there are always quite a few running around at night. I'm kind of torn on the lower amount of zombies. It's nice to be able to loot without spending several in game hours clearing out zombies, but at the same time, it's kind of boring just running around looting without fear of something sneaking up on you

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I find both sucks. And there are definitely far less zombies than in any alpha before - patch notes even said. POIs are a joke now. World is dead (and not in the good way). Utterly boring.


What difficulty are you on? That sounds very far from the experience we're having.


Difficulty setting doesn't affect zombie numbers.

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they should add a slider (with a warning about having more moving entities will be heavy on systems) that ups the zombie counts (call it World Spawns)


0% add no zombies beyond the normal amount (vanilla)

25% more

50% more

75% more

100% doubled

and finally 200% for those beefy PC people out there (may need a game engine overhaul to handle it, no idea)


using a wondering horde of 4 as an example, 25% would add 1, 50% 2...200% would add 8 more, making the wandering horde 12


this would include Screamer hordes but leave BM hordes unaffected since they have their own slider


a dream I know, but a fun one

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they should add a slider (with a warning about having more moving entities will be heavy on systems) that ups the zombie counts (call it World Spawns)


0% add no zombies beyond the normal amount (vanilla)

25% more

50% more

75% more

100% doubled

and finally 200% for those beefy PC people out there (may need a game engine overhaul to handle it, no idea)


using a wondering horde of 4 as an example, 25% would add 1, 50% 2...200% would add 8 more, making the wandering horde 12


this would include Screamer hordes but leave BM hordes unaffected since they have their own slider


a dream I know, but a fun one


There used to have a slider that was kind of like that in previous alphas. I don't remember when or why it was removed.

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I find the lack of zombies makes A18 kinda boring. 3 sleeper zombies in a tier 2 clear job? Please, don't make me laugh. I rarely see them in the world, either. They've dialed back the zombie threat so far that the game is kinda boring now.


Any way to mod the zombies back in?


Increasing the biome spawns etc in spawning.xml worked fine in initial experimental (not tested in current builds but it likely still works fine).

Did not remove a spawning increase modlet I made for A17 from the mods folder when I started first game in experimental.

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Sounds like maybe a POI was marked as Tier 2 when it shouldn't have. I haven't even seen a Tier 1 with only 3 zombies.

If you come across it again, I would screenshot it and send it to the devs in a bug report.


As for the world, we do have the random encounters system coming, but also don't forget that we have bandits coming too. While it would be nice if they increased the count until we get those things, at the same time it's work that would be wasted because it's only going to change soon.

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