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Bring Back the Plains


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In that quote provided by TSBX, Madmole said that plains could be used as a sub-biome. Is that currently the case? I’d rather see plains return as a main biome and for burnt forest to become a sub-biome of forest.


I agree with the burnt forest. Too much of that at times. However, I would be ok with plains as a sub-biome. If I set up a base in a forest, it essentially becomes the plains in a couple of weeks anyway. I would much rather see new biomes that have significantly different features... particularly a swamp biome that actually looks like a swamp-- trees in shallow water, tons of them fallen and rotting, vines hanging down, murky water. Perhaps water snakes could be a quick an easy variation of a classic enemy if gators are undesirable to include. My biggest desire would be a new zombie covered in moss and mud.


When making POIs, you cannot place sleeper zombies in water. You can do things like spawn them in above water so that they fall into water when they spawn, and they will sleep until woken as usual... but it would be nice if they improved that. Then, they could even make outdoor swamp POIs with sleepers in the murky, shallow water. Imagine trudging through the swamp and seeing zombies stand up out of the water around you?


In the end though, even if no new biomes are added, or no biomes added back in, I do hope they at least make it reasonable for modders to create additional biomes and work them in. In the very least, it would be good if they just left some placeholders to work with.

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I was just correcting the misinformation provided by zombo. Literally fake news.


EDIT: To hell with biome texture meshing, we need 10+ biomes. I don't care how bad it looks.


How was that fake news when madmole says it will be a sub-biome. You don't need those exact ground textures to do the plains biome, the lighting\plants, landscape design is more important then the missing old texture. And who's to say in time they won't figure out a way to have more textures anyways?


But if you need to believe they will NEVER have a new biome, I can't stop you from that, but I think you will be shown to be very wrong in due time.

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I agree with the burnt forest. Too much of that at times. However, I would be ok with plains as a sub-biome. If I set up a base in a forest, it essentially becomes the plains in a couple of weeks anyway.






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I make it a point to kill every tree in a slowly and ever expanded radius around my base to further my line of sight from the base, out to the limits of the distant terrain drawing (ok, I've never actually made it that far, but ONE DAY I WILL!!!!!!!) ;-)

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Yes, I do... I replant a ton. I just replant a ring around my base beyond the render distance. Too many trees near base causes lag.


EDIT: They also get in the way of shots and seeing what's coming (the main reason for wanting to build in the plains)

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A19 might see proper radiated game play and we would delete biomes before adding any more. To me its rather immersion breaking changing biomes too frequently. I hope to have a global precipitation system for A19 right now you can just leave the biome and avoid the weather and its kind of immersion breaking its raining in one biome and not the other. It would snow in the snow biome.


Not looking good...

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A19 might see proper radiated game play and we would delete biomes before adding any more. To me its rather immersion breaking changing biomes too frequently. I hope to have a global precipitation system for A19 right now you can just leave the biome and avoid the weather and its kind of immersion breaking its raining in one biome and not the other. It would snow in the snow biome.

Not looking good...


I understand madmole's point. It truly is immersion-breaking... especially with older random gen systems. I don't think it would be as bad with the new system they are working on. We already saw examples where certain biomes cannot touch each other. Why can't this reasoning be applied to small maps? One small map could have randomly generated mostly forest with some plains and some snow. Another could be mainly desert and plains.


Like other systems, instead of targeting the issue, the focus is on eliminating features. I can't stand that. Why can't there just be more biomes that act as transitions? You set up a map with the biomes as usual but then you give it a second pass where you add the suitable transition biome at the borders extending into each side with some predetermined width. If plants, decorations, spawns, etc are biome-dependent, then just let the transition biomes take on properties of both neighboring biomes.

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Yeah, I think their whole "If it isn't KS stuff, screw it, we're going gold." direction is hurting them some. I think maybe they're feeling pressured to finish the game so they can "release" it, or maybe they're just tired of working on it. I mean, after what, more than 5 years since the first public release, I probably would be too. But that's really just their fault for not using their time better. And now it's just become "If it isn't already working properly, remove it. If it doesn't look good, remove it."


That's part of the problem too with working on a game for so long like they have. They probably have different feelings toward certain features and want to change them now. Or they didn't have a complete vision for their game and have been winging it, which kinda makes sense looking at how they've changed things.


I also think they need to maybe update their game requirements as well to help with not having to cut stuff for performance reasons. If people have to upgrade, so be it. Just because you bought this game when it came out and can no longer play it as well isn't their fault. It's been 5 years.

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I think we can bring it back, not essentially the same, but better. I don't know about the ground texture, but from my experience, all other elements can be modded / added, like rocks, grass, trees, etc. I'm currently working on some tropical biomes, including jungle and beach, so I don't think it's that hard to bring it back.


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the maple and birch trees are still in the game as of 17.2, so is the plains grass. no modding them using uabs needed. they are there, just their icons are missing. you can spawn them in in creative mode without mods. Which gave me the idea that if we could make a suitable ground texture, it could be a go.


adding in other biomes would cause problems for most because those assets are not in the game and i could understand how adding more assets would cause problems. also, rgen is based of the navasgene map.. which is based off a part of arizona.. plains are a logical biome choise.. swamps not so much. but hey.. i'm all for that ocean front property in arizona.. gimme a beach, i'll gag back zombie margaritas

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In that quote provided by TSBX, Madmole said that plains could be used as a sub-biome. Is that currently the case? I’d rather see plains return as a main biome and for burnt forest to become a sub-biome of forest.


That makes sense. A plains biome with a sub biome of wastland would appease those missing the plains, and also keep half the map from being wastland, the ugliest of biomes.

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