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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Yeah, unless you suffer from extreme depression. Then low carbing just makes it worse. But for everyone else, no problem. My sister's been doing Keto for a while now and she's lost a ton of weight.


Yeah there is no one diet that is best, its finding what works for you and you can make a lifestyle, and most importantly is it healthy.

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I am almost always doing the keto diet as I am a major carnivore as it is...I really only eat carbs and cheat if we go somewhere like Knotts Berry Farm , Disneyland or Northwoods Inn in California...normal fast food , sodas and fries? pffft , do not waste my time and not worth the carbs...has to be something special! otherwise , I do 24g or less of carbs a day


Yeah I make a pumpkin cheesecake that is so worth it about twice a year. I do miss moose tracks ice cream lol. I mean not really though, once you get settled into it and feel so much better and look better, I honestly cringe when I see most of the old foods I used to eat all the time that made me fat.

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See, I understand what he was saying about Skyrim's skills. But when I played it, it just gave me more motivation to adopt a new play style. Maxed out One Handed? Start rolling Two Handed. Same with Light or Heavy Armor. So there's definitely more than one way to look at it.


I really think a hybrid of old and new systems could be the best way. Doesn't seem to be the way TFP will go, but I think some LDB could good.


Edit- And also, I still think that even after maxing INT and crafting, there should just be certain things you can't craft. Tier 6 anything, for example. I'd even be happy with vehicles having at least one part you can't craft, but have to loot. Exploration and looting need more of an emphasis than they currently have. It used to be weapon parts and such, but they took those out. Random stats on gear could help with that. Make it so crafted items aren't as good as what you might find looting. Like say, crafting determines the damage a pistol you craft can do, but it's not a set number but instead a range it can fall in. And even at max stats, you can only craft it so high, but can find higher stat items out in the world.


I think that might be the idea for the legendary stuff maybe, but I think it would be well applied to everything, really.

I could make some LBD quests that awarded you xp for doing some LBD stuff like walked 10k, 50k, etc. I'm not sure being awarded XP fulfills the desire though. I've read a lot that people liked seeing that popup saying their skill got better. Maybe we could raise an attribute instead, but thats hard to do when you have scaling attribute costs.
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That's alot of protien dude. Im usually 35%carbs, 30% fat and 35% protien.


On a side note you should make a diet thread somewhere on these forums. Idk, maybe you do, I didnt look.


Also do you use diet apps? I use myfitness pal. Kage848 if anyone wants to friend me.


Now back to back to you regularly scheduled alpha 18 talk.



I used to weigh all my food portions for years so I eventually learned that a fist sized patty was 4 oz as long as it wasn't an inch thick, then its 8. So I can just eyeball things now and nail my macros. I eat the same stuff on a 7 day meal plan rotating foods so on a weekly level its always the same calories give or take the minor discrepancies.


I can just go by my hunger levels to know if I'm gaining, losing or maintaining. All this comes with experience though.

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What really surprised me, and ended up being one of my biggest gripes with Alpha 17, is that game stage doesn't affect the quantity of sleepers in POIs. I don't mind the high number overall, but I think the player needs a chance to get established.


There's a strong natural instinct, when first thrown into this dangerous apocalypse, to seek shelter. Using an existing structure is intuitive; more intuitive than immediately trying to erect a new structure, when you're naked with almost nothing, or worse yet stay exposed outside. But the current game is balanced so that securing even a simple house on Day 1 is the hardest thing to do.


I'd love to see more abandoned ruins, and Navezgane already puts the player start points near abandoned houses. But especially for RWG, instead of leaving that learning curve to RNG, it would be better to address this by making the POIs you already have work better for the early game. For ComSenMod, I hacked in a solution where you only get about half the sleepers in POIs at game stage 1 ('regular' sleeper groups, not bears and whatnot intended for special locations). That 'grace period' then tapers off fairly quickly with game stage, so you can't blow through looting house after house.

We are thinning the sleepers some more and adding more what we call abandoned houses, which is what you spawn by. Go for a garage if you can't find an abandoned house. You only need one room, not a full house.

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Yeah I make a pumpkin cheesecake that is so worth it about twice a year. I do miss moose tracks ice cream lol. I mean not really though, once you get settled into it and feel so much better and look better, I honestly cringe when I see most of the old foods I used to eat all the time that made me fat.


To throw my 2 cents in here:


I am also on Keto and love it. I have lost almost 70 pounds and feel great. I have less than 15-20 carbs a day and ride my bike 3 times a week.


I also look back on what I used to eat regularly and am horrified.

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Alpha 16 was so awesome without it though, right? :)

O yes! :)

this is a good thing, but only to do the balance, for the game it's a bad idea - you need to make it possible to turn it off, at least through .xml.




Now i understand what "LBD" is...i thought it was different :D

I thought you were talking about some kind of sadomasochism, and it turns out this is a good thing, now i can say that I love "LBD" and I will not be ashamed!

By the way, your team figured out how to solve the grinding problem...

now XP in the forge comes only first, and then is blocked....

... so why don't you use this, why did you make a stupid perk system?

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Hello Fun Pimps,

I want to thank you for this amazing Alpha 17 and for the 3000 hours on 7Day To Die

My question is about balancing weapons


Since the A17, I saw that the players used other weapons like the pistol with silencer, the crossbow for the stealth in the POI, the SMG became interesting, the mods rebalanced the use of some weapons.


Nobody plays with Blunderbuss, think you can delete it and replace it with another weapon?


Hunting rifle is not balanced damage similar to MR10 and reloading too long.

Would it be possible to rebalance it or add another sniper rifle 308, 338 lupua or .50 ?

A powerful weapon with long range but with a high reloading time.


Last question, do you plan to create a helicopter for several people, similar to the Iroquois Bell UH-1?

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Quote Originally Posted by madmole View Post

We might remove the xp popout so you can't tie a value very easily to an activity.


Please leave it in. It's awesome. And for people that dont like it they can play Roland's upcoming mod lol. Let's make different experiences not all the same game.


Would be fine with that, other than it should be an xml edit to do so, not needing to butcher everything more than what is needed currently, just to get it removed.

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I have functionality question:




When we used to hit 'E' to harvest plants and crops we could alleviate the traders of their small gardens and this was a nice thing, especially if they happened to have a crop that was not native to the biome.


Now that we punch to harvest we can no longer do this. Is this intended? Or will this be changed in A18 or the future?


Thank you!

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Okay, let me throw you a bone. I liked Athletics. I thought it was well balanced. Every time Athletics leveled up, my reaction was, "Oh yeah, I have been running a lot come to think of it."


Would be cool if they add passive skill bars like:


Fitness: If you run a lot you level it up, if you have a sedentary lifestyle you level it down. (affects stamina)

Nutrition: If you eat good food you level up, if you eat canned food you level down. (affects health regen. or INSERT_BETTER_IDEA)

Drug dependence(?): If you use a lot of pills and drugs you level it up, if you don't you level it down: (affects base stats(?))

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Please leave it in. It's awesome. And for people that dont like it they can play Roland's upcoming mod lol. Let's make different experiences not all the same game.


To be fair, my mod doesn't just remove the pop out. It removes xp which is why the pop-out (which is still enabled) doesn't show up. If someone just doesn't want the pop-out my mod isn't really the answer. If they just make it able to be removed through xml edits then that would be great.

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We are thinning the sleepers some more and adding more what we call abandoned houses, which is what you spawn by. Go for a garage if you can't find an abandoned house. You only need one room, not a full house.


Having done that with our current playthrough, I almost got my face ripped off because the garage I hit had six sleepers on the first floor and/or in the rafters. I know - you just said (and I just quoted) that you're thinning out sleepers and adding abandoned places, but for current games it's still really rough.


Then again, if you didn't like it really rough, maybe you shouldn't have woken up in your underwear in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. :)

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Hello Fun Pimps,

I want to thank you for this amazing Alpha 17 and for the 3000 hours on 7Day To Die

My question is about balancing weapons


Since the A17, I saw that the players used other weapons like the pistol with silencer, the crossbow for the stealth in the POI, the SMG became interesting, the mods rebalanced the use of some weapons.


Nobody plays with Blunderbuss, think you can delete it and replace it with another weapon?


Hunting rifle is not balanced damage similar to MR10 and reloading too long.

Would it be possible to rebalance it or add another sniper rifle 308, 338 lupua or .50 ?

A powerful weapon with long range but with a high reloading time.


Last question, do you plan to create a helicopter for several people, similar to the Iroquois Bell UH-1?

Blunderbuss is simply balance. Make shotguns / firearms more rare early game and players will probably use it.


Hunting rifle is a tier 1 weapon. Rail gun will probably become the T3 sniper weapon, MR10, T2.


No plans for a helicopter right now but maybe in future builds.

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I have functionality question:




When we used to hit 'E' to harvest plants and crops we could alleviate the traders of their small gardens and this was a nice thing, especially if they happened to have a crop that was not native to the biome.


Now that we punch to harvest we can no longer do this. Is this intended? Or will this be changed in A18 or the future?


Thank you!


It was a side effect of the new farming system. I see it as a good thing, getting free loot from traders was BS.

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Alpha 16 was so awesome without it though, right? :)


Indeed. We have removed it in Ravenhearst and ever since I find myself double checking behind me. Although you guys have done such a good job with the falling and the sounds you still know when they died. Its the visual annoyance of having the information told to me. Sometimes it can be valuable but for some reason that XP pop up, i dont know.


It just feels better without it. Be ready for the angry masses though. Im fortunate I can tell people to stick it im just a modder :D


- - - Updated - - -


Can the text above cotton plant, goldenrod, etc. be removed...kind of annoying an unnecessary innit?


Agreed. We know what they look like, it breaks immersion


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It was a side effect of the new farming system. I see it as a good thing, getting free loot from traders was BS.



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Indeed. We have removed it in Ravenhearst and ever since I find myself double checking behind me. Although you guys have done such a good job with the falling and the sounds you still know when they died. Its the visual annoyance of having the information told to me. Sometimes it can be valuable but for some reason that XP pop up, i dont know.


It just feels better without it. Be ready for the angry masses though. Im fortunate I can tell people to stick it im just a modder :D


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Agreed. We know what they look like, it breaks immersion


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You can see your blue bar moving and get a feel for it anyway.
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How will you know if its ready to be harvested?


I was referring to wild plants when walking through a forest...but off the top of my head, add text to previous growth stages and remove text when it's ready?

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I was referring to wild plants when walking through a forest...but off the top of my head, add text to previous growth stages and remove text when it's ready?


Or just remove the text entirely and let the players learn by doing when the plants should be harvested...

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