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Please share and DISCUSS favourite/most comical zombie kills


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What is your favourite kill? It could be something overly dramatic, something utterly stupid or something overly contrived.



I've dropped a house on a zombies before. I don't think falling masonry does all that much damage, as we've all been next to something that's collapsed and taken a little damage but nothing to be concerned about. However in this case the zombie was in the middle of the ground floor of a 3 story building. The house was badly damaged to begin with, so that helped and as I took away that last support and the blocks started falling the zombie sensed me and made a move towards the exit. Too late zombie, too late... :rapture:

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Come and gather around for this bloody tale of pure, stupid vengeance.


It was early in the game, and I, a sub level 10, was quietly going about my business of rummaging through everything that I could get my hands on with a keen eye for any place that might contain tools that were not stone or garden hoes. I came across a hardware store that I'd not yet ripped apart for anything that could be used or sold at my local Trader Jen's.


I could feel it in my bones. Surely after 2 Working Stiffs, several POIs with WS crates, and a few other small hardware store, RNGesus would smile upon me and grant a pickaxe, an axe, heck even a shovel made out of iron or steel with at least a quality level of 2 so that I could one of the fine mods I had thus far discovered.


Oh, but what was that noise? A bear. I should look. Ah, Yogi's big, angrier cousin is several blocks down. This is fine. Commence looting.


I cleared out zombies quietly and again checked for the bear because that last noise sounded closer. No worries. He was still far away and moving away from me. Time to open some boxes. Time to finally get a tool of use!


Oh no! There is a vicious snarl behind me! I'm bleeding. I'm stunned! THE PAIN.


And then death.


Needing those ten medicinal bandages that were now in my snazzy blue backpack, I decide to at least go see if the bear might have wandered off.


But wait. He's still far away. How did...? Oh, oh I see.


In the doorway of Nathan's Hardware was not *that* bear, but another one that was also a zombie bear. I could turn around and leave, but I wanted my stuff back. I wanted those tools waiting for me. I WANTED THAT SNEAKY ******* BEAR DEAD.


Feverishly, I crafted more stone arrows and gathered more wood. I built a bear killing field that took most of the day. I still had three hours before the sun would set and I knew I would prevail! Pinging my nemesis in the butt with an arrow, I rained down arrows on his head as he charged. Though he tore down most of my wooden structure and ate through nearly all the spikes, it did not matter because I had won!


Giddy from victory, I raced into the hardware store, snatched up my supplies and frantically opened boxes. I'd get my treasures and get back to my base before the dreaded night fell.


But, what? What is this?





45 wood frames and another garden hoe.

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In my case, it was a zombie I killed with a tree.


I noticed the zombie but I was busy cutting trees and wanted to take care of the zombie when I finished the tree. By a coincidence the tree fell directly on the zombie and killed him right away. :)

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In my case, it was a zombie I killed with a tree.


I noticed the zombie but I was busy cutting trees and wanted to take care of the zombie when I finished the tree. By a coincidence the tree fell directly on the zombie and killed him right away. :)


I didn't think tree damage worked in A17 anymore?

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Not so much a favourite kill but a thing that happens quite a lot.... you are either in the Wasteland or near an army camp and are surrounded by mines. You are looking through your x8 scope, lining up that head-shot on some dumbsack that is wandering towards you and BANG! He hits a mine. I find this particularly funny because of the way they just vanish from your scope or ragdoll high in the air. It's even better if you yourself were unaware of the mine's presence.


In fact a lot of the comedy deaths are down to the new ragdoll physics. I had a Doggie do a quadruple back-flip when shot in the face by a Hunting rifle from a long distance.

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this happened quiet long time, I was looting some poi (I don't remember right now). So I went to the bathroom and started to open the toilet to get dirty waters, then a sneaky skater zombie came and hit me on my neck, so I got stunned and, to be honest, I jump scared (it was a confined place!) but I could manage to hit him on the face, he fall dead....




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For me, it's any time I whack a vulture with my club and send it sailing over a building.




This, its even better with a sledge hammer, my record is knocking one over a tent and about 10-15 blocks away. I laughed my ass off at that. Power attacking a zombie in the head with a sledge when they are on a hillside is also fun, they fly, roll and twirl, it never gets old. I love the a17 ragdoll physics its one of my fave parts of the alpha so far. Its created lots of funny situations zombies had landed in when they died, had one stuck hanging on a pole by its crotch before as well, that one almost had me in tears it was so funny.


- - - Updated - - -


Not so much a favourite kill but a thing that happens quite a lot.... you are either in the Wasteland or near an army camp and are surrounded by mines. You are looking through your x8 scope, lining up that head-shot on some dumbsack that is wandering towards you and BANG! He hits a mine. I find this particularly funny because of the way they just vanish from your scope or ragdoll high in the air. It's even better if you yourself were unaware of the mine's presence.


In fact a lot of the comedy deaths are down to the new ragdoll physics. I had a Doggie do a quadruple back-flip when shot in the face by a Hunting rifle from a long distance.


Yeah the army base mines are always a bunch of laughs especally if a wandering horde comes by, I'm up in the tower just watching them fly from stepping on the mines laughing my ass off the entire time.

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One of the early a17 releases and my peaceful run (vultures killable, as they are too persistent to lose). Spawned in the desert and a small camp nearby. Ofcourse there were vultures and soldier zombies. Dispatched vultures with the bow, but decided to get rid of the Zs using mines in the camp. Didn't count into zombie kills, so... Later i would sometimes go through the place, being peacefully clear.

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Just two days ago I decided to clear an army camp. I crept around killing the guys in their hazmat suits with no problem and looting stuff until I was slowed by encumbrance. I thought to myself that I should go and unload before searching the tents but then thought...nah. I hit the side of the first tent and five dogs boiled out and as loaded down as I was I could not outrun them. I had a bike on my tool belt but every time I tried to place it it showed up red and unplaceable. It was a cruel death.


The funny part of this is that EVERY time I get a thought that I should stop and not push it and then dismiss that thought I end up dying. But I never learn.



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I was completing a POI (I "think" it was the Bear Den) and remember zombies "Rag Dolling" over the side of the roof and laughing. After opening the Crates at the end, I was disappointed with tier 1 and 2 pistols, hoes and other crap mostly useless to me.


Heading back to ground level where I parked my 4x4 and grumbling about loot, I discovered 2 Yellow Zombie Loot bags right next to my truck and one had a T5 Chainsaw and Ammo and the other had a bunch of Silver and Gold nuggets.


I consider it "Trick shooting and Loot placement" so I didn't have to carry it down. :p

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I was completing a POI (I "think" it was the Bear Den) and remember zombies "Rag Dolling" over the side of the roof and laughing. After opening the Crates at the end, I was disappointed with tier 1 and 2 pistols, hoes and other crap mostly useless to me.


Heading back to ground level where I parked my 4x4 and grumbling about loot, I discovered 2 Yellow Zombie Loot bags right next to my truck and one had a T5 Chainsaw and Ammo and the other had a bunch of Silver and Gold nuggets.


I consider it "Trick shooting and Loot placement" so I didn't have to carry it down. :p


It’s like dining at Sonic. They brought the good stuff out to your car. :)

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