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What's your favorite way to play?


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I'm talking about do you enjoy vanilla, which settings are a must for you, one life, multiple life's, which difficulty, zombie behavior, length of the day, modlets you can't go without, mods in general.


Just overall what's your preferred way to play and with which settings/mods etc.

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Don't mess with mods that much, though there's been a few that have caught my eye.


All about just general fun for me rather than trying to bash my face into a wall of difficulty. Raised XP gains, loot at 200%, drop nothing on death, the rest is usually pretty much default. Don't really get bored of it, honestly. If I want to just chill out I'll toggle zombies to walking at day/night and just leave day 7 hordes to their running/sprinting or whatever default is.

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One life, loot at 200% for the first 2 days, spawns off first 2 days (I RP that the city/town/hamlet I start near was devoid of zombies but the noise I made "happily looting" draws them to me) after the 2 days its 100% loot, spawns back on, warrior difficulty, normal speeds(walk daytime, sprint nighttime) no mods yet

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Due to the new AI and general woes A18 introduced, lately I keep everything default including difficulty. The game stage curve seems very aggressive, so rushing for weapon stashes and stashing up ammo, and leveraging zombie AI exploitations (or killboxes) to allow me to kill every single zombie during horde night with melee is my normal preferred strat. Then I can keep ammo in reserve for oh ♥♥♥♥ situations. I actually avoid zombies until horde night, so I can boost my level heavily during it and not worry about over scaled zombies prior, then hopefully get ahead of game stage in weaponry before it becomes a sizable problem. In the past if I slayed every zombie I got across, the game curved too quick and I had ferals attacking me before I even had guns.. So, I choose my battles now.


I always play ironman mode. If I die, I failed and don't deserve to continue.


Once I min/max the AI and get more comfortable with perk choices, I'll boost difficulty up to insane again.

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I tend to play permadeath, or maybe 3lives max.


2 Settings that stand out to me:


-Loot respawn off. It just feels weird to me that loot would respawn. It's really a thing for multiplayer in my eyes, and is completely immersion breaking in singleplayer.


-Airdrops off. Also immersion breaking. In this world, who would be flying that plane? :D Also, it tends to make the game easier, so i switch it off. In the past i've also played with airdrop every 7days, which gives you a airdrop after each hordenight (if set to 7days obviously), which is kind of a reward for surviving hordenight. (you know, besides living :) )

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-Loot respawn off. It just feels weird to me that loot would respawn. It's really a thing for multiplayer in my eyes, and is completely immersion breaking in singleplayer.


-Airdrops off. Also immersion breaking. In this world, who would be flying that plane? :D Also, it tends to make the game easier, so i switch it off. In the past i've also played with airdrop every 7days, which gives you a airdrop after each hordenight (if set to 7days obviously), which is kind of a reward for surviving hordenight. (you know, besides living :) )


Yes, loot respawns and airdrops both off are standard fare for my games also.

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I heavily modded zombie spawning in A16 and 17 but I play vanilla elsewise (def mod free now, no need to change anything horde wise in 18 [thank you guys<3])


Generally I play on warrior with normal other settings aside from I lower the 24 hour time and I have daytime zombies on jog, nighttime sprint and ferals/bloodmoon on nightmare speeds. I should start turning loot respawns off, idk why I never do. I never loot the same places twice anyway. Typically I find a house to live in / do the first few horde nights in while saving resources for a horde base. Kinda mix of nomad/homebody.


After ~day 21, I turn horde nights on to 3 days, then after day 30 I turn them on every night for fun (and Insane difficulty) - whenever I feel as if I'm too stocked on gear and ammo.

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I tend to choose 2 or 3 weapons for a whole play through and see how they fair early - mid - late game just to see how well they do on insane/nightmare run permadeath (not whilst experimental). It's interesting, for me anyway, to see what works better than others. Then I rotate between nomad (trader only for emergencies) or building bases that use as little resources as possible.


So far:

+ Fists are friggin amazing fun and satisfying, jab and hook combos cmon?! Wish there was an uppercut, holds up well to irradiated;

+ I luv spears are in the game but they don't hold up well on always run, damage is a bit on low side;

+ Sledge, dropped down the list a bit for me, their hit box seems very small and contact sound doesn't feel satisfying for a big heavy weapon, still a good option with the knock downs tho;

+ Clubs are always a safe option does well throughout, knocks down quite often too helpful for always run;

+ Blades are awesome, bleed + flaming mod + chance to decap + rad remover? Shut up and take my money;

+ Pistols are my fav firearm so far but needs points in those critical hits.

+ Yet to really try out Intellect weapons, but baton n turret combo a bit too passive for my tastes.


Loot spawn definitely off for sp. Air drops I find are ok, half the time I don't even go find them if too far, but it's a welcome distraction from the looting / killing routine. You hear the plane and i think, hmmm there's still survivors out there.


Horde every night but with a range of 7, makes things very random.

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I exclusively play multiplayer with my wife and a friend, and we only get to play for a couple of hours two or three times per week at the most so things go very slowly. For example we've not got past day five on A18 yet because we've simply not had the time (especially since we re-set when the second experimental came out). I think the furthest we've ever got without resetting in any version of the game is around day forty five, and that took us months of play.


We tend to play super-casually, since we're all in our late forties to early fifties and we've never really been FPS players.


Having said that, we play on mostly default settings. The only things we change are:


  • We turn horde night off. We don't find horde night too difficult, we just find it (and especially all the resource gathering and building of defenses that it requires) tedious.
  • We turn markers on for air drops.
  • We expand the XP-sharing range to the full 10,000m


When it comes to mods, the only ones we use are ones to show extra HUD information (e.g. water, zombie kills, and so forth) and one to get rid of the strippers - for anti-tacky-sexism reasons rather than anti-nudity reasons.

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I play the game as closely to The Walking Dead as possible. Walking zeds, no loot respawn, 32 during horde night (would gladly do more if performance was not an issue), 2 hour days (I like having long horde nights), 1 life to live, no perk-to-craft.

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